Ladies and Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!


Dec 24, 2005
If I wind up doing a trip report about my latest grocery shopping expedition, stop me and slap me around okay?

You asked for another report, I'm a good homie, you get another report.

Daytona 500. The mere mention gives me chills. The good kind. A little background to this trip...

Last February (2007) my husband (Brad) and I (Tricia) were watching the Daytona 500 on tv like we do every year. We were at my sister's house because my oldest sister and her family had decided to come up for a visit that day and we were gathering at my other sister's house. Brad & I were alone in front of the tv. We are the only Nascar fans in our family. Would a family gathering have been planned for Superbowl Sunday? No. During the World Series? No. During the Stanley Cup playoffs? No. But the Daytona 500? Sure! Nobody cares but the two of us. :rolleyes:

So, we're sitting there. Occasionally having one member of the family or another walk in to make a joke or laugh at our expense. There is a fine and blurry line between poking fun at and making fun of. Most of my family sticks to the poking fun at side, which is fine. My brother is the only one that crosses regularly and firmly into the making fun of arena. He seems to think that if he accidentally acknowledges the existence of Nascar, he might lose an IQ point or something. Sigh. He does love to rain on my parade.

Anyway, we're watching tv and a commercial comes on reminding everyone that tickets for next year's race go on sale at the end of this race. Oh, and they mention that next year's race is the 50th Anniversary. I looked over at Brad and said something about how I've always wanted to go to the Daytona 500 and one of these years we're going to make it. He looked at me and said, "Okay, how about next year for the 50th?"

Brad was the mastermind behind this trip. I want to give full and complete credit to him. He started going online immediately after the race to get us tickets. He spent hours on the computer surfing to find us a hotel. The first hotel he found us was the Ramada directly across the street from the track. They wanted $350 a night, with a 5 night minimum stay. :scared1:

He kept looking. He tried everything. The Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce wished him luck (and chuckled a little). He started looking at the surrounding area. It seems that everywhere within reasonable distance of the track is booked in person by regulars. Basically, as they are checking out after the race this year, they book their room for next year. Breaking into that inner circle is next to impossible.

Unless you are married to an incredibly focused, motivated, and *ahem* frugal man like my husband. :rolleyes1

He woke me up at 1am one night. His eyes were excited. I thought, "Well, I'm sleepy, but okay..." Then I realized he was pointing to the computer. Oh. Not what I thought. I struggled myself awake and saw that he had booked us rooms for Daytona. At that moment, it was "well Woo friggin Hoo now let me go back to sleep". Of course, once I was made aware that he had booked us at the La Quinta that is less than a mile from the track (i.e. walking distance) and managed to secure the rooms for $149 per night for only the 3 nights that we wanted... well, I was much more understanding about how excited he was. It took months of him spending hours looking every day to happen upon that little gem. We still think it was an accident of luck, but we'll take it. :cool1:

At this point I should mention the other players who will join into our story later. My best friend (Leta) has been a Nascar fan as long as I have. We went to our first race together back in the mid 80s and we were both hooked. I called and asked her (during the 2007 race) if she would like to go to Daytona with us. She said sure, to get her 2 tickets, she didn't think she'd even still be with her boyfriend (Mike), but she'd find somebody to bring along. One of Brad's good friends (Tim) is also a huge Nascar fan, so he called (again, during the 2007 race) and asked if he and his wife would like to join us. He said sure, get him 2 tickets.

So, Brad got us 6 tickets along the SuperStretch (thats the back straight) and 3 hotel rooms at the La Quinta on West International Speedway Blvd.

About 3 weeks before the trip, Tim called Brad to say that his wife had decided she didn't want to go. He was scrambling to find someone to go with him. Two weeks before the trip, we get an email from some guy saying he was a friend of Tim's and he needed information about our seats and hotel because he was bringing his 14 y/o son along and was trying to get a ticket off eBay and such. He wound up buying a ticket on the OTHER SIDE of the track and gave it to Tim so he and his son could sit together.

Leta never did dump Mike. She should. She knows she should. He's a control freak. And I mean that in the most text book sense. He has slowly isolated her from all of her friends (except those of us that aren't willing to be pushed away). He uses anger or guilt to cause her to modify her behavior. CONTROL FREAK. So, needless to say, since this plan was not of his making and not with his friends, he was bound and determined to make the biggest mess of the trip as he could.

I told Brad in the last 2 weeks prior to our trip that whatever happens with everyone else, happens. We are going to go and have a good time. It is not our job to babysit anyone. It is not our job to entertain anyone. We invited capable adults to join us for an outing and that is it. If the make it, fine. If they don't, fine. I'm not worrying over anyone else. I'm not changing my plans for anyone else. I'm not altering my behavior for anyone else. That became our mantra and it helped us enjoy ourselves a million times more than we might have otherwise.

In the weeks leading up to our trip, there was a lot of turmoil in our life. Our 6 year old had some health issues that we worried were going to keep us home, but in the end it all worked out.

Okay, so there is the back story. A pre-trippie, if you will. I'll be back with the road trip in a bit. :)


That doesn't mean the same thing it did when we were younger or even before we had kids. Hitting the road now requires building a plan of monumental proportions and hoping that everyone else comes through for us. After months of planning and weeks of worry, the day finally arrived.

Friday, February 15, 2008

We were up early like always and took our 6 y/o son to school. After that we took our dog to the kennel, settled our 2 y/o son at home with my in laws, packed the car, and we were on the road by 9:30am. Not too bad, considering. It should have been about an 8 hour drive down. We were making good time and expected to make it in 7.5 hours until we hit the area around Tifton, GA. I spent almost 30 minutes looking at this:


At first I thought it was the ever-present construction. We've joked before that they should replace the magnolia that seems to be the city symbol of Tifton with an orange & white striped barrel. However, we finally inched along and saw the problem:


That's a travel trailer (RV) on its side. Whatever vehicle was towing it was long gone before we got there. I hope everyone was okay.

After the traffic, we switched places and I took over driving. What a relief. Brad is a good driver. He does tend to annoy the beegeezus out of me on a long trip because he insists on using the cruise control. Using the cruise control doesn't bother me, it's the game he plays when he sets it. You know the "let's see how long we can go before I have to take it off cruise" game. He'll drift up on some car that he's only going a few miles faster than... then another car will come up on the left to pass him (and the slower car)... and he'll try to time it so he can still slide over into the left lane without disengaging the cruise. Just hit the freaking break already! Don't smash into the back of the guy just because you don't want to take it off cruise! They have that lovely "reset" button for scenerios just like this. :headache:

Anyhoo, the rest of the trip went smoothly.



And we arrived at our hotel almost exactly 8 hours after we left home.


When we checked in, the desk clerk had Brad initial the paperwork beside his guaranteed rate. The girl said, "Wow! Do you know what rack rate is for a room tonight?" "No." "$425 to $500" :scared1:

Brad done good! :woohoo:

I can't, however, imagine spending $400+ a night for a standard room at a La Quinta. I don't care where you are. I don't care why you're there.

We found our room an settled in.




On the desk, we had a welcome gift bag:


It wasn't much, just some candy and chips, but we weren't expecting anything so BONUS! It came in handy later too, but we'll get to that. The letter beside the gift bag was inviting us to a poolside cookout on the next afternoon, complete with hamburgers, hotdogs, soda, chips, and beer. They even underlined the fact that everything, including the BEER, would be FREE. Super BONUS! :woohoo:

The view from our room included the pool, so we wouldn't have far to go to get free food the next day.


Oh, and just in case you thought I forgot:


My trip reports just aren't complete without a bathroom shot! :confused3 :laughing:

Brad called Tim and found out that he and his friend (Bruce & Bruce's son John) had arrived earlier and decided to walk to the track to see how far it was. Since they were there, they bought tickets to the truck race and were headed in to see it. Brad said we'd see them the next day.

I called Leta, who had barely left Atlanta. Mike had decided at the last minute that he absolutely had to work most of the day. You'd have to understand Mike and his job to know how ridiculous this is. Mike works when he wants to. He is a part time promotional campaign guy. You know when you see a Lay's potato chip trailer in the parking lot of a grocery store handing out free bags of stuff? Yeah, that's what he does... when he feels like he wants to earn a few bucks. But I digress. I wished them a safe trip and told her NOT to call me when they got in, we'd see them in the morning.

Brad decided to go in search of this bar he used to hang out in when he lived in Daytona. He loads us up in the car and away we go. Did I mention that he lived in Daytona OVER 30 years ago? Yeah. What are the odds. He gets to the main commercial drag, turns off and finds the place. I'll admit it, I was shocked. Not only by the fact that he found a bar still there after 30 years, but by the place itself.


Do you know where this place is? Do you know what this place is? Let's just say it is in the middle of party central for Bike Week.

I got out of the car, wearing my (blue) jeans and cute (brown and blue) top. As we approached the building, I realize that it appears to have at one point in time been a gas station. There are motorcycles, predominantly Harleys, parked all the way around the place. I walk inside and my feet crunch on the cement floor. Huh? Cement doesn't crunch. I looked down and the floor is littered with peanut shells. Lovely. I didn't get the memo regarding attire. I am WAY over dressed and apparently should be in black. As in head to toe black, preferably with either a Boot Hill or Harley Davidson emblem on it somewhere. Oh... dear... lord... in... heaven. What am I doing here? I looked at Brad and said (shouted), "Ummmm... was this a biker bar when you hung out here?" He said, "Oh yeah. It's always been a biker bar." :headache: :confused3

And why, in the name of all that is holy, didn't he mention that BEFORE we left the hotel????

They were grilling hamburgers out back, so we went to have dinner. It was pretty good. Then we went inside because Brad wanted to hear the AC/DC tribute band. I decided to make up for my discomfort by drinking. Heavily. :drinking1

I have many stories from my night of drinking at the biker bar in Daytona. In fact, I made Brad buy me a tshirt to comemmorate our evening there. I'll mull it over and maybe I'll go into *some* detail tomorrow. :scratchin :teeth:

:rotfl: Never a disappointment! (altho, looks like plenty of room :rolleyes1 )

Loving the story so far....tell me more!! And yes...your Brad did :cool1: on the hotel room....then again, he is frugal :thumbsup2

I look forward to the next installment..... :hyper:
Would a family gathering have been planned for Superbowl Sunday? No. During the World Series? No. During the Stanley Cup playoffs? No.

I am SOOOO feelin ya on this ! ! ! ! ! :mad: Wankers!

DH's family did that THIS year. . . granny's 80th. . . party started at 2:00 pm. . .Yeah, right :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: You seriously think we are coming :lmao: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl: Do you know how many other dates and times you could have arranged to do this ?? :confused3 Hubby put granny on notice and told her love you, but I'll see you in the morning with your gift! :thumbsup2

Waiting for more here. . . . popcorn::
Oh. . .I forgot to ask. . . I was wondering why you didn't camp rather than hotel stay?? Talk about the ULTIMATE TAIL GATE. . . at the 50th anniversary of the DAYTONA 500 :worship: :worship: :worship:
Oh. . .I forgot to ask. . . I was wondering why you didn't camp rather than hotel stay?? Talk about the ULTIMATE TAIL GATE. . . at the 50th anniversary of the DAYTONA 500 :worship: :worship: :worship:

We sell RVs, so you'd think we'd spend more time in them... but like anything connected to "work", we don't. We usually get in a weekend or so a year at a state park, but that's about it.

Good campsites at Daytona International Speedway are NOT cheap. Several hundred to several thousand dollars. For us, staying at a hotel where we could walk to the track was perfect.
The Boot Hill Saloon. What an experience.

It was early enough when we first got there that we settled at a booth near the bar. That made it easy to get drinks. Often. They were strong and they were cheap.

The booth behind us had a group of 5 or 6 guys in their 50s to 60s. Clearly they were on vacation and without the wives and having a good old time.

There was quite a motley crew at the bar. There were two women, one was about my age (early 40s) and with her was her... ummm... I think mother. She was significantly older than the other woman. Anyway, the younger of the two was obviously just there to spend time with the older woman. The older woman was obviously there to try and get lucky.

There were a few large biker guys who kept working their way up and down the bar. One looked EXACTLY like David Crosby. I mean he could have passed for his twin. Same age, same size, he even had the fuzzy thining hair and the big bushy mustache.

On the end of the bar was a woman that was probably 60ish. She was dressed in a black leather bra and mini skirt with stacked and spiked leather boots.

As the evening wore on, I watched half of the men at the booth behind ours try to hit on the younger of the two women at the bar, but instead got molested by the older woman. It was hysterical. I started hearing them plot. They were trying to bribe one guy to take the older one out of the equation so they could have a chance with the younger one. As if. :lmao:

The Leather Lady at the end of the bar decided to prop one booted foot up on the barstool beside her. At regular intervals. She was right in my line of sight. Get the mental picture: Sixtyish woman in tight leather mini skirt with one foot hiked up on the barstool next to her. Are you with me? Yeah, she wasn't a natural blonde. :scared:

Eventually, I had to get up and go to the bathroom. Drinking a dozen rum & cokes will do that. I had to wind my way between the biker dudes working the bar and the half dozen guys sprawled around the booth behind ours. There were many discussions about me, my looks, and my body. :rolleyes: On the way back, one of the guys screamed, "SEE, I TOLD YOU! NOW THAT'S ONE HELLUVA BUTT!" (He didn't say butt, but I don't want the filter to kill it) I couldn't help it. I laughed and turned around and said, "Thank you. I've had it for years. I'm quite attached to it myself." He looked at me like I'd slapped him, turned pink, then recovered and offered to buy me a drink. :rotfl:

Then, it was random biker dudes turn at bat. He asked me if I wanted fries with that shake.

I'm not kidding.

Next, David Crosby decided to try his luck. He asked if I would let him do a body shot off me.

I'm not kidding.

I had several other more in depth offers... many of which involved taking a ride on somebody's Harley... but I made it back to the booth unharmed and laughing myself silly.

David Crosby finally decided to try his luck with the younger of the two women at the bar. I'm not sure how it happened, but by the time we left, the older woman was wrapped around him like a stripper on a pole and he had his hands... well... let's just say they needed to get a room.

A couple of the guys at the booth behind ours climbed over and joined us. I don't know why, but it didn't really matter. One of the guys kept trying to grab my foot. :confused: WTH? Ya got a fetish or something buddy? I'm sitting here with my HUSBAND. He told me that the other guys were going to a nudie bar, but he was going to stay with us. :confused3 Huh? I looked at him and said, "Go with your friends. If you want to see a naked woman, it's your only shot tonight."

We finally decided to call it a night, but I made Brad go buy me a Boot Hill Saloon tshirt first. When we got up to leave, random biker dude shook Brad's hand and told him I was hot.

Who does that?

It was a lot more fun than I initially thought it would be. I love to people watch and this was a great place to do that. Brad got us back to the hotel and poured me into bed. I think it was a pretty good first night of vacation. :rolleyes1
:rotfl2: After reading about your night at the bikey bar I'm about to fall off my chair laughing. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.

On the end of the bar was a woman that was probably 60ish. She was dressed in a black leather bra and mini skirt with stacked and spiked leather boots.

:scared1: this scares me....but, then again, I had a feeling to expect it :sad2:

The Leather Lady at the end of the bar decided to prop one booted foot up on the barstool beside her. At regular intervals. She was right in my line of sight. Get the mental picture: Sixtyish woman in tight leather mini skirt with one foot hiked up on the barstool next to her. Are you with me? Yeah, she wasn't a natural blonde. :scared:

:scared1: :lmao:

Eventually, I had to get up and go to the bathroom.

There were many discussions about me, my looks, and my body. :rolleyes: On the way back, one of the guys screamed, "SEE, I TOLD YOU! NOW THAT'S ONE HELLUVA BUTT!" (He didn't say butt, but I don't want the filter to kill it) I couldn't help it. I laughed and turned around and said, "Thank you. I've had it for years. I'm quite attached to it myself." He looked at me like I'd slapped him, turned pink, then recovered and offered to buy me a drink. :rotfl:

Then, it was random biker dudes turn at bat. He asked me if I wanted fries with that shake.

I'm not kidding.

Next, David Crosby decided to try his luck. He asked if I would let him do a body shot off me.

I'm not kidding.

I had several other more in depth offers... many of which involved taking a ride on somebody's Harley... but I made it back to the booth unharmed and laughing myself silly.

Considering the "crew" that was there, you were a normal, hot lookin' gal....of COURSE they are gonna try and score YOU!!! ;)

David Crosby finally decided to try his luck with the younger of the two women at the bar. I'm not sure how it happened, but by the time we left, the older woman was wrapped around him like a stripper on a pole and he had his hands... well... let's just say they needed to get a room.

guess HE finally had enuf beverage, huh? :rotfl2:

A couple of the guys at the booth behind ours climbed over and joined us. I don't know why, but it didn't really matter. One of the guys kept trying to grab my foot. :confused: WTH? Ya got a fetish or something buddy? I'm sitting here with my HUSBAND. He told me that the other guys were going to a nudie bar, but he was going to stay with us. :confused3 Huh? I looked at him and said, "Go with your friends. If you want to see a naked woman, it's your only shot tonight."

uh....was he invited? :confused3 Loved your comment to him about going to nudie bar :lmao:

We finally decided to call it a night, but I made Brad go buy me a Boot Hill Saloon tshirt first. When we got up to leave, random biker dude shook Brad's hand and told him I was hot.

Who does that?

People who DO that, are jealous.... it's a "guy" thing....take it for a heckuva compliment! :thumbsup2 Randy has GOTTEN the 'handshake' before too ;)

It was a lot more fun than I initially thought it would be. I love to people watch and this was a great place to do that. Brad got us back to the hotel and poured me into bed. I think it was a pretty good first night of vacation. :rolleyes1

And...this was a regular/favorite 'hangout' of Brads? :confused3 :eek: I can imagine the stories from his days... :rolleyes: Sounds like a great night!! Hopefully, the night didn't end there.... :rolleyes1
Great tr love the story about biker bar and have always heard they get pretty wild :lmao: :lmao:
:confused3 sounds like most of the joints i've hung out in:rolleyes1 jk, sorta

When we were "running" DH & I tended to alternate between dives and discos; although we'd visit bars with bikers as patron..wouldn't dream of entering a true biker bar (as in pagans or outlaws:sad2: ) if you're not wearing the right colors you are tempting the fates.

Anymore, most the peeps i know that attend bike runs are doctors, lawyers and professionals...those custom hogs don't come cheap

still, nothing like being the princess in any kingdom;)
guess HE finally had enuf beverage, huh? :rotfl2:

Oh, yeah. The beer goggles were on and granny suddenly looked good. :laughing:

uh....was he invited? :confused3

Uh... that would be NO!

And...this was a regular/favorite 'hangout' of Brads? :confused3 :eek: I can imagine the stories from his days... :rolleyes:

I questioned him about it and he shrugged his shoulders and said the beer was always cheap. These were his pre-college days. He told me he sold plasma for beer money. :rolleyes:

Sounds like a great night!! Hopefully, the night didn't end there.... :rolleyes1


Oh my gosh! So has Brad shared any stories from his single days?

Oh, yeah. He's got some doozies. His biggest problem fitting in at the Boot Hill way back when was that he couldn't ever grow long hair. His hair grows OUT, not DOWN. He gets an afro, but not long hair. He said he HAD to wear a Harley shirt back then or he'd get kicked out.

:confused3 sounds like most of the joints i've hung out in:rolleyes1 jk, sorta

When we were "running" DH & I tended to alternate between dives and discos; although we'd visit bars with bikers as patron..wouldn't dream of entering a true biker bar (as in pagans or outlaws:sad2: ) if you're not wearing the right colors you are tempting the fates.

Anymore, most the peeps i know that attend bike runs are doctors, lawyers and professionals...those custom hogs don't come cheap

It seemed like the sort of place where everyone was welcome. It might get crazy sometimes, but the night we were there it was just fun.

And the bikers? Yeah, not doctors or lawyers in this place. We're talking time warp Easy Rider dudes. Nice guys, for the most part.

One female did offer up her bra to be stapled to the ceiling (apparently a regular thing there?). The bikers all paid homage. :worship: :worship: :worship:



He told me he sold plasma for beer money. :rolleyes:

Oh THAT just takes the cake! :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:

RVGal said:
His biggest problem fitting in at the Boot Hill way back when was that he couldn't ever grow long hair. His hair grows OUT, not DOWN. He gets an afro, but not long hair. He said he HAD to wear a Harley shirt back then or he'd get kicked out.

yeah...naturally curly hair does grow 'out' before getting long enuf to be weighed 'down' and looking like there is length there :headache:

RVGal said:

One female did offer up her bra to be stapled to the ceiling (apparently a regular thing there?). The bikers all paid homage. :worship: :worship: :worship:


:eek: :lmao: they ain't gettin my VS

;) :sad2:
Sometime in the wee hours of Saturday morning, I woke up clinging to the sides of the bed. The room was spinning. Who sent the tornado? I sat up and waited for the floor to settle. I slowly realized that Brad had abandoned me and was sleeping in the other bed. Huh. I wonder why? Probably not a good idea to wake him up and ask.

I got to my feet and attempted to move quietly to the bathroom. :tiptoe: Yeah, you know how it is when you try to move quietly... especially with the after effects of half a bottle of rum entering and leaving your body... I stumbled and half tripped my way across the room, swearing every so often. Once inside the bathroom, I turned on the light. Okay, I did NOT need to see that scary, racoon eyed, pale faced woman looking at me in the mirror! I took my makeup off, which I had forgotten to do at bedtime for some reason, washed my face and brushed my teeth to clean the sewer out of my mouth. :crazy2:

I don't really get hangovers, but I did feel that I needed something at that point. Suddenly, I remebered that gift bag with the candy and chips. I still had a bottle of Coke in the cooler, so I was set! I moved quietly (stumble, stumble, swear, swear) to the desk and got the bag and bottle of Coke. You know how it is when you try to open a wrapper quietly? It seems the more carefully you move, the more it crinkles. It started sounding like somebody set off fireworks to my ears. Brad shifted and snorted, but he never said anything. I don't know if I bugged him or not. :confused3 :rotfl:

I had my middle of the night recovery snack, popped some Excederin, and went back to sleep.

We were up and awake by 8am or so. Brad showered and ran down to the lobby for the free breakfast. He can't pass up free food. Free anything, for that matter. I took my time showering and getting ready. He came back with an apple danish, a yogurt, and some milk, so I snacked in the room. He headed back down because he said everyone else was there (Tim, Bruce, John, Leta and Mike). I finished getting ready and finally joined everyone in the lobby. I guess Brad had been telling them about our night at Boot Hill Saloon because they asked how I was feeling. "Fine." :teeth:

We decided that we were about ready to head to the track. Leta still needed to finish getting ready, so she & Mike headed back to their room. We went to get the tickets and Brad ran them to Tim & Bruce. By that time, they were setting up for the cookout by the pool. Oh, yeah! We almost forgot about that!

Brad & I sat down at one of the tables and grabbed a cheeseburger. Does it matter that we had breakfast less than an hour ago? No. It is FREE FOOD people. Brad would have never survived if we hadn't eaten our fill and then some. Oh, and the free beer? I don't drink beer, but Brad had 3 of them. I stuck with Pepsi.


As we were eating our brunch, Tim, Bruce & John passed us. They were headed to the track and said they'd see us there. Cool. When we finished eating, we went to knock on Leta's door to see if they were ready. Leta was ready, but Mike decided he was tired and needed a "power nap" to recover before he would be ready to face the day. Leta started to go with us and leave Mike there, but Mike quickly vetoed that idea. Whatever. We told them we'd see them at the seats and left.

The walk to the track wasn't bad at all. It was a beautiful day and nice to be out in it.


There were a lot of people walking and the sidewalks were very crowded. We passed the usual suspects. "Anybody selling tickets?" "Anybody need tickets?" "Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior?" "Got a buck?" "Got a cigarette?" "Where is my foil hat?"

About 20 minutes of steady walking, we arrived at Daytona International Speedway.


This is the main entrance near the start/finish line. There is another gate near turn 1, but we didn't find it until after we walked around the track. We found the trams that transported us to the back side of the track where our seats were. We had great seats. Up high enough that you could almost see the whole track (and Daytona is a 2.5 mile tri-oval, so that is saying something) and there was one of those wonderful JumboTron things right in front of us for replays and such.



My only complaint about our seats were the butt kicking stairs that we had to climb to get to them. :faint:

It was finally time for the pre-race festivities. I tried to get a shot of the military flyby. At least you'll get an idea of how far away the turns are from our seats.


The pace cars leading the cars by for the warmup laps:



The green flag waved and the Camping World 300 was off and running. Tim, Bruce & John arrived at their seats just in time to see the first lap.

Brad & I had a good time watching the race.



There was only one wreck...


When people first start trying to watch racing, they'll often say something about how they love the wrecks. I guess because it breaks the monotony of watching cars drive around when you don't know anything else about what is going on. I have a good analogy. You know how some people say they don't like hockey, except for the fights? Yeah, those are the people that don't know hockey. All they see is guys skating around, and the fights break up the monotony. It's the same with racing. When somebody says all they want to see is a wreck, they don't know racing. The fights in hockey are fine and part of the sport, but it isn't the only exciting thing that happens KWIM?

Tony Stewart wound up winning his first second-tier series race. The series is now called the Nationwide Series. Up until this season, it was the Busch Series. That'll be confusing for awhile.


We started gathering our belongings and heading back. That's when we found the (much closer) gate at turn 1. You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned Leta & Mike at all. Yeah, they never made it to the seats. They barely made it to the track at all and only watched the last 20 laps from the first portal they came to. :sad2:

Told you he'd try to ruin the trip. He succeeded in blowing most of the experience for Leta. We refused to let him have any impact on our time at all. :p

no wonder we couldn't pick u outta the lime green or mouseears...well, i never:rotfl:

ps now u know why bikers look ruff; not easy to run with the big dogs and rise & shine in the am:laughing:

u didn't come back with a tatoo did u?:idea:
Okay...I am loving your story...and being 'hungover' "agrees" with you .... you looked GREAT in the morning!!! :thumbsup2 Who can beat cheeseburgers for breakfast? :confused3 (Thank goodness for the 'welcome bag' of chocolates :goodvibes )

I don't like Mike. Shoulda left the 'wet blanket' at home :sad2: He obviously didn't want to be there...he shoulda let Leta come alone ::yes:: Next time...don't "let" him come ;)

As any other sport....viewing is far...but, kind of expect's a racetrack...and what is a "tri-oval"? i think my blonde is showing... :headache:


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