Just a silly little TR - Run Away!!

At least you all are ahead of me...I haven't tried any of them :scared1: I'm looking forward to trying some new stuff now that my DD is "of age" and we can officially look at drinking our way around the world AND trying something new to eat that doesn't involve pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and generally anything that only a kid eats. (although to be honest I would love to be childish when eating a zebra dome and just shove it into my face then gross her out and take a pic just to embarrass her.)

What's wrong with hamburgers and pizza? :confused3 When we go, we order a pizza or 2 at Rainforest and share them. Plus one Volcano. You'll have to come back and share the Zebra Dome pic if you take one.

I want to try a Dole Whip (never done it before (DD doesn't like pineapple but don't ask me why that stopped me before I couldn't tell you).) AND a zebra dome and....and...and...damn there are those 5 pounds I lost again. ok I can't eat it all but may have to do some creative sharing with others :mickeybar (MINE, MINE)

If I remember correctly, they also have an orange whip. I might try this next time to. But I had to see what all the rage was about on the Dole Whip. I personally liked it, but as I stated, I love pineapple. Speaking of pineapple, Pina CoLava. Mmmmm :cloud9:
What's wrong with hamburgers and pizza? :confused3 When we go, we order a pizza or 2 at Rainforest and share them. Plus one Volcano. You'll have to come back and share the Zebra Dome pic if you take one.

If I remember correctly, they also have an orange whip. I might try
this next time to. But I had to see what all the rage was about on the Dole Whip. I personally liked it, but as I stated, I love pineapple.
Speaking of pineapple, Pina CoLava. Mmmmm :cloud9:

I love the orange whip -dare I say better than the dole whip. The orange is really tart but mixed with the vanilla ice cream it tastes like a dreamsicle. You just have to be careful eating it to make sure you have the correct ratio of orange to ice cream. :)
I hang my head in shame. I have worked at Disney for 39 3/4 years, and never had any of the aforementioned items. I don't even have a good excuse, other than I rarely go to Disney, LOL (for pleasure that it)
We haven't tried this alleged perfection thingy yet. We will this coming trip.

Whaddaya mean "alleged"?????

Mujer wasn't the word I had in mind. Around here, vieja is the word often used to refer to your wife. Viejo if a wife is referring to her husband. Returning to the couch now. :(

Ah, I just used Google to give me a translation. All I know about Spanish I learned from Speedy Gonzales. :)

Two times now you've told me I might close. Now you got me wondering if my joking around might actually be true. "Stay tuned to tonight's featured episode. Pkondz gets some surprising news." :rotfl:

Soon all will be revealed...

Who said that? Oh Hi Ponzi. I hope you're still here, its your TR after all. We were just talking about how we can make this TR sound much, I mean um, er, talking about having some wine. Would you like a glass? I'll go out and buy some more.

I'll have a glass of white, if you don't mind. :drinking1
Yes, when is the next chapter???

Soon. I was hoping I could post it tonight, but was too busy at work. Should be up tomorrow.

We still need pics and to know your name...::yes::

I thought his name with Ponzi? I can't imagine him as a John or Paul or Herbert :(

As for a picture, I have none in my mind at all for some reason. So that should be really interesting to see....

Guesses, anyone? My guess is Patrick

I just like calling him Pkondz. It reminds me of pe-khans or as southerners call them them pe-cans. ;)

I know the reveal is coming but I don't think it will stick for me. I mean if he's Mike or Steven or Larry......well to me he's still Pkondz. He's a master of witty commentary, a graphics genius, lover of zebra domes, and all around good, funny guy. ::yes::

What are you trying to do? Make me blush? Wow! Thanks for the nice compliments.

And I also have absolutely no visual image either. Just so long as Spike or Nebo the cow don't show up, I will be fine with anything! :laughing:

I'm like buzz1121---I say it in my mind as I'm reading, "pe-konz" or "ponzi" ala---Nebo fashion! I can't even imagine calling him a Frank, Carl, or Dennis.


I think his name is Paul

Gotta nip a couple of things in the bud lite here.
1. For reasons that I’d rather not get into… I can’t post any pictures of Ruby. So you’ll just have to use your imaginations there folks. Sorry, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be. Tell ya what ‘though. If we ever meet, at Disney or elsewhere, I promise that you can look at her then. Okay? If you like, pretend she’s a famous celebrity… or in the witness protection program. She’s not either one of those things, but go right ahead and think it if you like.
2. My name. Okay. Ready? You want it? How about… pkondz… or Ponzi as I was christened by saint Nebo. What? You want my real name? Ya know, I’m comfortable with those two right now, so that may be as far as it goes. Let’s just say that it’s unlikely I’ll say more than that. Sorry if that bugs some folks, but there ya go. Tell you what though. In Nebo’s TR, I offered to send a postcard to anyone who PM’d me their address. Nebo did and I did. You can ask him for the name on the return address when he and Smidgy get back. Okay? He has my permission to post it.

I figured I’d better put those two points to bed now, rather than have people keep asking and maybe feeling embarrassed, or worse, angry. Hope that’s okay with everyone. If anyone’s not happy, please PM me a self addressed stamped envelope for a full and complete refund. (Please allow 6 – 8 weeks for delivery). No refunds for not being satisfied. I pretty much guaranty you won’t be, so tough cookies! (anyone try the recipe yet? no? how ‘bout you in the back? yes you. the one wiping the crumbs out of the keyboard.)

Now the good news. If you kiddies play nice... you might see a picture or two of the rest of the pkondz family. Okay. You've been pretty good. So you should start being able to put faces to names in the next chapter.

One thing I'd like to know, though. Both Backstage_Gal and orangecats2 threw out some guesses. I'm curious as to how those guesses were made?
Gotta nip a couple of things in the bud lite here.
1. For reasons that I’d rather not get into… I can’t post any pictures of Ruby. So you’ll just have to use your imaginations there folks. Sorry, but that’s just the way it’s gotta be. Tell ya what ‘though. If we ever meet, at Disney or elsewhere, I promise that you can look at her then. Okay? If you like, pretend she’s a famous celebrity… or in the witness protection program. She’s not either one of those things, but go right ahead and think it if you like.
2. My name. Okay. Ready? You want it? How about… pkondz… or Ponzi as I was christened by saint Nebo. What? You want my real name? Ya know, I’m comfortable with those two right now, so that may be as far as it goes. Let’s just say that it’s unlikely I’ll say more than that. Sorry if that bugs some folks, but there ya go. Tell you what though. In Nebo’s TR, I offered to send a postcard to anyone who PM’d me their address. Nebo did and I did. You can ask him for the name on the return address when he and Smidgy get back. Okay? He has my permission to post it.

One thing I'd like to know, though. Both Backstage_Gal and orangecats2 threw out some guesses. I'm curious as to how those guesses were made?

Well, I, for one will be happy to always and forever know you as Ponzi. It just felt wrong to me to know your real name, LOL. And I don't for a second believe your dear wife is named Ruby, but it works for here, so all is good!
Actually, I would be good without pictures as well, you are just sort of an abstract figure to me, if that makes any sense (sort of like Riglee was for a long time).

As for name guesses, I figured it started with a P, so I google boy names with P and just picked one that I thought might fit.

So as far as I am concerned, you can be this semi-fictional family without pictures and fake names, I will still be happy.
Just coming out of lurkdom from Nebo's TRs. You guys make me laugh out loud. Hope that I can keep up with the witty repartee. Two of my favorite things have already been discussed: wine and cookies. Sounds like a good time.

Hi! Welcome to the nut house! Now you're in with the crazy kooks, there's no going back. Toss a comment or two whenever you want. The more the merrier.

I'm curious. Do you relate to Kanga or Roo more?

Shhhh. You don't see Ponzie around, do you? okay, I'll tell you the truth..... they're not that great. I was unimpressed, actually. Shhhh... that isn't him, is it. Okay, I'll distract him

Not <gasp>that<gasp>great?????<double gasp>:faint:

Are you kidding me? All right, now listen here. First of all, you have to...

Look over there -----------------------> Zebra domes!

What? Where?


(Where's that shiney thing when I need it.)

What!?!? I was actually really impressed with zebra domes when I tried them. I thought they wouldn't be as good as all the hype,,,but they were.

brace of kitties has moved to the top of my list of favorite people. Just an fyi.

Now I have to say I did NOT like school bread or the lapu lapu.
And while dole whips are ok I could do without one. [/COLOR]

I can't eat coconut so that rules out school bread. And I don't care for rum, so...

I have them down on the list to try. Tell you what I think about them when I get back. Which is still a long, long time from now.

We'll hold you to that promise!

I liked the Dole Whip. It was pretty good. Of course I love pineapple. I'll have to see if its better as a float. Still debating on trying the school bread. Not too keen on coconut. What does the Lapu Lapu have in it?

I much prefer the dole whip float to just the dole whip.

The lapu lapu was rum, rum, and more rum with a dash of pineapple juice. I don't really like the taste of alcohol so it was a waste for me.

Yeah, I'm kinda the same way.

The school bread was really king of boring. I thought it was just a glorified donut.

With coconut to boot. :sick:

I have not tried the dole whip float so that is on my list to try this year.

Sounds like the start of a good list. :thumbsup2

At least you all are ahead of me...I haven't tried any of them :scared1: I'm looking forward to trying some new stuff now that my DD is "of age" and we can officially look at drinking our way around the world AND trying something new to eat that doesn't involve pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and generally anything that only a kid eats. (although to be honest I would love to be childish when eating a zebra dome and just shove it into my face then gross her out and take a pic just to embarrass her.)

:lmao: If you do that. Please Please post the picture. Maybe you'll start a new trend to supplant the Beverly picture thread.

I want to try a Dole Whip (never done it before (DD doesn't like pineapple but don't ask me why that stopped me before I couldn't tell you).) AND a zebra dome and....and...and...damn there are those 5 pounds I lost again. ok I can't eat it all but may have to do some creative sharing with others :mickeybar (MINE, MINE)

Dana, Dana, Dana. Didn't anybody ever tell you that calories at Disney World don't count? :sad2:

What's wrong with hamburgers and pizza? :confused3 When we go, we order a pizza or 2 at Rainforest and share them. Plus one Volcano. You'll have to come back and share the Zebra Dome pic if you take one.

Absolutely. Plus I agree about pizza and burgers. Vacations are the best time for that kind of food. Yumm!

If anybody ever gets up here to Winnipeg, let me know and I'll steer you to the best pizza in Canada (according to Reader's Digest... and I agree) and the best burgers in town.

I love the orange whip -dare I say better than the dole whip. The orange is really tart but mixed with the vanilla ice cream it tastes like a dreamsicle. You just have to be careful eating it to make sure you have the correct ratio of orange to ice cream. :)

Ooohh. I never equated it to a dreamsicle. I just always gravitated to the pineapple and discounted the other flavors as poor imitations. But dreamsicles are pretty high on the icecream novelty list, so I'll have to give one a try.

Hard life, right? Poor pkondz, he had to choose between pineapple or orange whips.

Nah. I'm gonna live large and do 'em both.

I hang my head in shame. I have worked at Disney for 39 3/4 years, and never had any of the aforementioned items. I don't even have a good excuse, other than I rarely go to Disney, LOL (for pleasure that it)

For shame! For shame! You've really gotta start getting out more! :laughing:
Well, I, for one will be happy to always and forever know you as Ponzi. It just felt wrong to me to know your real name, LOL.

Funny thing is, I don't think any of my friends has called me by my real name since before high school. There's always been nicknames. Even now at work, most people refer to me by nickname since there were two of us in the office with the same first name. That's part of the reason why I'm comfortable with pkondz or ponzi (added to the nickname list).

And I don't for a second believe your dear wife is named Ruby, but it works for here, so all is good!

Check. You're calling me a liar, is that it?

I can neither confirm or deny Ruby's name as being real or a fig newton of my imagination. Next time we're in the world... well I guess you'll just have to wait 'til then. ;)

Actually, I would be good without pictures as well, you are just sort of an abstract figure to me, if that makes any sense (sort of like Riglee was for a long time).

I hear you. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

As for name guesses, I figured it started with a P, so I google boy names with P and just picked one that I thought might fit.

Cool! I'm glad you came up with a "normal" name and not something like Panyiotos... or something.

So as far as I am concerned, you can be this semi-fictional family without pictures and fake names, I will still be happy.

I can neither confirm or... oh you know the rest. :rolleyes1
I can neither confirm or... oh you know the rest. :rolleyes1

When I did a trippie a few years ago, I gave all my family fake names. Boy was that hard to keep straight! :rotfl:

I also did not post pics of my family. The internet sure has changed between then and now. ::yes::
Well, I, for one will be happy to always and forever know you as Ponzi. It just felt wrong to me to know your real name, LOL. And I don't for a second believe your dear wife is named Ruby, but it works for here, so all is good!
Actually, I would be good without pictures as well, you are just sort of an abstract figure to me, if that makes any sense (sort of like Riglee was for a long time).

As for name guesses, I figured it started with a P, so I google boy names with P and just picked one that I thought might fit.

So as far as I am concerned, you can be this semi-fictional family without pictures and fake names, I will still be happy.

I agree with Backstage Gal....I've only known you as Pkondz (pecans :rotfl2:) and I don't know if I would feel comfortable calling you or any of the others by any other name even though it may smell as sweet (took a little literary creative licensing there).

I was thinking the old Tom, Dick or Harry thing but knew that those names couldn't stand up to the personality that is Pkondz :-)worship:) LOL
dana, dana, dana. Didn't anybody ever tell you that calories at disney world don't count? :sad2:

ok well considering i'm an oversized pooh size now and with health issues i have to really try and be good. I could overlook it if disney say posted something that all calories and sugar have been baked out of their food.

absolutely. Plus i agree about pizza and burgers. Vacations are the best time for that kind of food. Yumm![/COLOR="blue"]

i've been working on moving fast food out of my diet as in the afore (there's a word you don't see much and yes if you check the dictionary it's there so :p) mentioned post. I do eat them every now and again but they are no longer a staple and luckily i don't particularly care for them much now but i'm not in any way stating that any of you should not continue to enjoy them.
In Nebo’s TR, I offered to send a postcard to anyone who PM’d me their address. Nebo did and I did. You can ask him for the name on the return address when he and Smidgy get back. Okay? He has my permission to post it.

Does anyone else remembering Ponzi offering to send them a postcard from Hawaii? :confused3 I don't remember him offering to send anyone a postcard but Nebo. I went back to Nebo's TR and found the proof. :rotfl:

Wait, hold it a second, I seem to have something in my eye,,,, I thiought you were just talking about Hawaii, as in islands way way south in the sun,,,now, the only way I know of that you can parasail there, is by actually going and being there,,,,I don't seem to remember this being talked about before, YOU going to a state that WE have never been to before.

So when is this? and for how long? Will you send me a postcard?

It came up kind've suddenly.
I said, "We can't go on any trips for a couple of years (lots of expenses recently)".
She said, "My job is sending me to Honolulu for a week. Airfare, food, hotel all paid for... wanna come?"
I said, "When I said no trips, I meant after this one."

2. Happens in April.

3. PM me your address and I'll send you a postcard.

Sounds to me like he strictly told NEBO (not anyone who wants a postcard) to send him a pm and he'll send him one.

And yes, for the record; Nebo isn't around yet so someone has to give you a hard time besides your wife and kids. Who better than your Dis friends. :rolleyes1
Whaddaya mean "alleged"?????

I haven't tried said Zebra Domes, so right now to me, their allegedly good. I can't say if they are or not until I try them.

Ah, I just used Google to give me a translation. All I know about Spanish I learned from Speedy Gonzales. :)

So then what's taking so long to post the next chapter. In the words of Speedy Gonzales "Arriba! Arriba! Ándale! Ándale!"
I hang my head in shame. I have worked at Disney for 39 3/4 years, and never had any of the aforementioned items. I don't even have a good excuse, other than I rarely go to Disney, LOL (for pleasure that it)

Well you know the only solution to that don't you?
I believe T Man is correct. Only Nebo was offered a postcard from Hawaii.
Does anyone want me to send them one from WDW when I'm there in Sept?
My real name is Carrie, which I have posted before. But O Kitty Squared is much funnier. So you could just call me kitty.
What was that you called me ponzi?

I also took the first letter P since I thought that might be your first initial.

Yes, I thought zebra domes were fantastic! I wanted to smuggle some out of Boma for later because I was too full at the time to eat very many. :rolleyes1
Yep, I'm going to do it, I'm going to enter into the fray of the fierce arena of opinions on Disney snacks.

I know I am going to completely mystify Pkondz and orange kitty, but I don't like zebra domes at all, not even slightly. But wait....put down those rocks, I don't like the taste of coffee anything, so I will gladly let you two have my share of them.

I do like dole whip floats, but not really just the plain dole whip soft serve. The pineapple juice gives it the zing it needs in my opinion.

I have tried a cream cheese pretzel once. It was about 2:30 am during an EMH at the MK and more than anything I got it so I could concentrate on staying awake and not falling off the boat like Nebo has said might happen to me being the evening EMH fan that I am. The chewing was successful in keeping me awake and the pretzel was pretty decent, but I wouldn't necessarily rush back for one.

Schoolbread, another big snack item, doesn't really do it for me. I'm okay with coconut, but I have to be in a "coconut mood". ;) DH really likes schoolbread though.

I do like just about anything caramel from Karamel Kuche. Yummy! I will literally walk the length of WS just to get something from this shop.

I also like the peach oolong tea from the "Joy of China" tea stand. It can be a tad sweet sometimes, but in the raging heat of May-September at Disney when WS literally feels like a frying pan, it is a must do for me.

I also think Disney popcorn is yummy! ::yes::

And that completes Buzz's commentary on the Disney snacks she has sampled and her reviews of said snacks. And now back to Pkondz's regular program.
Oh yeah.....Pkondz, I'm really glad you are staying Pkondz. It just wouldn't be the same and like I had already posted, I wouldn't have used the "real life" name anyway.

Pkondz suits you. ::yes::

Pkondz suits you. ::yes::

Pkondz, Ponzi, and all other variations and Ruby it shall be!

Unless Ponzi decides otherwise and reveals his name is Ernest, of course.....

BTW, I am Marita. It used to be in my signature, but I deleted it for a couple of reasons. Might be easier to type than my screen name, LOL.
When I did a trippie a few years ago, I gave all my family fake names. Boy was that hard to keep straight! :rotfl:

I also did not post pics of my family. The internet sure has changed between then and now. ::yes::

Oh I know. I used to have to get the hamster to run in the wheel to generate the 'lectricity to use it. Now I can just turn a crank.
Pkondz, Ponzi, and all other variations and Ruby it shall be!

Unless Ponzi decides otherwise and reveals his name is Ernest, of course.....

BTW, I am Marita. It used to be in my signature, but I deleted it for a couple of reasons. Might be easier to type than my screen name, LOL.

Hey, Marita, you are special and the exception to the buzz rule. I love your name and it's what I think of you as. Maybe it's because I can't figure out a suitable shortened form of "Backstage Gal", but nope, it's just because you're special......and because you have offered to share wine! ;)


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