Leaving in 9 days and going crazy


Jul 5, 2005
I am going a little crazy :bounce: I leave in 9 days, all of my planning is done. I have gone over it 50 times :Pinkbounc Please help me I need something to do :rotfl2:
We leave in 8 days and I haven't even considered what I need to pack yet. I guess I am very behind.

I better get to planning....
I'm leaving Tuesday and certianly don't feel prepared. My kids did not want alot of meals planned for this upcoming trip, so I didn't and now I feel totally unprepared. We arrive Tues nite (too late for anything other than sleep). I have a CRT for lunch on wed, Hoop de doo for Fri nite and that's it! Do you think it will be so busy during the 3rd to the 8th,that dining will be a problem.
4our4kids said:
I'm leaving Tuesday and certianly don't feel prepared. My kids did not want alot of meals planned for this upcoming trip, so I didn't and now I feel totally unprepared. We arrive Tues nite (too late for anything other than sleep). I have a CRT for lunch on wed, Hoop de doo for Fri nite and that's it! Do you think it will be so busy during the 3rd to the 8th,that dining will be a problem.
I think it will be busier than usual in Jan... I couldn't get ADR's at a couple places I wanted too eat
I'm leaving in 2 weeks and I am so ready. I know this will be the last trip for a couple of years too.
Hubby thinks I'm cracked because I have my list of what we are taking and have a pile already of my backpack, rain ponchos, autograph book and pens, camera, film, extra battery, hotel info, and my preplanned itineraries for each park.
Hubby actually said to me,"It's a vacation, you don't have to plan what time of day to get on certain rides," and he said, "It's a vacation, if you're not there when they open the gates, you're not late." :earseek: What!! Oh my gosh, I can see it now, he decides to sleep in and I am starting to have a heart attack. He doesn't realize that my fun is in the planning so that I can get maximum enjoyment in the parks.
I need to calm down. :faint:
We're leaving in 7 days. My head is spinning with all the things I need to do, but this trip is a surprise for DD so I can't do much until she's back in school next week. :banana:
This trip was a Christmas surprise to my 5 yr old DD. My older kids knew. Being 16, 19, and 20, they had jobs to request off from, and the 16 yr old had to plan make up school work. The 2 college kids are on break. I think this being a surprise also contributed to my delay of planning our parks and dining. Now with only 4 days til we leave my new challange is to get the holiday decorations away. Oh and did I mention that I have to work Sat, Sun and Mon. No vacation time allowed until the 15th of Jan. when you work in health care, so I have to squeeze my time in before we leave. Hope you all have a great trip!
Today is my 7 day mark and I haven't started packing yet. I think if I start too early I just start thinking I forgot stuff and taking it back out again so I'm waiting for the day before and just packing it all then.

I'm to the point that all my planning, ADRs, itinerery, etc are all done, we have all the cash we need and I've hit the stage where I can actually physically feel my excitement for the trip. I too have to get my decorations taken down and the house cleaned (can't come home to a messy house) before we leave so I know I have tons to do to wear off my anxious energy
We leave in 7 days now. I have plans or work every night until then, so I have no idea when I'll pack!! It's just me and DH, we don't have any kids, so at least the packing will be light. And I am sick with Bronchitis right now!! I sure hope the drugs kick in before we leave next week!!

I really am torn about what kind of clothes to pack. Do you pack T-shirts, shorts, capris, etc...or jeans and sweatshirts? I went to the weather site and the highs are in the 70's, but the lows are in the 40's!! That makes packing kind of tricky, doesn't it?

We will be there for 12 days and I only have 6 dining reservations and two of those are for breakfast. I hated to plan everyday's meals to the tee, b/c then there's not any time to do other things, but I sure hope that it's not so crowded at lunch and supper that we can't get in anywhere. Maybe if we eat lunch later, then eat supper about 9PM, that'd be ok?? Less crowds...maybe at those times, or does everybody eat late at WDW?

I am so excited, I have not been to WDW in 23 yrs!!!!

I have reservations at CRT, Restuarantasaurus at AK, Victoria & Alberts, Yachtsman Steakhouse, Coral Reef, Hollywood Brown Derby, and The Rose and Crown Pub. But I also want to eat at a couple of other places in the Epcot Worlds and at Fulton's Crab House, and Sci-Fi Diner, etc.. Do you think we'll be able to "walk-in"? I hope so, or I guess we'll be eating at fast food joints and that would be a bummer.
I hope you all have a safe and wonderful trip take lots of pictures and give lots of feed back because this will be my trip since i was 6 and i'm 33 now and dh and dd10 and ds6 have never been. we will be there july 2-8.

HAVE A GREAT TIME ALL!!! :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana:


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