*Jessica & Jared* 06/17/08>Wedding PJ< *We're Back & Married!*

Jessica - i'm only on page 1 of your report, but I had to say this before i forgot or run out of time (apologies if anyone has said this in the other pages too) ..........

But the minute i saw your dress I thought of Belle in Beauty and the Beast - was that on purpose or totally coincidental?

Imagine it yellow and a sash of netting along the neck line and it wouldnt be far off!!
I Love the Tshirts!!! :love: You are so close now! It must be getting hard to wait! I wish you FUN, FUN, FUN on your trip! :goodvibes
somehow I only just found your PJ (yeah, thats what happens at 1am), but I'm so excited for you! :hyper: everything looks great!!
Do you think I could "borrow" your trip card ideas? I made this big 56 page booklet, but I'd like something people can carry? Do you think you could send me yours and I could use it as a template? I promise not to plagiarize!!
Thank you so much! Of course you can use the trip card idea. I will send you the template. It will be a MSWord document, so I hope you can open it. I took the idea from a book that I bought last year, so you can use it exactly as it is. The book it called: Plan Your Walt Disney World Vacation... In No Time by Doug Ingersoll. I just scanned the cards from the book and put them in a Word document and personalized them a little. Enjoy!
Jessica your shirts look great! I dont think my DF would wear one:( Oh well I will proudly wear my Disney bride Tshirt!

I have to start packing today!!! I dread it!

you have a safe trip too! And I agree MK and the castle is on our friday plans! Must see first for me too! hopefully we will run into each other ! I will definately lurk on the boardwalk for your wedding-i wont beable to pass it up!:lovestruc I will be like--come on finish up the rehearsal i have a wedding to lurk at!:rotfl:

Yes, I was reluctant to create the shirts for my DF, but he really likes the polos. We are going to wear those after our wedding when we go to the Magic Kingdom in the evening. The blue groom shirts he wasn't to excited about, but he may wear it as a travel shirt. We like to dress comfy on long road trips. Have a great time. Maybe I will catch a glimpse of you some time during the week.:bitelip:

Jessica, you have done so much work!WOW! Everything looks amazing! The picture charms are beautiful and very touching I know you will find away to have them attached. I like the shirts too! I plan on making them too(but then again we always make sure before a disney trip) anyway best of luck and enjoy your day! The drive itself may be long but but look at it as the beginning of your long and happy marriage..... we drove for many years and have some great memories and stories from those trips! best wishes !

Thank you so much! I hope the little charms work out. I just wanted to incorporate my grandparents in the wedding since my grandmothers are no longer here and my grandfathers cannot make the long trip. They will all be close to me during the wedding with the charms. :goodvibes

Jessica - i'm only on page 1 of your report, but I had to say this before i forgot or run out of time (apologies if anyone has said this in the other pages too) ..........

But the minute i saw your dress I thought of Belle in Beauty and the Beast - was that on purpose or totally coincidental?

Imagine it yellow and a sash of netting along the neck line and it wouldnt be far off!!

Yes, when I saw that dress for the first time I thought the back reminded me of Belle's dress too! I also love the sleeve straps which remind me of Cinderella's. It is a very princessy dress!:cutie:

I Love the Tshirts!!! :love: You are so close now! It must be getting hard to wait! I wish you FUN, FUN, FUN on your trip! :goodvibes

I am very excited about wearing the shirts. My favorite ones are the polos. I actually ordered those from disneyshopping.com. They turned our great! I also like the little white shirt with our wedding date on it. I used my printed and iron-on print paper for that one and the other shirts. I thought they turned out really cute.
Hoping I'm not too much of a bother by asking this, but is there anyway you could send me the template, too? I loved the idea so much, and I really want to do it! Haha.
Hoping I'm not too much of a bother by asking this, but is there anyway you could send me the template, too? I loved the idea so much, and I really want to do it! Haha.

somehow I only just found your PJ (yeah, thats what happens at 1am), but I'm so excited for you! :hyper: everything looks great!!

Do you think I could "borrow" your trip card ideas? I made this big 56 page booklet, but I'd like something people can carry? Do you think you could send me yours and I could use it as a template? I promise not to plagiarize!!

Girls, if you PM me your email address I will send you the templates. :)
Jessica -- Everything looks so beautiful and thoughtful! :thumbsup2 Your guests are going to be so touched that you took the time to think so much about how to make their trips special. Congratulations on having it all come together so beautifully. LOVE the shirts, and especially the polo. I'll have to check that out on the Disney shopping website. Very, very cool! Have fun with the laundry this week! Just think! The next time you wear some of those garments you will be in WDW!!!
Hi Jessica!!! I'm all caught up now!!!! everything looks amazing!! your wedding is going to be beautiful!!!
Jessica -- Everything looks so beautiful and thoughtful! :thumbsup2 Your guests are going to be so touched that you took the time to think so much about how to make their trips special. Congratulations on having it all come together so beautifully. LOVE the shirts, and especially the polo. I'll have to check that out on the Disney shopping website. Very, very cool! Have fun with the laundry this week! Just think! The next time you wear some of those garments you will be in WDW!!!

Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I like that thought about the next time I will wear a lot of my clothes I will be at Disney! Hooray!

Hi Jessica!!! I'm all caught up now!!!! everything looks amazing!! your wedding is going to be beautiful!!!

Thank you so much Lynn! Your TR help me a ton with many of my wedding ideas! I don't know what I would have done without these amazing boards! I can't wait to create the beautiful memories so I can make a TR like yours...
So I am counting down the hours now! We have 39 hours until we leave for the big road trip to Disney. :woohoo: I started packing today and was very overwhelmed at the beginning, :eek: but it didn’t turn out that bad. I had to pack both DF and myself. I think we might have over packed with clothes, but there is not as much wedding stuff as I thought. I filled two plastic totes of wedding stuff, plus my dress, and my big bag with my slip in it is all the wedding things. Now, I say that doesn’t seem that much now… that might be a different story on Friday morning when we attempt to cram everything in my two-door Grand Am. My trunk is pretty big and we always fit all of the suitcases back there. DF and I have two full suitcases each, plus a carry-on type bag each. Then we will try to put the two wedding totes, two coolers, my dress, slip, and information canvas bag in the back-seat of my car. That may be the obstacle. We will see in 39 hours. :bitelip: I wanted to post a few pictures of my packing process. Since I was so overwhelmed at the beginning, I forgot to take a picture of all the clothes mess before I packed them, but I took a picture of the packed suitcases.



Here are some of the wedding things before I figure out how to pack it all.

Yay! I finished the major part of the packing!

Now all I have to do is pack my make-up travel kit and my carry-on type bag with my needful things; like my hair dryer, curling iron, Chi iron, deodorent, etc...

Then it's Mickey... Here we come!
have a safe trip Jessica!!!

Thank you! I hope you have a safe trip also. I will still be in Disney when you are probably arriving, so I won't get a chance to tell you before you leave! I hope you have a magical time. I can't wait to hear about your trip!
We have 24 hours to go! :hourglass Hurray! I am so ready. I can't believe it is almost here. We have a long road trip ahead of us, but that is okay. :car: We will be at Disney before we know it. I want to enjoy every minute of these next few weeks... I don't want the time to flash by and for me to think, "Did all that really just happen." I am going to savor every second.:cutie:


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