jurassic ride and twister ride question


DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2001
Okay, I just read another post, so the twister ride is a standing ride, how intense is the wind, does it take your breath away or what.

The jurassic ride, this sounds like a silly question but I am wondering is the vehicle on a track when it goes over the hill for a drop? And is this a jerky, jerk your neck and back around?

I know these sound silly but I have never been to universal or even know anyone who has been there. Thanks anyone,

Twister wind isn't really blasting you, just the area in front of you. I've worn a ballcap in there before.
Jurassic is a smooth ride. I can't say if, technically, it's on a track (might be called something else)... but it's not thrashing you from side to side.
You're in for a treat when you go!
Twister is nothing to be afraid of. It's like standing in your front door during a thunderstorm. You will get a bit wet, feel some wind and some heat but you must understand these are all well measured created effects and tested many times for the utmost safety.
For example you will think you feel the heat of the fire as it crosses the stage- after you have been through a dozen or so times you start taking notice of things like the blowers which is where the heat actually comes from. I won't say more because it really would kill the thrill.
Some of the rides will definately shake you physically, and if you have physical limitations and should avoid twisiting or rapid neck movements I would definately ask the ride attendant at each and every ride, you would be surprised I have heard people complain that the spins on the Cat in The Hat ride were too much for them!
Jurassic is a steep and fast drop but you are quite securely barred in. I think the boats stay on track but I do not know that for a fact. If you fear falling out I would definately recommend you avoid Ripsaw Falls, there are no belts or bars to hold you in the boat on the flume drop there, and even though I know it's totally safe it scared me!
Thanks everyone, I have to be very careful cause any dizzy part or jerking my neck around will trigger a migraine, and this could last many days, so I do not want to ruin my vacation. My two children as well get the headaches very bad, so I am reading any books that I can get on universal and ioa.

My son has suffered on and off from heart arrythmyia (not sure of spelling) where his heart beats like crazy and it is very scary. The doctors said it was something to do with growing and stress brings it on. Not to worry, but it sure does exhaust him when it happens all day and he ends up in the hospital. So I read about the rides in ioa almost all of them say not to go on if you have heart problems. This arrythmyia comes about 3 times a year only.
I am thinking the rides witih the g force might be the ones to avoid. Any comments, I would hate to end up in hospital as we are from canada so I am not sure how it would work.

The "G-force" rides would be the coasters--Hulk and DD. They really don't jerk you around at all. You are very securely harnessed in and the tracks are very smooth.
Originally posted by cottontail
Thanks everyone, I have to be very careful cause any dizzy part or jerking my neck around will trigger a migraine, and this could last many days,

That will definately limit your ride selections but not to worry there is still a lot you can do- I would stick to the show-type attractions such as Sinbad and Posidon in IOA. You probably should avoid Cat in the Hat, all 4 coasters, Storm Force, Dr Doom's Tower, Ripsaw Falls, and Spiderman.
Things like the CaroSeussel, 1 Fish 2 Fish, Jurassic, and Popeye's rides are pretty harmless but you have to judge them all for yourself really. there is a great interactive play area downstairs from the Burger-Digs at JP.
My guess is you will probably enjoy Universal more than IOA. There's Nick Studio tours, Lucy, Hitchcock, Beetlejuice, Horror Makeup, Barney, Wild West Stunt Show, Animal Planet, and Terminator which are all non-riding shows. There are several play areas such as Barney's park, Curious George, and a Midway style game area. Rides that don't have fast spins or hard drops include ET, Jaws, and Kong. To avoid: MIB, Back to the Future, and Woody's coaster.
Twister is a non-ride and the only movement is one small bump/drop. I take my son on that with a wheelchair with no problems at all... kinda like going down a curb.
For Hanna Barbera, the ride is a simulator which bumps and twists pretty wildly but you can request non-moving seats and in any case you can enter through the back gift shop so the kids won't miss the interactive play area.
There's lots more at both parks but that is off the top of my head (big head huh?) :D
If you are a party of four I would highly recommend making use of the "baby swap" on most of the rides. This way Your hubby can ride through with one kid and give you a judgement call before you ride with the other kid.
As I said in my last post it's always your call, but ask the ride attendants when in doubt. Both parks have great helpful employees (except the one that once missed a trash can and hit my son with an apple core then laughed it off, but we won't mention that) :rolleyes:
Thank you suzy in florida:

Can you tell me one more thing, if we are mostly going to do the first park universal, will the line ups be the same, as the ioa park or because its been around for awhile do the lines move quicker. We are toying with the idea of staying at the hrock hotel, but it is an added expense. From the sounds of it we will be in the universal park the most. But will also go to the ioa for a bit as well.

I am going to printout all this info everyone has given me on the rides for when we are down there. Thanks,

When my husband went on Jurassic last summer he must have landed wrong after the drop, but we believe that he broke a rib. He hurt for days (weeks or months, actually) and contacted a dr, but since there's nothing to do for a broken rib other than watch for complications they didn't do an x-ray. We'd done the baby swap so I wasn't on the actual ride with him, but I didn't think that the drop was anything too bad. Because of this, though, I wouldn't do the ride if I had serious neck or back problems. You can bet that he will stay away from that ride in the future.


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