Kirsten & Matt PJ: 29th August 2011 WP/WR/Wishes - Invite Design 08/14


Apr 25, 2009
Hello all! I've been lurking and reading and posting for a little bit now, so I thought I would get started on my PJ now It's never too early right!!. I'm Kirsten & my DF is Matt, and we are based in the UK, but got engaged in Florida in September last year. We've been together since November 2004, and we met at uni when I walk straight past him in a bar! I soon realised the error of my ways and we now live with our 2 year old bunny Simba (because he's a lionhead) and 16 month old puppy Polly. I'm a tad animal crazy so forgive me if I go on about them constantly.

Soooooo....the engagement story goes that I won a competition on TV, and won enough money so that we could have fantastic Disney holiday in Florida (which we hadn't planned on being able to do until this year, as I'm trying to finish my PhD at Uni). So we made arrangements to do Disney, Seaworld, Universal Studios and Discovery Cove. I was so mega excited about the whole trip, but especially Discovery Cove as I REALLY wanted to swim with the dolphins, plus this was our first holiday together, so I knew Disney & Florida would be perfect.

Anyways, our first weekend was crazy filled with Disney & a Tampa Bay Buccaneers game (YAY they won!! :cheer: ), and then we went to Discovery Cove on the Tuesday. We had booked in for a Dolphin swim, which was super cool, and I was just so mega excited I didn't notice anything different. We went down to the pool and did all the normal dolphin interaction and the swim, and then the trainer tells us that they messed up our photo with Cindy (our dophin), and that we have to have them done again. So we smile & pose and then she takes me to one side and tells me that sometimes the dolphins bring special things back with them, and to hold my arms out for Cindy to come back. So i'm stood there like a complete nerd wondering what the heck is going on, and Cindy powers towards me with a buoy in her mouth which says "Will You Marry Me?" on it. Well I nearly fell over in the water! I turned round to Matt he was grinning, and unusually I couldn't speak so I just kinda nodded like a fool at him and he hugged me. :Tigger:

Anyway, we get took off into our own private cabana where he got down on one knee and proposed properly, and all the staff were clapping and saying congrats and it was crazy!! So our private cabana was overlooking the dolphin pool, with a fully stocked private fridge and a complementary dvd of the whole thing and it was just perfect! I'm so glad it's all on DVD and pics on CD, because now I can re-live it over and over, and get very very excited!

So as lovers of Disney we spent the rest of our holiday in the parks and were treated like a prince & princess for our whole trip, and have now decided we are coming back to Disney in September 2011 for a Wishes wedding!!!!! I have just sent out our save the dates to all our family & friends so that they can get saving, and I'm now VERY excited for our wedding & disneymoon (which includes a first stay on Disney property,hopefully at AKL). So yey! Very excited to share and learn with you all!!

Here are just a few pics:

Proposed to by a dolphin:

With Matt, CIndy & my buoy:

My pretty ring:

In Epcot with my Disney ears:

Can't wait for Disney now!!! :mickeyjump: The more I plan, the more I get withdrawal symptoms!

So here's my ideas so far. Fingers crossed for around the 1st September 2011:

Venue - Wedding Pavillion, hopefully 12pm
Reception - Whitehall Room
Dessert Party - Wishes at Sago Quay

Photographer - Misty Miotto - already been in touch, and I already love her!
Videography - Really not sure. Worried about the PAL/NTSC difference on DVDs - anyone have any ideas/recommendations?
Flowers - DF's sister is doing all ours in silks so that I can keep them. The only exception may be getting rose petals/table decs from Disney.

Honeymoon - 3 weeks in WDW baby!! Hopefully in AKL (told you I loved the animals!!)

I don't think there's anything else I need to note - if I've forgotten anything let me know!!

Now I should warn you in advance, I am a little quirky in my ideas and what not. Some of you may have seen my dress post and realise I am considering having a hot pink dress. I have found the shop where I can try it on (only 10 mins drive away) so that will be next weekend's trip! I have tried a few ivory/white ones on, but nothing struck my fancy so far. So if some ideas I have are off the wall please forgive me, I'm just a little bit different in every way shape & form!!!

Now for those of you who haven't already seen these, here are my 'save the dates', just being sent out to give people time to save. It will only a be a small affair as people will be coming from the UK, but should be fun nonetheless!!! Here they are:

This is the finished article:

And here is the back with the ribbon:

Front without the ribbon:

Back without the ribbon (basic, we just added our addy & phone numbers for people to RSVP):

I made my own envelopes because I couldn't find any pink ones big enough:

And the back of my envelope with a little hidden mickey:

I don't know if it's that clear, but i sprayed EVERYTHING with "pixie dust", in the form of spray on glitter, which seemed to go down really well (although it's still all over my computer!!!).

Anyways can't wait to hear from you all and keep you updated!!:cool1:
What a great proposal!!! You are so lucky :cloud9:

Can't wait to
Congrats on the engagement. That is such an amazing story!! How cute! And you must be so lucky to have won a contest! :cool1:

Can't wait to read more!
I have seen your save the dates on another post and I love them!! Also what a great proposal story I have been to discovery cove before its amazing. Can't wait to see your hot pink dress.
Ok, so I've tried on a couple of white dresses, none of which blew me away, so I'm going back to the original plan of the pink dress. So I scouted around the local prom dress and found a store that stocks it, soooo, here it is:

****Edited so Df doesn't find out****

And the back:

****Edited so Df doesn't find out****

So knowing that I might hate it when I see it in real life, so I need to try it on asap I think. So I emailed the shop and asked if there was one I could try on, and the lady sent me a lovely reply saying she didn't have this particular one in stock (she could order it), but she does have another in stock that is similar in shape, and she has it in the hot pink, so this is the one I'm going to try on:

****Edited so Df doesn't find out****

Unlike the original one, this one has a zip up back, but I can't find the photo atm!

I think I'm going with FMIL and FSIL and her DD, as my MOH is working that day and I don't have best of relationships with my mum & sister, so I just need someone's opinion when I actually try it on. I hate hate it, and I'm totally ready for that, but I need to get this out of my system, so that I can look at other dresses rationally. Apologies if I sound like some kind of crazy person with my babbling!!

I am very excited now for the weekend, just wish it would get here quickly!!

I've also been babbling at DF about putting an Alice in Wonderland twist on our wedding. This originated from the welcome bags. I thought I could pop some Lays crisps, some personalised teabags for FMIL and a personalised T-Shirt with "eat me", "drink me" and "wear me" tags on them. This has since escalated slightly to giving everyone a pack of personalised playing cards with either our pics on the back, or 52 different pics, which DF and I would pose for to represent the 52 cards in the pack. This could be a tad expensive, but worth it I think.

We love the Mad Hatter Cake too, so that's a definate (all adding to the theme), and maybe even a mini top hat for me to wear instead of a tiara (god I'm such a goofball!). If you guys have any ideas at all relating to this please feel free to post. I just need to watch the film now, but it's currently with my neice, and I don't have the heart to ask her for it back, as it's her favourite at the moment!!

Anyways, there's my babble for this afternoon. There may be more to come if I feel inspired later!!:rotfl:
Welcome! What a cute proposal story!

I love your pink dresses - I have been scouring the internet for something very similar for bridesmaid dresses.

I think the Alice in Wonderland theme would be great! You could also just have an alice themed tea party or something fun too.
Welcome! What a cute proposal story!

I love your pink dresses - I have been scouring the internet for something very similar for bridesmaid dresses.

I think the Alice in Wonderland theme would be great! You could also just have an alice themed tea party or something fun too.

Aww thanks. I hope it's as good in person as it is in the photo!! It's an Alyce design. They have some lovely styles which may be perfect for you.

Oooh I hadn't thought about the tea party - score!! I'll ad it to my list of ideas. Thanks!!:thumbsup2
Aww, I love your proposal story! It's too sweet! :lovestruc

I'm a big fan of Alice in Wonderland, so I think using elements from it for your theming is brilliant! :teeth: And I adore mini top hats! I think it'd go nicely, particularly if you end up going with a hot pink (or any other colored) gown. I found a couple that maybe you've seen before, but I thought were adorable.



And here's one just because you love AIW!


Anyhoo, I'm excited to see more from you! Good luck on trying on the dress! :goodvibes
Okay, clearly I'm thrilled about the prospect of an AIW wedding, but I googled about it and found somebody's inspiration board:


Depending upon how far you wanted to go with it, you could have your FG (if you're having one) in an Alicey-type dress. Also! You could include riddles in invitations, etc. Ooh, there's so much you could do! How fun!
Okay, clearly I'm thrilled about the prospect of an AIW wedding, but I googled about it and found somebody's inspiration board:

Depending upon how far you wanted to go with it, you could have your FG (if you're having one) in an Alicey-type dress. Also! You could include riddles in invitations, etc. Ooh, there's so much you could do! How fun!

Oh my gosh! Thankyou so much!! That is utterly excellent - I love the fact that you're as on board as me!!!! I'm going to dance around now like a complete freak all day because I'm so happy!!!!:rotfl:
Oh my gosh! Thankyou so much!! That is utterly excellent - I love the fact that you're as on board as me!!!! I'm going to dance around now like a complete freak all day because I'm so happy!!!!:rotfl:

Hehe, my pleasure!! If I wasn't trying to tie in Nightmare Before Christmas theming into my wedding, AiW would most definitely be my next pick! So I'm beyond excited to see somebody using it! :banana::banana: :banana:

Sooo, please make sure to keep us updated! :hug:
Okay so a little update (not AiW this time, as I'm doing some research - I'll keep you posted!!).

DF and I were chatting about what love really is and what it means to us, and it reminded me of a poem by John Cooper Clarke called "I wanna be yours", which DF and I both studies for our English GCSE at school, and both totally love. I think it kind of sums up the reality of our love - it's not all hearts and flowers (although sometimes it is, and that's wonderful!), it's about real life. I think I'd like my MOH to read this out for us, and I also think it might look nice on the back of our programmes.

Anyways enjoy:

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
breathing in your dust
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
If you like your coffee hot
let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your raincoat
for those frequent rainy days
I wanna be your dreamboat
when you want to sail away
Let me be your teddy bear
take me with you anywhere
I don’t care
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your electric meter
I will not run out
I wanna be the electric heater
you’ll get cold without
I wanna be your setting lotion
hold your hair in deep devotion
Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean
that’s how deep is my devotion

*Sniff* - I do love this poem!!
I love the Alice in Wonderland idea!!!!!! It sounds so much fun!! I am going to have a mad hatter tea party the day before my wedding and I am finding so many fun ideas. I may have to steal some of yours to. The poem is perfect to.
Oh my word, what an exciting Saturday I have had! I'm a bit giggly and giddy right now with happiness, so bear with me on this one!

I'll start with last week's wedding dress expedition. Last week (as I've previously mentioned) I went with my MOH to a few dress shops, tried on some prefectly nice dresses, but just didn't get that feeling that I was told you got in a wedding dress. So, as posted earlier in my PJ I emailed a lady in a local independant shop with regard to trying on some bridal and prom gowns (including the pink gown).

Now, just to give you some background on the pink dress. I am not an overly girly person, and I'm not fussed on baby pink, but I utterly love the hot pink/fuschia colour, and virtually every outfit I own has at least a hint of this colour in it. In fact, the particular shade of pink that I love has become known as "Kirsten's pink" within our family, and synonymous with everything I do, and presents (including the wrapping) that people give me. So when it came to wedding dresses I always joked that I would have a hot pink dress, but was told by a million different people that I just wouldn't "feel like a bride" in a coloured gown, and I would love a white one.

So now it's come to actually trying on dresses I have tried to be traditional, and I've tried on the white gowns, but when I look at myself in the mirror with the whole veil and tiara set up and it just didn't look like me and certainly I didn't feel like me. Even today I tried on a number of white & ivory gowns and they just washed me out (i'm very pale naturally), and didn't do a lot for me. Then I tried on THE dress, and it was just perfect. It was even too small for me, but still made me feel amazing, and I just knew it was the one. Funnily enough it's not even the original dress that I wanted to try on, it's only the one they had in stock, so I'm sure it must be fate because it just made me feel amazing - and even DF's mum said it was the right dress (and she had insisted on me trying a white one on!!). So now I must take the piccies down from the pevious post just incase DF finds this, as I'm trying to convince him that I've gone traditional so that he gets a surprise on the day!!! Hee hee!!;)

So there we go. I'll order it on Thurday when I get paid, as it's last year's style and I don't want to loose it, and it will take about 12 weeks to be made (as the designer doesn't have it in my size at the moment), but I'm in no rush whatsoever. As soon as I get to try it on I promise I will post some piccies for a little while, but I just need to make sure DF doesn't see it.:rolleyes1

Anyways, I'm sure I've bored you enough! I'll update you soon!!!! xx
I've just found your PJ! I love love love the Alice in Wonderland idea (My DF is a HUGE Alice in Wonderland fan!) and I cannot wait to see your dress! I adore fuschia pink too, and I'm another bride who isn't wearing a white dress. :goodvibes Lovely to find someone else who isn't! I'm animal mad too (I have two bunnies and a hamster)... Your rabbit sounds soooo cute (I love lionheads!)...

I shall certainly be reading your PJ avidly from now on!! :goodvibes

Bob xoxoxoxox
I've just found your PJ! I love love love the Alice in Wonderland idea (My DF is a HUGE Alice in Wonderland fan!) and I cannot wait to see your dress! I adore fuschia pink too, and I'm another bride who isn't wearing a white dress. :goodvibes Lovely to find someone else who isn't! I'm animal mad too (I have two bunnies and a hamster)... Your rabbit sounds soooo cute (I love lionheads!)...

Aww thanks Bob! NIce to have you hear, and so pleased you're wearing a coloured gown too!! I'm sure you said emerald green, whihc I think will be amazing, but I will pop over to you PJ and have a re-read!! I promise as soon as the dress comes in (I'm hoping mid-september) I will get my MOH to take a couple of piccies so that I can post it on here!! How cute does your little family sound with your bunnies and hamster!! We had two russian hamster last year called MIckey & Sabu, but sadly they went to heaven. I cried so hard and now DF won't let me have any more!!! I might twist his arm over the summer though!!!

And just for you, here's a picture of my little bunny boy doing his thing:


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