Kicked off the SWA flight.... Today Show story


I married in to a Disney crazy family... now I hav
Jun 1, 2004
Did anyone else see the guest on the Today Show last Friday? A 23 year old gal was asked to take a later flight for her dress. You can read the article and see a picture of the outfit here.

Now, I right away was bothered that SW asked her to do so, though I wouldn't want to see my own daughter in that outfit. Matt Lauer had her stand up and show the camera...... ok fine..... then when she went to sit down, NBC had to blur out her crotch area because you could see straight up her skirt!!! My opinion changed...... maybe not ask her to leave the plane, but at least cover up a bit, which is the compromise they agreed to so she could fly. Her attorney commented that they "may" sue over this..... I say get over it and move on, young lady.

My dad always dressed up to fly and taught me to do the same. I have laxed a bit by wearing shorts and a polo, but you can see up my shorts.....

Anyone else see this?

Yeah, I saw it. Although I luv SWA, in this case they were way out of line! There's no dress code on Southwest and she looked like your typical 18 -24 year old college student. The FA could have discreetly given her a blanket, instead of making a scene. JMHO
Seeing as she couldn't sit without showing off her crotch I'm ok with them booting her off the plane. There's a time and place for sexy clothing and an airplane isn't it. Is it just me though, she's only 23 and she really looks "rode hard and put away wet" doesn't she?
I love to watch Airline in A&E. I can tell by that show that SW isn't playing. They boot people off for having a drink. So I am far from surprised she got booted. Too bad at 23 she doesn't have any sense.
It is clear that some Americans have become too sex crazy that they see something dirty when there is nothing of the sort. The Southwest flight attendant was way out-of-line, and his actions were arguably anti-woman. I hope he is firmly disciplined and Southwest deploys some significant sensitivity training. It is clearly much needed.

(I wonder how the flight attendant would respond to seeing the Boston Ballet. :rolleyes: )
I love how she was embarrased on the flight due to the situation, yet she has no problem going on national TV to tell her story.

Gosh... I hope she was wearing underwear with that outfit!
It is clear that some Americans have become too sex crazy that they see something dirty when there is nothing of the sort. The Southwest flight attendant was way out-of-line, and his actions were arguably anti-woman. I hope he is firmly disciplined and Southwest deploys some significant sensitivity training. It is clearly much needed.

(I wonder how the flight attendant would respond to seeing the Boston Ballet. :rolleyes: )

Not a case of someone finding something 'dirty' when there was no reason. The young lady had clothing on that barely covered her. Did SW react appropriately? No, I don't think so. They could have just given her a blanket and quietly asked her to cover her lap.
The Boston Ballet comment? Please. When you go to the ballet, I'm assuming you know what you are going to see. When I fly, I don't want to be subjected to crotch shots next to me. I also don't want to sit next to someone who had a garlic pizza the night before or someone who has not bathed in 3 days. It's just common courtesy to consider those around you and act accordingly.
No one has provided any evidence that she wasn't fully covered. What's next? Declare gynamstics obscene because they don't wear skirts at all? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but with respect, what we're seeing is typical, American, over-reaction driven by a societal lack of maturity with regard to the human body.
According to a couple of posters on flyertalk the young lady wasn't wearing any underpants, she had her skirt much higher then what we're seeing now and a number of passengers complained about the "view." Supposedly SW employees first asked her to change.

There isn't anything objectionable in the what we're seeing. I wasn't there so I don't know if a SW employees was being a "prude" or if the outfit, as worn was over the line.

edited to say Bicker I only have anecdotal comments, which isn't evidence. I don't blame SW for saying something if she was exposing her naked crotch but otherwise think they over-reacted.
For the today show, she had pulled DOWN her skirt and had Pulled UP her top. I have no issues with them asking her to change, and when she could not change, they asked her to Pull UP her shirt and pull down the skirt.

Anti-woman... please... it's called being respectfull to those around you.

BTW did anyone catch if she was a natural blonde? :rolleyes1
Is it just me though, she's only 23 and she really looks "rode hard and put away wet" doesn't she?

Haha, sorry that just amused me. :rotfl2:

Didn't see the story, but there is a time and place for everything, and and airplane is the the place fara short short skirt with no panties.
Seeing as she couldn't sit without showing off her crotch I'm ok with them booting her off the plane. There's a time and place for sexy clothing and an airplane isn't it. Is it just me though, she's only 23 and she really looks "rode hard and put away wet" doesn't she?

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
My goodness, what has this country turned into, thrown off a flight because she has a good looking body and has the courage to show it off?? lets just start the crusades all other again..
According to a couple of posters on flyertalk the young lady wasn't wearing any underpants, she had her skirt much higher then what we're seeing now and a number of passengers complained about the "view."
And I'm sure some folks are having a big laugh about having started those rumors. It is very telling that Southwest didn't defend their flight attendant's actions with such assertions. Generally, when people have to stand behind what they say, they are more likely to restrict their accusations to the truth.
Before voicing my opinion I respect everyones opinions and we all have

I am one of the people that after seeing airline on A&E would never fly SW because of the judgemental reasons they kick people off flights. I would rather pay more for a flight.

If someone is offended by someone elsefor any reason, but no threat to the safety of passengers, I don't understand why they don't give the person who is offended choices like they can be sure to sit them in another area so they don't see it or take the next flight themselves if they are that offended. There will always be someone who doesn't judge who wouldn't mind sitting next to them.

To me dress and some of the other things I saw on the show are matters of opinion and as we see here everyone's opinion differs. I worry that the next thing will be someone complaining that you were too offensive looking to be on the same plane as them. Would it be ok for SW to ask that person to put a bag over their head or take the next flight when someone might not complain. lol

I just don't get why a few peoples opinions would effect the destiny of one person who paid for their ticket just like every one else. Honestly, I would not have had a problem with my own son sitting next to this girl. If she feels comfortable wearing that outfit all the more power too. Heck when we get to our resort their will be women in much less at the pool and water parks. Better yet what about the men in the speedos at the pool. My opinion on the speedo is Ewww but I wouldn't go asking the life guard to ask them to change or not swim for the day. I just wouldn't look their way if it offended me. Everyone is different and our views on things are different why should we have to change our plans because someones view is not like our own why not just give the offended person choices to make them more comfortable? That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Bicker I agree with you completely.
Is it just me though, she's only 23 and she really looks "rode hard and put away wet" doesn't she?

:rotfl2: Yep. Like we used to say in high school - good from far, but far from good. I was blown away when Matt Lauer said "and your mother is here with you today..." because I thought she was easily in her late thirties. And even at 23, why do you need your mommie there to defend your outfit?

The best point made in the interview was when Matt asked, "If it was such an embarassing and traumatic experience, why did you get on the flight back to San Diego wearing the same outfit?" Supposedly there wasn't enough time to change before her return flight, which brings up another question - Who flies from CA to TX and back to see a doctor? And what kind of doctor was it? Based on that skirt she was wearing, I'd guess an OB/GYN. ;)
No one has provided any evidence that she wasn't fully covered. What's next? Declare gynamstics obscene because they don't wear skirts at all? :rolleyes:

Sorry, but with respect, what we're seeing is typical, American, over-reaction driven by a societal lack of maturity with regard to the human body.

Just because something is happening regularly does not make it okay for the masses. It is so NOT a societal lack of maturity with regard to the human body. In some cultures this may be fine. Normally, in our culture, this is considered to be too revealing. I am not a prude, far from it. I think SW handled it badly. If there was an issue then the FA should have handled it quietly, as I posted before. But, there seems to be prevailing mentality now that everyone deserves their own 15 mins of fame. I would think my dd, either one of them, would be mortified if someone had asked them to cover their lap area. I just can't imagine them going on television, with me in tow, to broadcast it. Me? I would have told my dd that she should dress more appropriatly out in public. Again...common courtesy. But, then again, I think uniforms in schools is a good idea!! And the crack about gymnastics? Again...please. Let's leave ice skating, cheerleading, gymnastics..whatever..out of this discussion. I wouldn't expect a gymnast to fly wearing his/her gymnastics outfit.

My goodness, what has this country turned into, thrown off a flight because she has a good looking body and has the courage to show it off?? lets just start the crusades all other again..
Man, that's pretty chauvanistic don't you think? What would you think if this young lady had been 75 lbs overweight? With a skin condition? Would that have been okay? Or is it just those who fit the mold of 'pretty' or 'good looking bodies' that you want to see uncovered?? It doesn't take courage to appear in public in extremely revealing clothing. It takes bad judgement. But, I'm sure that others will differ in their opinions. This is America...we don't shoot others because they have different opinions.
bicker said:
And I'm sure some folks are having a big laugh about having started those rumors.
I disagree that the flyertalk posts are rumors. Here are two statements from Southwest about the incident:
“We don't have a problem with it if she's covered up in all the right spots.” And "Southwest Airlines was responding to a concern about Ms. Ebbert's revealing attire on the flight that day. As a compromise, we asked her to adjust her clothing to be less revealing, she complied, and she traveled as scheduled. When a concern is brought to our Employees' attention,”

angwill said:
If someone is offended by someone elsefor any reason, but no threat to the safety of passengers, I don't understand why they don't give the person who is offended choices like they can be sure to sit them in another area so they don't see
I wasn’t there so I don’t know, but it appears that anybody walking by Ms. Ebbert toward the rear of the plane would have been exposed to the view. The way it sounds, your son sitting next to her might have seen a bit of cleavage, if that. Passengers walking down the aisle would have seen what was blurred-out on the Today Show.

goofy4tink said:
I think SW handled it badly. If there was an issue then the FA should have handled it quietly, as I posted before.
I disagree that SW handled it badly. Badly would have been to get on the PA system and announce “Attention please. Would the flooz – I mean, would the passenger in seat 23 D please step off the plane for a discussion about her attire?” Instead, it appears that, after complaints from other passengers, one Flight Attendant walked up to this passenger and asked her to accompany him off the plane. Since she was off the plane, in the jetway, I’m not sure how she knew that the planeload of passengers heard anything.

goofy4tink said:
Man, that's pretty chauvanistic don't you think? What would you think if this young lady had been 75 lbs overweight? With a skin condition? Would that have been okay? Or is it just those who fit the mold of 'pretty' or 'good looking bodies' that you want to see uncovered??
note to self: find form-fitting, low-cut, high-exposure clothing prior to non-SW flight next week…
I disagree that SW handled it badly. Badly would have been to get on the PA system and announce “Attention please. Would the flooz – I mean, would the passenger in seat 23 D please step off the plane for a discussion about her attire?” Instead, it appears that, after complaints from other passengers, one Flight Attendant walked up to this passenger and asked her to accompany him off the plane. Since she was off the plane, in the jetway, I’m not sure how she knew that the planeload of passengers heard anything.

I believe she was in seat 23 Double D :rolleyes1

And the today show is up on youtube, and you can clearly see her underwear.


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