January Page Challenge!!

I'm now at 43 . I know what you mean Pammy Jo about the Disney album . This is my first one and I have two more Disney albums after this ( our 2001 and 2002 ).
I am at 21 for this month so far. And I am off to a crop tonight. Yippeee!!!!! from 7 to 12 I shall be a cropping fool. I am actually almost caught up on pix. I am doing Christmas shortly after Christmas Imagine that!!!! Then I shall move on to my daughters book and try to catch up on 17 years of her life by Graduation this spring. Whew! what a task that shall be.

Missed you guys last month, too busy with the holidays and work to stop by. Hope everyone is ok.

Keep on croppin'

I have done 6 more pages... I am about 3/4 done with my Disney album... It is funny... I sometimes have a hard time getting motivated but when I do... :p
Wow! you guys are amazing! I think I've done about 4 or 5 pages this month- but then I've been busy organizing things for our upcoming trip to disney. So now the big question is; how many rolls of film do you take in one day-gotta be prepared, and I don't want to spend extra money on film at the parks- I hear the prices are outrageous!
I usually take 6 rolls of film and use most of them up. We have been to WDW about 12 times now so I do not take as many pics as I use to. Plus, the kids are getting older and do not always want pics of the same characters so I just take ones of characters we have not seen.

I am looking for new themes for my pics at WDW. Our last trip we pool hopped two days and I took a pic of the kids at each pool. We did 6 pools in 2 days so I hope to do a page or two of just pool pics. Any other suggestions would be welcome. Not sure when our next trip will be. We are DVCer's and usually go down 1-2 times a year, but we are hoping to do the Cruise this fall and we are saving our points.
Thank goodness for our digital camera because we can take pictures and delete the ones that we don't like. We take our laptop and download the pictures to a CD at night, recharge the camera and we are ready for the next day. On our most recent trip in December we took 478 pictures :eek: (ouch-I didn't realize how many there were until I just went to look them up on the CD). I am in the process of uploading them to Wal-Mart.com a few at a time. I have got to sit down and talk to DH about taking way too many pictures. This was our 4th trip and I think it is time to start backing off a little.

Have fun on your trip.

This last time, we were there for 8 days... I took 21 rolls of 25 exp film and Mom took 8... then we shared! :)
On average we take about 2 rolls of film per day at WDW. This last trip over Thanksgiving was the most we've ever taken. I took 22 rolls with my 35mm, Lynn took almost 200 pics with the digital camera, and Emily took 2 rolls with her camera. Now my cousin also went with us and is also a fanatic scrapper and she took 13 rolls. We shared our doubles so this coming weekend is our retreat and we have TONS of pictures to scrap. Wish us luck!

It's funny that this question was asked . Our first trip in 98 we took 21 rolls ( plus 4 video tapes ) In 2001 we took about 11 , and in 2002 we took about 8 ( still not developed ) . But we used the video camera a lot more and now have about 20 tapes from all three trips . That is why it is taking me so long with the album I am working on now . The 22 rolls from 98 bring back a lot of memories in part because it was our first trip , but also because my mom and godparents were with us . I'm trying to take my time and really put a lot of detail into the Disney albums . Now digital pics is a whole nother story ! I know we have over 400 digital pictures that will never see the light of a scrapbook page , but will be on CD format in a case in a fire proof box!
I'm up to 76 pages for Jan, with about 6 more almost completed. Need to get more paper to finish . . .of course.

I can't imagine that many rolls of film taken!!! I took 13 on my last trip and this album will be about 100 pages long from them. It's already taken 2 albums to fit it all in. You must need a library of albums to complete 22 rolls of film!
Well I feel sooo much better knowing that I'm not crazy- Everytime I stopped to think about it, I decided to buy more film and now I have 18 rolls packed away. I think I may even succumb to buying another couple of rolls- I can always bring them back home (yeah, right). I just keep thinking that my kids will only be at this wonderful stage for a short time and that I want to capture as much "awe" as I can. If anyone has some cool or different ideas for photo ops I'd really love to hear your ideas. Thanks:teeth:
so I am at 36.....gotta get busy to catch up with some of you!!! Congrats on a great month Pammy Jo.

I am setting out on a 40th birthday book for my sister....I have two weeks to complete it. What a task. Lots of pix and letters to include. It should be fun.

WOW look at these totals for this month!
I am happy with my 23 pages done - because I LOVE them all!
? - Do pages you do for other people count?
My best friend is having a horrible time finishing one for where she works and I did 5 pages of hers to help her out (making 28)
LOL Pammy Jo!!

Tell me about it! I am now at 80+ and about half way through... It was a joke to think I would get them in 1 CM album... now I am up to 3!! Oh well, love to take 'em, love to scrap 'em! :)
I am up to 21 pages so far. My goal is 30 pages a month until I finish these 2 Cape Cod vacation albums. I would like to finish them by Easter.
Well Ladies, my big weekend is here. DH leaves for his big Super Bowl Party today. Yes, he takes his football serious and Super Bowl is not just one night it is a whole weekend. I do not mind. I get to scrap from 5pm til midnight tonight, journal and do titles on the computer all day Sat. and going to LSS with a friend Sunday afternoon to scrap. Good thing mt DD is old enough to babysit her brothers now or I would never get to do this.

I have purposely not kept totals of how many pages I have done this month since Pammy Jo is doing so well. Not sure I can come close to her totals, but DARN, I am going to try this weekend. I really just want to get caught up on my books. I think I am down to my DD's Girl Scout book and our last WDW trip in Nov. My camera broke just before Christmas so my Mom took all the pictures and she has not given me the doubles yet. This is good since I am feeling good about what I have accomplished so far.

Well, DH is leaving this morning so I want to spend some time with him. I'll let every know Sat. on my progress.

My total is now 47 . I'm not sure how much I will get done in the next few weeks. Need to concentrate on housework.:(
Had a great time last night at midnight crop. I finished DD"s Girl Scout book and did 5 pages in WDW book. Now I need to journal and do titles on the computer. I am hoping after the kids go to bed I can work on that. I felt pretty guilty leaving them last night for so long that I did not dare ignore them today to finish my pages.
I am almost done with my Disney book... which is a good thing because I am at 102 pages! I have never done that many pages in a month! I am so anxious to get this one finished though so I can share my photos... It is easier to share a couple albums instead of 30 rolls of film...;)


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