Just the two of us - Day One & Two

Mum to Belle

<font color=royalblue>Thinks she may know someone
Jul 6, 2009
Trip Report – Just The Two Of Us

Monday 28th July 2014

Why is it that although my alarm is set ridiculously early at 3.30am I find myself wide awake at 1.30am? Despite my best relaxation techniques nothing worked and I was still awake when the alarm went off. Bleary eyed everything seemed to take longer than normal so that when the taxi arrived at 4.30am I was still upstairs sitting on the suitcase trying to get it to close! I then strained a muscle in my back lifting the case to take it downstairs! We had a smooth journey and arrived at the airport with plenty of time for breakfast before our flight.

One my contacts at work (Paul) had asked me for some tips about DLP (knowing that I’ve been once or twice before) and I was more than happy to oblige! Our conversations often veered away from VAT returns and onto dining reservations & Fastpass tickets... Imagine my surprise however, when it turned out that we had booked to go to DLP at the same time, on the same flights and staying at the same hotel! We met up with Paul & his family at the airport and the kids got chatting straight away – Isabelle was also keen to share her Disney knowledge with the boys!

The flight itself was uneventful and we arrived at Orly early, unfortunately there were no marshalling staff in sight and we then had a 10 minute wait before the plane could be “parked” (is that the right word?) and we could disembark. Isabelle was easily pacified with the free chocolate though!

Ezyshuttle were waiting for us in arrivals and whisked us off as fast as the traffic would allow to the Sequoia Lodge. Check in seemed a little haphazard and I had to request my meal reservation tickets to be printed off for me, on the upside our room was ready. We opted to head to the park first though!

We headed out towards the lake and turned right only to see that the bridge across to the Hotel New York was cordoned off and there was a digger on it. It would appear that the walk to the park would have to be via the Newport Bay Club! I’m not sure if I was more cross about the detour or about the fact that nothing had been mentioned about this when we checked in! :confused3 We made the most of it and took some photos and admired the fish in the lake on our way to the Village. After the extra long walk we were in need of a cold drink so first stop was Salon Mickey for a chocolate doughnut and avoiding any queues!

Stepping out into the park we skipped round to the Information board to check on the ride times as we had to be back at Cafe Mickey for lunch at 1.30. We decided on Pirates as the wait time was showing 5 minutes – hoorah! We noticed that the pirate wasn’t swinging, the cat in the water was missing, some of the band were missing and the girl wasn’t popping out of her barrel. Not that any of this detracted from our enjoyment - we love this ride!

As Isabelle was on a mission to try some new rides we headed over to Space Mountain (eeekkk) only to find that it was closed (shame! ;) ) so we wandered round to Star Tours which had a 70 minute wait time (not on your life!) before deciding on Casey Junior which was only 15 minutes! Then it was time for lunch.

I ordered the chicken Caesar salad and Isabelle had the cheeseburger. As with our last few visits I was disappointed with my food, my salad was drowned in dressing to the point that I had to leave the leaves (lol!) and just eat the chicken and garlic bread which was a shame. Isabelle was waving over my shoulder and it turned out that Paul & his family were sat at the table behind us. They brought over some of their birthday cake for us to share which was lovely and saved buying dessert!

We met Mickey, Chip, Dale, Pluto, Goofy & Eeyore while we were there. When I came to pay I realised that I had been given the ID Only Easy Pass and not the charge card that I had requested, fortunately I had a credit card with me, unfortunately it wouldn’t work the first time they tried it, fortunately the second time it did! Phew!

After a not-so-quick stop in the lego shop we headed back to the hotel. Our luggage was waiting in our room but sadly soap wasn’t, nor were the plastic toothbrush mugs... After a little lie down listening to Fairy Tales on the TV we got changed and then I stopped by the Golden Forest reception to mention the missing items and also to get my charge card sorted out. Then we waited for the bus back to the park. We met a couple on the bus who were going home and they very kindly gave us their VIP Fastpasses which were valid for the rest of that day! Thank you! We headed straight for Big Thunder Mountain and rode this twice before our dinner reservation at the Silver Spur Steakhouse.

Isabelle had the fish & chips and I had the prawn cocktail, steak & chips and the crème flambee! Love this restaurant and our waiter was lovely. Isabelle was quite taken with the chair backs and stroking them!

Suitably stuffed we headed over to Studios to use the VIP Fastpasses on Ratatouille!!! The line was almost a walk-on and we collected our glasses and climbed into our little ratmobile which looked a lot like Emile! I’m not a big fan of 3D glasses or glasses in general (they give me a headache) but I wasn’t going to miss out on this ride. Or was I? The ride started and it was amazing – totally exceeded anything that I had expected despite have read all the reviews & been on youtube – until it stopped! Then we sat and waited, and waited, and waired. Then the lights came on & we had to leave the ride with a Fastpass ticket to use another day which was a bit of a let down really.

We consoled ourselves with a little romp with Slinky Dog before heading over to Rock & Rollercoaster – another of Isabelle’s new rides, and for me too! I was rather nervous as I had no idea what to expect and it’s probably just as well or I wouldn’t have got on!! When it did the countdown and set off I was wondering what on earth I has let myself in for – and would Isabelle still be alive at the end...????? I managed to yell over the music “Are you ok?” and got a positive reply so I relaxed a bit, until I found myself upside down in a loop-the-loop that is!!! I was hanging on for dear life!!!!

I was feeling rather wobbly when we climbed out at the end, Isabelle’s verdict....”Awesome! Can we do it again?” Not today...

Next new experience was Armageddon which I was unsure about given the loud noises & fire, but Isabelle liked the idea of being filmed and that seemed to do the trick and got rid of any of her nerves! We came out about 9.15 just as Studios were closing and headed back to the main park.

As if it wasn’t enough that I’d hurt my back, ridden BTM twice and gone on RNRC, Isabelle now wanted to ride Space Mountain. So off we set. I was slightly less nervous now as I’d survived RNRC but this was to be false optimism, I thought I was going to be shaken to death on that ride. I could barely keep my eyes open because I was concentrating so hard on stopping my head from getting bashed around! I’d read about keeping your head pressed back into the seat but that seemed to make it worse... Yucky. Never again. We came off and Isabelle had a tummy ache and I felt like I’d been hit by a car. We sat down and didn’t move for a few minutes. Then for good measure we rode Star Tours!

Completely shattered and in some amount of pain we made our way back to the bus station and off to our beds (noting that the soap still hadn’t arrived)......

Night night, lie in tomorrow!!
Great 1st day Jenny.
I hear ya - I can never drift off or stay asleep the night before. Such a pain! You would think after all these trips we would be able to quell our excitement and nerves!
Good on you both trying the big rides. SM frightens the hell out of me! And every time I get off (holding my sore head) I wonder why I put myself in harms way!
What a coincidence! Lovely knowing theres some friendly faces about.
So excited about the next installment and hope you enjoyed your lie in :banana:
Fab first day! I've done both Space mountain and RnR this year and hated both, mainly because of the head banging!! So annoying.

Looking forward to reading more!

C x
Great first day, that vip pass must have made for a lot of rides :goodvibes
Will be earger to keep up with this as myself a dd6 will be going alone in october :cool1:
Lovely first day. I too chose the chicken caesar salad in CM and was disappointed. Your lettuce looks a little crisper than mine but the overdone, very salty dressing was dreadful.

Hope a good night's sleep took care of the aches and pains.

Looking forward to reading more. :)
Lovely start to your trip - Isabelle is looking so grown up :)

I used to love RnR and SM but I try to avoid them nowadays - my head always hurts after SM. Don't you just wish Isabelle was still 3 and asking to go on the Dumbos instead :rotfl:

What a shame you had to walk all the way past NPB to get to the village - hope it's not like that all your trip.

Thanks for the pics of the Steakhouse - that's on our list for next visit, we love Frontierland and I can't think why we've never eaten there before :confused3

Look forward to more :goodvibes
Great start to the TR! Isabelle is so brave; I haven't been on any of those big rides (though that is set to change this October :scared1:). She is looking so grown up now! Looking forward to the next part of the TR.
Great 1st day Jenny.
I hear ya - I can never drift off or stay asleep the night before. Such a pain! You would think after all these trips we would be able to quell our excitement and nerves!
Good on you both trying the big rides. SM frightens the hell out of me! And every time I get off (holding my sore head) I wonder why I put myself in harms way!
What a coincidence! Lovely knowing theres some friendly faces about.
So excited about the next installment and hope you enjoyed your lie in :banana:

I know - do you remember the WDW advert they used to show where the parents are too excited to sleep...???!! That's me! :rotfl2:

Fab first day! I've done both Space mountain and RnR this year and hated both, mainly because of the head banging!! So annoying.

Looking forward to reading more!

C x

Why anyone would ride it more than once is beyond me! I don't remember it being that bad in 2000. Or maybe it's me!

Great first day, that vip pass must have made for a lot of rides :goodvibes
Will be earger to keep up with this as myself a dd6 will be going alone in october :cool1:

Have a lovely Halloween trip with your DD! We did October last year and it was great fun!

Lovely first day. I too chose the chicken caesar salad in CM and was disappointed. Your lettuce looks a little crisper than mine but the overdone, very salty dressing was dreadful.

Hope a good night's sleep took care of the aches and pains.

Looking forward to reading more. :)

Don't be deceived by the top leaves - underneath it was drowning in dressing, I was spooning it on to the side of the bowl!!!

Following along :surfweb:

Great first day!


popcorn:::coffee: Enjoying your trip report! :)


Oh yay you've started!
Looking forward tot he next instalment pixiedust:

Not long to wait - I'm on the case...

Lovely start to your trip - Isabelle is looking so grown up :)

I used to love RnR and SM but I try to avoid them nowadays - my head always hurts after SM. Don't you just wish Isabelle was still 3 and asking to go on the Dumbos instead :rotfl:

What a shame you had to walk all the way past NPB to get to the village - hope it's not like that all your trip.

Thanks for the pics of the Steakhouse - that's on our list for next visit, we love Frontierland and I can't think why we've never eaten there before :confused3

Look forward to more :goodvibes

I know Julie - what happened to my little girl that I took back in 2009 that would ride IASW several times a day...?? (Maybe not missing that so much!)


Sadly the walk was like that for the whole trip :sad2: needless to say we got the bus a lot!

Silver Spur was lovely, definitely on the list again for next time! :thumbsup2

Great start to the TR! Isabelle is so brave; I haven't been on any of those big rides (though that is set to change this October :scared1:). She is looking so grown up now! Looking forward to the next part of the TR.

Lol! Braver than her Mum :rotfl: She won't be getting me on SM again that's for sure!
Tuesday 29th July 2014

Good morning!! :goodvibes

We had a good lie in and then I lay in the bath to try and loosen my sore & aching muscles. Then it was time for a Golden Forest Breakfast with Eeyore & Pluto.

We decided to brave the buses and finally made it in to Studios at 10.30am - we whizzed straight round to Ratatouille with our Fastpass from yesterday’s failed ride attempt. We had a slightly longer queue than the day before but no more than 10 minutes. (It was 100 minutes at one point in the normal queue! :scared1:) We climbed into our little Ratmobile and set off on our adventure! This time we made it all the way round and it was totally worth the wait! I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but I’ll just say that the experience is amazing and watch out for that champagne cork!!

When we emerged it had started to rain a bit, there were no shows on in English so we went in to the end of Art of Animation and managed to catch the first drawing lesson of the day and were taught how to draw Mickey Mouse. I loved it but Isabelle got a bit upset that her drawing wasn’t good enough and we had a mini meltdown – apologies to anyone who was in the vicinity!! To get it out of her system we went over to the Scream Monitors and she out-screamed all of the opposition!

Suitably calmed we headed over to Stitch – we must have seen this show about 10 times now but still love it!

Time for another ride on Ratatouille – I love how each ride is different with the ratmobiles taking different routes so you see different things each time, great stuff! What better to do after that than to visit Bistro Chez Remy for lunch? I would eat here again but our experience was a little mixed. For example, there was an alarm going off for several minutes which sounded like a clock chiming, somewhat annoying, especially the second time that it went off... I think it was connected to when the ride broke but I’m not 100% sure? When you arrive the first server checks you off on the computer and gives you a ticket which you take inside to the next desk. You sit & wait while they decide on your table and get someone to take you through to the restaurant. Our waitress was rather brusque, and even brought our bill and the card payment machine with our desserts. Maybe this is part of their plan to get diners through quickly, but I personally felt it was a bit rude. The food was lovely, Isabelle went for the salmon with ratatouille ravioli and the ravioli was heart shaped which she loved! I had the cod with crushed potatoes & ratatouille which was delicious! My dessert was the chocolate mousse which wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked and comes in a big sundae glass, I would have expected a smaller potion (did I really just write that???!) The theming inside is very clever and you keep spotting little details while you are there. I am planning on going back on our next trip & taking my Mum but I’ll probably choose another dessert.

Some foodie photos for you.....


After lunch we had to find Isabelle a candy apple – she had asked for one on our last trip and I said no. This trip I had agreed in advance that she could use her Euros to buy one if she wanted and she wasn’t about to let me forget it! As was the case when I had my first candy apple, it proved to be a disappointment, and the majority went in the bin!

We got the bus back to the hotel for a rest as I was still exhausted after the day before. While I lay down for a little snooze, Isabelle listened to one of the Fairy Tales and did some drawings, no chance of her sleeping...

Isabelle wanted to get changed into a new outfit that my Aunt had got her recently – and needed hair & face paint to match so we didn’t make it back into the park till about 6pm.

We managed to fit in Big Thunder Mountain (using our hotel fastpass), Pirates of the Caribbean (walk on), Casey Junior, Storybook Ride and It’s a Small World before our 7.30 reservation at King Ludwig’s in the Village. Not bad I thought?

I had been planning this trip for some time and I do like my food so I spend many hours trawling through the menus thinking about what I will choose... (sound familiar anyone?!!) This was one of those occasions when it back fires. The menu had shrunk considerably from the last one I had seen online and there was that awful moment where I just thought, “Oh.... is that it? Where’s the stroganoff? Where’s the jaffa cake sundae? Etc ...” Isabelle was quite happy as sausage & chips were on the menu as were pancakes & nutella and I found a cafe gourmand on the menu for dessert! I don’t think I would rush back though. They did give Shareholder discount which was a redeeming feature and the food was fine.

As we came to the end of our meal we could see and hear the rain, when I say rain, it would more accurately be described as a downpour, possibly even a monsoon if I were feeling dramatic! When it showed no signs of easing off we decided to start walking back, you reach a point where you can’t get any wetter don’t you?! It was at this point when we decided to start jumping in all the puddles (suitably attired in bare feet & sandals!) just to make sure there weren’t any dry patches left on our jeans. We dripped our way into the hotel and to the lifts where we dripped some more, then along the corridor, drip, drip, drip before peeling off our skinny jeans with some difficulty!

As a reward for our walk we went down to the Golden Forest for a hot chocolate or two – not that we were cold, it was still warm even in the rain – and Isabelle watched the Disney Channel in French.

A lovely end to quite a relaxed day....
Another great day Jenny and I love that you made the most of the rain!
It's a pity some of the restaurant menus are way behind on updates. We had a bit of that in May too. We did end up trying some new things though but it's a bother if you are looking forward to something in particular.
Looking forward to day 3 :yay:
Lovely pics; enjoying reading your TR...!

I think we are def going to book Chez Remy based on your review - the food looks lovely!
Great update of. Love the pics inside Chez Remy - that's on our must do list too :thumbsup2

Look forward to more popcorn::


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