LAST CALL for the 10/18/03 Eastern Magic Cruise!

DW says that the double upgrade is ONLY if you previously booked a mid-size, and is NOT guaranteed upon your arrival. Anyway, she said this was the discussion with the booking agent, at the toll free number 1-800-230-4898. As usual, being a DH I overheard a conversation with her and another friend, and yes, I did the improper thing ! I ASSUMED she was refering to the web site....Sorry for any troubles !!!
Give Avis a call, and see what you can work out !
See y'all soon !
Paul and crew,
I tried looking all over and for some reason, I can't seem to find the right thread pertaining to the live updates you were talking about ! Any help would be appreciated !
Be well !
Les- it's called LIVE FROM THE 10/11 Cruise!! It's on the first page just a little down from this one
skc2116 - The 10/11/03 cruisers seemed to be pretty positive with the changes. It makes the wait just that much more unbearable!:tongue:

Paul - at least reading it is keeping my occupied, cause I'm going :yo-yo:

Did I read your family is leaving tomorrow?
skc2116 - We leave for WDW tomorrow at 4am - Yikes!

At least I don't have to worry about trying to get to sleep because there's no time!

I lift my Pepsi, and toast to you and the Mrs. !
Safe journey to you all !
See you Saturday !
Be well, always,
P.S.- Now go to bed ! Your leaving in just a few hours !
Spud, thanks for the info. I knew I could count on someone here! This has been an invaluable place for information and lots of good laughs! See you in 4 DAYS!!!!!!! Alex :earsgirl: :earsboy: :earsgirl:
Thanks Les!

This will be my last post. It's been a pleasure chatting with all of you and I wish you all a safe journey.

I'll see everyone Saturday!

Paul :wave2: :wave2:
Hey there you fellow night owls, it's Pam. I didn't want to log Paul off cuz he'll want to check first thing in the am, and I do mean am, for new posts.

I'm almost at the point where I think I can sleep before we have to get up in 4 hours to head to the airport. Oh well, I'll catch up on sleep once I get on the ship. It must be the gentle rocking cuz everytime I've slept like a baby. And I am a problem sleeper. If you haven't experienced it, just wait. Of course there's no sleeping in on Paul's watch. He's an early riser. I endure.

It will be so great to meet all of you and your families. I know everyone is so excited and ready to have the time of their lives. All of you with kids, they are going to love it. I heard so many times how hard it was to get the kids out of the clubs. Then after a while the parents could really relax and have a great time too. Our kids were all teens when they went with us, but they have great memories. Ask me about the Teens Extreme song they made up. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. I wish all my kids were coming with us. shhhhhh, don't tell Paul I said that. He's looking forward to just the 2 of us going w/o kids.

OK I finally yawned! It's time to say so long and we'll see you on Saturday or at the MNSSH party.

Everyone have a safe and pleasant journey to the Magic!

:earsgirl: Pam
Well, Paul and Pam have left by now. Those lucky ducks!!

I know there still a few of us left, though. It sure is getting harder and harder to wait. We're leaving Friday afternoon. Anyone else leaving before then?

Four days until we:boat: !!
Good Morning to everyone that is still here.:D I feel as though we are starting to dwindle down in number as everyone departs for their vacations. I'll be here till the bitter end though or at least until Friday afternoon. Not a very nice day here in New Jersey, gray and suppose to start raining. Makes me even more anxious for the tropical :sunny:
Hi gang :grouphug:

I'll be here until the bitter end...our flight isn't until 7am Saturday morning. I know, I know, why did we book a flight the day we sail....hhmmm, price. It saved us somewhere around $150 per person and we're flying Song for the first time. So everyone cross your fingers we make it with little to no problems. :)::yes::

See you all soon. :wave2: :wave2:
Good Morning to all!

I too am looking at a cloudy morning. I have lots of little stuff to buy over the next few days. I pretty much have the clothes packed (except for DH!).

My DD( ok me too!) is getting excited, just a few more links left on her construction paper countdown..

For those of you who have cruised before, should I get traveler's checks, or should I be fine with a credit card?
Hi Rena: I think CC would be just fine and a little cash. We took Travelers Checks last year and had to conciously try to use them somehow, and we decided that everything on the ship can be charged to the KTTW cards and that's attached to a CC, we'd just do that with some cash for tips, etc.

Question for everyone:

Kamy and I had discussed what nights were what as far as dining goes and we had come up with (based on the following:

Sat - rotation
Sun - rotation
Mon - rotation
Tues - tropical
Wed - around the world
Thur - captains gala
Fri - best of

So I had planned to do Palo Monday night since it's our anniversary and so we wouldn't miss formal or semi-formal night, but according to the live 10/11 cruise thread, this is how it is:

Sat - rotation
Sun - rotation
Mon - Captains Gala (formal)
Tue - rotation
Wed - Tropical
Thu - semi formal
Fri - rotation

Help? :confused:
Dana, I would probably post on the main board to confirm about the rotation. I am so confused myself. Thanks about the info about traveler's checks. One less errand for me :Pinkbounc
Dana - I think the rotation is different on the Western because Sunday isn't a sea day for them. So, I think Monday at Palo would be fine. But, I've never been on the 7 day, so I don't know for sure.

Rena - I second Dana's opinion that you don't need travelers checks. With the abundance of ATMs in the world now, we never get travelers checks anymore.
Good morning to those on the west coast, good afternoon to those on the east coast. :wave2:

I'll be here until Friday night. The whole of Friday is going to drag, I know it will. And Dana -- Saturday? I don't think I would make it until then, at least sanely, any way. ;) I understand about price, though. We booked our flights back in January and got an incredible deal. Gotta do what you gotta do.

For those of you with gray skies, I'll throw a little sunshine your way. :sunny: Plenty of it here.

Perchinske -- I've got three links left on my paper chain. That's been one of the best things that I could have done for this whole trip. Maybe next time my daughter will get into it as well. My DH has over the past few weeks. :D

Hope the rest of this week flies by!:boat: It's almost time!
Hi gang !
It seems as though we are a dwindling crew ! I say AMEN !
This is probably one of the only times that I am happy to see my friends leave ! I guess that by looking forward to meeting everyone makes it that much more enjoyable ! It'll be nice to put names with faces and families.
We're (the 18 of us) leaving connecticut Friday morning at 11, arriving in Orlando just before 2 PM. We'll be spending Friday night at Universal Studio's Haloween Bash, and at Disney Quest, for the younger kids. Anyone else going to Disney Quest on Friday ?
SOoooooooo, the more excited I get, the easier it is to ramble on ! Somebody else's turn ! I'll check back later tonight !
Untill then, be well everyone !
Les a.k.a. Snorgg :wave2:


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