Kelly&Adrian 09/22/10- SBP/The Attic/HDDR/UK - Nominated for Best Dressed Attendants!

So I am seriously stressing about the budget....I am hoping I don't have to cut anything but until the other day I had never added up the "little extras" - they come to almost $5000! GASP! Here it is in a nutshell:

Wedding costs:
Wedding $5,750
Flowers $1,000 (guess)
Dessert Party $2,000 (guess)
Confetti Cannon $500
Cake Upgrade $175
MK Photo Shoot $1,100
Total: $10,525 (I have paid $750 so that means $9,775 owing)

Videography $215 (This is the balance owing)
Flights $1,000
Dining $1,606
Park Tickets (MIL/FIL) $603
Hair/Makeup $310 (This is the balance owing)
Officiant $200
Veil and crinoline $250
Jewelery $50
Dress Steaming/Tux $250
HDDR $260
Total: $4,744

Needless to say the "little extras" aren't so little....ugh. I am just hoping I can actually fit this all in...I really don't want to have to cut anything now - I have kind of mentally commited to it being this way at this point...

Have I missed anything here? Am I going to shock myself by all of a sudden having something else come up? Sigh...I guess the worst case scenario is that I end up mildly in debt for my dream wedding...which I am willing to do because I can always pay it off - whereas I can't "re-do" this wedding.
K - so i posted yesterday's budget woes in a moment of sheer panic...which I think we all have....technically I have most of the money for the wedding saved already - I think to clarify what scares me is how MUCH all of the "little things" add up to!

I'm not going to "go broke" for the wedding, or pay for it all on credit cards :rotfl:...but I think i always knew at some point i would add it all up and panic a bit...that's kind of what happened this week, that's all...

Thanks for reading - it helps my stress level immensely in moments like the one I had yesterday to just get it out there - especially knowing that many of you have been through this same process!
SPOILER ALERT - for those of you attending the wedding you may not want to read this, as it is the ceremony I am submitting to Reverand may ruin it for you to read it ahead....

Although that being said I have read it many times and it hasn't ruined it for me :)

To the family and friends of Kelly and Adrian, I welcome you here today on this most joyous occasion in order that you may share with them the pledging of their everlasting love and commitment to each other….their wedding day.

They particularly wanted to invite you here because the growth of their love is connected to this place. It has given them a feeling of timelessness and peace, and a sense of the wonder of life.

Presentation of the Bride and Groom

Main Body
The mood of this wedding is one of joy, festivity, and well being. You are here to celebrate your wonderful good fortune and the inevitability of it all, how wonderful it is that you two found each other and how delightful it feels to love one another as much as you do.

Love really is something over which we have no control. We can need it, wish for it, long for it, but all on our own, we cannot insist it into being. Therefore when love finds us, when the person we simply cannot live without crosses our path, it is truly a gift, and the wedding that celebrates this star-fated match is indeed the happiest of occasions.

Love is a miraculous gift and a wedding a celebration of that magic, and that is what we are here for today. We are gathered together, family and friends, to be overjoyed for and with Kelly and Adrian, who are so wonderfully suited to one another, that is pure delight for the rest of us to see just how happy two people can be.

A good marriage is dependant upon many factors, but the first prerequisite is a strong bond of love, friendship, and respect for one another. Your love will grow deeper with the passing of each day, but the genuine liking of each other, the willingness to accept each other’s strong and weak points with understanding and respect will be a very important part of this union.

Reading: Marven Blenus – Groom’s father
The Art of Marriage by Wilferd A. Peterson
A good marriage must be created.
In marriage the little things are the big things.

It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day.

It is never going to sleep angry.
It is at no time taking the other for granted;
the courtship should not end with the honeymoon.
It should continue through all the years.

It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives.
It is standing together facing the world.
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family.
It is doing things for each other,
not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice,
but in the spirit of joy.

It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating
gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is not expecting the husband to wear a halo
or the wife to have wings of an angel.
It is not looking for perfection in each other.

It is cultivating flexibility, patience,
understanding and a sense of humor.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.

It is finding room for the things of the spirit.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is establishing a relationship in which the independence is equal,
dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.
It is not only marrying the right partner,
it is being the right partner.

And so it is, the two of you, Kelly and Adrian, have come here today with your family and friends, the people you most cherish, to signify your desire to be united in marriage.

I ask that you face each other and join hands:

Adrian, please repeat after me:
“From this day on, I Adrian, choose you, Kelly, to be my wife. To live with you and laugh with you, to stand by your side and to support you in all that you strive to be. To always listen to you, to labor with you, and to encourage you. To bring out the best in you always, and for you, to be the most that I can.”

Do you Adrian, promise to always love, hold, and adore Kelly, in good times and in bad. To enjoy her, console her, delight her and astound her. To work together to build your love, to speak openly and honestly, and to maintain the respect and trust that has grown between you. To give thanks to her always, and to die with this love that you have for her?

Adrian: I do

Kelly please repeat after me:
“From this day on, I Kelly, choose you, Adrian, to be my husband. To live with you and laugh with you, to stand by your side and to support you in all that you strive to be. To always listen to you, to labor with you, and to encourage you. To bring out the best in you always, and for you, to be the most that I can.”

Do you Kelly, promise to always love, hold, and adore Adrian, in good times and in bad. To enjoy him, console him, delight him and astound him. To work together to build your love, to speak openly and honestly, and to maintain the respect and trust that has grown between you. To give thanks to him always, and to die with this love that you have for him?

Kelly: I do.

Exchange of Rings
“May I have the rings please?”
The wedding ring is an unbroken circle which symbolizes unending and everlasting love, and is a visible symbol which represents your inner commitment to one another. May your lives together, Kelly and Adrian, be blessed with everlasting happiness.

Adrian, will you place this ring on Kelly’s finger and repeat after me:

“This ring is my precious gift to you as a sign that from this day forward, your every breath shall be surrounded with my love. With this ring, I thee wed.”

Kelly, will you place this ring on Adrian’s finger and repeat after me:

“This ring is my precious gift to you as a sign that from this day forward, your every breath shall be surrounded with my love. With this ring, I thee wed.”

Sand Ceremony
Love is the eternal force of life. Love is the force that allows us to face fear and uncertainty with courage. But although you will be sharing one life, never forget that you are two separate people. Cherish and affirm your differences. Love each other. Keep your commitment primary. Together you will laugh and cry, be sick and well, be happy and angry, share and grow. Grow sometimes together, sometimes separately. To symbolize the importance of the individuals within the marriage and the joining of two live into one entity, 2 colors of sand will now be layered together. This symbolizes that the marriage is based on the strength of the individuals.
(Groom pours some of his sand in, followed by bride pouring about the same amount)
And now we combine the colors, which symbolizes two lives joined as one together forever. May your lives together be longer than the time it would take to separate these individual grains of sand.
Play music (A whole new world), Bride and Groom put sand into large vase so that the colors combine until their jars are empty.

Kelly and Adrian go into the world and fulfill your lives. Hold fast to your ideals, and give to one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another so that you may grow. May the love that you have for one another, now sealed in marriage, continue to deepen and flourish so that your lives together may be a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration.

Adrian, you may kiss your beautiful wife.

Family and friends, it is with great pleasure I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Blenus.
We all have those moments of panick, it's ok! Just remember to breathe...and only you and two know what's best and what you can afford and that's all that matters :) When you add the numbers up like that, they do look big! It helped me to have a spreadsheet of what we were saving on when things were due. I'm a spreadsheet girl :)

Love the ceremony!!!
Your ceremony is going to be so beautiful! That is great you have it all written out now!

I understand stress about the budget! I stressed about mine a lot. Like you, I had the money as well, but seeing it all add up like that was scary. I ended up going $5000 my scary amount :rotfl: Whatever makes you happy, without going into debt!
We all have those moments of panick, it's ok! Just remember to breathe...and only you and two know what's best and what you can afford and that's all that matters :) When you add the numbers up like that, they do look big! It helped me to have a spreadsheet of what we were saving on when things were due. I'm a spreadsheet girl :)

Love the ceremony!!!

Thanks for the support! And I chuckled out loud a bit about the spreadsheets....I work in an environment that excel knowledge is kind of an asset - however I managed to avoid learning how to input even the most basic of formulas until I joined DVC and started planning this I'm pretty much an expert :rotfl: I have a spreadsheet for budget, one to track DVC points, one for guest list/addresses/rsvp info, and one for dining. I am just slightly OCD methinks!

Your ceremony is going to be so beautiful! That is great you have it all written out now!

I understand stress about the budget! I stressed about mine a lot. Like you, I had the money as well, but seeing it all add up like that was scary. I ended up going $5000 my scary amount :rotfl: Whatever makes you happy, without going into debt!

I LOVE the ceremony - I basically just put together a bunch of the samples that Reverand Day sent me, as well as adding in a few custom pieces of our own...It is very representative of the type of people we are and the relationship that we have, which is what I was hoping I would get to!

It really does help to know I'm not the first person to go through this budget stuff too...and I really DO think I am making the right decisions for us!
Today is the big day - I got ALL of the ADRs that I wanted - including 25 seats (level 1) at HDDR!!! YAY - so excited!!

I also got the email from Amy letting me know the DP is booked - so it's all coming together! Now I'm just waiting for the menus (although being the control freak that I am I basically know exactly what I want....)

Now I just have to figure out what the heck I want to do with my sister thinks that a tiara is over-kill and although until this weekend I was convinced on the tiara now she's got me doubting myself...but I also am past my return date so am stuck with it now anyways, so may as well make the most of it and just wear it! I'll look around for some inspiration pics this week and get them all in order so I can try to get it narrowed down...I have lots of time!'s so pretty you have to wear it! (For the record I'm not the sister who thinks it's overkill:wave2:) Love you guys!!

Trying to keep this as up to date as possible - I changed my cake flavor today...I know it's a very minor change....but this is the place for that, right? I am going for the Almond Cake with Amaretto Filling for the bottom, and sticking with the chocolate with peanut butter cup filling for the top.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm - I wish I could do a cake tasting....
Trying to keep this as up to date as possible - I changed my cake flavor today...I know it's a very minor change....but this is the place for that, right? I am going for the Almond Cake with Amaretto Filling for the bottom, and sticking with the chocolate with peanut butter cup filling for the top.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm - I wish I could do a cake tasting....

Your cake flavours sound sooooo good! I kind of regret not switching to something more unique...I'm sure they are going to taste fab!
Dessert Party!!
So as previously posted I originally wanted the following for my DP:
-mini napoleons, macaroons, key lime tarts, and cream horns
-Chocolate and White chocolate fondue with all of the normal dippers PLUS the cheesecake lollipops
-Chocolate covered strawberries (maybe)
-Coffees and hot chocolate

I got the info below from Amy today....I think what I will do is modify Menu #3 to include cheesecake lollipops, or the caramelized white chocolate cheesecake from Menu #2, add on cream horns (if they can even do that), and try to change the "pastries" to key lime/pecan tarts...I emailed Amy to see what can be done, as my PP budget is somewhere between the $30 and $40 mark....

Here are the updated menu selections for the Sago Cay DP:

Menu One
Assorted Friandise to include macaroons, pecan brittle, truffles & pate de fruit
Chocolate - Passion Fruit mousse
Strawberry - Champagne verrine
Marshmallow-Brownie s'mores with artisan chocolate
Coffees with Whipped Cream, Shaved Chocolate, Cinnamon Sticks,
Orange Peel and Flavored Coffee Syrups
$50.00++ per Guests
Add-on: Gianduja Gelato with Amaretto $5.50++
Price based on up to1 hours of service
Maximum of 200 Guests

Menu Two
Gianduja - Chocolate Mousse
Raspberry Panna Cotta Verrines
Caramelized White Chocolate Cheese Cake
Coffees with Whipped Cream, Shaved Chocolate, Cinnamon Sticks,
Orange Peel and Flavored Coffee Syrups
$40.00++ per Guest
Add-on: Lemon - Basil Sorbet with a Premium Vodka Splash $5.50++
Price based on up to 1 hours of service
Maximum of 200 Guests

Menu Three - My Favorite of the 3!
Assorted mini Pastries
White and Dark Chocolate Fondue with Items to Dip, including:
Angel Food Cake, Fresh Fruits and Berries, Marshmallows, Graham Crackers,
And Pretzels
Coffees with Whipped Cream, Shaved Chocolate, Cinnamon Sticks,
Orange Peel and Flavored Coffee Syrups
$30.00++ per Guest
Add-on: Raspberry Sorbet with Champagne Foam $5.50++
I have my appointment booked with Rosie for next week for my floral and event planning :) YAY! That's really the last thing that needs to be planned....I can't wait!

6 months seems so far away some days, but seems frighteningly close others....time is FLYING by!
Oh, I would def pick menu 3! White and dark chocolates are only the best kind! And the add on sounds heavenly! When I was going to do an actual "dessert" party, I was thinking about that one as well. That way, it isn't all so sweet (like the fruits and pretzels are good for people that don't really have a sweet tooth). That is just my opinion though...they all look tasty!

Can I just say how much I LOVE your rings?!! Holy smokes! They are TOOOOOO sweet!

Also loved your story of you guys meeting (how nova scotian, and my boyfriend is also an avid WoW player!!), and your newsletters and dress!

Totally in awe of your awesome Disney wedding plans. :worship:

I saw CRT in your ADRs. Have you done that before? It is totally worth it (I see you're on DDP anyway). My daughter and I went for a CRT lunch last year as a mummy-daughter thing after her Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique appointment. I got the booking at 8am on the 120th day before the lunch and it was the last table left. It is really super-nice and you'll just LOVE it.
APs arrived!!
We got our APs today!!! Holy every one of these "silly milestones" just gets me more and more excited about this whole shebang....I can't believe how close it's getting!

Dessert Party Update
Also Amy replied to my dessert party menu choices, and we came to a great compromise...we're doing menu#3, which is the dark/white chocolate fondue menu, but instead of "assorted pastries" we are going to get cream horns, pecan tarts, and mini cheesecakes...although they aren't the cheesecake lollipops I originally wanted, I can improvise, as long as I have cheesecake to dip in my chocolate fondue I am a happy lady!!!

Can I just say how much I LOVE your rings?!! Holy smokes! They are TOOOOOO sweet!

Also loved your story of you guys meeting (how nova scotian, and my boyfriend is also an avid WoW player!!), and your newsletters and dress!

Totally in awe of your awesome Disney wedding plans. :worship:

I saw CRT in your ADRs. Have you done that before? It is totally worth it (I see you're on DDP anyway). My daughter and I went for a CRT lunch last year as a mummy-daughter thing after her Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique appointment. I got the booking at 8am on the 120th day before the lunch and it was the last table left. It is really super-nice and you'll just LOVE it.

Thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed my plans :) I can't wait to do CRT btw, it's funny because at one point Adrian said he wants to try Artist's Point on our honeymoon, and since it's the only time he has ever asked to choose a restaurant I said "Sure but you have to decide whether we cancel CRT or Narcossee' replace it with Artist's Point" He replied with "Cancel eating at the castle??? Are you crazy??? Cancel the other one....we can go there some other time - but we ARE eating at the castle!" It was great...
Veil and Crinoline
I took the plunge and ordered a veil and crinoline on ebay last night....the bridal shop was going to charge $250 for both items, which I thought was I looked on ebay, found almost the exact same veil as well as a full A-Line crinoline and just took the plunge! I hope they are both decent - the sellers on both items seemed very reputable, so we'll see! Now I just have to cross my fingers till they arrive...

Honeymoon ADRs (Deluxe Dining Plan days)
My 180 day for my honeymoon ADRs is April 3....I can't wait - it's when a lot of the signature dining gets booked! We changed it around slightly to the following:
Sept 30 (lunch) - The Plaza Restaurant
Sept 30 (dinner) - Artist's Point
Oct 1 (breakfast) - CRT
Oct 1 (dinner) - Jiko
Oct 2 (breakfast) - Kona
Oct 2 (dinner) - California Grill

What a great way to end an epic adventure!


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