Jaws closing for good on Jan 2

Don't get me wrong I really enjoy Jaws it's one of the reasons I used to go to US but sadly it's "outdated" and that makes me sad but it is what it is.

I think Transformers holds potential for huge success if they make it into a land like HP. You could have a scale Optimus Prime (as the train in HP) a cybertron building (as the castle) and so on. The merchandise is also consistently highly rated, in fact Bumblebee was rated the best boys toy this year
I think Transformers holds potential for huge success if they make it into a land like HP. You could have a scale Optimus Prime (as the train in HP) a cybertron building (as the castle) and so on. The merchandise is also consistently highly rated, in fact Bumblebee was rated the best boys toy this year
Transformers will probably be kept for IoA whenever Marvel Island gets rethemed...sometime in the distant future. I can't imagine another Spiderman ride in the Studios...which is what Transformers is basically. I have no idea what Universal is thinking as a replacement but I have no doubt it will be huge!
We just got back from Universal a couple of weeks ago and rode Jaws before the official announcement was made about its closing. Our boat guide was the most unenthusiastic sea captain I have ever heard. You could tell he was just going through the motions ("oh no. There's Jaws. Boom, he's dead. yay) In hindsight, I'm sure he knew the ride was closing and just didn't care. It actually was one of the highlights of our day, because we had all been on the ride before, and it makes for a pretty funny memory.
Transformers will probably be kept for IoA whenever Marvel Island gets rethemed...sometime in the distant future. I can't imagine another Spiderman ride in the Studios...which is what Transformers is basically. I have no idea what Universal is thinking as a replacement but I have no doubt it will be huge!

I never thought of Transformers replacing Marvel. That makes perfect sense!
Aww, we're going for the first time Jan 8-9. I guess I can take this off my touring plan! The kids were bummed that Jimmy Neutron closed earlier in the year.
Had my last ride on Jaws this past Monday! Sad sad day and thankfully we had an awesome skipper! Says his next endeavor is Titanic to lower his stress level.
Transformers will probably be kept for IoA whenever Marvel Island gets rethemed...sometime in the distant future.

I think Marvel Island will remain at IOA for a very long time, provided that Universal bought the theme park rights way before Disney acquired Marvel back in 2009. As long as Universal pays to renew their rights (if their rights are similar to the movie rights Fox and Sony own on X-Men and Spider-Man), Marvel Island will stay at Universal.
I think Marvel Island will remain at IOA for a very long time, provided that Universal bought the theme park rights way before Disney acquired Marvel back in 2009. As long as Universal pays to renew their rights (if their rights are similar to the movie rights Fox and Sony own on X-Men and Spider-Man), Marvel Island will stay at Universal.
I stated "distant future"...that means no time soon. But at some point in time Marvel Island WILL need to be rethemed into something else...count on it.
HHN Rumors got a copy of a new demolition permit that Universal Orlando recently applied for. http://hhnrumors.com/index.php?a=148

Its a very interesting read. Looks like Universal has a new attraction which they are calling Project 722. No one is 100% sure what that really means. Except if you spend some time with Google you find people working on Project 722 for Universal Orlando who have previously worked on the Harry Potter films.

I can't see getting a permit for something other then Jaws right now. Nothing else is closed and waiting demolition or known to be closing soon. Between this and all the rumors I really think the studios are getting a new Harry Potter section for 2013.
HHN Rumors got a copy of a new demolition permit that Universal Orlando recently applied for. http://hhnrumors.com/index.php?a=148

Its a very interesting read. Looks like Universal has a new attraction which they are calling Project 722. No one is 100% sure what that really means. Except if you spend some time with Google you find people working on Project 722 for Universal Orlando who have previously worked on the Harry Potter films.

I can't see getting a permit for something other then Jaws right now. Nothing else is closed and waiting demolition or known to be closing soon. Between this and all the rumors I really think the studios are getting a new Harry Potter section for 2013.

Thanks for posting! That is such a tease, I can't wait to find out what it is.
I hope its not more hp (not a hp fan but quite liked HPW) just think more hp wont do them any favours they need a new eliment altogether. I only got to ride jaws once which was this year still annoyed i never got to ride kong and bttf :(
I will have the honor of riding Jaws on its final day. I won't be there for the Final Ride, though.
Themeparkinsider has FULL CONFIRMED PLANS of the new Harry Potter ride and concept art for USF. It's a Gringotts ride, folks.

For some reason, nobody has mentioned it on this site...unless I'm just blind.
Themeparkinsider has FULL CONFIRMED PLANS of the new Harry Potter ride and concept art for USF. It's a Gringotts ride, folks.

For some reason, nobody has mentioned it on this site...unless I'm just blind.
That deserves its own thread IMO. Nice catch.
Does anyone know if there will be an "official" closing ceremony for Bruce? I wasn't able to attend the closing of Kong or BTTF, but I remember news reports that Uni did some sort of event (bananas for everyone at Kong, I think?). Anyhoo, if anyone has heard of them doing that, and if so, what time? I was going to hit the park at opening to get my last ride in, and take TONS of goodbye photos, but if there is an official ceremony happening at a certain time, I'd hold off going until then.
Today is the last day to experience Jaws so it seems. Anyone going? We're gonna try to high tail it back into town for one last hurrah! I imagine if you're in line before 6pm you should be all good.


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