Jodi's bridal journal (posts welcome) - I'm back!

Hi Everyone,

Had the most amazing workout yesterday with my trainer. We worked out the back, chest, and biceps.....still a little bit sore. I was thinking about going to the gym again today but whew.....way too sore.

I did end up going Friday night and doing a little bit over 45 minutes of cardio. I just hope that I can get where I want to by the time of the wedding/honeymoon.

Next Saturday, is my first hair trial plus I am having a Mary Kay party for me and everyone in my wedding party. I have the strange feeling that I am going to be the only one that purchases anything.

Starting to feel the stress a little bit. Our reception hall called yesterday and mentioned that we should make an appointment with them to go over the don't get me wrong I am very excited about the wedding and the honeymoon but now it is hitting me that this is real. It just seems like we were engaged forever. Does that sound strange?

Well, tomorrow I hope to hit the gym again - as busy as I know it will be.

Friday I bought the cutest luggage from DisneyDirect I can't wait to start packing....I seem to have little bags everywhere with stuff for the wedding and honeymoon :crazy: .

Well, I'm going for today. Have a great rest of your weekend everyone.
Hi Jodi!

Sounds like you had a great workout at the gym! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I know what you mean about feeling like you've been engaged forever. ::yes:: DH and I met back in high school in 1989. We started dating in January 1990, got engaged in December 1994, and we got married in 1996.It did seem like we were engaged for awhile, especially since by the time we got married, we had been together for over 6 years. The weeks up to our wedding seemed excrutiating long, but our actual wedding day (July 20, 1996) flew by soooo fast that before I knew it, we were married and headed down to Florida to spend our first days as Mr. and Mrs. with ::MickeyMo and ::MinnieMo .

Have a great day Jodi!! :sunny:
Wow - it's amazing that I'm only a little bit over 4 months away from the wedding....a lot of tension is happening lately so I have to say that it feels great when I am able to make it to the gym.

This coming Saturday is my hair trial - not to mention I am also having a Mary Kay party - where they are going to show me how to create the look that I want for my day. It's a party for my bridal party and the mothers.

This Thursday, I have another personal trainer session but I am going to be doing my best to keep up with things during this week. I need to! I'm really starting to feel the pressure now with the wedding being only a little bit over 4 months away - although, I have to confess I am still looking more forward to going to Disney than going to my wedding.

We just set up a date to go over all of the final things at our reception hall. I'm really excited about that!

My FI sister, who is also one of the bridesmaids, is still difficult to deal with but I am trying to deal with it.

We may have also found a place to live too! I can't wait.....although, I'm a little bit nervous to live with Bob for the first time - but it is a good kind of nervous.

Well, have a great week everyone! I have some laundry to do.....need some clean workout clothes for tomorrow. :)

Jodi :bride:
Went to the gym both days - yesterday was brutally hot so I only got to do an hour of cardio. Today, I did cardio and worked my abs really hard, and tomorrow is my personal trainer session - I am looking so forward to it!

The stress of the wedding is really starting to get to me! Bob always seems to have an attitude lately. Don't get me wrong, I love him but his attitude is really getting on my nerves - he's always said that I can talk to him about anything but then I do and it's seems like it is always the wrong thing.

I am looking so forward to go to DisneyWorld.....I think I will just beg him to leave me behind when he leaves. I'm just disappointed about the fact that none of my bridesmaids really know one another and when I try to get them together well it doesn't work out, and my mother is really showing no interest in the wedding at's just really bumming me out. I wish Bob would have went with my wish and just eloped - less frustration, less money.

Oh well, I'm just a little cranky. I'm sorry everyone! Hopefully, things will get better for me.
:hug: Jodi,

It sounds like you could use a weekend at a spa. :cloud9: Any chance that could happen soon? :goodvibes

Hang in there, Jodi! Before you know it, you'll be entering Cinderella's Castle and celebrating your marriage! princess:

Take care, sweetie! :hug:
toystoryduo said:
:hug: Jodi,

It sounds like you could use a weekend at a spa. :cloud9: Any chance that could happen soon? :goodvibes

Wow - you're good. I actually will be going to the spa in (I think) three weeks. I'm going for a Swedish Massage but that was all that I was able to book......the spa that I like books up fast.
I actually meant to write in the journal soon than this but this will be my end of the week post (for week ending June 18th).

Wednesday, I went to the gym doing just cardio and abs. Thursday was my trainer session we did an overall program - legs, shoulders, back. I think I am going to be the most toned bride that anyone has ever seen ::yes:: or at least I hope.

Yesterday - I had a wonderful time. I did another hair trial and found the perfect hair for me. After the hair trial I had my Mary Kay party - this is where me and the rest of the girls could find out the perfect look for each of us. I already had an idea of what I wanted to do for myself and sent her the link of what I wanted to recreate; here's the link: I don't have blonde hair but I am just about as white as the girl in the picture and I'm really not into tanning, so the look would work for me.

The girls and I ended up having such a wonderful time. Bob stayed and videotaped me putting the whole look together so I would have my refresher course if needed. Although, the lady was really impressed how well I put on makeup....pretty good for a girl that hardly ever wears any. :)

Hope everyone else is having a wonderful time too!

Wow do I have a lot of updating to do as far as working out. Just been really, really, busy! everything is going really good with the wedding plans....but I'm really looking forward to the honeymoon. :)

I plan on giving my FI a pin a day for 7 days before the wedding and need some unique ideas of how to present them to him - so if any of you have any ideas please pass them along to me. Here is a link to the pin that I will be giving to him
June 23 - Just cardio & Abs
Treadmill - 30 minutes, going from 3.5 - 6.0 (3 minutes each)
Crossramp - Glute setting, 25 minutes, diff #2
Arc Trainer - Fat burn setting, 15 minutes, diff #3

June 24 -
Treadmill - 30 minutes, going from 3.5 - 6.0 (3 minutes each)
Crossramp - Glute setting, 25 minutes, diff #2
Arc Trainer - Fat burn setting, 15 minutes, diff #3
Abs on the floor - 4 positions, 20 reps each, 3 sets
Ab bench - 20 reps, 2 sets - with weight legs bent - w/o weights legs straight
Prone leg curl - 50 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets - 10 reps, 1 set
Leg extension - 50 pounds, 3 sets, 10 reps
Donkey calf raise - 140 pounds, 15 reps, 3 sets
Calf raise - 80 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
I swear I want to cry my eyes out - My Future Mother in law is not only wearing the same color as my wedding but she is also going for a bunch of hair trials.....why is she trying to upstage everyone else? I would say something to my FI but it wouldn't do any good.
Last night - I spent a good amount of time at the gym....Did cardio and back and chest.

Tonight is my next appointment with my trainer, can't wait.

In three weeks I have my first dress fitting - I am so freaking out, I just hope that I've lost some inches. I've been way too scared to step on a scale or get measured.

I'm so excited - I just found out this morning that our invitations are on the way! :cheer2: Mickey and Minnie themed, of course.

Well, that's it for now.

Woohoo Jodi! :Pinkbounc

It sounds like everything is coming together for your wedding! That is great! :teeth:

I'm sorry about the issue with your future MIL. :( Is this something you can talk to her or your fiance about? If not, just remember that it is your and Bob's special day and most if not all of the attention will be on the two of you. :groom: :bride:

I hope you have a wonderful day, Jodi! :flower:
Hi Everyone,

Had my trainer session last night. Everything went great - we ended up going over my scheduled time but that's okay.....this way I got my two hour work out in. :cool1:

Looking forward to the long weekend but with all of the running around that has to be done and won't feel like I've had any downtime - Oh Well!

Have a great weekend everyone! Have a Happy 4th.


BTW - We did a overall workout....I'm a little sore this morning :)
Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone had a wonderful fourth.

Just a quick update - I did go to the gym on Sunday and did loads of cardio....I plan on going to the gym next - tomorrow, tonight is laundry night. :rolleyes:

This past weekend - was terrible in the way of trying to purchase something from Victoria's Secret with my Chase Disney card. They kept on blocking the charge. I called a total of three times and I still don't think that the charge went through but I will know for sure shortly. I can only hope it did because I got some really good bargains for summer clothes....much needed summer clothes.

In the long run - I don't think that I will continue with Chase - I might be looking into other credit cards. Too bad - I really like the idea of getting points towards Disney, etc.

Well, have a great day everyone - I'm off to work.

Hi, Jodi! Sorry you had a problem with your Chase Visa. I haven't tried to use the new ones they sent me yet, since my old ones haven't expired. You should definitely call them -- their customer service is really really helpful!

Congrats on finding some good bargains at VS. I shopped there on Saturday for the first time ever -- FUN! and some really cute stuff.

Have a great day!
keenercam said:
Hi, Jodi! Sorry you had a problem with your Chase Visa. I haven't tried to use the new ones they sent me yet, since my old ones haven't expired. You should definitely call them -- their customer service is really really helpful!

I called Chase three times and it did nothing - but I called Victoria Secret and ended up in just putting it on my Victoria Secret card.....I didn't want to deal with calling Chase again and going through the series of security questions...

Oh well! :) What can you do - I've heard that there were a series of problems with online orders where there was fraud involved - I guess they are just trying to protect but I figure if I called three times and they said they would release the card - they should. :)
Wow - this week is flying by....although, it doesn't seem like it when you are working every day....does that make sense?

Tuesday, we received our invitations....they are beautiful! I love them so much! I can't wait to start addressing them :)

Still stressing out about that dress fitting....only a couple of weeks....actually not even it's a week from this coming Saturday. :sad2: I still feel so fat.

I did go to the gym today:
Treadmill - 30 minutes, going from 3.2 - 5.5 every 3 minutes
Crossramp - Glute setting, 25 minutes, diff #1
Lat Pulldown - 50 pounds, 3 sets, 15 reps
Longpull - 50 pounds, 3 sets, 12 reps
Benchpress - 10 pounds each side (plus bar I believe is 35 pounds), 12 reps, 3 sets
Seated peck machine - 20 pounds, 3 sets, 12 reps
Bicep machine - 20 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Tricep extension - 50 pounds, 2 sets, 12 reps - 40 pounds, 1 set, 12 reps
Overhead press - 20 pounds, 3 sets, 12 reps
Shoulder press - 5 pounds, 3 sets, 12 reps
That's it!!!! Although, I really wanted to stay longer. I haven't been getting to the gym nearly enough with things to do every weekend....oh well, all I can do is try.

Scary things happening today - wow.....I couldn't believe the news about London this morning.

I'm also worried about my neice with the upcoming storms in Florida - she will be leaving CT for her first trip to Orlando and all of us are hoping it goes off without a hitch and that she is really able to enjoy DisneyWorld. She's really excited and to tell you the truth her mother is more worried than she is.

Well, I have to run - I'm pooped, I've been going non-stop since 5:30 this morning. :earseek:
  • Treadmill - 30 minutes, going from speed 3.5 to 5.5 switching up and down every three minutes

    Crossramp - 30 minutes, glute settting number 2

    Lat pulldown - 50 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets

    Benchpress - 10 pounds each side (plus the bar weights 30 pounds), 10 reps, 3 sets

    Wide chest press - 25 pounds each side 10 reps, 2 sets

    Tricep extension - 40 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets

    Longpull - 45 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets

    Bicep curl - 20 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets

    Push-ups on a half ball (don't know the name of it) 10 reps, 3 sets.

That's it.....I wanted to do more but the gym was really busy and I had already been there a full 2 hours. :)

Tomorrow is another day and Friday I have a personal trainer session :cheer2:

Have a good rest of the week everyone....I can't wait until the weekend - I have a massage treatment :cloud9:
Wow Jodi! :earseek:

Your workouts are wonderful!!! :cool1: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great day today :flower: and enjoy your massage treatment this weekend. :cloud9:


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