Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes - Part 6

Well..I finally have something to post... Anyway, I finally finished this two Valentine Day stripwork jumper. One is for my dd, and the other one is for one of her little friends...I am unsure yet which one I will keep and which one I will give away. They are very similar and too similar, I think but I wanted to work with the fabric that I already bought.

I am thinking of making the portrait peasant top to wear you think a pink top, a red top or a white top will work the best?

Here's the first one...

and the second one...
hmmm! i am thinking a green top underneath J/k i would say white also.
they are adorable i have that material also i may just case you ;)

Okay what happened to my multi-quotes..arghhhhhhhh:headache:
Crocheted blankets give me the willys. They Creak!!!!! oooohhhh!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{shiver}}}}}}}}}}}} I can barely wash them without going into a fit, similar to my fear of styrofoam......

Ahhhh.....I feel safe sharing my secret here then. People think I'm nuts but I can't stand the feel of cotton balls!! :eek: If I open up a new medicine bottle I have to make dh get the cotton out. The feel of it totally makes my skin crawl. :scared1:
Linda...I love the picture of Courtney and her dad. That is so sweet. All of your customs look did a great job!!
Well..I finally have something to post... Anyway, I finally finished this two Valentine Day stripwork jumper. One is for my dd, and the other one is for one of her little friends...I am unsure yet which one I will keep and which one I will give away. They are very similar and too similar, I think but I wanted to work with the fabric that I already bought.

I am thinking of making the portrait peasant top to wear you think a pink top, a red top or a white top will work the best?

Here's the first one...

and the second one...

Simply ADORABLE! If you were eorried they looked too similar - you could always make peasant tops in two different colors to mix it up a bit.
Well..I finally have something to post... Anyway, I finally finished this two Valentine Day stripwork jumper. One is for my dd, and the other one is for one of her little friends...I am unsure yet which one I will keep and which one I will give away. They are very similar and too similar, I think but I wanted to work with the fabric that I already bought.

I am thinking of making the portrait peasant top to wear you think a pink top, a red top or a white top will work the best?

I love this jumper! You did an amazing job!!
I NEED that know, the one with the vertical stiped fabric and the buttoned sundress top. I'm NEEDING to get my sewing groove back on! I do NOT know what happened to my motivation :confused3

UtahMama's Pre-Vacation Sewing Groove.

WHERE'd it go? HELLLLOOO? I am excited about the Disney quilt, though. That is coming along fabulously...thanks to y'all!

Misty (Spongie) mad my dd3, Norah, the CUTEST dress! It's similar to the Valentine's dress posted above and is the same pattern I mentioned above THAT I WANT super badly.
I love the pettiskirt outfit on JoJo. It would be perfect for the 4th of July. I guess Anastasia's loss is Josephine's gain. I'm sorry she is outgrowing the boutique look: you really have mastered it.

I must say I am going to make a new hannah montana and she wants that outfit, so maybe it is just the theme. but of course hannah montana is everywhere!
I'm not in the market for a new machine though I must say the Embroidery machines have me entrigued. I don't think I'd use one enough having only boys to warrant the cost. That being said have you looked at Overstock dot com for sew machines. They have a decent variety and the prices seem very good. Just a thought for any of you looking. We've had very good luck buying things from Overstock in the past.
I've never thought of for a sewing machine. Great idea! I ordered my barstools from them and they're FABULOUS!

:rotfl2: Share more! It makes the rest of us feel normal. ;)
Just kidding!
I have my weird quirks.
Like my fear of sponges. :scared:

They're beautiful! Great job! Your daughter's friend is very lucky!
So, does Spongie scare you a little? ;)

I started to get excited about your video being on Youtube, but then I realized I would be in it too! :scared1:
I'm trying to figure out how to get the video on there. I wanted to edit it with Window's movie maker. But, apparently, the type of file on the dvd isn't compatible with it.

Crocheted blankets give me the willys. They Creak!!!!! oooohhhh!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{shiver}}}}}}}}}}}} I can barely wash them without going into a fit, similar to my fear of styrofoam......

EEk! I know what you mean! Wet crocheted blankets are awful! I was going to talk about your fear of styrofoam, but you went ahead and outed yourself. I can't stand to eat out of styrofoam, either.

Hey, who had the Scrappy dog in the snow? I just remembered looking at him before our internet went out. He was so cute! My son walked by and asked when I took that picture of Scrappy. I told him to look closer and he realized it was not our dog. I think your dog needs a sweater though!
I don't remember who's dog it was, but it's name was Sophie, I believe! I actually thought it was Scrappy in the snow at first, too!

Ahhhh.....I feel safe sharing my secret here then. People think I'm nuts but I can't stand the feel of cotton balls!! :eek: If I open up a new medicine bottle I have to make dh get the cotton out. The feel of it totally makes my skin crawl. :scared1:
I feel for you! At least you don't have a fear of the sound of brushing your teeth, like my brother does. Seriously, he does. EW!

I NEED that know, the one with the vertical stiped fabric and the buttoned sundress top. I'm NEEDING to get my sewing groove back on! I do NOT know what happened to my motivation :confused3

UtahMama's Pre-Vacation Sewing Groove.

WHERE'd it go? HELLLLOOO? I am excited about the Disney quilt, though. That is coming along fabulously...thanks to y'all!

Misty (Spongie) mad my dd3, Norah, the CUTEST dress! It's similar to the Valentine's dress posted above and is the same pattern I mentioned above THAT I WANT super badly.

I want to see Norah's Misty-made dress! I've been missing you on here, you gotta get your sewing jones back!
I'm going to get a sewing room!!!!!!

Henry is going to finish a bedroom in our basement to use as a guest bedroom. He bought the lumber and everything last week and has already started framing it in. Then, we're turning the guest bedroom into my SEWING ROOM!!!!!! Here's what the guest bedroom (otherwise known as Corey's room, sorry Corey) looks like right now:

Notice my 4 big totes full of fabric. Henry's grandma gave us the quilt (she made it) as a housewarming present.

That's Sawyer about ready to play with my new sewing machine- EEK!

It's pretty cramped at the moment and I don't have a sewing desk. So, I have to lug everything out to the kitchen counter and dining room table when I want to sew.

I'm so excited about it! I need to look over those links of organized sewing rooms that Laura (the_seamstress) posted a while back, to get some ideas.
Well..I finally have something to post... Anyway, I finally finished this two Valentine Day stripwork jumper. One is for my dd, and the other one is for one of her little friends...I am unsure yet which one I will keep and which one I will give away. They are very similar and too similar, I think but I wanted to work with the fabric that I already bought.

I am thinking of making the portrait peasant top to wear you think a pink top, a red top or a white top will work the best?

Here's the first one...

and the second one...

Gorgeous - I love it :lovestruc the fabrics work well together. :)
I'm going to get a sewing room!!!!!!

Henry is going to finish a bedroom in our basement to use as a guest bedroom. He bought the lumber and everything last week and has already started framing it in. Then, we're turning the guest bedroom into my SEWING ROOM!!!!!! Here's what the guest bedroom (otherwise known as Corey's room, sorry Corey) looks like right now:

Notice my 4 big totes full of fabric. Henry's grandma gave us the quilt (she made it) as a housewarming present.

That's Sawyer about ready to play with my new sewing machine- EEK!

It's pretty cramped at the moment and I don't have a sewing desk. So, I have to lug everything out to the kitchen counter and dining room table when I want to sew.

I'm so excited about it! I need to look over those links of organized sewing rooms that Laura (the_seamstress) posted a while back, to get some ideas.

I'm so jealous you get your own room. In the next week or so I will be getting my own desk to sew at. We rent so space is limited. We are currently in a two bedroom apartment, but we are looking for a three bedroom house. More space for me. :woohoo:
They are all REALLY great- my favs are the Belle and Aladdin- What font is the Aladdin??
They are both so cute- It looks so warm there I am jealous!!! It is actually supposed to make it into double digits this weekend!!! Did I ever tell you my name is Annastasia too!! I have two n's though. No one ever calls me that though it is just to long for people, does your dd go by a nick name- I usually go by Anna but some people have wanted to call me stacy.

Oh I have cars & nemo pillow cases- Now I know what to do with those- THANKS What did you dh think when were taking pictures of your son sleeping- does he think you have lost it yet?? Mine usually just shakes his head and walks away- THey just don't understand!!:confused3
To make a bodice into an open corset style, post production is a bit of a hassle. I've always called them apron dresses, because that's what they call them on the hippie sites. :)

To make a corset bodice, you leave the center back open, and line the bodice. You can either make loops at even intervals along the back to lace the straps through, buttonholes, or grommets/eyelets. Post production, you could try edging the back with double fold bias to cover the raw edges, but I usually like the sew together and top-stitched lining for durability with the straps.

At the bottom, you add a strip of skirt between the two sides of the bodice, and either put in elastic or a drawstring into the top of that "free" skirt part, so as you loosen the bodice, you have room in the skirt, and as you tighten the bodice, there's no gaping in the back.

Make the straps SUPER long, attach at the shoulder, cross in back, and lace up. Make a bow at the bottom.

Clear as mud??

I'm sorry, I have no pics right now. I'll see if I can go dig out one of brianna's apron dresses later and post pics (hers and mine are packed up for the winter right now).
Thank you for the assistance- as luck would have it- I did line the bodice and I have a couple extra strips so I will give that a try. I serged some long strip to use as loops and the tie. What fun they are to turn- NOT!!!
Hawaii and Disney in the same trip!!! :woohoo:
I think I will have to have help with settings for shirring but I really want to give that a try- I even bought elastic thread.
They are both so cute- It looks so warm there I am jealous!!! It is actually supposed to make it into double digits this weekend!!! Did I ever tell you my name is Annastasia too!! I have two n's though. No one ever calls me that though it is just to long for people, does your dd go by a nick name- I usually go by Anna but some people have wanted to call me stacy.

well sometimes we call her stasia or Laine. Her middle name is Elaine. But mostly it has been anastasia. Everyone always wants to give her a nickname, but I tell grandma's that if we wanted her to have a nickname we would have named her that instead. Anastasia is so beautiful we wanted her to love her name.
Well I went back to the fabric store yesterday and there was a huge lot of quilters fabric on sale (they don't do disney unfortunately) so instead of being (now this is where you all get to laugh at how expensive it is for me to sew) $24.95 a metre (just normal cotton nothing licensed or michael millar, or AB) was down to $4/m - I grabbed loads of combos - including some sparkling glittery stars on a pink background -very girly. Then when I was wandering around I saw some white polkadots on red and thought it was very minnie mouse - so I grabbed some of that too ($5.99/m on sale) now I at least have something to work with.

lets see if I have this multi quote thing right ......


Yay!! Shirring is our friend!!! When something doesn't fit, I just shirr the back. One of the first things I made after finding this thread was a top quite similar to the one you just posted!

As for measurements, 4-5 year olds can be shaped so differently! Tessa is almost 5 and she is 44 1/4" tall and her measurements are chest-21", waist-19", hips- 22". From the base of her neck to the floor is 39.5" and from her waist to the floor is 25.5". I would have gave you measurements in cm, but my measuring tape only has inches!

Where are you going in Hawaii? We went to Kauai when I was pregnant with Tessa and it was truly heaven on earth!! We rented this house and it was SOOOO wonderful:
We also went to Honolulu, which I wasn't real crazy about.

If you want to read about our vacation, I have a rather long account (with little pict on my website:

We are Staying on Oahu so Waikiki - probably in one of the outriggers. :)
I'm going to read your vacation report - I love planning holidays - I think it stems from my pre children days as a travel agent :)

Oh shoot... now I am thinking that I need to collect Disney diapers for our trip! :scared1:
I just had fuzzifannies make me a custom applique pocket, now I'm thinking I should have had her do a Disney one. :rotfl:
I'm so glad to meet another CDer in a "regular" place!

I have lots of Disney PUL mostly girly stuff though that I had laminated last year. Making the diapers was addictive but then I learnt how to make clothes and the diapers just don't seem as appealling to me anymore (and anyway she has over 50 diapers :rolleyes1 ). And the good thing about starting with diapers was that I owned a snap press so I don't need to worry with fiddly buttonholes - I just snap them all :)

I knit. I have been knitting for 10 years.

YAY - maybe you can help me along the way when I get stuck :) I've only been knitting for less than a year but I find it quite therapeutic - I'm just getting to that stage now where I don't need to look while I'm knitting stuff.

I currently have 5+ projects on the go and I've been learning to do socks. I also dye my own yarn so now I'm thinking of fun disney inspired colourways to try out. Are you part of the community?? if so feel free to add me to your friends :) (I'm flea there too).

Oh I have cars & nemo pillow cases- Now I know what to do with those- THANKS What did you dh think when were taking pictures of your son sleeping- does he think you have lost it yet?? Mine usually just shakes his head and walks away- THey just don't understand!!:confused3

Dh knows that I lost my mind years ago :lmao: Seriously we have been together since 1987 and married since 1992. He is very supportive with all of my hobbies and never questions anything. He will even help where he can. I am equally supportive of his Street Rod obsession so it all works out. We as a family are addicted to Disney. All 3 boys have Disney Themed rooms and the kitchen is slowly becoming that way too. He loves the Mickey Lamp posts that I made (the directions for those are on that camping forum) and he was super impressed when I added the rope lights to make the Minnie version :thumbsup2 Then I came home with these bill ball lights at Christmas. His response was what are you cooking up now? Those turned into the Mickey Head string lights that we will hang on our camper awning. He enjoys all of the personalized touches.

I even caught him and another man in a conversation in the Judge's Tent at Toontown. They started discussing our matching t-shirts (we all wear matching T-shirts (and shorts lol) most every day of our trip. That turned into a gripe session about having to see every character every trip and the photos and autographs etc. Then DH whipped out my clipboard and huge bag of premade 8"X8" autograph pages. They were customized for each character and had my kids names on each page. He then proceeded to tell him that this was the best idea ever because now we could get the autograph and photo once then we wouldn't have to hunt them down the next trip. We will only add different/new characters on future trips. Needless to say the other man was hooked :rotfl2: I love the way the scapbook came out too. We have the signed autograph page on the right and I scrapped photos of the character interaction on the left page. Now we will do less character hunting, but have a great momento of all of our character interactions. The kids know that they can still see any character that they want and we will still take photos, but we won't be on such a mission.

Glad you asked huh?:goodvibes :rotfl:

Those are cute as well- My ds saw your boy in the road and hes not being safe boys shouldn't be in the road. Then I reminded him about seeing mater & lightning, But he was very concerned when he saw him!!
Those are so cute!!
Here is my CASED Nemo outfit i made for my neighbor's lil girl who adores "memo"

So cute how old is the little girl- I may have to CASE you now!!

And just because, my new puppy and kitty snuggling together!
Very Valentiney!!! I agree with the others- if you think they will look to much alike use different tops- They will look so cute!!!

Heather- I don't think I said this before- That ferret bonnet- GROSS what were they thinking back then!!!
And :banana: :banana: :banana: For the new sewing room!!!!

I think I missed a couple-
my 2 angels- that skirt was so cute!!!! I love the brown & pink!!!

And the diaper covers & robes were great too- Makes me want to fancy up my plain jane robe!!! Which has been getting a lot action- Have I mentioned it is COLD!!!!
Very pretty! I think I remember you saying the purple was hard to work with. Did it get easier the more you sewed? Your puppy and kitty are adorable!

No, I just thought the material was very pretty, sparkly, and it went so well with the toile. I am glad the outfits are finished, I don't know that I will ever use satin again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must say I am going to make a new hannah montana and she wants that outfit, so maybe it is just the theme. but of course hannah montana is everywhere!

I got some HM fabric. What kind of outfit are you going to make?

I'm going to get a sewing room!!!!!!

Great!!!!! I want one! I have to lug my stuff to my dining room table, too!!
I ordered the machine from hsn!!!!!!!1:cool1: :cool1: The flex pay was what made my decision. Also it came with a bunch of presser feet.
I am going to try the multiquote feature here...hopefully it works.

Those are so pretty! I think I like the first one just a little better, but I'm not sure,they are equally gorgeous!!! Which one does your daughter like?

I asked dd to pick one, and she said.."but..I like both of them. It is Ok if I like both."

I am normally not a orange fabric person, but I really like how the orange goes with the Nemo fabric. Nemo fabric seem to be really hard to find at our Joanns and Hancock.

These are two bows that I absolutley loved, but can't find the maker...any ideas? I bought these a LONG... time ago, but because the girls always wear two a piece, they never wore these...


Those are really cute!

I like the first one best but I would let your daughter pick. I think a white peasant top would look perfect!

I think we will end up keeping the first one...dh and I both like the first just a little better than the second one.

hmmm! i am thinking a green top underneath J/k i would say white also.
they are adorable i have that material also i may just case you ;)

Okay what happened to my multi-quotes..arghhhhhhhh:headache:

Woo hoo..I am just excited that you mention that you may want to case!

Ahhhh.....I feel safe sharing my secret here then. People think I'm nuts but I can't stand the feel of cotton balls!! :eek: If I open up a new medicine bottle I have to make dh get the cotton out. The feel of it totally makes my skin crawl. :scared1:

I have a friend here who can't stand the feel of cotton balls either, and she can't stand to just see them either. During my baby shower, we played a game...a bowl of cotton bowls were passed around with a big spoon, and we were blindfolded and the one who scoop out the most cottonballs win a prize. She had to leave the room!

I'm going to get a sewing room!!!!!!

How exciting..I would love to have a dedicated sewing room!


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