Joanne and Paul's VR - 4th May 2011

So after our short but very chilled cocktail hour, we all went into Citricos for dinner. Our floral arrangement had been transfered over to the resaurant by our florist, and Emily had been in to the restaurant, during our time in Mizner's, to lay out our favours. All in all the table looked lovely and had been set up in a part of the restaurant near the show kitchen, but in a place where other guest didn't need to push past to get to their tables. Perfect for us!!!



All out guests were very pleased with their favours!! There were Donald Duck socks for the men, Mickey ears shaped bangles for the younger ladies, silver bracelets for the middle-aged ladies, crystal perfume bottles for the two Mums and Disney gift cards for the children.

The restaurant had made us up personalized menus, which were lovely but of which I, unfortunately, do not have a photo!!
The staff were very attentive, and our main server was called James, who was first class and who we couldn't fault at all!! We ordered wine for the tables and drinks and started to look at the menu!!


We all decided we were not having appetizers as we knew we would have enough food with the entrees and desserts and we had had some cake just about an hour and a half before (although we had budgeted for everyone to have appetizers, Paul and I were more than happy to save a bit of money!!!)

So, we ordered our food and didn't have to wait long until it was served!!
I really can't remember what everyone had, but I know Paul and I had the fillet which was out of this world!!


We had a lovely time eating the delicious entrees and chatting with our guests!!

Not at all sure what Paul's face is doing in this one!!!


Soon it was time for dessert!!! My favourite part of any meal!!

I chose the chocolate tart, which I felt guilty eating as it was such a work of art


But, of course, I did eat it and let me tell you, it tasted as good as it looked!!!

Paul had this!! I can't remember what it is (and nor can he) but it looked scrummy and the decoration on the plate was exquisite!! All Paul can remember is that he loved it, and ate every bit!! In this photo, you can also see the little favour boxes I made. This one belongs to Emily's partner, Craig!!


All through our meal, people were shouting good wishes and congratulations. We were so humbled by how many people seemed genuinely happy for us!!

All too soon, the meal was at an end!! It had been perfect!! The food was out of this world and the cast were first rate!! We never felt rushed, and lingered over our dessert and drinks for a long time. I think we could have stayed there all night if we had wanted to!!!
But we paid the bill (or Paul did!!), said sad goodbyes to the wonderful staff at Citricos and we all made our way to the monorail to travel over to BLT and have drinks at the Top of the World Lounge.
I loved going on the monorail in my dress, and of course, we attracted yet more congratulatory messages from guests and cast en-route!!

This is the only picture we have on the monorail and altough the quality is less than perfect, I love it!! Alfie had clearly been given charge of Emily's posy (I think she may have been the one taking the photo) and looked none too comfortable with it!!


So we got back to the Contemporary and made our way up to the TOTWL. Ella and Nicholas (bless them) had decided to take charge of my train!!


Not sure what my face is up to in this one - I look like I have been crying (which I hadn't). It's a shame because it spoils an otherwise pretty picture!!


We didn't get too many good pictures up at the TOTWL so you'll excuse me if a use a mixture of our pictures and some pulled from the internet to illustrate how wonderful the place is!!

When we got up to the lounge (via the exclusive lift, in which a cast member has to escort you) the sun was going down over the Magic Kingdom and the lake



We ordered drinks from the very extensive drinks menu


I had one of the wonderful Pina Coladas. I love the Pina Coladas at WDW!!!

We sat inside for a bit enjoying the elegant surroundings and our drinks!!



Soon the piped in 'Wishes' music heralded the start of the fireworks. We all went out on the balcony to watch the wonderful show!!



I am sure you have all seen 'Wishes before and know how magical it is!! Watching it from way up here with the music piped in was incredible!! I have to admit, though, that my favourite spot to watch 'Wishes' is still inside my beloved Magic Kingdom!!!

After the fireworks, our friends wandered off to catch the bus from the MK back to AKL (weighted down by the two floral arrangement from the ceremony/tables at the restaurant, which I had given to them to enjoy in their rooms). Everybody else went back to their rooms at BLT and left Paul and I alone for a bit. We ordered another drink, found a quiet corner in the lounge and chatted happily about our magical day!!! It really was the perfect end to the perfect day!!!
We went to bed that night so happy!!! We had had the day of our dreams, in our happy place surrounded by our family and friends!!! What more could we possibly ask for!!!!

Next up - A whistle-stop account of the next few days.
Love the photos! Drinks at the lounge to top off your day and see the fireworks was absolutely brilliant, what a lovely way to finish such a wonderful day.
i'm so glad citricos was great for you!! we're eating there our wedding night too!! the top of the world lounge looks great!! when i hit the lottery, i'm going to buy in on a resale :laughing:
Joanne, you had one of the most magical and true fairy-tale endings I've ever read! Everything went so smoothly and I have loved following along with your TR. I'm very happy for you! :yay:
Your dinner at Citrico's sounds wonderful. We have not yet tried this. Last year, I was torn between Citrico's and Narcoossee's. In the end, Narcoossee's won out.

What an amazing end of your special day to watch the fireworks at the Top of the World Lounge. We managed to watch both Wishes and Happy HalloWishes from the Top of the World Lounge last year and I am welling up just thinking about it.

We had had the day of our dreams, in our happy place surrounded by our family and friends!!! What more could we possibly ask for!!!!

Just exactly what I am hoping for my wedding! I'm thrilled for you and your family! Everything was so lovely. I love pina coladas at Disney too :thumbsup2
Love the photos! Drinks at the lounge to top off your day and see the fireworks was absolutely brilliant, what a lovely way to finish such a wonderful day.

i'm so glad citricos was great for you!! we're eating there our wedding night too!! the top of the world lounge looks great!! when i hit the lottery, i'm going to buy in on a resale :laughing:

What a perfect end to the day.

Joanne, you had one of the most magical and true fairy-tale endings I've ever read! Everything went so smoothly and I have loved following along with your TR. I'm very happy for you! :yay:

Your dinner at Citrico's sounds wonderful. We have not yet tried this. Last year, I was torn between Citrico's and Narcoossee's. In the end, Narcoossee's won out.

What an amazing end of your special day to watch the fireworks at the Top of the World Lounge. We managed to watch both Wishes and Happy HalloWishes from the Top of the World Lounge last year and I am welling up just thinking about it.


Your day looks so lovely and perfect! And that chocolate dessert, wow!! How beautiful!

How wonderful! I'm so happy for you!

Thank you so much girls!! You have all cheered me up considerably!!!
I am at the moment feeling very shaken by a rather nasty post directed at me from the lady who was married on the monorail and posted all about it on the 'Completed trip reports' thread. I posted on her thread to warn her that her post may not be well received, as what she had done had clearly broken the rules, and was likely to stir up a hornet's nest with Disney brides. I suggested that maybe this was her intention as she had invited others to post about their (and I quote) 'sneaky, get away' weddings' I maybe should have kept my thoughts to myself, but her post really upset me. Oh well, maybe it's a lesson learnt and no matter what I feel about the seemingly increasing instances of this blatent rule-breaking, perhaps it is best if I keep my feelings to myself!! So thank you ladies for making me feel loved again!!!

Roxysmum - Thank you. It certainly was the best end we could have imagined to our day!!

Deena sweetie - YOu will have a wonderful time at Citrico's on your big day. I must admit, if my lottery numbers come good, I will be buying more points too!!:lmao:

Claire sweetie - Thank you - it certainly was!!

Sweet Danielle - What a lovely post!! Thank you so much!! I hope you will stick around as after a very brief ressume of the days in between, I will post the TTD photos. I am really looking forward to sharing them with all my DISfriends!!

Corinna sweetie - You really must try Citrico's. It is wonderful!! The Lounge really is amazing isn't it!!!

Sweet Catherine (I don't know why your post didn't multiquote!!) - I am sure you will have a magical day too!!!! Thank you for being happy for us. Who knows, maybe we can share a WDW pina colada together one day if we are both in the World at the same time!!

Sweet Michelle - Thank you!! Our day was perfect for us!!! The chocolate tart was a dream!!

NoOrdinaryPrincess - Thank you for you lovely post!!
Sweet Joanne ;) Just wanted to send you a :hug: and a big thank you for all the amazing support and the kind words you have given a lot of us lately! I know I'm not alone when I say you are one of the nicest women on the planet....don't let yourself get caught up in all the catiness and ill "bear"-ing that has been going on on these boards lately. You rock!!!! :worship:
Sweet Joanne ;) Just wanted to send you a :hug: and a big thank you for all the amazing support and the kind words you have given a lot of us lately! I know I'm not alone when I say you are one of the nicest women on the planet....don't let yourself get caught up in all the catiness and ill "bear"-ing that has been going on on these boards lately. You rock!!!! :worship:

I couldn't have said this better myself. The boards are getting rather unsettled lately and you, Joanne, are always a breath of sweet fresh air. Don't let grumps get you down!
Sweet Joanne ;) Just wanted to send you a :hug: and a big thank you for all the amazing support and the kind words you have given a lot of us lately! I know I'm not alone when I say you are one of the nicest women on the planet....don't let yourself get caught up in all the catiness and ill "bear"-ing that has been going on on these boards lately. You rock!!!! :worship:

I couldn't have said this better myself. The boards are getting rather unsettled lately and you, Joanne, are always a breath of sweet fresh air. Don't let grumps get you down!

Sweet Nancy - Thank you so much!!! I was really upset with the things she said to me at first. She said I enjoyed 'mother henning' on the boards and I had a hall monitor or prefect's attitude to her rule breaking!! Gosh, I hope if I was coming across as a 'Mother hen' you girls would let me know!! Sadly, I suspect that she is a bitter woman and so I will take no further part in the discussion with her. Let us all rise above it!!!:thumbsup2 Thanks for your love and support!!

Roxysmum - I really appreciate your comments sweetie!!!! I have so many good friends on these boards, that it is hard to be upset for long!!! Thanks for reaching out with a supporting shoulder!!!!
Oh my goodness Joanne-- I had to pop over to the monorail bride thread to see what was going on, and I am so sad to see that ugliness on our boards. It sounds like it's all behind you now, thank goodness, but I just wanted to say that never in that thread do you come off as a rude or mean person. From one side, there were a lot of words being twisted and insults being thrown. There seems to be a lot of that on here this week, and it's something I just don't understand. Why do some people love coming on here, writing a few mean things, and leaving? I think the anonymity of the internet truly brings out the worst in some people. I didn't think I should post on that thread, as everything seems to be calmed down, but I was so infuriated that I had to say to you :hug: :hug: and don't let that nastiness get to you!

I HATE when people say the boards are unwelcoming or exclusive, because in the 6 months I have been here I have felt nothing but support and friendship and that's why I love it.
Wow! The monorail bride had no right to be so mean and nasty to you! You are always so warm and welcoming to the new brides and always have such sweet things to say on all of our PJs.
Thank you so much girls!! You have all cheered me up considerably!!!
I am at the moment feeling very shaken by a rather nasty post directed at me from the lady who was married on the monorail and posted all about it on the 'Completed trip reports' thread. I posted on her thread to warn her that her post may not be well received, as what she had done had clearly broken the rules, and was likely to stir up a hornet's nest with Disney brides. I suggested that maybe this was her intention as she had invited others to post about their (and I quote) 'sneaky, get away' weddings' I maybe should have kept my thoughts to myself, but her post really upset me. Oh well, maybe it's a lesson learnt and no matter what I feel about the seemingly increasing instances of this blatent rule-breaking, perhaps it is best if I keep my feelings to myself!! So thank you ladies for making me feel loved again!!!

Roxysmum - Thank you. It certainly was the best end we could have imagined to our day!!

Deena sweetie - YOu will have a wonderful time at Citrico's on your big day. I must admit, if my lottery numbers come good, I will be buying more points too!!:lmao:

Claire sweetie - Thank you - it certainly was!!

Sweet Danielle - What a lovely post!! Thank you so much!! I hope you will stick around as after a very brief ressume of the days in between, I will post the TTD photos. I am really looking forward to sharing them with all my DISfriends!!

Corinna sweetie - You really must try Citrico's. It is wonderful!! The Lounge really is amazing isn't it!!!

Sweet Catherine (I don't know why your post didn't multiquote!!) - I am sure you will have a magical day too!!!! Thank you for being happy for us. Who knows, maybe we can share a WDW pina colada together one day if we are both in the World at the same time!!

Sweet Michelle - Thank you!! Our day was perfect for us!!! The chocolate tart was a dream!!

NoOrdinaryPrincess - Thank you for you lovely post!!

Sweet Nancy - Thank you so much!!! I was really upset with the things she said to me at first. She said I enjoyed 'mother henning' on the boards and I had a hall monitor or prefect's attitude to her rule breaking!! Gosh, I hope if I was coming across as a 'Mother hen' you girls would let me know!! Sadly, I suspect that she is a bitter woman and so I will take no further part in the discussion with her. Let us all rise above it!!!:thumbsup2 Thanks for your love and support!!

Roxysmum - I really appreciate your comments sweetie!!!! I have so many good friends on these boards, that it is hard to be upset for long!!! Thanks for reaching out with a supporting shoulder!!!!

I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I would report this person to the moderators. There are clear rules about posting on the forum about rule breaking. There are also rules about posting hurtful and sarcastic things. You were absolutely in your right to call her out on not only breaking the rules, but boasting about it and encouraging others to do the same. It is the other person who is in the wrong here and not you.

I am sure I speak for others as well when I say that you have always provided encouragement and advice. In my eyes, this is called being a friend. I know that a comment you made has recently prevented me from making a big mistake. I am very grateful for this.

Oh my goodness Joanne-- I had to pop over to the monorail bride thread to see what was going on, and I am so sad to see that ugliness on our boards. It sounds like it's all behind you now, thank goodness, but I just wanted to say that never in that thread do you come off as a rude or mean person. From one side, there were a lot of words being twisted and insults being thrown. There seems to be a lot of that on here this week, and it's something I just don't understand. Why do some people love coming on here, writing a few mean things, and leaving? I think the anonymity of the internet truly brings out the worst in some people. I didn't think I should post on that thread, as everything seems to be calmed down, but I was so infuriated that I had to say to you :hug: :hug: and don't let that nastiness get to you!

I HATE when people say the boards are unwelcoming or exclusive, because in the 6 months I have been here I have felt nothing but support and friendship and that's why I love it.

Wow! The monorail bride had no right to be so mean and nasty to you! You are always so warm and welcoming to the new brides and always have such sweet things to say on all of our PJs.

I am so sorry that you had to go through this. I would report this person to the moderators. There are clear rules about posting on the forum about rule breaking. There are also rules about posting hurtful and sarcastic things. You were absolutely in your right to call her out on not only breaking the rules, but boasting about it and encouraging others to do the same. It is the other person who is in the wrong here and not you.

I am sure I speak for others as well when I say that you have always provided encouragement and advice. In my eyes, this is called being a friend. I know that a comment you made has recently prevented me from making a big mistake. I am very grateful for this.


Thank you, thank you girls!!! Your support and love are so appreciated!! I am so lucky to have such lovely friends here!!

Sweet Michelle -Thank you!! I agree that the internet sometimes brings out the worst in all of us, but most of the wonderful people here restore my faith!! I am just so grateful that the whole sorry episode is over!!! It was so regretable. For my part, I never ever meant it to get so nasty and out of hand and I freely admit that it has been a long time since I have felt so provoked. I think I said a lot of things which were a bit of a 'knee-jerk' reaction as an attempt to protect myself. I have, however, learned to be more thoughtful of people's feelings and to think hard before I post comments, so I guess that's a good thing. I still find it very hard to swallow the apparent fact that folk are getting away with these unofficial weddings at WDW (seemingly with Disney's blessing it now appears), whilst most brides save and plan, and stick to the numerous restrictions and rules imposed on them by Disney. It doesn't sit right with me, but a row with Jessica (the monorail bride) will do nothing to change that. I am just glad it is over. It has certainly been a humbling experience to see all my friends rally round to protect me!!! I am so grateful to you all!!

Andrea sweetie - Thank you for your kind and loving words!!! I am just glad it is all over and done with. Hopefully lessons have been learnt by both sides.

Corinna sweetie - Thank you!! I must admit that the nastiness and hate completely floored me for a while back there. However, it would seem, as far as facts go, she was right and I was wrong, and that it is perfectly acceptable in Disney's eyes to have these little unofficial weddings (or let some brides have an outside photographer at an in-park wedding, whilst denying others this privilege). As I said, it still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth that this is allowed, but I guess that it is not Jessica's fault, and it was me who had the facts wrong in believing (as most of us did), that these types of event were disallowed by Disney. Anyhow, I have apologized and it is done with, thank heavens!!! I have been cheered and amazed by the support and love shown to me by my friends here. That makes up for everything!!!
Okay, so for those of you who are kind and patient enough to still be awake, I am going to go through the next few days very briefly and very quickly for the following two reasons

We have all been to the parks at WDW (most of us numerous times!!) and I really don't want to bore you with long-winded accounts of 'We went on this ride, then we did this..... blah blah blah.


Therefore, I will tell you where we went, where we ate, and add any little interesting snippets and a few photos for each day, and leave it at that!!

Thursday 5th May

I had booked for us all to have breakfast at 'Kona Cafe'. I had never eaten here before and was desperate to try the famous Tonga Toast!!
I had made a tee-shirt to wear today with a sparkly transfer from an Etsy seller. It read 'Mrs Pridmore. Re-established 04:05:2011' I was thrilled with it, but then I realized that in the US, you guys write your dates the other way around to us (month, date then year - we write date, month then year). Anybody reading my tee would have assumed that I was re-established a month earlier!!! Oh well, never mind!!!
Paul had also bought a special tee-shirt to wear today - the day after our most romantic day ever. It read 'Who said Romance is dead - Fancy a Pint' Argh men!!!:rolleyes:
My friends over at Kidani at AKL, telephoned to say that they would be having a late start and would meet us at DHS (the park we were visiting that day) and not join us for brekkie. I was disappointed but I understood their need to let the kids sleep in a little
So, we ate breakfast at 'Kona', and it was brilliant!!! I absolutely adored the Tonga Toast!! It was really delicious!!! (and I am not the greatest of banana lovers either!!). I think Kona Cafe has become a 'must do' breakfast for future trips!!

Here we are at Kona (with my DH pulling another interesting face!!!)


After breakfast we took the bus from the Poly to DHS, met the rest of our party and prepared to redeem our vouchers for hard 14-day hoppers. Here is where the fun starts!!! I will be as brief as possible.......
For the second part of our trip we had booked (through Disney UK) a package which included accommodation, passes and DDP. Although we knew that we would only need 7 days on our hopper passes, we had purchased a 14 day pass because there was an offer on when we bought our package, and not only was the 14 day pass the same price as the seven day one, but if we bought the 14 day one, we were entitled to free DDP!! So, no brainer really!!
I will cut this story very short, but when we got to the window and attempted to redeem our vouchers, the CM was adamant that they were for 5-day passes!! No matter how many times we pointed out that the vouchers clearly had '14 day hopper pass' printed on them, she kept insisting that 'the computer has shown up you have got 5-day passes, and we don't sell 14 day passes'. After going back and forth on this for quite a while (and her suggesting we call the UK from Florida at our expense to try to sort it out - I don't think so!!!), Emily got involved!!!
Now my DD can be quite a little spitfire when she needs to be, and she demanded to see the CM's superior. A manager/supervisor appeared and she gave him the full works!!! 'Special trip blah blah, ex cast member blah blah, DVC members blah blah, never expected to receive such terrible service at Disney blah blah.' Well, it did the trick because within 10 minutes, amid the manager's profuse apologies, we had 14 day passes, 3 all day fast passes for each of us (including one each for TSM) and a very sheepish looking CM!!!
We were more than satisfied with the outcome, but as usual Disney exceeded our expectations because when we had gone through the turnstiles, a CM approached us and asked if all our party were together. When we confirmed that they were, he said that some special people had asked to meet us. He led us behind some barriers and then Donald, Daisy and Minnie came out for a private meet and greet!!! We were thrilled, as nobody who weren't in our party was permitted to meet them, and we got some quality time with them and some great photos!!! We assumed that the manager had set this up because of our inconvenience, but we will never know for sure!!!





We had a great day at the studios (made easier with the FPs we were given!!)
We ate that night at Maya Grill at Coronado Springs Resort and it was excellent. I had never been to that resort before and I loved it. It is lively and vibrant and the colours are amazing!!
Joanne, you looked ADORABLE in your t-shirt and bride ears!! :goodvibes

So sorry for the ticket ridiculousness you had to deal with -- good for Emily! It's so frustrating when the "business" end of Disney interferes with the magic! But how fun that you got to have a private meet & greet with the characters!! :wizard:

Now .... I for one am anxiously waiting for those TTD pictures whenever you are ready to post them! ;)
Amy sweetie - Thank you!!! I loved wearing the ears because even after our VR day was over, we were still getting loads of congratulations from guests and CMs!!! I have posted a couple of photos below which I forgot to include in the above installment!!!

After eating at the Maya Grill, we (well, some of us) caught the bus to DTD. The boys played with the 'Build a Light Sabre' in 'Once Upon a Toy'

Luke Skywalker eat your heart out!!!

The Craig strikes back!!!


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