Jumping, Dancing & Jamming Our Way Through Walt Disney World! I'm With the Band Now!

I ended my last installment promising an Up Next that would include: "I'm gonna do it! No I'm gonna do it! Get outta my way so I can do it!" So, what exactly is "it" that we are all wanna do? "It" is trying to pull the sword from the stone. Did any of us succeed in doing so? Take a look to see.

Hunter was up first:


It didn't budge so he used a little leverage:


It still didn't work so he called in reinforcements:


Mr. Reinforcement doesn't look like he's trying too hard does he?


Come on Dad! Give it a good pull!


Move outta my way, let Mama try:


The sword was stuck in the stone something fierce. Time to let Lacey give it a go. The one-handed tug:


And the double fister:


Well Phooey! It looks like it wasn't gonna happen for us. Not one to give up without one last try, Hunter pulled again:


Still no luck in getting it out! Oh well, there's always next trip. It was nearing time for the extra magic hours to end so we cut through the castle to take a look at the murals before we left. I read somewhere that those gold pieces have actual gold in them.








**Continued in next post

We emerged through the front of the castle and I couldn't resist taking pictures of it in all of it's purple glory:





This next one didn't turn out very well:


Before we left the park, we thought that we'd try to get at least one more attraction in and that happened to be Stitch's Great Escape. Not exactly what I would call the best "bang for the extra magic hours" buck but it was the first attraction we came to and our time was quickly running out.


and then it was time...........time to leave the Magic Kingdom! :sad1: I hate leaving the park knowing that I won't be going back for a whole 'nother year. Let me snap one more picture:


We drug ourselves under the train station and out to the bus stop. It was now quite late, or early rather...considering what time it was, and we were happy to see that the Caribbean Beach Resort bus pull up just a minute or two after we got to the stop. The ride back to the resort was quiet and I noticed that several of the other guests onboard had fallen asleep. We got off at the Jamaica stop and quietly walked to our room, being careful not to wake the other guests who were snug in their beds.

**Up next: Just let me take a few pictures before we leave!

Beautiful pictures of the murals and the closeups of the castle all lit up!

You made the most of those extra magic hours!
You guys definitely made the most of those EMH's! Too bad none of you were able to pull the sword from the stone!

Stitch would not have been my first guess for your last ride of the night, but I guess, why not? :laughing:
You all need to take some vitamins, then take another crack at that sword! Or maybe you should have had Momma take a turn earlier! I bet she could've done it!

What a great way to spend EMH's! I bet you guys slept like the dead!
Purple is my favorite color, so thanks for catching those pictures for me! :goodvibes

I wish they would go back to letting some random person actually pull the sword out now and then!!
Oh, I always get a tear in my eye when I leave the park for the last time. Except when I am too pooped to care! :lmao: And that has only happened once and I knew I would be back in 3 1/2 months!!

Love the mural pictures! I have yet to really stop and look at those! And your castle pictures were so pretty! You would never know it was a point and shoot! The sword is something else we haven't attempted....maybe in July!

Finally...Stitch...really!?!?! I guess the smell could stay with you until May!! :lmao:
Your sword pulling pictures remind me of how Claire tried to get it out late at night too. She would look around ahd use all her might and try to pull. We gave another try this past trip with no luck either.
I love your sword and the stone pictures. We always try and never get it.

We always stop in the castle on our way out at the end of the night to look at the mural and soak up every second we can there. Its so pretty.

And no I haven't found a job yet. I will be out looking again tomorrow. I think I will try to change my trip to Thanksgiving and hope my new job will let me have that week off. here's hoping!
Love the purple castle! Heck, I'll take the castle in any color they want to make it! I'll even take the ugly cake castle! :laughing:

I love how determined you all were to pull that sword out! :laughing: I've only read one TR where someone actually pulled it out though. I'd sure love to know what the trick is.

I know that feeling of leaving the park for the last time for a whole year! Not good. :sad1:
Love the pictures. I think just TRYING to pull the sword from the stone and getting great pictures is just as fun as if it would actually pull out. :thumbsup2 Besides, they don't make a big to do about pulling it out now anyhow...:sad2: I am so :sad1: for your report to end. It has been so much fun. I am so :banana: you have the PTR going to satisfy your adoring fans! :lmao:
Love the pictures. I think just TRYING to pull the sword from the stone and getting great pictures is just as fun as if it would actually pull out. :thumbsup2 Besides, they don't make a big to do about pulling it out now anyhow...:sad2: I am so :sad1: for your report to end. It has been so much fun. I am so :banana: you have the PTR going to satisfy your adoring fans! :lmao:

That's how I feel about the sword in the stone too. Just trying to get it out is quite fun.

It'll be time for me to start a new trip report soon. Just 38 days until we head back to Florida!

Love the purple castle! Heck, I'll take the castle in any color they want to make it! I'll even take the ugly cake castle! :laughing:

I love how determined you all were to pull that sword out! :laughing: I've only read one TR where someone actually pulled it out though. I'd sure love to know what the trick is.

I know that feeling of leaving the park for the last time for a whole year! Not good. :sad1:

I know that it goes against what most people think but I wish I could have seen the castle all done up like a birthday cake. I bet it was "different" but still cool.

I have read a couple of reports where a child has pulled the stone out of the stone. As a matter of fact, there was a family who went and they visited the Magic Kingdom twice during their vacation and the same child pulled the sword out on both visits. Can you believe that?

Great last shot of the Magic Kingdom! You'll be back soon, too!

I know! I am counting down the days!

I love your sword and the stone pictures. We always try and never get it.

We always stop in the castle on our way out at the end of the night to look at the mural and soak up every second we can there. Its so pretty.

And no I haven't found a job yet. I will be out looking again tomorrow. I think I will try to change my trip to Thanksgiving and hope my new job will let me have that week off. here's hoping!

I can't seem to make myself walk out of the park without at least stopping to take a few pictures of the castle just to hold me over until the next trip.

Ugh on the job hunting! I hope that you find something very soon. If you do have to change your trip to Thanksgiving, you'll at least get to see the holiday decorations.
Your sword pulling pictures remind me of how Claire tried to get it out late at night too. She would look around ahd use all her might and try to pull. We gave another try this past trip with no luck either.

One day both Claire and I will be pulling that sword out of the stone!

Oh, I always get a tear in my eye when I leave the park for the last time. Except when I am too pooped to care! :lmao: And that has only happened once and I knew I would be back in 3 1/2 months!!

Love the mural pictures! I have yet to really stop and look at those! And your castle pictures were so pretty! You would never know it was a point and shoot! The sword is something else we haven't attempted....maybe in July!

Finally...Stitch...really!?!?! I guess the smell could stay with you until May!! :lmao:

I never ever want to leave the park on that last night/morning. If I could sneak into some little nook and hide out, I would.

It took us several years before we really stopped and looked at the murals in the castle. I was very surprised at how intricate they were.

Can you believe we ended the park with Stitch? John hates Stitch!

Purple is my favorite color, so thanks for catching those pictures for me! :goodvibes

I wish they would go back to letting some random person actually pull the sword out now and then!!

The purple castle was so beautiful! Have they totally done away with the sword coming out of the stone? I sure hope not.

You all need to take some vitamins, then take another crack at that sword! Or maybe you should have had Momma take a turn earlier! I bet she could've done it!

What a great way to spend EMH's! I bet you guys slept like the dead!

Wouldn't that have been something if Mama had tried the stone and it came up? I would have been snapping away with the camera!

Oh yeah, I don't think our heads had hit the pillow good and we were out like a log!

You guys definitely made the most of those EMH's! Too bad none of you were able to pull the sword from the stone!

Stitch would not have been my first guess for your last ride of the night, but I guess, why not? :laughing:

We sure did! We don't leave until they run us out of the park. Stitch wasn't what I would have thought would be our last attraction either but it somehow worked out that way. Poor John, he can't stand Stitch.

Here I am ..... just wanted to let you know I'm here to read your report. :cool1:

Hey! You can use the handy dandy links in the first post and skip the chatter. Have you come over to my pre-trip report yet?

Beautiful pictures of the murals and the closeups of the castle all lit up!

You made the most of those extra magic hours!

We surely did make the most of those extra hours! We even stayed to watch the kiss goodnight although I had no idea what the heck it was (and still don't :laughing:)

Loe the pics of the PURPLE castle!!! wow, they are realy cool!

I loved the purple castle but, then again, I like it in any color. :rotfl:
As ya'll have probably noticed, I've been away from the Dis for a few days. That was partly due to the fact that the Dis has been acting all wonky but there was also a very real and very serious reason why I was absent.

We found out this week that my aunt has cancer and it's inoperable and virtually untreatable. The cancer has been found all over her liver, quite a few large masses under each of her arms, in all of her lymph nodes and, I believe, in her chest. They could do radiation treatments but the treatments would only add about two months to her life. She has chosen not to ask how long they expect her to live and she isn't going to do any of the treatments. I can't say that I blame her. What if she has only two months to live and those two months are spent in a doctor's office or hospital having treatments which would only make her sick? Instead, she has chosen to spend what time she has left here on the Earth with her family, her church family and her friends.

She can't wait to be with "her Jesus" and rejoice with the loved ones who have already gone to be with the Lord. One of those loved ones is her husband who died of cancer of the esophagus about four years ago. The others are her sister, my Daddy and my Papaw. I know they are all just waiting for her to join them.

Although she is at peace with her decision, it's really hard on the family. I would ask that you all keep her and her family in your thoughts. It's times like these that make me stop, take a moment to think of my family and friends and thank the good Lord for what he has blessed me with.

Sorry to be such a downer but I know the power of prayer and positive thoughts. Thank you all!

Lisa I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. Of course I will send my most positive thoughts her way. I hope she will have a lot of good family and friends time left. I will keep you in my thoughts too:hug:
So sorry about your sad news. I think I would do the same in her situation. I am praying for peace and grace for all the family and for peace, grace, and freedom from pain for your aunt.


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