June W. I. S. H. - Summer o' Fun

It was fun to celebrate his birthday out at a nice restaurant. I'm not used to restaurant portions these days though. I shared a shrimp cocktail with DD, then had shrimp risotto for my entree. I brought home half of it, but in spite of that, I feel stuffed. I skipped dessert, but did taste DD's sinful chocolate mousse cake. Vacation dining will be interesting...I may be sharing a lot of meals with DD.
Glad you had a good time celebrating! Woohoo! In Disney, my son and I shared many meals and I just kept getting him more snacks. But I definitely overindulged! At home when we eat out and someone doesn’t want to share a meal with me, I will often ask for a takeout box with my meal. That way I can box it before I even start eating and don’t end up eating more than I should. (Now honestly, I don’t always do that…but when I’m really focused I do)
This is my husband’s birthday cake that I had to decorate in between school and my doctor’s appointment. I combined white cake with separate bowls of turquoise and blue colored cake that I swirled together to make it look like the ocean when you cut it. Hopefully it came out good. I will let you know tonite.
What are you celebrating today?
That's almost too easy!

WOO HOO! It's my husband's 62nd birthday today! His view on getting older: "Now I am a year closer to retirement!" Meanwhile, I have another 10 years of teaching to go...(I married a much older man lol.)

WOO HOO! It's remote Wednesday, except we are done teaching remotely, so I have a full day to get paperwork done and organizing for next year! Our gymnasium is full of our furniture that we weren't allowed to use this year. It is our responsibility to mark what we want to keep (if we can actually find it) and the rest is getting tossed!!!(That's messed up IMHO.) I have a harder time because I have no idea what the previous kindergarten teacher had in her classroom. She marked everything with a microscopic number in random locations. Nothing is organized, and you have to move other people's furniture to find your own in a crazy PreK to 8th grade furniture maze. I still can't find her lego table or sand table. Her kid's couch and chair are broken. AHHH!!!

WOO HOO!!! Three more days of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer:
I am woohoo that I have lost 10 pounds since starting to lose weight (well got back on the bandwagon) in February. I see and feel the difference. And another Woohoo DD got her braces off yesterday. One less appointment a month.

In a not so woohoo I hurt my back. DD and I were messing around and I kind of carried her (well I carried her weight while she leaned on me). She was acting like she couldn't walk. She is my size and weighs about 100 pounds. It will be advil every 4 hours kind of day. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be better.
This is my husband’s birthday cake that I had to decorate in between school and my doctor’s appointment. I combined white cake with separate bowls of turquoise and blue colored cake that I swirled together to make it look like the ocean when you cut it. Hopefully it came out good. I will let you know tonite.
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Looks like the cover of Food Network magazine! I am saving this picture for future reference.
We’re on the way to the beach and the weather looks wonderful for the next week!
I packed a cooler with a pork tenderloin and asparagus for dinner and a watermelon. Not local yet, but the ones from Florida aren’t bad. My husband is watching his sodium intake and that has been good for both of us.
Will get out on the beach for a walk today-it will feel good after 31/2 hours in the car.

If it is Wednesday that means just three more days until my week off! I head to PT early Saturday morning, and the first thing I'll be doing when I get there is the whale watching tour which starts at 10am. Seeing a big whale is a bucket list item, but getting see Orca again would also be awesome.


I had my acupuncture appointment yesterday and talked to her about my plans to do NAET and she mentioned another client who had done food sensitivity testing with their clinic Nutritionist to very good result, so I've made an appointment to get tested. I'm oddly excited about this.

Got some interesting feedback at work yesterday. We're going thru mid-year calibration, which is when they gather feedback and rank everyone, and my Manager mentioned feedback she'd gotten from one of the Senior TPMs who said he thought I was a "quiet giant" in that I didn't make a lot of noise, but I knew my stuff and was assertive when I needed to be and that I was someone he never worried about. It is kind of odd to hear what others think of you, but gosh darn I'll take that kind of feedback any day.
This is my husband’s birthday cake that I had to decorate in between school and my doctor’s appointment. I combined white cake with separate bowls of turquoise and blue colored cake that I swirled together to make it look like the ocean when you cut it. Hopefully it came out good. I will let you know tonite.
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Very cool! But then you don't want to cut into it to eat it.
I am woohoo that I have lost 10 pounds since starting to lose weight (well got back on the bandwagon) in February. I see and feel the difference. And another Woohoo DD got her braces off yesterday. One less appointment a month.

In a not so woohoo I hurt my back. DD and I were messing around and I kind of carried her (well I carried her weight while she leaned on me). She was acting like she couldn't walk. She is my size and weighs about 100 pounds. It will be advil every 4 hours kind of day. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be better.

Awesome weight loss! :worship: :cheer2:

Sorry about your back though.
WooHoo - My zoom call worked today! My aunt in California has been writing letters back and forth with the kids so they could practice. Today they got to "meet" her over Zoom, and everyone had a blast. 😃
WooHoo - My zoom call worked today! My aunt in California has been writing letters back and forth with the kids so they could practice. Today they got to "meet" her over Zoom, and everyone had a blast. 😃
Love the letter writing practice... I've started actually sending cards for holiday, birthdays etc, something I haven't done in years.
Love the letter writing practice... I've started actually sending cards for holiday, birthdays etc, something I haven't done in years.

I have a fun things I started doing occasionally over the years. Started during my 50 days of things to do before I turned 50.

I buy cheap everyday cards that just say "hello" "have a nice day" "thinking of you" etc.
I put a $5 bill in the card and write something like Hi friend! Have a coffee or cocktail on me and have a great day!

I go on Google maps and zoom into a random area on the map and look at houses on streets and find one I want to send to.

I address the card to "my friend at" or "to the wonderful people at" and then in the return area I keep myself anonymous and put something
like From a friend or Guess who?

I hope no one thinks it's nothing and tosses them out. :scratchin

But it's a great thought and I hope people I've sent them to enjoyed them.
I would!
Wahoo tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Normally on this day I would take my kids straight from school to Dairy Queen for a celebration treat. Can't do that tomorrow because it is also the last day for most of the instructional assistants and they need to check out through me for the summer. Thinking when I pick them up from daycare we'll spoil dinner by having dessert first!
Typed this early yesterday and forgot to hit post:

Today is my Kindergarten Celebration! Like a kindergarten graduation, but we don’t call it that. I just have the kids recite a poem to start. Then they will each get called up to share something they liked about kindergarten and receive their certificate. Then we end with another poem (usually a song, but we’re not allowed to sing this year). It will be in my room and parents can view using Google Meet. Then we have a teachers vs 5th graders kickball game this afternoons. So I am celebrating the end of the school year. Only 4 more days!

Also woohoo, my teen daughter asked to go running with me this morning!
Typed this early yesterday and forgot to hit post:

Today is my Kindergarten Celebration! Like a kindergarten graduation, but we don’t call it that. I just have the kids recite a poem to start. Then they will each get called up to share something they liked about kindergarten and receive their certificate. Then we end with another poem (usually a song, but we’re not allowed to sing this year). It will be in my room and parents can view using Google Meet. Then we have a teachers vs 5th graders kickball game this afternoons. So I am celebrating the end of the school year. Only 4 more days!

Also woohoo, my teen daughter asked to go running with me this morning!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!:cheer2:Enjoy your last days of school and all of the fun activities that come with it!

Up until last year when the pandemic hit, I had graduation every year since 2001 (1st year in K, the rest in PreK). This year I really missed not doing it. The K team never did it..."Too much work" even though the principals asked them to do it, they flat out refused. A couple of weeks ago one of the secretaries said that she misses seeing my littles on stage rehearsing for graduation and asked how I was feeling. I took her prompting and asked the principal if K could do it next year, and she was thrilled. There is only one of the teachers from the old regime staying in K next year, the two newbies agree with me that it is a special day for families and we should do it...3 against 1, plus the principal!
I enjoy it because it’s cute, it’s a huge celebration for the parents (for many it’s their first child going to school or their last child entering school…both of which can be extremely emotional times), it introduces them to publish speaking (I have each student share something they liked about kindergarten…my student who has a selective mute brother and would often shut down even said his to all the parents) and we work on choral singing (most years) & reciting poems. All great skills. But our district heads think that any “graduations” at younger levels takes away from high school graduation. I strongly disagree, but don’t really care what it’s called…as long as I can continue my simple little presentation that we do!
Wahoo tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Normally on this day I would take my kids straight from school to Dairy Queen for a celebration treat. Can't do that tomorrow because it is also the last day for most of the instructional assistants and they need to check out through me for the summer. Thinking when I pick them up from daycare we'll spoil dinner by having dessert first!
HAPPY LAST DAY!!! :banana::banana::banana:


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