Kelly J (posts Welcome)

<font color=red><b>I DON'T THINK SO SCOOTER!</b><b
May 15, 2001
Well Today Is a new day! I am ready to get back on track!! Yesterday I did ok but I know today I will do better!!

We went o darren's school scate night last night and boy am I sore today!! Guess that means I did some exercise!

I hope to start walking again today if the weather holds up!I love to walk outside but I do have a treadmill for back up!!

Well I am off to pack my healthy lunch
hi kelly, and welcome to wish journaling :wave:

good luck on your healthy living journey :bounce:
I just got off the sale and my start weight is 178.4.. I guess I have been doing better thank I thought!! Well My small goal for today is to not pick so much throgh out the day and to wlk on my tredmill for a mile..
Welcome to the WISH Journal board, Kelly!!

You look like you're doing just fine so far! Make sure you post it ALL in your journal - the good stuff that's going well and the areas that aren't going well. This is YOUR journal, so be honest, OK?

Your goals for today look great! Less snacking and more walking are a great combination!!

I hope you have a great Wednesday! :sunny:
Welcome to journaling Kelly! You will find a lot of support, motivation, and inspiration from the people who post here.

Have a great Wednesday!

:( :( :(

Well today was not my best day! I had a soft serve ice cream for snack because our local place opened and then we were out so I had KFC for dinner.. I know that I could have done worse if I had a hard ice cream and a sunday from friendly's so I am tring to be positive!!

I still have not walked on my tredmill because me knee has been sore. I think the weather might be nice so maybe I will go for a walk out side!!
tomorrow is a new day!!!
Ok. today is the first day of the mothers day challange and my weight is 178.4.. I don't know how it stayed the same after a weekend of eating out...BUT HERE I GO!!!!!
good luck on the mother's day challenge :bounce:

hope your knee is feeling better and that you get a chance to walk outside :sunny:
Kelly, cut yourself a little slack! It sounds like you at least made better choices that you might have before WISH. Now that you've got the Mother's Day Challenge to help you stay motivated, maybe you'll soon be passing up the ice cream and going for more veggies!! ::yes::

I hope your knee is feeling better soon! The weather is starting to turn warmer and walking outside this time of year can feel so refreshing! Sometimes getting started is tough, but once I'm out there I always feel so much better! :sunny:
Well today was my first day back on the treadmill and we are getting ready to go out and walk again...

So I walked a mile this morning and now I will walk atleast another mile on the bike path!!

thank you everyine for the positive encourment


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