Laurie's "Grand HCG Experiment"

Girlfriend, where are you??? Was hoping to catch up with you before I left for Disney and the cruise. I hope you are back on track and doing well. I may check in while we are away, we will have internet on the ship. So post up and tell me whats up!!

PS Wish me and Linda luck on the race!!!
Sorry to be MIA - despite having another week off from school, it was much too over-scheduled and then getting back to work has been even busier. My eyes have been so tired, that I've avoided personal computer time; between school work and pro cert writing, I just couldn't face the screen for me.

Thanks so much for stopping by - I hope I'm not too late to with you (Linda and Veronica) so much good luck on your 1/2 marathon. Looks like the weather will be chilly down there for it. Warmer here I think. (We're back to the mid-40s/mid-50s.)

Inkkognito: The tuxedo cats are all we've ever had...I'm still grieving for my guardian who passed 5 years ago and our baby that lived only 10 months with HCM. But the three we share our lives with now are all healthy and active and into all kinds of mischief.

So where to about weight because that is my least favorite topic at the moment.

Weight went up the last week of break with the stress, throwing a dinner party for my folks, DH's dad and GF (she arrived sober and stayed that way). We cooked a pork rack roast, asparus, FIL brought scalloped potatoes, my mother brought her famous roles, and I actually baked cheesecake for desert. I indulged and kept indulging until the leftovers were gone three nights later. Up 5 lbs by the time school began again to 158.

Back on plan (as much as possible) this week and I'm back to 155 as of this morning, but starving even with the HCG. I won't check ketosis until I'm steadily losing again as it has become frustrating not to see anything register.

I need to exercise other than plies (sp?) and crunches. We need to walk despite the wet weather. My lower back is still out-of-control sore (not kidney stones this time, but aggrevated muscles in my low back where it connects to my hips). I'm OK most of the time and then get a stabbing pain and want to scream. Not good when this happens at school.

The Pro Cert process isn't getting any more clear than it was prior to break. No examples posted on the state site and the new templates didn't clarify anything either. The directions were just as poor as we received from the university program. I met with two teachers from my mom's district who are using a different university and was told to start with my professional development list and go from there. Others in my program got together on the 29th and we succeeded in making it even more murky - but I was able to help others streamline their pro D to their practices to their evidence; why I can't do this for myself I'll never understand. There are limits on how long it can be (14 pages, no more than 21,000 characters, 12 pages of evidence, but two are your Pro D log). After someone finally got back to the group of us from the university and they met the night of my dinner party, it was decided that we would still need to complete the draft by Monday night (1/4). I spent all weekend pounding it out - incomplete by Monday afternoon, but over the page limit. What to cut? The peer review at class Monday evening was not helpful. I feel like I'm at square one still, but the first Entry is due on February 1 as a final.

Getting my students back into the groove at school has been difficult too. We began the 1920s and The Great Gatsby and for the first time, the majority of my honors students were not prepared for their first discussion session this Wednesday! What is it with this group? More of my regular students had read the first chapter and had come prepared with their quotes/responses. Argh! What are they thinking? Who were their junior high teachers, because I want to hunt them down and tell them what kind of behavior they have been reinforcing prior to high school. I was so frustrated that I asked one of my former advisees (graduated last year) to come in at her convenience and give the "what it's like at college" talk. We email weekly, and yes, I'm still assisting with essays and the like. She's doing well, she was an excellent student, but she tells me that if I hadn't helped her learn to focus, organize, spend the time, take notes (and she wasn't even in my academic classes) and know what to expect, she would be doing poorly right now. She's seen former classmates already drop out of college who couldn't adjust. She going to come put the fear of acadamia in them for me as soon as she can.

Need to get back to grading. I promise I'll be better - for me.
Despite fume blanc with dinner (salmon & salad), I'm down to where I was before putting 5 over the holidays: 153. I still haven't check for ketosis--figured it wouldn't register at all with the wine.

Slept in the morning - so, yawn, tired after just one week at school. Must be mental - I haven't done anything physical, so it is really surprising to take off 5 lbs in a week. My lower back is still tender this morning and sore outward to my hip sockets. We just made a run for light bulbs and bird food--DH has to fill all the feeders and the critters are begging outside. There are about 12 dozen doves in the backyard right now scratching the lawn bare looking for feed and the flickers have been pounding on the roof. Even the humingbird food needs refreshing.

Today's meals: scrambled eggs and clementine orange, now a 16 oz breve (an indulgence, but the extra fat in the half and half doesn't seem to stall me out), dinner plans are for chicken and salad.
Hi Laurie
Thanks for the well wishes.It was COLD! Sleeting at the start turned to rain.I was fine once we started but the waiting around before was the killer.I never found Veronica it was a mob scene.

Glad to hear you are back on track,Holidays and vacation killed me.Starting new as of today.Will start a new journal here to hopefully to keep motivated????

Linda - I was envious of your trip until the weather decided to act more like Western Montana than Central Florida! Somehow, sunny Florida should be...well sunny and warmer than the rest of the U.S. in the winter months. Here it is unseasonably warm and flooding!

I'm back to the ups and downs with the scale - up to 154, back to 153, up to 154 again this morning. So frustrating! and so are my students which has started me on the "frustration eating" thing that I have to kick. It doesn't help that I'm hungry in the afternoon (late afternoon) - not hungry in the am or at lunch (but I eat anyway)--then wham! 2:30pm and I'm ravenous whether I've eaten anything all day or not.

My students are not cooperating; I'm used to playing cheerleader towards the end of a school year - let's get through one more unit, you'll need these skills and information next year...blah, blah, rah, rah, rah! But to have students simply stop learning prior to the end of 1st semester is incredible. I'm getting more "I don't want to do that" and "I can't because my pencil lead broke" than "hey, I get it, I can do that" and it's so frustrating. The rudeness of many of the honors students is really getting to me too. I've never had a group of so many (all together) students who only want to be spoon-fed what they need to get the A, but don't want to put any of their own effort into it. The flippant attitudes are only intensifying. With the exception of a handful, these are not nice kids--but pampered children. And I'm mad that I feel that way about them. The regular kids ask for assistance, nicely, when they need it, but honors kids start getting rude when they don't want to work and then make if difficult for others to get the work done. Calling home didn't make a difference with the problems at the start of the semester; I'm guessing it won't make a difference now either. I'm going to have to teach to the five and ignore the rest or start sending them out for their rudeness. I meet with the parents of the student I encouraged to switch to honors tomorrow morning (he's one of the five) and I'm just going to have to apologize for the problems.

The weather has been so wet, that my hair (despite a hair dryer and being inside all day) is still dampish to the touch. It's just plain frizzy and I've always had poker-straight lockes. Since it's thinned out, I supposed it isn't as heavy pulling it straight. But the frizz is not helping my mood any. I'm glad we live up on a hill and not in a river valley at the moment - the rest of the country's in a deep freeze and here it was nearly 60 degrees yesterday and today. What snow there was in the mountains is rapidly melting and adding to the flooding--it'll be drought time over the summer with no snowpack unless things change soon.

I suppose I'd best get to grading papers - the last set felt like a waste of my time they were so poorly done. Hopefully these will show some skill development.
We actually walked this morning! 5K in about an hour. The staff at my school have really gotten into running and have become almost evangelical in their approach to getting more of us out and exercising. So, our assistant principal organized a morning 5K run-walk-bike event this morning and then the hope is that we'll train on our own for 3 weeks and then get together to do a 10K with the goal of a 20K and then a 1/2 marathon event later on. DH and I opted to walk; route was flat along the river and, thankfully, no rain, just heavy fog this morning. We walked with his parents (retired and fit, but suffering with foot issues). There were only 3 others this morning (despite the avid runners on staff harrassing the rest of us all week) and they ran it. We then had coffee and got on with our day. Despite not walking, much, since mid-October, I felt I could have gone much faster on the flat. My back didn't bother me - a twinge here and there - and no shin issues that usually plague me when I walk after taking off too much time inbetween.

Weight: up to 156 (again), still not checking ketosis. We broke down last night and satisfied a sushi craving. Miso soup, a few edamame, marinated cucumber, rolls with rice, and some sashimi--really the only thing safely on plan. With the rice and sodium, I'm up a lb from yesterday and up three again for the week. I'm still battling the afternoon hunger and trying to make smart choices, but my weight is still bouncing and now heading downwards. I'm wondering if I've become immune to the HCG and I am seriously considering taking a break and trying to maintain the loss for 8 to 12 weeks and then starting again with it in earnest to get the last 20-25 lbs gone.

The plans for the weekend include completing my Entry 1 for Pro Cert, a little planning, and some serious organization, cleaning, and laundry. I'm hoping the weather will cooperate again tomorrow and I can get in another hour walk. I really need new walking shoes - I've lost so much volume in my feet that I have to lace tight to keep them from rubbing. Weird, I've always had wide feet and now their almost narrow and all my shoes are big.
It's Tuesday, so why does it feel like a Monday of a very long week? Sometimes I'd like to cancel all holidays and three-day weekends and just go straight on through until the end of May and take all of June, July, and August off. The holidays only make getting back to work for students all the more difficult and the whining is incredible and we're not half way through yet.

I continued walking Sunday (hour), and Monday (40 minutes) and we are about to get ready to go this evening (before it gets too dark out and the rain returns.)

I was able to get back down to 154 over the weekend, but it bounced right back up to 155 this morning (and I've been good!) Why?

This afternoon, I am dealing with a pressure headache and the Tylenol upset in my stomach caused me to eat more snacks than I should. Again, the frustration need for crunching isn't helping either.

I'm still not done with my Pro Cert Entry 1 draft and I'm over by 2 pages and 9,000 words! What to cut, how to scan the evidence, what do I need to do? I'm so done right now and ready to go back to TV graphics or managing interns.

Well off to walk!
Wacky Wednesday and almost a week away from the end of the semester (the last day, next Thursday, is a half day and hardly counts.) I'm seeing little interest on my students' part. Most are complaining about having to read anything on their own (Mr. So and So is reading every word of Gatsby to his classes and they're honors too.) Believe me, through the course of a discussion most of the chapter gets read out loud to them to. I remember disliking the novel in high school American Lit class--but it wasn't because it was difficult reading, it was because I just couldn't find anything to like about the characters. Their was no connection for me then, it got better the 2nd time around in college, but I actually have become fond of Fitzgerald's use of language and how lyrical it is after teaching it for 5 years. I've tried to find ways to help students relate to themes that are more modern (like comparing those tacky sweet 16 parties they show on MTV etc.), and that has worked the past four years. But this year, most kids aren't attempting to understand. And frankly, I don't care how terrible their essays are on the topic next Tuesday. I just don't care. Just let the days on the calendar go by and get through with this year.

Weight, up to 155 this morning. Was supposed to pick up more HCG this afternoon and then it dawned on me, other than (sort of) taking off the 5 lbs I put on over Christmas, I haven't lost anything in over a month. And I've been on the stuff and, for the most part, I've been good...yes, too much snacking as of late, but not overboard and if I add up the calories, I shouldn't be putting anything on either.

The clinic doesn't believe in immunity issue, but I do troll other boards with those using the stuff and immunity seems to set in. The hunger in the afternoon and the craving for sweets, in particular, all are hints that it's not working for me anymore and I need to get off of it for 8 to 12 weeks before it will work again. So, today, what should have been my first shot day this week, I didn't go get more HCG and I'll see how much more hungry I get in the next 6 days (it is supposed to stay in your system for at least 3 days). If my hunger really increases by Friday/Saturday, then I'll know that it was working. If everything is the same, then I'll know that it hasn't for awhile now.

Logically, this makes sense, emotionally, I'm a wreck. I don't want to put on anything I've lost. I have to stick to the VLCD for the three days and then to maintain, I can up the protein a little and add in some good fats, but stick to the same type of veggies (no starchy veggies and no refined carbs).

I came home from school and walked for 50 minutes before DH came home, then we went out again for another 30 minutes. I went much faster alone, but had stiffed up the 2nd time out. The weather cooperated one more day, but most likely it will be raining again tomorrow. Weird weather, even for Western's cooled down a little, but it was near 60 degrees again today. It's looking to be a drought again this summer as there is no real snowpack in the mountains to speak of. I'm just glad that we haven't had any snow days to make up (knock on wood).

While out for the walk, we noticed that the dishwasher had some soap still left in it and decided to start a rinse only cycle while we were out. We came back to a puddle on the floor and now two hours later, have found that the drainline has split near the outlet. How weird is that? Fingers are crossed that the wood floor won't cup and DH has ordered the part, but it looks like proprietary nonsense to be able to take the old drainline off and put the new one on. (If you haven't figured it out, we are a bit of the do-it-yourself-types and don't like to pay for something that we can figure out ourselves.) The old dishwasher (pre-remodel) latest for 16 years and it was a cheap builder model. This is a top of the line LG and I'm more than a bit peeved.

Oh well, what is another teacher said to me this morning on our way in, "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger." Oh really, I'm just about as strong as I want to be right now with an unfinished Pro Cert Entry 1 and kids that aren't trying.

Hope that your students get their act together, and if not that you can manage anyhow.

Wish I could help with the ProCert issue, but on that I am in the dark. I hope that it goes well for you and I know you will do great on it.

On the HCG front, maybe a break will be good. Sometimes even with WW or any other diet plan, taking a small break gives your body a chance to "recover" and adjust so that it can continue to lose weight. Keep us posted on how you are doing. I am rooting for you and know that you can succeed.

I posted on my thread about your walking. DL 1/2 is in Sept, Labor Day weekend. It doesn't close for a while, would be great to see you there;) I am really looking forward to it.

Keep on keepin on friend, you are doing great and are an inspiration.
Veronica - Labor Day weekend - Oh no! that is the weekend my folks want us to close up the cabin near Yellowstone this year instead of waiting (and keeping our fingers crossed that the winter weather holds) until mid-October. Oh well, maybe I can make adjustments. The one thing that really bites about becoming an educator is the inflexible school schedule. Oh how I'd just love to be able to take a week off right now!

Down to 153 (again) this morning, ironically, we went out for Mexican food last night because DH was as tired as I was after the supposidly short week and didn't want to cook. The fact that the dishwasher part had just come last in the afternoon, but he hadn't found the schematics to change out the drain hose didn't help matters. In that fit of frustration and exhaustion, he asked what I wanted for dinner and I said Chile Relenos--thinking "no way" he'll tell me I'm off my rocker and that is not on plan. He's been my strength and my will power somedays. But not last night!

At the restaurant (not the one we normally go to that had no parking slots left and a wait out the door--no one cooks in Puyallup and the economy must be picking up here; most restaurants have been crying for business--we had to drive to the other end of the city limits to get in for Mexican food!), I ordered ala cart; a side salad with some small slices of avocado and sour cream for dressing and the traditional chile releno. DH ordered us margaritas too--not on plan and I pretty much went, "that cancels out the careful ordering.) He went for about the same thing, but with a tostada w/chicken, rice and beans on the side. He had a few chips, but stayed under control too--I was proud because I didn't touch them. Now that I'm off the HCG, I can add more fats to my diet, but I'm still trying to be careful. But getting up this morning to a drop on the scale was a bonus, especially when we didn't walk yesterday evening.

I've had to stay late the past two nights at school to get my straggling seniors done with their state portfolios. All but one are finished and he should be able to wrap up his last essay and complete the paperwork on Monday. I was home at 6pm last night and really tired. Thankfully, DH had packed me a portion of frittata (left over from dinner the past two nights) and it kept me from getting too hungry. I've pretty much decided that I must have become immune to the HCG, because the past two days, my hunger has been exactly the same in the late afternoon as it was on the hormone. No change whatsoever; I'm not hungry in the am or when I do eat lunch, then about 2:30 to 4pm, I'm ravenous, then after dinner, craving something sweet, but it's not due to hunger. This calls for at least 8 weeks off, so I plan to get back on it the first of April and hopefully, get the last 20-30 lbs off. I'm still about 13 lbs away from a "healthy" BMI, but DH thinks that getting down to 130-135 would be good for me, any more and he thinks I'll be too thin in his mind. Actually, I don't care what I weigh, I just want to be able to buy and wear a size 30/30 pair of 501 Levis shrink to fits--the size I was when we got married. That would be heaven.

Tomorrow, laundry and revise the dreaded Entry 1 for Pro Cert. I meet with my friend on Thursday to go over them and figure out if we have met standard (without any examples). I trust her judgement, she's a wonder to work with and I wish she was teaching at my building instead of the alternative school.

Four more days of this semester; one more week of this unit and then it's on to the Great Depression (something I'm sure my students will get a lot out of since we are pretty much living something close right now--economics usually gets them re-interested in history, but then again, this group is not like the others I've taught.) My seniors have a short writing unit and then on to Hamlet. I'm so excited to take a class through Shakespear! This will be my first group that I've had the confidence with to do it with and they are already excited about it.

DH is just finishing up re-loading the bird feeders and then we are going to get a walk in. Not sure if it will be just the neighborhood or we'll head down to the path along the river. A change of scene might be nice.
I'm procrastinating...Pro Cert revisions loom and I'm still at a loss at how to cut it down 2 1/2 pages and 9,000 charaters. So I'll journal instead.

We walked last night along the Tacoma/Ruston Way waterfront. It was a beautiful sunset and little to no breeze along the water. It wasn't too crowed, but there was a fair amount of runners, walkers, bike riders, and strollers. We did 2.6 miles in about 45-50 minutes and then did something totally counterproductive, we went to get a famous Mikie Burger for dinner (DH also had a diet coke and onion rings and I ordered a hot fudge custard milk shake). I'm up two pounds to 155 this morning due to my indiscreation.

Back on the wagon today, sort of: DH went and got me a breve this morning to try and rouse me from my slumber and head cold that is wiping me out. We just finished walking another 45 minutes through the neighborhood. Hopefully the weather will cooperate somewhat through the week, we need to build distance because the next staff run/walk/bike is a 10 K.

To get myself back on track, I thought I'd post measurement again - it's about the only motivation I have right now:

Neck from 15 to 12 1/2
Upper Arm from 14 to 11
Bust from 48 1/2 to 40
Midriff from 45 to 32
Hips from 48 to 38
Thigh from 25 to 21 1/4

Total inches lost: 40 3/4

DH is going to make me some mini crustless quiches for afternoon snacks or a breakfast item (if I'm hungry). I'm going to stick closely to the same VLCD with exceptions of a little larger protein portion (from 3 oz to 4-6 oz depending up the protein) and adding in some limited good fats (olive oil and avacado). I'm going to try to layoff any nuts or drief fruit and stick with apples. The idea is to monitor my hunger and satisfy it with protein.

So with that, I'm going to heat up some more leftover frittata and dry my hair and get to work on the dreaded Pro Cert.
That shake you had sounds like what we call a Boston shake here. Yumm-o indeed.

I really think that this break will be good for you. It will get you comfortable with eating more food and adjusting to "real life" when you finish the HCG. I think you will learn a lot about what really satisfies you and what makes you feel blech. I'm still here rooting for you!!:hug:

I also think when your pro-cert is done you will feel better. Stress can cause major interference with weight loss.

Good job on the walking. When is the 10k? I have no doubt you will finish strong.

Happy monday and have a good week!
Veronica - yes, the Pro Cert thing is really stressing me out. I almost broke down this afternoon during my planning at school and told my neighbor next class over (and down the street) that I was ready to quit and go back to TV even if it meant summers in Cleveland suffering throug Major League Baseball (again). This afternoon she took a "machete" to my Entry and amputated limb after limb. I'm down to just over 14 pages now, but I'm not sure the content is there--I couldn't have done that hack job myself though and now it's done, well it's done.

My students wrote their essays on Gatsby today too, and I decided that tomorrow they'll revise it (they won't like it, but it needs doing). Very very few turned in analytical journals--the collection of quotes/responses that would have been their evidence for the essay--that I know most are not worth my time in scoring. I've just never had a class of students like this group--they all think they can get A's at the last minute without preparation. While they revise tomorrow, I'll get more of their projects graded (hopefully). I was caught up tonight, but only 1/4 had turned them in early and they can turn in more than one to bring up their grades for the semester. I have to have all graded by next Wednesday at 3pm and entered into the system in addition to planning and teaching and Pro Cert on Monday night.

Weight: up to 155 again this morning, but better than the 156 I was yesterday. DH packed me some mini-crustless quiches (think mini-cupcake size) and some low-fat cheese to get me through the afternoon, but I still wanted to "crunch" on something when I got home. (He's talking to his dad on the phone and my stomach alarm was off when I walked in the door!) He's grilling portobello burgers for dinner and he doesn't like it when I touch that BBQ out back. Even though my weight is up and down a few pounds, my clothes are fitting the same. I will need to go by the clinic and pick up vitamins this week too and let them no that I will be taking the time off, should have a body comp and diet consult too, but who has the time?

No walk tonight--home at almost 6pm and it's dark and almost raining. My lower back and hips are so stiff, that it hurt walking yesterday and we only did 40 minutes. The 10K is weekend after next and is just for staff and friends, not a formal event. But the 20K will be a formal event and I'm not sure they take walkers or cyclists. Our administrators are checking into it and will get back to us. Running is just not an option for me.

Back to mitigating cat spats - Sasha (4) is determined that Tilda (11) play with her because Niko (7) played too rough and she doesn't want to play with him anymore, but still wants to play. Somehow cat games with Meowmy isn't the same as playing cat games with other cats. I'm going to have to find something like a bird on a string if I'm going to entice her away from pestering her sister (squeaky mouse, busy ball, and twisty tie haven't worked).
Portobella burgers-hmmmm especially good with roasted red peppers, sauteed onions, melted mozzarella and some balsamic vinagrette. A side of sweet potato fries is nice too:laughing::rolleyes:

Sometimes an outside view of your work is what is needed-i'm sure your friend did what needed doing, sometimes we are too close to see objectively. Fingers crossed for you!!

The cats, we used to have three, now have two. One will be 16 in April, the other 11. Since the dog arrived, they don't "play" as much as they do hide from the dog. But one thing they still love is "milk rings". When we buy a gallon of milk and you pull the ring from the cap, boy they love those. Don't know why. But hey who can figure cats out anyway?:rotfl:
Veronica - maybe that's what Sasha needs--a DOG! She'd probably just torture it--our first kitty (passed away 6 years ago now and my "guardian") used to see dogs as a threat and go after them and the UPS man with teeth and claws bared!

Last of the semester today, looks like three will not pass in my regular section (didn't turn in any projects) and one in my honors class (didn't turn in enough projects to bring grade up to passing.) Three students will be moving from honors to regular sections - two that need to, based on skills, and one because he feels too stressed in honors, but has the skills. One more should probably go too, she's the one that is failing. I graded the regular classes' essays and their grades are posted except for comments. That leaves the honors' essays and my goal is to complete those this weekend. Grades must be posted by Wednesday.

Weight-wise: down to 153 yesterday, back up to 155 this morning. Don't understand the wild fluctuations! I'm careful with the sodium. We only walked20 minutes last night, and I got home well after dark tonight and DH doesn't want to go and gave me grief about going along. We'll have to a longer one tomorrow and over the weekend.

I'm actually not hungry this evening - dinner still an hour away. DH packed me some extra protein and then while my Pro Cert buddy and I worked on our entries, I had a breve. Probably too many calories, but it kept me focused for the 2 1/2 hours we worked. I'm glad we got together, I had things formatted incorrected and she was over by 6 pages. I took the machete to her's like my neighbor did to mine. I'm now under with the new format by a half a page and have started to add context I wasn't comfortable with losing back in. We are both still concerned that we haven't done any of it correctly. Still it is due on Monday--and rumor has it they will be showing us an example (finally) of what it is supposed to look like. What's the point of showing it now since it's due.
Hey Laurie,
Teenagers these days? If it does not come easy many don't want to work for it.Our next generation is in trouble out there- hold on for the ride!

Good luck on the Pro Cert.Is this a further teacher certification?

How is your weather? I need spring, how about you?

Linda - if this is spring, I'd be delighted to send it east! After the cold weather right around the holidays, the weather moderated and we've been flirting with high 50s even (almost) low 60s. But we need winter to come back. We're entirely dependent upon snow fall for our water and the snow pack is nearly nil. Not good! It's been good to walk in, the steady drizzle today an exception, but I'd take a little colder down here in the lowlands and snow in the mountains.

Pro Cert is to extend my teaching certificate; we, newer teacher, have tougher standards and more hoops to jump through than just those who began two years before I did. And most of us now enter with Masters, so it is almost like re-doing the Masters program again. It wouldn't be all that bad if I'd been able to complete the process as outlined last year--instead of completing a presentation and showing up an smiling, I have to do the new portfolio process that the state doesn't even know what it should look like as yet (no examples!). Oh, and still complete the work I started last year, but I don't get to present it to anyone, just go through the motions. Frankly, I went through a program that required we internalize all the new fangled research-based instructional practices (nice educator speak, right?) But making the new teachers jump through more hoops make the legislators feel like they are strengthening education. If that is the case, then why don't all teacher have to do it instead of the newbies? I wish I'd had the confidence to National Boards instead--but even veteran teachers tend to fail portions of it the first time and I have re-up my certificate this year.

Weight, back up to 155 again this morning (OK, maybe too many flax crackers--so dry, so hard to stop eating as they crunch so nicely when I'm frustrated). DH hasn't come home yet, and the rain has picked up. Knew we should have walked in the dark last night. I also need to pick up vitamins at the clinic (only place I can seem to find the right brands--and so expensive). But I didn't want to fight Friday nightmare traffic (that's the other thing we excel in here in the Pacific NW, gridlock for hours on end.)

I did complete my grading...the revisions to the essays did make a difference for my eyes and students' scores. I may try it with the dbq essay next week for the 20s unit test. The honors class was back to their rudeness again today and the experiment with letting them choose their seats and seatmates will come to an abrupt end on Monday. However, it did work in the regular section and it was a great class today. Poetry is not my favorite to teach...but I love the Harlem Renaissance poems, art, and jazz music from the era and the music helps students get the understanding of rhythm, repetition and refrain.
WOW Laurie more power to you as a teacher.I could never do it.I would be wringing necks.

I know there are good one out there, I have 2 but these kids kill me.

Good job on the weight loss, you have done great.

Sorry to hear about your water situation.We are in a deep freeze right now.Not alot of snow but COLD.

Linda - there are days I don't know why I ever went back to college and changed careers and then there are sparks of brilliance and moments when you know you are making a difference that makes all the stress worth was both.

Just to let you know just how much stress I'm under, I'm having nightmares again about clinging to an airmattress floating in the middle of some cold ocean and trying not to let either Niko or myself slip off the edge and into the water. (In my dreams, I don't know why it's always my boy kitty of the here and now--sure that a Freudian psychologist would have a field day with it.) Poor Niko is always assuring me that he's learning to take his test and will do me proud too...poor Niko. Does this mean my expecatations are too high? Weirder still, an actual student named Nick--one that rarely does any work and failed last semester classes, actually turned in homework today and made gains on his poetry tests, with the response, "Don't worry Mrs. B, I'm going to do fine on that test in March." Twightzone theme heard playing in my mind...

I forgot to weigh myself this morning - I was up again to 155 yesterday, but this is the first day since we were at the cabin in October to close it that I haven't weighed in. Yes, it was a total slip, not a deliberate avoidance.

Other signs of stress; last night at Pro Cert meeting (yes, the one where the final Entry 1 was due), they tried to say we'd take one more night to peer edit and I went ballistic and told the facilitator that my Scandahouvian ancestry was reacting like Beowulf and heads might just fly if we don't move on to Entry 2. What do they mean peer edit? If we understood what was really required, we'd have met the standard and we could grade ourselves. Blind leading the Blind here. The masses agreed, and we went on to Entry 2 requirements--about as clear as the mud of Entry 1. But, alas we are moving. I'm thinking that the facilitator just figured out she has a hundred or so 14-page papers with 12 pages of evidence to go through--kind of like we have lessons to plan and papers to grade for upwards of 200 students (some of us). By the way, I was complimented on my Beowulf expression--the group at my table thought I really could rip off an arm or two with my bare hands.

The past two days, my classes have been concentrating on Harlem Renaissance poetry and multiple choice strategies. I really hate teaching to a teach, especially in an honors class where there really shouldn't be any doubt that students will meet standard. But this group was not allowed to take the test last year (budget cuts) - it's our state's graduation exam that only requires 8th grade skills...hmmm. So the burden is on to get them over the hump this year so that we meet AYP and all that NCLB jazz. Two problems, I've never seen a co-hort that has lower reading skills or the motivation to do anything that has to do with print on paper. We've also spent the past 16 years prepping our students for a specific type of test with mostly short-response and long-response questions and this year it will be a 90% multiple-choice exam with only 10% short answer questions. I've not had a class yet that can do well on multiple choice tests. It's not their fault, they have been conditioned to do the other. Now because it's too much money to score the open ended questions, it's nearly all MC! Focusing on the poetry does two things: kids do worst of all on poetry sections of the test and I'm prepping with nothing but MC questions teaching the strategies to knock them down and out. (I'm a fabulous test taker and always have been--thanks Mr. Macabe!) Good news that I'm already seeing gains in scores in two days along with greater understanding or just stick-to-it-ness dealing with Poetry. Bad news, there is one more day to go and a one of the Honors boys is back to being a butt like he started off first semester. (Calling home didn't work the first time around--so I just have to deal...students today suggested that he be moved to a table by himself--still trying to be center of attention, tomorrow it may be a desk outside in the hallway...I'm not allowed to use Duct Tape, but don't think I haven't wanted to.) His assigned seatmate (actually he volunteered for hazardous duty) sent me the nicest thank-you note today telling me to hang in there and they'll come around...he's now a believer and his grades and skills are great now. I won over one of the "popular" girls today too...she saw the light with a 9/10 on the quiz and since she arrived late, she only had 15 minutes to read the poems and get down to business. When her seatmates saw her score, and said how did you do that, she said: "Just do what she says - don't guess, use the text, eliminate the obviously wrong and choose the best from the other two - 50-50 is better than 25%. It works." It was the best endorsement I do know what I'm doing and this exercise is not for naught.

Exercise: with the rain the past two days and the schedule yesterday, except for walking the mall between stores on Saturday, no exercise. Today the sun is out and hopefully DH will be home soon and we can get out to walk. We need to really do some miles the rest of the week--we should be doing the 10K on Saturday with the staff.


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