I've lost faith in the medical profession....


Planning for 2019
Mar 3, 2000
.... after yesterday! :(

As most of you know, I have sesamoiditis in my foot, and yesterday my shoe inserts arrived from the Podiatrist. Well, they are so high in depth I could barely get my foot in my shoe, my shoe was so tight it was like a vice, and I had been told I would need to wear these for the rest of my life, so you can imagine how freaked out I was at that prospect :rolleyes:

By sheer luck, yesterday was also the day to go back and see the orthopaedic surgeon, so I took the inserts with me to show him. He said they are not what he had intended me to wear, and the podiatrist had made the wrong kind! He said he would arrange for me to see an NHS fitter (we had gone to a private podiatrist as there was a long wait for NHS).

I had put my faith in this podiatrist and she seemed to know what she was doing, but now I don't know what to think. We rang her and told her what the surgeon had said and that he wanted her to ring him urgently. Anyway she rang us back later in the evening to say that he didn't want me to wear the inserts she had made, they had had a disagreement about them, and that she was going to send me some metatarsal supports instead, which only go under the ball of my foot, not a full insert.

I really can't believe what has gone on at all, if the surgeon and podiatrist can't agree wht is the best treatment, it leaves me with very little faith in anyone! One good thing is at least I don't have to wear the inserts, so at least that's something to be thankful for!

I also had an xray done yesterday which showed no fractures in the sesamoid bones, so that was good news also. The inflammation has gone down a little in the last 5 weeks so hopefully it will continue. I have been given some exercises to do to get the joint in my big toe working again as it won't bend at the moment.

So that's two people I have seen privately who have given me the wrong treatment. In December I saw a physio who said she would stake her life on the fact that the pain in my foot was coming from my back, and prodded and poked my back and it took weeks to get my back pain-free again! Now I have a podiatrist who fitted me with the wrong type of insoles. I just count my blessing that the insoles arrived on the same day I was seeing the surgeon, or who knows what damage they would have caused!

Sorry to go on so, just needed to get this off my chest, hopefully the supports she is sending me will be OK and I can get into more positive mode! :D
It just keeps going on and on doesn't it? I do hope the next set of inserts will be more comfortable and start to sort things out for you.

Sending you {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Oh Mazzy - I feel for you with all these problems! It really doesnt help does it when the experts that we have to rely on can't agree :(

Here's some more PD for you and some {{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}


I hope this gets sorted out very soon for you :)
Hi Mazzie,
Sorry to hear of your rotten luck,
Fingers crossed the next set of inserts will do the job!
Sending more ~HUGS~ your way.

Luv Audrey,
...... you have had bad luck, poor Mazzy :(

I would have faith in the orthopaedic surgeon - although it takes a lot of time to see him, I think he'll be able to help you best.

{{{{HUGS}}}} to you Mazzy.
Sending you hugs and pixie dust for a better day! ((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))

Sorry you seem to be getting the run around. Is there any chance you can get a second opinion from someone else?

Hopefully things will get better for you from here on out.
Mazzy, Im there with you and thinking about you lots, im currently off work
6 weeks still suffering from my accident last august, I have been told that they
cant give me a long term prognosis as to whether I can continue to do my job
so Im feeling abit low so know how you must be feeling.

Sorry to hear you've been let down again, Mazzy :(

.....and sorry you're not feeling too good, either, Jules :(

Hope some DIS cheer will perk you up a bit :)


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