Laurie & Kyle 1/16/10 Wedding PJ **TR Started Beach Party & Bio Bay Up**


DIS Veteran
Sep 26, 2008
I have been enjoying reading everyone else's PJ's I thought I would start my own. Although I am not a Disney Bride, I'm getting married in Puerto Rico and having a Disneymoon, so I really can not complain. I was almost a DCL Bride, but I will get to that part in a little bit.

Okay a bit of background. I'm Laurie and am 24 and my DFi Kyle is 25 we are Arizona transplants from Jersey and have been here almost two years. We moved here so DFi could go to ASU for grad school, he starts in the fall.

We have been together for 7 years this Oct. We met our freshman year of college in Jersey. This is the little story from our wedding website:

Kyle and I first met in the dorm of Mullica Hall at Rowan University. He was friends with my roommate, Anna. Not surprisingly, the first couple encounters we had Kyle talked and I listened. So for a few weeks that was the norm: me quietly listening with him trying to get me to talk for more than five seconds. Then homecoming weekend, I finally worked up the nerve to go knock on Kyle's door. So after about an hour of confidence building, I knocked and asked him if he wanted to go out and do something. He said "sure, sounds great" and I went back and sat in my room to wait until he was ready. Only 45 minutes and three outfits later, he was finally ready and we decided to go out bowling. We had a great time and have been attached at the hip ever since.

Next I will post our proposal story :lovestruc . . .he did a very good job.
I thought I would post the proposal story quick, then I should probably actually do some work today :)

I wrote this for our wedding website:

I could not have asked for a more unique proposal than the one Kyle did and he truly got me with it.

In September we were planning on going to San Diego for the week to see the Zoo and Sea World. A few months before the trip, Kyle told me that his Dad could get us free tickets to Sea World since he was working on a contract deal with them. Probably a month goes by and Kyle e-mails me out of the blue at work and says that not only are we getting into the park for free, but the contact at Sea World was also getting us into the Dolphin Interaction. I immediately googled it, because my first thought was that it is something in front of an audience during the dolphin show. Luckily, it was not, but a small group interaction and swimming with the dolphins.

Little did I know that it was truly Kyle’s plan and he’d be working on it for weeks already. So for the next month or two, he was constantly talking about it. He kept sarcastically saying, "We get to swim with the dolphins and it was all my idea!" I would just laugh and say, “Oh you had nothing to do with it…you better thank your father for being such a good salesman!” Mind you Kyle needs a story so he does not spill the truth, but I never put two and two together.

Finally it is time to go to San Diego and it was anything but a boring drive. Just don't trust your GPS when she takes you on back roads over an hour and 30 miles out of your way. We also got to see the border fence; very exciting!

We got there on Monday and went to SeaWorld on Tuesday. So there I am, getting ready and drinking Pepto Bismol because I'm so nervous about the dolphins. I also had a gut feeling Kyle was going to propose sometime during that week, since he had told me to go get my nails done before the trip. However, I had NO idea what he had planned and when he was going to do it.

So we head into the park and over to the dolphin interaction pool. First we went into a little classroom to learn some basic information about the dolphins and some safety requirements for the pool. Then we got sent to the dressing rooms to get into our wet suits; and let me just tell you, I was not meant to wear a wetsuit! After a bit of struggle, I finally got it on and we headed down.

We got into the pool and it was quite cold. So there we stood on a ledge in the water and the trainers brought the dolphins out. It was quite intimidating for me in the beginning being so close to such big animals. But after some time, I settled down and got use to them. It was really amazing; the trainers had the dolphins do all kinds of different tricks and interactions with everyone. It gave everyone a chance to play with the dolphins and have them do tricks for us.

The last trick was essentially “fetch”. I had the final object which was a big plastic bottle with a rolled up scroll inside. Honestly, I didn’t think anything of it. I threw it out in the middle of the pool and when the dolphin brought it back the trainer told me that there was a “special gift” on the inside. At that point I started to think, “There is NO way this is what I think it is…” I took the scroll out of the bottle and it said "Will you Marry Me" with the ring tied up on the scroll. As Kyle took the ring off the scroll I was already tearing up. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him with a short, for once, and beautiful proposal. Technically, I never was able to mutter out “yes”, but I did nod my head. The trainer starting laughing and said, “Well…I guess we’ll take that as a Yes!” It was perfect and I definitely had no idea it was coming. :lovestruc

It was the most unique proposal that I have ever heard of, not to say that I’m biased or anything. He really did a great job coming up with it and keeping it a secret for so long. Oh, and I forgave him for doing it in public :)

My wonderful work computer is blocking the photobucket website so I can not put at pictures up of the proposal, but I def will once I get home.

What a cute story!

I would love to hear about your near DCL experience and why you choose vieques over it. I too am on the fence about a DCL wedding.

Anyhoo can't wait to hear the details! Congratulations!
Sooo bored at work so I thought I would continue the story.

This part is very sad, so I'm going to get it over with.

Okay, so we had pretty much decided that we were going to have a cruise wedding and everyone was agreed and loved the idea (I mean we had been talking about it for two years!!) I fell in love the Disney weddings, but knew we could never afford a WDW wedding, so I turned to the cruises. Not too much info on the Disney wedding cruises, so I googled the heck out of it and found some great info,

So a couple weeks after we were engaged, I started contacting a couple travel agencies to see who would be the best to work with for booking the cruise part. We decided to go through AAA, we picked the cruise we wanted, everyone wanted a 7 day cruise. So everything was good, we just had to wait for the 2010 dates to come out. The sad thing was I had to tell my TA that the dates were available and to put us down for those dates.

I was super excited once we confirmed the dates, that meant I could make the STD's, I'm pretty good with Photoshop, not a pro, but a hobbiest, so I made cute little magazine looking STD with an insert and a wedding magnet attached. So cute and my DFi was a doll and did all the cutting for me :thumbsup2

So we stopped by the TA to give him our credit card # for the deposit and we put all the STD's together. Picture this, all of the 50 little STD sitting on our card table, stuffed, addressed, stamped, and sealed, ready to go in the mail, two days before we were to pay the deposit to lock in the cruise.

Then a tidal wave hits central Arizona. . .we get a phone from one of DFi's sisters (now I don't want to bad mouth his family, I won't go into great detail, but you'll get the point). she can't afford to go and thinks they can only spend $2000 including flights for 2 adults and 2 kids. Umm :confused3
I'm just balling at this point staring at the STD we just spent two days putting together. I had to put a towel over them just to stop crying.

Then his other sister (he has 3) called the next night and said that it was crazy that we were asking people to pay that much to come to the wedding and they can't afford it either.

The shot in the heart was when I had to call the travel agent to tell him to cancel the deposit. But Kyle really wanted to have all his sister's there for the wedding.

It also didn't not help that my mom was 2500 miles away and now she was upset that I was upset. The only shining light was that I was flying home and then on a business trip, so I had a little diversion.

Okay, so I need to stop before I start to cry and I have forgiven them.

And that is my Disney Downer story, on to the fun stuff.

Next post. . .we're going to Puerto Rico!!!
Congrats on the engagement. I can't wait to hear all your plans. Puerto Rico sounds great.

I'm sorry about your original plans being ruined. We looked in to getting married on a Carnival Cruise (the cruises themselves are much cheaper), and we wanted to have it in port before we left so I could have family who weren't going on the cruise come. But, the more we looked at our guest list, there was no way I could get the list down to 50 non sailing guests. I want all of my family to be there, so I understand how your DF feels. It just sucks that you had to cancel your plans over that. But I'm sure your day is going to be amazing anyway. And on your big day, you probably won't even think about the Disney Cruise because you will be so in love and happy and excited.

Okay, that got really long. Sorry, but once again Congrats and I can't wait to read more!
What a cute story!

I would love to hear about your near DCL experience and why you choose vieques over it. I too am on the fence about a DCL wedding.

Anyhoo can't wait to hear the details! Congratulations!

Thank you! I was sadly forced from a DCL wedding, by family concerns. I mean I would take a Disney wedding in a heart beat. But in all honesty, my wedding in vieques is still cheaper than the DCL wedding would have been and I have a bit more control over things (kinda) with the destination wedding and it's a whole weekend of events.

It is all a matter of what you want and who you want at the wedding. Kyle really wanted to have his sister's at the wedding so I couldn't be selffish (even though I wanted to be) and have the DCL wedding anyway.

I'll post more details about the vieques wedding shortly :)
Congrats on the engagement. I can't wait to hear all your plans. Puerto Rico sounds great.

I'm sorry about your original plans being ruined. We looked in to getting married on a Carnival Cruise (the cruises themselves are much cheaper), and we wanted to have it in port before we left so I could have family who weren't going on the cruise come. But, the more we looked at our guest list, there was no way I could get the list down to 50 non sailing guests. I want all of my family to be there, so I understand how your DF feels. It just sucks that you had to cancel your plans over that. But I'm sure your day is going to be amazing anyway. And on your big day, you probably won't even think about the Disney Cruise because you will be so in love and happy and excited.

Okay, that got really long. Sorry, but once again Congrats and I can't wait to read more!

Thank you!

I agree with you, I looked at other cruise lines as well, but this is where stubborn irishness (as my mom calls it) shined out and I did not want to do a cruise unless it was Disney, it just was not the same. You just can not compare Disney.

I love our wedding plans now, it just hurt at the time. PR is just beautiful, although I have never actually been there, aside from the San Juan airport, so I just love it. I really could not ask for anything more :yay:
I think Puerto Rico sounds awesome! I can't wait to hear more!!!!

Sorry about his sisters. But I really think Vieques sounds great! I used to work for a little puddle jumper airline that flies in there. I have heard so many great things about the place but have never been.
Once the DCL ship had sailed, I was a woman on a mission trying to find another solution as to where to have the wedding.

Something that was unique, inexpensive for our guests to reach, and something that we could both agree on.

We thought about having it in Jersey, but it would cause too many family issues and weddings are super expensive. We were going to do a Dinner Cruise in the Hudson looking at the NYC skyline, but minimum was about $20000 and that did not even include everything, plus I really was not up to planning a wedding across the country.

We thought about Arizona, but that would stress for us, although Sedona is a beautiful location.

A destination wedding just seemed right. Bermuda would be cheap, for all the east coast family, but there was something about it that just was not right.

Then by chance I was on the phone with Mom and my step dad made the comment that one of the girls at work just got married in Puerto Rico on some island that begins with a V.

So I then began my google mission and found Vieques, it looked gorgeous. Oh, BTW my step dad is Puerto Rican so I'm amazed I did not think of it sooner.

The nail in the coffin was that my step dad loved the idea and Kyle loved the idea (they rarely agree) so it was a miracle. :woohoo:

So off we were running with the idea, like I tend to do. Within three weeks we changed our entire wedding plans and I hired an awesome wedding planner in Vieques.

I was very excited to have a new wedding plan :cool1:

Within about 2 months or so we had many things planned.
I thought I would post a little background on the island, I was totally oblivious until I was searching for wedding sites.

It is actually one of the small sister islands of mainland Puerto Rico. The pictures look wonderful.

The living area on the island is only about 5x7 miles. Most of the island is national park and use to be used as testing grounds for the US Navy.

It is not the hustle and bustle like San Juan or other cities in Puerto Rico, no clubs, casinos, or things like that. Although they do have some bars and hang outs. The beaches are never crowded and are beautiful (from pictures). I have some people I know, who have actually been there, tell me that it is just gorgeous.

Not having a chance to visit the island before the wedding and having never been there was always something that kind of bothered me and still does a little. I just tell myself to relax and it will be wonderful.
Within two months of hiring Sandy we had a majority of the wedding planning done. I love the fact that she is a "tell it like it is" kind of person. I would rather just be told the truth from the beginning and have that be that.

The cool thing about the destination wedding is that we are having a whole weekend of things to do.

We will have welcome bags at everyone's hotels. (I'm still trying to find inexpensive bags since I did not like the ones my wedding planner suggested)

When everyone arrives on Thursday we are going to have a Welcome Party, not sure exactly what we are going to do yet, but that's the plan. (Maybe just cocktails and finger food)

Friday we are having an afternoon beach party. Complete with a taco bar and my favorite rum punch!!! My FMIL and FFIL are also hosting the beach party and treating everyone to a boat ride in the Bio Bay, it's suppose to be a must see. It pretty much looks like the water is glowing around you.

Saturday will be the ceremony and reception. We are staying in this huge villa with our wedding party and having the ceremony and reception right on the property. I can't post pictures at work, but here is a link of the villa:

Sunday we're off on our honeymoon in Disney World!!!

Okay that was the Reader's Digest version and I will post some pictures of flowers and the centerpieces I have been working on and my dress!!
On the honeymoon front, I finally convinced my DFi to do the Disney Honeymoon Photoshoot! I'm not sure where we're going to do it, but I was glad he agreed.

I am just not too keen on the photographer for our wedding, but it's the only one we can get on the island that's within our budget. I'm sure the pictures will be lovely, just some of the ones in her portfolio just look like anyone's camera shots and nothing special :confused3 I just hope Sandy is not steering me wrong and I don't think she would since she uses this photographer a lot. But I figured if our wedding photos came out just okay, at least we would have some nice disney pics :woohoo:

As far as the honeymoon shoot I think I would like either Epcot or Animal Kingdom for my DFi, I would love Magic Kingdom, but I heard that they do not do that anymore for the Honeymoon/Engagement Shoots.

I just can not wait until the 2010 package pricing comes out so I can just book it already and not have to worry about it.
On the honeymoon front, I finally convinced my DFi to do the Disney Honeymoon Photoshoot! I'm not sure where we're going to do it, but I was glad he agreed.

Your plans for PR sound awesome! Destination is definitely the way to go!

I would love to do a honeymoon shoot... But I think I'm lucky I got DF to agree to posed wedding photos. Honeymoon photos might be too much to ask for!

Can't wait to hear more. :goodvibes
I thought I would post some fun pictures:



My bouquet will be:

Green Orchids
Orange Calla Lillies
Pink Roses


Orange Calla Lillies
Pink Roses
(maybe just Pink/Orange Roses depending on my next flower quote this summer)
I think I have nailed down my hair as well, it will be a combo of the following:


I love love love the first one and I even found the feather piece in her hair, but it was $67 :scared1: I don't think so. So my new plan is a silk white orchid and maybe adding a little sparkle, or something to it.
My last for the evening:

My centerpieces, still not final, but progressive at this point. I found these things called floralytes and they are awesome :woohoo: I found this place out of San Diego that sells them pretty reasonable.


Just for twenty3curls here are the ribbon roses I have been working on, these are not the colors I would use, probably white or fushia, they are easier to match.

Oh, I sound probably mention my colors are Pool Blue, Fushia, and Orange.

YOu will LOVE WDW in January...My favorite time to go!

I am so sorry about the evil sisters and thier plot to ruin your DCL wedding.

Your plans sound GREAT! I can not wait to hear more about them. My husband's parents are transplants living in AZ from Jersey.....What a small world. They live in Tucson!

Anyway....Can't wait to hear every single detail!!!!


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