January 2021 Exercise Challenge

Three more color changes to report today! PollyannaMom is the first to reach Orange! Woot woot! And Elizabeth Smith and 4My3KGirls (welcome and happy to have you join us) have made it to Blue! :tigger::sulley::tigger::sulley::tigger::sulley:

@Raya, thanks for sharing the stretching video.

@Elizabeth Smith, that is young. Again, so sorry. I understand the worry since one of our horses is blind in one eye (also from a cataract but surgery is not advised for her), and I always worry about something happening to the other eye.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. As you might expect, I’m taking the dog’s condition harder than he is. He certainly seemed mopey for a few days, but he’s back to his usual playful self and he doesn’t seem too frustrated that he keeps losing his ball. 😅 I self-published a book on Amazon, hoping that book sales may help offset his future medical costs. Look up “Squatch Camp" in the book category and mine is the first which pops up. You can actually read it for free with Kindle Unlimited, which I think might be included in Amazon Prime...

Adding 60 minutes for the night. 180/800
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. As you might expect, I’m taking the dog’s condition harder than he is. He certainly seemed mopey for a few days, but he’s back to his usual playful self and he doesn’t seem too frustrated that he keeps losing his ball. 😅 I self-published a book on Amazon, hoping that book sales may help offset his future medical costs. Look up “Squatch Camp" in the book category and mine is the first which pops up. You can actually read it for free with Kindle Unlimited, which I think might be included in Amazon Prime...

Adding 60 minutes for the night. 180/800
Congrats on your book! That's quite an accomplishment!
I'm vexed with my fitbit - it says I have 44 active zone minutes... which is not the same as the number of minutes on the clock. It's like that clock on the Tower of Terror. I think I'll go with the wall clock, not the fitbit.

35 minutes, running/stretching - That might make me yellow? Maybe?

Sorry I wasn't here to tally minutes yesterday. The day started beautifully with a rare-for-this-area, perfect snow, so DD and I made a day of it. We let our kitty out to play in it (not impressed), had a snowball fight (not with the kitty), made a tiny snowman, and took a nice, long walk while big, fluffy flakes were still falling. Then we returned home and made homemade hot cocoa. It was a magical time. But that afternoon I received news that my uncle had passed. He had been dealing with an illness for a couple of years so this was not unexpected - but sad even so. A day filled with both joy and grief didn't leave me with much energy to spare.

However, in my absence, we have been overrun with ORANGE! Raya, sophy1996, and our TEAM have all reached at least 25% of goal and Orange!!!!! Hip, hip hooray!!!! :tigger::tigger::tigger:
I forgot to come on last night and add my 40 minutes of Chloe Ting. I have to keep doing some intense exercise, at least until I run out of Christmas candy. LOL.
Yes! Too much Christmas candy here, too! I finally had to toss the remaining cookies a couple of days ago. They were just not tasting nice anymore. But chocolates and Turkish Delight are still here tempting me daily.


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