Kicked off the SWA flight.... Today Show story

You think that's why they apologized?
Yet, indeed. Southwest Airlines realized that they were wrong. It is just like a lot of things this week. Cooler heads prevailed, and remediation was effected now that the issue was no so much in the public eye.
Ahh... but they apologized to her privately before she decided to go public. The second apology was purely for SWA's benefit. Hopefully Kyla can get on with her life now... by the way, the second apology came in the middle of the public eye (caused by the skirted one.) As far as this young woman goes, no news is good news.

Hope you enjoyed your vacation!

Yet, indeed. Southwest Airlines realized that they were wrong. It is just like a lot of things this week. Cooler heads prevailed, and remediation was effected now that the issue was no so much in the public eye.
I hope her 'nationwide sympathy tour' is finally over; she's a pretty sorry human being hoping for a Powerball-sized jackpot from our legal system.
Yes, I agree that public pressure did force Southwest's hand a bit. Good thing, AFAIC, that if they were going to allow public pressure to push them, that it pushed them to do the right thing this time.


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