Joleen & Kenneth's PJ&TR-6/7/08 Lcl Wed & Disneymoon-Updtd 9/21 Honeymoon ROCKS On!

Yesterday I called and extended our Honeymoon to 9 days. We are doing a resort hop, but I am so excited about it. I decided what the heck and decided to splurge a little. I mean it is our honeymoon. I am going to try to abreviate as much as possible in case DH decides to read over my shoulder one night. I booked CR tower MK view for two nights. We should be able to see the FW's from our room!! I'm so stoked! Now if I can only keep it from him until we are there! I've only told him I have a suprise for the resort hop and a good one!

I can't wait only 1 month 13 days to go!!! Whooo HOOOO!!! :cool1:

The only bad part is I am sooo sick right now. I can't stop coughing and my nose is well you can imagine. I'm glad it's now and not a month and 13 days from now!
OH! Very exciting! What a nice surprise for your DF!:goodvibes:

I really hope he loves it as much as I want him too. I am also looking into the Richard Petty Driving Experience for him as it will be Father's Day while we are there and his birthday is the Friday after we get back. I am just having a hard time trying to find the website to price it all out!
I need your help ladies!!

How did you word your rehersal invitations if you did them? I am having a hard time thinking of the wording that should be on them. I bought do it yourself invitations for the rehersal. I'm trying to save myself some money somewhere!!

Thanks for any guidance you can give me!!
I know all you fellow brides out there know just what I'm going through. I'm stressing out big time! I have so much to do, but I have also done so much! I am in the process of loading pictures as I type to load in some posts so you can see all we are having at our wedding. I have made the favors, printed the rehersal invitations, printed the programs, bought all the thank you presents, I hope I have bought all we will need for the wedding and reception. :scared1:

The funny thing is, I wasn't really to terribly stressed until I woke up yesterday morning and realized it was no more week away. I had a complete meltdown. My poor DH. Thankfully I had a chiropractic appointment yesterday evening which included a massage :worship: just what I needed!

All of you ladies have seemed to cope with the stress so beautifully and I just feel like a bridezilla. :faint:

DH and I have lists all over the house of things we need to do for either the wedding or the Disneymoon. We honestly can't wait. We are counting down to the honeymoon more than the wedding. We just want to be on our way to DW!! :hug:

Oh the pictures are done loading to the computer. I'll be right back to post more after I get them to photobucket! :)
Ok, so I have all the pictures ready finally!

Where to start? No idea so I'll just post and comment as I go.

The wedding favors. My DH and I started about 9 am on my birthday (May 24) folding the boxes and filling with confetti. Then my mom came over and helped finish folding the boxed while I stuffed with the chocolates and mints, then finished off with a bow and a personalized tag.




This is all 100 of them ready to go to the church!


What next?? Hmm ok the bubbles and rice bags maybe?

I still can't decide if I should put personalized name labels on these to match the favors or not. I think I have run out of time for that!


My mom made me these two samples of the rice bags for my shower.


Ok, next maybe ummm the cake knife.

Pictures continued.....

The Unity Candle



Ring Pillow


Flower Girl Basket


Garter Set


Keepsake Box


Isle Runner


Tiara - I hadn't originally planned on wearing a tiara, but my mom bought me one for a bridal shower present so I am going to wear one now! It actually matched the beading on my dress quite well. :)


Pictures of the presents for the bridal party. I didn't get a chance to take pictures of what we got for our parents, but they were more sentamental anyway. I also don't have pictures of the rehersal invitations or the wedding programs. I'll have to take them tonight!

Bridesmaids bracelets - I also got them gift cards to Starbucks (our Fav! and they are really cute because they are in a small starbucks cup with tissue paper around them.) I need to take pictures of that too!


Flowergirl braclet


Groomsmen Engraved Pens


Oh and I had to throw in this picture of DH cheesin! He's really excited for the trip and wearing one of the kids ears teasing me. LOL got him!


So, those are all my new pictures for now. Let me know what you think!
Today is crazy too. I can't believe it, but I'm actually stressing about what I might forget.

Is there anything you guys forgot and could give me advice to plan well not to forget?
Everything will be fine in the end just remember the most important thing about the day is you and your DH will be married! relax, breathe and enjoy! I wish you a beautiful day and a lifetime of happiness!:goodvibes
Hi There!

I just wanted to say, i know what you are going through! I'm getting married on Saturday too!!

Hang in there, we'll make it! (and i'm sure i'm a bridezilla too, so you definately aren't alone!)
I know everything will work out! Just relax and enjoy yourself!
Everything will be fine in the end just remember the most important thing about the day is you and your DH will be married! relax, breathe and enjoy! I wish you a beautiful day and a lifetime of happiness!:goodvibes

Thank you! You are so right! I guess I just need to be reminded not to sweat it so much.
Hi There!

I just wanted to say, i know what you are going through! I'm getting married on Saturday too!!

Hang in there, we'll make it! (and i'm sure i'm a bridezilla too, so you definately aren't alone!)

Hey, thanks for the support! :hug: We are going to make if through for sure!

Congratulations on your wedding!!

I just keep saying I can't wait until the Honeymoon!
I know everything will work out! Just relax and enjoy yourself!

Hey Keira!

Thanks for reminding me to relax. DH keeps saying that too. He can't understand why I am stressing so much, but it helps to hear it from other women who are going through the same thing!

Just a few more days now!
:goodvibes Everything will be wonderful! pixiedust: Send some pixiedust your way!

Looking forward to hearing all about it!
:goodvibes Everything will be wonderful! pixiedust: Send some pixiedust your way!

Looking forward to hearing all about it!

Thank you so much! Today is a better day. Thank you for the pixie dust!

Your wedding is so soon too! I bet you are getting excited. :goodvibes
Well today is my last day at work before the big day! :banana: DH & his groomsmen got their tux's yesterday and everyone's now fits with some minor alterations. My oldest DS's jacket didn't fit and they had to reorder but they were able to do it in a days turnaround so no big deal. My DH keeps asking me why I'm so calm about the tux's but crazy about other things. LOL I tell him because the tux's are his deal and I'm completely out of that part! :rolleyes1

To be honest I'm finding it so hard to concentrate today! I want to be home organizing and obsessing about the wedding. LOL I just can't wait!
Sorry for the delay in updating my PJ with my WEDDING and honeymoon TR! At any rate I'm here and it's time to get going with it!

The night before the wedding was the rehearsal at 6 and the rehearsal dinner at 7pm. We got to the church around 4:30 to start setting up for tomorrow. We cleared the stage of the musical equipment, vacuumed, and organized everything. We tried to set up most of the tables for the reception and some of the decor. We didn't set up the candles because we didn't want them to melt overnight. We had a bit of a glitch when the preacher couldn't make it. Luckily a lot of the wedding parties were married and could help us out with the process. I got to wear my shoes though which was fun! The dinner was great. Just being able to relax with family and friends and take a break from the stress was awesome. We went home and packed up the car as best we could and finished packing for our honeymoon and completely crashed!

The wedding was absolutely beautiful. There were some glitches, but all in all I think I pulled off the best wedding I could have with $5,000 for everything including my dress!

I woke up June 7th ready to get going. Since we had packed up most of the car the night before but we loaded the candles into my car and I had DH take the chocolate favors to the church for me. I had a 9 am appointment at Nordstroms with the Lancome counter. I was very hesitant about this appointment. I had wanted Mac or someone else, but they were fully booked and I really wanted someone else to do my make up. I shouldn't have been worried because they did a beautiful job. Next I was getting my hair done at Toni & Guy just down the mall from Nordstroms. They were great too. They did a beautiful job as well and did exactly what I wanted. They put my veil and tiara on for me and pinned it all down pretty good.

It was about 11 am when it all got done and my wedding was at 3pm. :scared1: I had to get to the church soon and help finish getting everything set up right and just like I wanted it. When I got to the church, we spent the next hour and a half getting things together and avoiding DH seeing me!

My bridesmaids and I all got ready in a back room of the church, coincidentally vacation bible school was to start the next day so the extra colorful background is from that.

I have lots of pictures, so I'll post them and the slide show as well. Then I'll start the Disneymoon TR!! Enjoy!

DH looking spiffy before I got to the church


Our photographer took the groomsmen to of all things a grocery store to take pictures. They actually came out great.



DH getting some friendly advice


Grandpa and DS9


DS6 & DS4


Getting me dressed!


Me posing


Me & all my girls


Me & Maid of Honor


Me & My Mom


Me & Little Sis


Me & My Niece & Flowergirl


Bridesmaid and I ready to go!


The girls about to walk down the isle


Ring bearer ( & DS4)


Flower girl


Here I come!


Our Preacher asking the boys for their blessings and a prayer for our new family.


Saying our vows


All the men.


Continued in next post.

My Girls again


Our Victory Lap


Second try


The girls and I


The wedding party


Bridal pic's



Daddy Daughter Dance


Our first dance


MOH watching




BM & her DH


Us and the leaning tower of piza cake!


Did he eat the entire strawberry? Well pretty much!


The garder


Who caught the bouquet?

The Flowergirl did!


Me relaxing


DH watching me


Our Exit


Last kiss for the crowd




(We actually didn't leave yet. We changed clothes and helped pick up a bit and were on our way to DISNEY World)

Me & DH's Granny!


Link to slideshow!

Up next our amazing honeymoon begins!



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