July Scrapbook Challenge


<font color=coral>I posted around Woo Hooty time<b
Sep 2, 2000
I didn't touch my pages in June. I'm REALLY wanting to finish my December "99 WDW trip. Anybody out there want to join for the month of July? I need cheerleaders!

So far, this month, I have completed 23 pages. I have to journal these pages, but they are finished other than that. I have several others half finished. I am on a real roll!

Does anyone else put the pages together and then journal after they get the pages in order? I find my "story" flows better if I journal last.

I loved the ideas I got from Two Peas in a Bucket this month. They had some great Disney layout ideas, as well as titles. Does anyone know where to find other great Disney pages? I usually don't copy a page, but just get an idea that I can run with. I love to make it the pages my own. Maybe I'll scan some of my pages to share with all of you.

Right now I am struggling with a new idea for our Splash Mountain page, Dino Land page, and a Living Statues page. Any bright ideas?
Well, this month I'm not going to join the challenge. We're already halfway through the month and I haven't touched a page. I've been so busy with various vacations and family obligations. I'm hoping next month I can get started again. But for those who need a cheerleader, I'm here for you!
well, I did an album for my brother's wedding, that was 20 sides and i did it i a week! I think I got burn out after that, but I have done one layout for my WDW album, a really cute minnie picture, which i haven't scanned yet.

It's pretty simple, just matted the picture on some red and white spotty paper, and then I had a cute paper doll with minnie ears and a spotted dress, so I have put her on, holding a balloon and i've written my journalling on the balloon.


wedding album is here :- http://web.ukonline.co.uk/b.stephenson/markruth/pictures.htm
With as crazy as this month has been, I don't want to set myself up to fail. However... I do have to do 10 pages for a recipe swap. If I get those done, I'll be happy.
Had to clean the table off for company dinners and never got rolling again. But after last month - I sure believe if you think you can do it - YOU CAN!
I'm a cheerleader here. I haven't done much posting lately, just lurking. I haven't cropped in a week & the withdrawals are worse than caffeine. Because I return to night school Aug 20th, I've roughed out the kid's Halloween costume. My boss lent me her serger & nothing in the house is safe. This year she's Sleeping Beauty. My version didn't turn out very Disney-like, just quick & dirty.

I went to a CM crop at the neighbor's on the 9th - there were 12 of us. My neighbor is such a perky, fun person, with lots of support, ideas, humor, brownies...lots of the ladies there were former consultants with supplies to die for. The consultant had games like bingo, taper runner challenges, I even won a doorprize for being at the table who completed the most pages by 9pm.

I can't help it. I go to these things, I admire other's pages, ask them the same kinds of questions we ask each other here, & the lady at my table pretty much wanted to slap me. She had 8 containers of supplies to haul in, 4 of them were the large cropper-hoppers. She does her albums chronologically, kind've a cool, perpetual story of her "year." She was finishing her 6th album for year 2000 (about 3 inches thick.) Is she kidding? I want to know who is that organized, motivated, & creative? I think elves come in the night & turn out 2-page spreads for her...& I thought I took too many photos?

How are all of you?
ScrappinMom - could you ask that lady to send a few of those elves my way? I could use a few double page spreads! LOL! I haven't touched my scrapping in weeks! I've done a bit of journaling, but other than that I've been too darn busy and the month of August is looking grim as well. The problem is all the darn pictures I've been taking. I'm just getting farther behind! I guess I need to plan a Cropalong with my customers so I can get some work done in my books as well!



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