Korissa's Magical MAW/GKTW PTR....4 HUGE Big Give (2-18-11)..page 40


DIS Veteran
Jul 22, 2010
Hi everyone,
Newbie here. Starting Korissa PTR. We don't have date yet(looking at Nov 14th-20th or March 20th-26th). We just got together with her Wish Granter last night. They happened to be my youngest daughter Granters too as she had a wish(I wish I knew about this board). I started this PTR last night, but unfortunately we ended up taking Korissa to the ER. She was have chest pains that was affecting her left arm. All test came back ok. Her blood pressure was low and she was having high HR, but they released her at 3am. She went to the doctors today and he thinks it's her GERD acting up.

Anyways...My name is Kris and I have 5 kiddos. I have been married for 20 years to a wonderful guy named Scott. Kids are...Kerri-18, Korissa-16, Kyra 14, Steven-10, and Kylee-7. Kylee and Korissa both have a disease called Mitochondrial Disease. Since we have the maternally inherited form all the kids and myself have it, but it's Korissa and Kylee that have it the worse and unfortunately..Kylee got the worse out of all of us. Scott has been out of work for over a year, so life has been difficult. We really can't wait to just get away from all this stress.

What is Mitochondrial Disease
Mitochondrial diseases result from failures of the mitochondria, specialized compartments present in every cell of the body except red blood cells. Mitochondria are responsible for creating more than 90% of the energy needed by the body to sustain life and support growth. When they fail, less and less energy is generated within the cell. Cell injury and even cell death follow. If this process is repeated throughout the body, whole systems begin to fail, and the life of the person in whom this is happening is severely compromised. The disease primarily affects children, but adult onset is becoming more and more common.

Diseases of the mitochondria appear to cause the most damage to cells of the brain, heart, liver, skeletal muscles, kidney and the endocrine and respiratory systems.

Depending on which cells are affected, symptoms may include loss of motor control, muscle weakness and pain, gastro-intestinal disorders and swallowing difficulties, poor growth, cardiac disease, liver disease, diabetes, respiratory complications, seizures, visual/hearing problems, lactic acidosis, developmental delays and susceptibility to infe

As of right now..theirs is no cure...

Korissa was born on Oct.27, 1993. She was born at 39weeks, but was really small. She weighed 6lbs 1 oz. She was always a sleepy baby and had a weak suck. Ped couldn't find anything wrong with her. At her 6 month checkup I brought her in because she had an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection. This is the time the Ped found a heart murmur. We were referred to a Cardiologist. This is were we found out she had an Atrial Septial defeat. He told us with this type of defeat..Korissa wouldn't see any side effect. This wasn't true. She was always had blue tinge lips and slept a lot. She would wake up at 8am...take a 4 hour nap, and then be ready for bed at 7pm. She was hospitalized many time due too upper respiratory infection/pneumonias. She also has had many medical procedures and surgeries through her years. Her biggest surgery was when she was 2. She finally had her open heart surgery to close her hole in her heart. The Cardio thought the hole was a size of a dime, but it turned out to be a size of a Quarter. Korissa had some complication and had to go back to the OR and redo the patch...which met going back on the heart lung bypass. She spent 2 weeks in the hospital. From age 2 too now she has had a lot of issues she has been dealing with GERD,Ptosis, developmental delays, Fatigue issues, heat/cold intolerence and is sick at least once a month with high fevers and colds. My next post I will tell you how we came about Mito. Here's a picture of our family.


Starlight Foundation Gala
How we came to Mito.
Kylee was born 6-18-03. From the moment she was born we knew she had problems. They had to take her straight to the nursery due to junky lungs. They tested her blood sugars and found it to be 21. They immediately gave her a bottle of formula to bring it up. Four hours later I finally got to see her. I tried breast feed her, but she was still throwing up formula she had 4 hours prior. The nurses took her back to the nursery to keep an eye out on her. They gave her some soy formula but she threw that up too. I had my tubes tied the next day and while I was in surgery Scott noticed that she would do these little jerky movements, but he just thought she was cold. We were discharged 48 hours after delivery. She developed jandice and so she was under photo therapy for 5 days. We kept seeing these jerky movements, but thought they were just baby movements. When she was 3 weeks old she had this long movement and I really couldn't wake her. I called the Ped who immediately admitted her. They ran a lot of test(mostly for her reflux). it was confirmed she had severe reflux. The next day we were released from hospital so we can go see a Neuro(we don't have a Ped Neuro in town. They did an EEG and it was confirmed she was having seizures. She was put on Phenobarbital(sp). After about 20 seizures..she had stopped having them at 2 months.

Also at birth I noticed she had a droopy eyelid. For her first 23 months was nothing but hospitals and medical procedures. She wasn't gaining weight, still had her reflux, and many more issues going on. At age 23 months she had a G- tube put in and a Toupet FUNDO done. In total she has had 12 surgeries and countless medical procedures. Her last surgery was last April and she had a Roux-En-y. This is a separate J tube.

No one could figure out what was wrong with her. She was seeing Neuro,GI, ENT, eye specialist, urology, Ped. It came to my attention to look into Mitochondrial Disease. I asked her GI about this and she was on the same page. First we did a MtDNA and that came back normal. The next step was to do a muscle biopsy. This is were we were told she had defects in complexes III and IV. She was 5 years old. It took 8 long months but we finally were able to see a Geneticist(Mito specialist). It was here we discovered that she has a maternally inherent form of Mito. I have had issues all my life. I was always fatigued and sickly. I also had developmental delays. In Jan.09 I started having heart issues and in July 09 I had a pacemaker put in. Than this year I'm starting to have lung issues and is on 02 at night. Here's a run down on all of us...

Heart issues-Atrial Septial defeat-Brady
Double Ptosis
fatigues easily
Can't tolerate the heat
chronic high fevers and
Developmental delays
Muscle weakness
Neurological...abnormal EEG
restless leg syndrome
Surgeries... 3 ear tubes, ASD repair,and 4 Endoscopies

Kylee... Severe motility issues
Pseudo- Obstruction
FTT (she weighs 37 lbs now)
Severe constipation issues
Fatigue issues..muscle weakness
Can't tolerate heat/cold-she has to wear a cooling vest at anything above 80 degrees
Ptosis (surgery to fix in 07, but still droops when fatigue)
Neurological issues...abnormal EEG and MRI
Microcepley(small head)
main nutrition is through her J tube(Roux-en_Y)
Surgeries... Toupet FUNDO, G Tube placement, 2 Ear tubes, Ptosis (eye) surgery, Pylorplasty, Muscle Biopsy, 5 Endoscopies, and Roux En Y (separate J tube)..and countless other medical procedures.

Kerri- Thankfully only a couple minor things
abnormal ribs

Kyra- again...thankfully minor
muscle pains

Steven..... ADD or ADHD
developmental delays

Me.... Chronic fatigue
Tachy- Brady syndrome (pacemaker- meds for tachy)
02 drops to 85, so on 02 at night
Muscle weakness
Can't tolerate cold
Severe restless leg syndrome
low blood pressues(70s over 40s) on meds for that

I guess that's our crazy story...:rolleyes:...

Glad I found this board. Can't wait to meet new friends. I just wish I found this sooner with Kylee MAW. I did read a bunch of wish stories.
Oh...I wanted to say that we weren't going to do a wish for Korissa since we were blessed with one. It was the granter that kept after us to do one. It took a year for us to finally do one and unfortunately the Ped that said she would do one denied her. She really didn't know much about Mito. At the MAW holiday party it was brought up again and I told them that she was denied. Oh...I have to say..we know just about everyone at the L.A. Chapter. We do a lot of Fundraising for them. My kids were even on E! News for MAW. ok..back to story. The granter went to get someone higher up and we talked. She couldn't do much about being denied, but gave us some hints. We again weren't going to procede with it, but after another fundraiser and talking with them we went to her GI doctor who went and did her referral and this time was approved. She knows a lot about mito as she works at the same hospital as our Mito doctor. What was hard was everything was discussed in front of her and she couldn't understand why she couldn't get one as she too has Mito.
Hi Kris! Nice to read all about everything! I'm still learning so much about your family!! I can't believe you guys deal with all that though! Can't wait to hear more about your plans and trip! I subscribed to your report!
Hi Kris! Nice to read all about everything! I'm still learning so much about your family!! I can't believe you guys deal with all that though! Can't wait to hear more about your plans and trip! I subscribed to your report!

Korissa doesn't like me talking about her too much. Mito is a horrible Disease. It can affect every organ. I'm new to this...how do you subcribe to someones report?
Posting some pictures of the kiddos...


Korissa recent hospital visit...









Her 2 week hospitalization in April

Welcome Kris....we just got back from GKTW/Disney week before last. Had the time of our lives.....in the process of starting a trip report very soon!!!
You sure are an amazing mommy to some beautiful kiddos!!!!!!!!
This place helped me more than I can explain. I look forward to keeping up with your ptr!!!
Welcome Kris....we just got back from GKTW/Disney week before last. Had the time of our lives.....in the process of starting a trip report very soon!!!
You sure are an amazing mommy to some beautiful kiddos!!!!!!!!
This place helped me more than I can explain. I look forward to keeping up with your ptr!!!
Thank you!!!
I read all of Laurens PTR the other night. Can't wait to read the post trip. Even though we went on a trip before...I still have tons of questions. We now have more medical equipment we are taking. So many things we didn't get to do.
Tomorrow Kylee will be having an Upper GI and a Small bowel follow through. I'm so dreading this test.:sad2: I know she won't drink the barium and not sure they can put it in the G tube. The last time she had barium she ended up in the ER 2 weeks later with cement BM. Needless to say...she will be hooked up to Pedialyte all day tomorrow after the test instead of her formula.

Korissa will be having this test done next. Not sure on days yet.
I found you! :)

Did you get your question answered about how to edit your title? If not - you just go to the first post and click "Edit" and then "Go Advanced" and you can edit your title from there. A lot of us keep the first part of our title consistent and then just go back and add things that tell folks when it is updated or has new info or pictures. :) But that is totally up to you.

You have some beautiful children!! :cloud9: I am so glad she is getting her wish! :)

I will bookmark ya on the Wish Trippers page so others can find ya! :)
Hi Kris! You have an adorable family! I hope the testing the girls are going through is not too hard on them. Can't wait to hear about your planning.
I found you! :)

Did you get your question answered about how to edit your title? If not - you just go to the first post and click "Edit" and then "Go Advanced" and you can edit your title from there. A lot of us keep the first part of our title consistent and then just go back and add things that tell folks when it is updated or has new info or pictures. :) But that is totally up to you.

You have some beautiful children!! :cloud9: I am so glad she is getting her wish! :)

I will bookmark ya on the Wish Trippers page so others can find ya! :)

Thank you Maroo,
I just fixed it. Thank you. I read Laurens post trip last night. What a great trip report. I'm sorry their were some mishaps in the trip. I know Kylee had some off days on hers. Hoping this time it goes smoothly. How do you bookmark?
Hi Kris! You have an adorable family! I hope the testing the girls are going through is not too hard on them. Can't wait to hear about your planning.

Thank you. Kylee did well. Thankfull they put the barium in her G Tube.Now lets hope she can pass it.
When is the best time to go to WDW? We did two dates... Nov. 14th-20th and March 20th-26th. I really not sure we will get the first dates as GKTW maybe to full already. I'm really shooting for March. I really think Nov. is too soon. Is March a good month to go? With Kylee wish trip we went in Nov. and it was freezing. It was on the news everynight. Highs was low 60s and lows was in the high 30s. I know this was not the norm. How is the weather in March? My kids can't be in hot weathers.
When is the best time to go to WDW? We did two dates... Nov. 14th-20th and March 20th-26th. I really not sure we will get the first dates as GKTW maybe to full already. I'm really shooting for March. I really think Nov. is too soon. Is March a good month to go? With Kylee wish trip we went in Nov. and it was freezing. It was on the news everynight. Highs was low 60s and lows was in the high 30s. I know this was not the norm. How is the weather in March? My kids can't be in hot weathers.

I think Nov is better - personally. The weather is nice and that particular week is not terribly crowded (you are leaving before the Thanksgiving crowds).

I also enjoy the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and it sort of gives you a 4th Disney Day, if you purchase the tickets, for much less than it would normally cost to purchase a one day ticket to the MK. I can give you a lot more info on the party - but I would definitely go for Nov.

March can be nice weather or it can be a bit on the warm side. And the crowds are definitely thicker. Let me check how much difference there is...

I just checked the crowd calendar and you are talking 1's and 2's (out of 10) in November and 9's and 10's in March :scared1: - so I would definitely shoot for November!! :eek:
I think Nov is better - personally. The weather is nice and that particular week is not terribly crowded (you are leaving before the Thanksgiving crowds).

I also enjoy the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party and it sort of gives you a 4th Disney Day, if you purchase the tickets, for much less than it would normally cost to purchase a one day ticket to the MK. I can give you a lot more info on the party - but I would definitely go for Nov.

March can be nice weather or it can be a bit on the warm side. And the crowds are definitely thicker. Let me check how much difference there is...

I just checked the crowd calendar and you are talking 1's and 2's (out of 10) in November and 9's and 10's in March :scared1: - so I would definitely shoot for November!! :eek:

:scared1: I spoke to Korissa's Wish Granter last night, she told me it will be impossible to go in Nov. :sad2: The only other time is March during the kids Spring break. I just can't take them out during school due to them missing so much for sick days and doctors appts. Korissa and Kyra will be missing 4 days as it is when we go. They only have 1 week off as Steven and Kylee have 2 weeks. Thankfully they have a Furlough day so they will end up only missing 4 days. Now...my collage daughter is another story. She doesn't have Spring break until April. Not sure how we can work that out.

Speaking of Spring break....doesn't all school get out at different times? Would that help with the crowds? I don't have a 2011 calendar...does anyone know when Easter is that year?
Hi Kris

This is Alison Andrew's mom from p2p. We are going March 22nd!

Hi Alison,

Looks like if we get our dates for March we will be there at the same time. I was going to PM you on P2P...that it was for a Wish trip. I just don't want to get negative post about getting a second wish. You know how the board can be. I just don't post much about Korissa on P2P, as she ask me not too.

Are you going just for fun? Where are you staying? I would love to meet up.
:scared1: I spoke to Korissa's Wish Granter last night, she told me it will be impossible to go in Nov. :sad2: The only other time is March during the kids Spring break. I just can't take them out during school due to them missing so much for sick days and doctors appts. Korissa and Kyra will be missing 4 days as it is when we go. They only have 1 week off as Steven and Kylee have 2 weeks. Thankfully they have a Furlough day so they will end up only missing 4 days. Now...my collage daughter is another story. She doesn't have Spring break until April. Not sure how we can work that out.

Speaking of Spring break....doesn't all school get out at different times? Would that help with the crowds? I don't have a 2011 calendar...does anyone know when Easter is that year?

Easter is at the end of April this year - but I think that week just happens to be a busy week at Disney. But...you will have the magic button! So you guys will be fine! :)


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