Lesli's Changing Life at 40 Journal

Down 2 lbs! :banana: It is amazing when you just start making a few better choices that you can really lose some weight. Now to keep going.

Thanks for stopping by Z! I like Dr. Phil's book. It really makes you look at various reasons why you struggle with weight, why you make poor choices. Also it teaches you how to think differently and see things from a different perspective. Kind of a pep talk at times, but it works well. My problem is that I didn't finish the book before the accident, which just threw everything out of whack. So now I am starting over with reading. I also have his cookbook as well as Bob Green's (Oprah's trainer). They have some really great recipes that are easy to fix, healthy, and have a sense of gourmet so you don't feel stuck in that trap of making the same food over and over.

On to yesterday. Actually, I think it went rather well. I followed my food plan except for the following: I had chips for lunch rather than veggies (was craving them, so I gave in, but there aren't anymore in the house), I had a Reese's heart in the afternoon (yes, I know candy bars won't help), I only ate 1/2 of my apple because it just didn't have a great flavor (I think it was picked too early, I ate more than one helping of my taco salad with tostitos, I had a cinnamon biscuit and hot cocoa. It was definitely a plus compared to before and the great things is that I did follow my food plan where as I could have easily ditched it.

Water was only 36 oz, made it to bed closer to 11pm, but the rest of my goals were met. DH was sick yesterday, so I didn't get as much work done as I thought I would since I had to take care of some of his tasks as well, but I was still busy, which is good. I even went the to library to read Dr. Phil instead of going to DQ when I was waiting for DD10 to finish her dance lessons. That is a positive.:cheer2:

Today, I am sticking with the plan. We are expecting a blizzard here so the kids will be home early from school. It was almost 50 degrees this morning and they are talking 30 below with the wind chill. Talk about a huge temperature change.:eek:

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 egg, ham, yogurt, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - cheese & crackers
Lunch - taco salad & tostitos (go easy on the chips)
PM snack - veggies & 2 Tbsp of dip
Supper - talapia, green beans, salad, rice

Goals for today:
1. 60 oz water
2. read 1/2 at least of Dr. Phil (I think I am at the part of writing down goals)
3. project - bookwork & W-2's
4. 2 breaks of 15 min where I walk around the house 3 times (the floor plan creates a circular path and just getting up and moving is key)
5. In bed by 10:30

That is enough for now. Everyone have a great day and drink plenty of water!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Yay :cool1: 2 pounds......and don't worry about the chips....i think i might need to have chips for lunch tomorrow(i like the dill pickle flavor:yay: )
It is amazing that when you start to eat better, it is easier to get up in the morning. Today, I thought I was getting up late and quickly got the kids up, dressed, went downstairs only to realize that I was up 1/2 hour earlier than I had thought. That is cool!:cool1: Much less stress this morning.

Yesterday was a very good day. Food was as planned with these exceptions: Sometime after lunch I was wanting something sweet and scoured the kitchen, the best I came up with was an Apple Cinnamon granola bar and it was satisfying. That's a big win. It helps not to have the junk around.:rolleyes: I did have my veggie snack later but didn't have as much dip, which was good. Ate a few crackers later. Supper was changed to chili since it was so cold here and the kids begged me. Later I had a cup of hot cocoa. For the most part, I think I did great, but I do need to watch my meal portions as I was a bit too full afterwards. Water was........70 oz!:banana: I measured the amount of water my glass holds and it was actually more than I thought so it helped to know that I could drink fewer glasses which took the pressure off. I can already tell a difference in the hydration of my skin.

As for goals, I didn't get my Dr. Phil reading in and I didn't make it to bed on time, but I did get up and walk around the house. It was nice because it was brisk, I was taking in more oxygen, and it just felt good to get more activity.

Yesterday's blizzard was downcasted, but we had high winds making it about -26 with the wind chill. I can't wait to go back to WDW! Too bad I have to wait until summer.

Food for the day:
Breakfast - yogurt, 1 egg, ham, 1 c grapefruit juice (wanted something different but I was out, so time to shop)
AM snack - apple cinnamon granola bar
Lunch - probably taco salad to finish it off, & tostitos
PM snack - cheese & veggies
Supper - talapia, gr beans, salad, rice (I told the kids we would still have it)

Goals for the day:
1. 60 oz water
2. 1 hour of reading Dr. Phil
3. 2 breaks of 15 min and walking around the house
4. project - bookwork
5. in bed by 10:30

Time to get going. Everyone have a great day!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sounds like a great day you had yesterday!:cool1:
Wow, have I been busy the last few days. Didn't eat the best, but stayed busy.

Wednesday - DH wanted to go out for lunch and I needed to pick up office supplies, so I didn't get the AM snack. We went to Panera's where I had a bowl of french onion soup, tea, and a 3" piece of french bread. Then we ran some other errands at the mall and did some fast walking which was great even though I am out of shape. PM snack was some crackers. Supper ended up being pizza, a bit too much. I also had a can of Pepsi and a bottle of orange cream soda. I spent the late afternoon, evening and well into the morning on bookwork. Trying to get all the W-2's done and various reports. So most of my goals weren't met, but I am ok with that. I do realize that sometimes things don't always work according to plan, but that doesn't mean that I should give up and start hidding behind food.

Thursday - I spent the morning finishing up my work from the night before, then spent the afternoon doing price changes at the store. Breakfast was 1 egg omelet w/ mushrooms & cheese, ham, 1 c. grapefruit juice. Lunch was taco salad w/ chips. I was craving something sweet, but changed my mind. Ate some chips. Supper was a toasted cheese, later I had a cup of hot cocoa. It snowed yesterday and got cold at the store, so I had a problem with getting warm and was very tired in the early evening, so I kind of lounged on the couch before going to bed.

Today is a new day to keep on going. Weight is the same. The kids had a late start for school due to snow. That threw off my morning.

Food for today:
Breakfast - cream of wheat, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - none (ate late)
Lunch - sandwich & chips
PM snack - ???
Supper - lasagna, salad, french bread

Goals for today:
1. 60 oz water
2. read 1/2 hour Dr. Phil
3. project - price changes at the store
4. go to be by 10:30

Still dragging today, but I have lots to do, so I will get going. Everyone have a great day!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I want snow:) :wizard: :) We don't get any where I live (South Alabama)
I wish I could send you some snow. We have gotten more snow here than we have gotten in many many years.

Yesterday was just a tired day. I think it was from being up so late on that bookwork. So, I didn't do much at all. Couldn't think clearly so I didn't do any work for the store. Did a little cleaning, took a nap, and did a few things that didn't require much thought but got them off my desk.

Food went pretty much as planned. A bologna sandwich for lunch w/ a few too many chips. No PM snack since I was too tired and napped instead. I do know that if I start to eat when I am tired then I just keep eating and make very poor choices, so the nap was better. Supper was really good, but I didn't add salad to the menu. Water was 42 oz. So not too bad on food, but I need to get in more veggies and fruits.

Today, I feel as if I am off to a bit of a late start with the things I need to get done. My brother is wanting a bunch of family pictures from when we were kids to put on a digital frame for my DMom's birthday. So, I have to get the scanner going and find a way to get pictures from her as well. Unfortunately, he gave me no time as her birthday is in a week and a half. Also there is some planning for that I have to do with 3 different organizations that I volunteer for. Not too mention getting stuff ready for the tax accountant. Starting to feel a bit stressed this weekend, so I need to prioritize and take it a step at a time or I will back slide on the food front.

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 poached egg on 7 grain toast. (first time to use my egg poacher, it brought back childhood memories & the kids thought it was great to have eggs that looked like "marshmallows")
AM snack - banana
Lunch - bowl of chili
PM snack - yogurt
Supper - the fish dinner that I keep planning that has been put off.

Today's goals:
1. 60 oz of water
2. 15 minute breaks where I walk the house - 2 times
3. Keep reading Dr. Phil
4. projects - bookwork for part of the day, picture scanning tonight

My mantra of the day - Don't stress, breathe. Don't stress, breathe.

Everyone have a great day!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Don't worry about all that stuff that has to get done. Just take it one thing at a time. Don't think about it all at once. How do you eat an elephant? :) Only one bite at a time : ):cheer2:
Thanks for the support, Z! You're right, I do need to take things one at a time and try not to get overwhelmed. It is hard to believe that I have been gone for a few weeks now. I just barely seem to be keeping my head above water with things lately. Work is progressing slowly, eating is sometimes ok, sometimes not. For the most part, I have been having problems with focusing. I think it is a combination of things, sick kids, DD18 trying to prove that she can't live here after graduation, work, trying to pare down charity activities, and this winter has been much too long. It snows every few days making it hard to get out.

To top things off for today, I didn't get anything done. DD20 called this afternoon from a classroom where she was on lock down because there was a shooting at her college campus. She is fine, but wasn't far from the incident. It is so crazy and I am trying to figure out my emotions. I ate about 3/4 of a pizza. We worry so much about terrorism overseas and fail to address the threats that we have here in this country. Although, I will say that authorities did arrive extremely quickly on this case. However, it is hard to realize that our children are facing this on a daily basis. Right before Christmas, DD18 had to evacuate her school for a bomb threat. This stuff is hitting small towns not just the larger areas. I am thrilled that my daughter is safe, God saved her since she was about a minute from entering the building that the shooting occured in, but was quickly diverted to another building for safety. Yet, it tears you up inside to know that your child was so close to something to horrendous.

Please pray for the students at this campus (I know it made national news today), and the families . This just isn't the life that our children should have to deal with.

I will be back tomorrow. It will be a busy day, but I need a place to relate.::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Thank God that your DD is safe!!!!:hug: Prayers go out to you and your family, the students and staff, the families, and the community. :grouphug:
Thanks for stopping by with support Toystoryduo.

Where to begin. Friday, the 15th was fun at the dentist. Instead of fixing a crown, he ended up pulling the tooth. Pro - I dont' have to worry about any more problems with that tooth and fortunately it is in the back. Con - I was freaking out so bad in the dentist office that I had to go to the restroom just to get a grip on reality. I do not do dentists, or pain well. The plus side is that I know my dentist is very gentle and it really didn't hurt, but I couldn't get past the mental image. How fun. I did find that having a tooth pulled is a great appetite suppresant. Later that night we went to the last game of the season to see DD10 do a special cheer performance, DD18 did her last cheer stunt performance as well as her last dance performance, and we were honored along with her and all the other graduating seniors. In between all that, I was on the phone with DD20 every few hours as she tried to deal with the NIU incident. Because of her job on campus, she was unable to leave like so many others and it was definitely taking its toll.

Saturday, DMom and I went up to see DD20 and took to lunch and a bit of shopping. It really helped her to get out of the area and away from everything. Before we went, the three of us and one of DD20's friends walked over to the memorials so that the two of them could lay flowers. Her friend knew one of the students who didn't survive.:sad1: We off course were next to the area where everything happened. All I have to say is that DD20 was probably within 50 feet and everything is much closer together than it appears on TV. I am glad that we went up there, to help get her mind off things, especially since the campus is a virtual ghost town. We stopped at Cracker Barrel, which is the first time I have been. Pretty good. Way too much food.

Sunday, I spent a good portion of the day on the phone with DD20, since she was having a hard time. Fortunately, news came that she would be able to get a reprieve and go home Monday. She wanted to have supper with everyone when she got home, but didn't want me to cook since she insisted on going out and being in the public where life was more normal.

Monday, DD10, DS5 and I went up to get DD20 and bring her back home. Talk about extremely cold and windy! Then DD5 had a Dr.'s appointment for a well check. Last week he had pink eye and we were at the dr.'s then. When it rains it pours. We then went to eat an early supper as DD20 requested along with her boyfriend and his sister. It was fun just to relax again. DH and DD18 had a regional game to attend. DD10 then had to go to dance. By the time the day was over, I felt like I had drive through half the state!:eek: The good thing was that I was actually able to sleep well for the first time since Thursday's incident. DD20 did go back a few days ago so that she could do training since the campus needs to be prepared as all the students return this coming week. I think it helped a great deal that she had some time off.

The rest of the week, I have been busy getting ready for taxes and am almost there!:yay: Water has been poor, eating has been sometimes good and sometimes not. Today, I plan to run a few errands, do laundry, and work in my office.

Food for the day:
Breakfast - 1 egg over easy, 1 slice 7 grain toast, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - 4 mini donuts (not a good choice)
Lunch - tuna rollups
PM snack - yogurt
Supper - don't know, probably something out

Goals for the day;
1. 60 oz water
2. Follow the food plan

Let's just go for the basics. Everyone have a great day!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

It is SO good to see you, old friend. You're very often in my thoughts as well and it's nice to know what you've been up to lately.

I have to confess, it took me a minute to shift the ages on your kids--I'm so used to DD17, DS2, etc. Time moves along, doesn't it? :rolleyes1

I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am to know that DD20 is OK and is able to come home. I can't imagine how hard it is for her to cope, but I'm so glad you can be together. I will definitely keep her in my prayers.

Isn't it a lovely day today? It's good for the soul. I hear we're supposed to get some snow next week, but I can just tell spring is coming and it's so uplifting.

I think you're doing great and I really admire your spirit. Sending lots of good wishes and :wizard: your way today. I hope it's a good say.
Thanks for stopping by Pearlieq!

Yesterday was a really good day. All of my food was on track, except I didn't do the PM snack since we left to run errands. Supper was Panera. I had a bowl of French onion soup, a multigrain baguette (picked by the restaurant, not so good since it it a bit too heavy), and ice tea. Later I also had 1/2 of a piece of Godiva chocolate. DH wanted to try something and he didn't like it. Personally, I think he is crazy, but it was a nice treat. When I got home, I ate 2 more mini donuts. Mainly I think I was tired and should have just gone to bed. Water at least 42 oz, but could have been more, I can't remember. I did get all my laundry done and a lot of work in my office, so it was a great day. Also, it was soooooo nice to see the sun out and the fact that it is still light out at 6pm! What amazing things, this winter!;)

Today's food plan:
Breakfast - 1 egg, 7 grain toast, 1 cup hot tea (I forgot how much I missed my hot tea)
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - not quite sure
PM snack - cheese & crackers
Supper - rotisserie chicken, green beans w/ almonds, salad

Goals for the day:
1. stick to the food plan (no eating after 7:30)
2. drink 60 oz water
3. stay busy (work in office, wash all the bedding, build a model with DS5, help DD10 with her solar system project)

I am off to tackle the rest of the day. The incoming snow is not going to dampen the mood after all, Spring is soon upon us!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
What a great day you had yesterday! Sounds like you got a lot done.

I agree with you about the Panera multigrain--I didn't really care for it either. Their regular baguette is much tastier.

I've got a good feeling about this upcoming snow. I think it's going to be mild and melt off fast. Spring is almost here!

I hope you're having a great day!
Ok, yesterday was filled with some good and some not so good.

Water was possibly a bit more than 28 oz. I lost track so I am not sure. Food? Well, I missed the AM snack, never a good thing for me. At least I was busy helping DS5 with making his model. Right? Then I ate lunch at about 1:30pm, also not good, but I got wrapped up with helping DD10 and her solar system, then went grocery shopping. :scared: It ended up being a bologna sandwich and a lot of chips, when actually, I reall wanted a salad. :sad1: Later the kids started going crazy after piano lessons and I just couldn't take it, so I ate a Godiva chocolate. Up to this point, things were good. BTW, when I was in the grocery store, I did pick up B&J's New York Super Chunk Cocolate ice cream and then......I actually put it back. ::yes:: I have been waiting so long for DH to get it back in the store and there it was, but I realized that I just might eat the whole thing in one sitting so I just passed the temptation.:cool1:

So far, not too bad........then I polished off the mini donuts, probably about 2 1/2 (they were mainly broken and crumbs, not a good sign). Worked some on the solar system again, worked in my office, went crazy with kids who were too tired.:crazy2: Supper was as planned and it was really good. Very nice to have a decent meal, I might have to try it again. The rest of the evening went well and I was really impressed with the fact that I wasn't hungry, felt satisfied, and wasn't tempted even when I thought about food. Until.......I saw DH walking around with a bag of chips, then I started to dig in (this is after 9:30pm, not good), then afterwards I was thinking about the B&J's that I passed up and I went down to the freezer and got out a Dilly Bar (I knew I shouldn't have brought them home). Shortly after it was time to go to bed so I chould begin anew.

Today's food plan:
Breakfast - 1 egg, ham, 7 grain toast, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - salad (I will have to eat early since we have to do an ortho run)
PM snack - 1 c. banana smoothie
Supper - Fish sticks and veggies for the kids and an LC dinner for me, unless we are stranded tonight then I might make potato soup

Goals for the day:
1. 60 oz water (I really need to get the conquered)
2. No eating after 7:30 (if tempted, drink some herbal tea)
3. Stay busy (no problem)

We are supposed to get some freezing rain here soon which will turn to a lot of snow, so I don't know how the day will really turn out. Aside from the ortho appointment for DD10, I am supposed to do a GS meeting, but we may cancel so that everyone can make it home safe. Also, it is a dance night, which may also be cancelled due to weather. If nothing else, I guess we can finish the solar system. I have tons to do in my office and I really need to get that bedding done. Other than that, I am setting myself up for a good day!::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Whew! What a day yesterday. It sounds like there wsa a lot going on and a fair amount of stress. I admire your effort in thinking about your choices. You've got the right attitude--today is another day.

I hope the weather spares us a bit, or, failing that, that is is winter's last salvo. Stay warm and safe tonight!
Hope you had a great day ahead!:goodvibes Please be careful out there...We're expecting the freezing rain overnight here as well. :crazy2:
Thanks for the support guys. :thumbsup2

I would consider yesterday a success on many levels. There were a few changes in the food menu but, I think I still did well. Unfortunately, I didn't get my salad for lunch since I had to make phone calls canceling the GS meeting. So I made a bologna sandwich on 7 grain and grabbed water, all to go when we went to the ortho. The thought was that if I didn't eat something then I would be tempted to stop and get fast food on the way home. Even DH did the same when I picked him up from the store and impressively, he skipped by McD's when thinking about fries for a snack on the way home. Our snack was a few pretzels that we picked up at Walmart (not a super). Then there was a piece of Godiva chocolate. Supper was 2 bowls of potato soup (should have stuck with one as I was very full afterwards). Later, I kept thinking that I wanted something, but just got another piece of chocolate and that almost acted as the finishing touch of the day a little later than 7:30, but that's ok. Water was great, coming in at about 64 oz!:cheer2:

Last night I was up really late talking to DD20 who called late. The going back to NIU has her bothered. Not so much being there as all the extra media who are looking for sensationalistic stories, the tons of councilers who are dispersed everywhere including in classrooms, and the tons of rent-a-cops who are posted everywhere to check ID. She says it is like a police state and you can't get into certain buildings unless you live in them, even though they house other things that you need to get too. Restrictions on the number of people you can have come into your dorm (ridiculously low). Everyone's mood is down and she says it stems more from the presence of all the extra "attention" which just makes them feel as if they can't move forward yet when that is what they are trying to do. So I talke and listen until she wants to go to bed. Guess that is a mom's job.;)

Today was a late start of the kids since we got just enough snow and ice to make things slick. I sure do miss the sun. My plans are to work in my office and tonight I am supposed to go to a GS leader meeting, but it will be a waste of time since we never go over anything and only lasts 10 minutes, maybe I won't go. Also DD10 and I have to string up her planets to finish her project. So there are plenty of things to do.

Food for the day:
Breakfast - 1 egg, ham, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - strawberry yogurt
Lunch - salad & rotisserie chicken
PM snack - cheese & crackers
Supper - meatloaf, corn & mashed potatoes (trying new recipes)

Goals for the day:
1. 60 oz water
2. no eating after 7:30pm
3. stay busy

I better get going for the day. Talk to you all later.
Sounds like you are doing well at getting back on track. KUDOS to your DH for no McDs!!!!

So sad about the NIU incident and all the lasting stress/problems it's causing the students. It's a tough world we live in & I sure wouldn't want to be back being your DDs age again.

hang in there & hold tight to those you love!
Glad to hear that yesterday was a good day! Good for you! :cheer2:

Your potato soup sound so tasty, and perfect for a cold winter night. I hope the sun comes back for you soon and everything melts off quickly.

I'm glad you and DD20 got some "mom time" last night. No matter what she might say or do, she needs her mom. It's great that she's coming to you for support and I know you'll both get through it OK. She's strong and you're strong--the world doesn't stand a chance against the two of you!

Have fun stringing up planets today. Sounds like fun!


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