Lee's personal comeback journal (support and comments welcomed!)

travel with kids

DIS Veteran
Jun 20, 2003
I have been lurking on the W.I.S.H. Board for a few weeks. I was actually here a few years ago, but slipped back into life after our cruise. Today I signed on to simply ask for support in my weightloss/exercise program. A posting by PRINCESS VIJA caught my eye titled "Launching a personal comeback... anyone else interested?" I thought about it for the rest of my day. I have decided that I am going to journal my weight loss, exercise plan and my vision to be the person I want to become, the person I thought I would be. So, I begin......

about me...
My name is Lee. I am a wife to my bestfriend of 18 years. I am a mother of two great kids, ds, 14 and dd, 10. I am a breast cancer survivor of 3 years.I just celebrated my 41st birthday. I am an Ed Tech (Teacher's assistant) in a Special Ed. program in a high school setting (truly the most rewarding job I have ever had). I have a second job as a Afternoon Activities Monitor for the boarding students.

Who I am...
I am overweight. I weigh 203 (just weighed myself) at 5'5". I have always been "solid", "sporty", "curvy" and somehow I have let those descriptions of myself settle as being ok with how I look or have looked in the past (not too many people have refered to me a "sporty"--that was in highschool and college). I HATE how I look. There are few pictures of me because I can not stand to see me in this state of "solidness". My exercise program is light to say the least. I did the 10,000 step walking program over the summer. I felt great and it was something that I could reach on a daily basis. However, since school started I have not been keeping track or making an effort. I am also a member at Curves. I have the $$$ taken out every month, yet I have not been in 6 months. I see myself as in 20 years as a person who can not move or live because of health issues. This actually scares me more then having my cancer return. I am tired all the time (I am told that this is from my cancer meds, but I think it is a lack of exercise and possibly mild depressioin). I have no time for me (fun things I want to do), I have no time for my kids and my poor husband is the last one on the list. How many times can you say "No" before it becomes a problem?

Who I want to be..
I want to be the physical person I was 20 years ago (but a whole lot wiser!)
I want to be healthly. I want to eat whole, healthy foods. I want to climb mountains (I live in the White Mountains of Maine/NH), I want to be able to do activities with my children and my husband. I want to spend time with my children; I want to laugh and have fun. I want my house be a haven, A house that is warm and inviting. I want to have a 5 second delay on everything that I say before it is heard or at least learn to think before I say some of the things I do to my family. I want the relationship with my husband we had when we married. I want that feeling when you go to bed, the feeling that you are the only two and the rest of the world can not touch you physically or mentally because the two of you are snuggled together. I want to be supportive to my husband and my children.

I am going to bed knowing that I have just commited myself to start the change in me to become the person I know that I can be, the person I want to be and the person I know that I will be proud to be. This is not going to happen overnight or even by the end of the month, but I am taking the first step that will lead me there.

Before I say good night, I want to thank PRINCESS VIJA for posting the tread that started my journey...Thank you.

Good night...Lee
Hi Lee-

Welcome to WISH. I think that you will find this to be a truly supportive place. I'm glad you are here and I know you will be able to reach your goals. I especially like the one about the 5 second rule - I may need to borrow it. :)

Just wanted to welcome you and hope that you are doing well.

Take care
Keep on :banana: :banana:


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