Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

Woah, We're Halfway There: Japan Run 4M Recap
Packet Pickup - Packet Pickup was much less eventful than last race. I went in to NYRR after work, got a bib (with a corral K sticker on it), got my shirt, and went home. Also ... I really should just start doing packet pickup before work. It would probably be easier.

The Night Before - For some reason, I was just not motivated to pack my race stuff. I was also trying to figure out what to do about the potential rain situation. I ended up packing two top layers, one for pre-race and one for post-race, because if my top got wet pre-race, that way I had a dry top to wear. I also packed an extra pair of socks. And I packed it all in plastic bags for extra protection.

Getting There - Other than running for the bus (because I was a few minutes behind schedule), the commute was fine. I did a light jog from the subway to the start area as a warm up, but it didn't feel super comfortable (it was just awkward with my bag and my phone in my pocket), so I don't think I'll do that again. I got to the park super early and had to wait forever for Tzippy to get there (partially because of bus issues, but also because she lives closer so she doesn't have the same "either get there way early or too late" problem I do).
While I was waiting around for Tzippy, they announced that it was a yellow conditions alert, which made me unhappy ... but I saw green signs at the race, so it was either a mixup or they changed it before the race started.

Race Time:

As I mentioned in my planning post, my friend Tzippy was pacing me at this race at (or faster than) a pace of 10:00 min/mi. We jumped into the corrals (even after they collapsed them and we were supposed to start at the end ... oops?) and made our way to the start line. I told Tzippy about my tendency to start too fast and end too fast, and told her to stop me if I start too fast (although really, I've been getting better about it).

For this race, I tried to ignore my Garmin and just follow Tzippy. I wasn't in charge of the pace, she was. I looked at it occasionally, either at mile alerts or when we were discussing pace, but mostly, I was able to ignore it (maybe because I was so busy dying).

Here are my mile-by-mile thoughts:
Mile 1 – Started off feeling okay, but not great. Definitely wasn’t my favorite pace, but it was manageable. Tzippy was checking in on me and making sure the pace was okay for me. My response - I'm not great, but I'm okay.
Mile 1 Split: (per Garmin) 9:41

Mile 2 – Still doing okay but not great. Had some cramps, but drank water (from my water bottle - we didn't make any water stops) and they got a little better. Was very excited to see that I was able to maintain the aggressive pace for longer than last race.
Mile 2 Split: (per Garmin) 9:31

Mile 3 – This was our worst mile (but it’s also the hardest mile on the course). I needed to take walk breaks a few times (which I didn’t feel great about), but Tzippy made sure we didn’t walk for too long. Started to get crampy again and kept drinking water. Also got a little lightheaded, but was still fine.
Mile 3 Split: (per Garmin) 10:25

Mile 4 – Was really struggling at the end, but still managing. Tried to go super aggressive as we got closer to the finish line, but I felt like I was going to vomit and had to slow down (but didn't walk!).
Mile 4 Split: (per Garmin) 9:40

Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 45:21
Garmin Time: 39:39 (for 4.04 miles)
Chip Time: 39:35 (9:54/mile)
Overall Place: 3,313
Age Group (F 30-34) Place: 287 (of 470)
Gender Place: 1,275 (of 2,403)
(Age Graded Time: 39:35; Age Graded Place: 1,515; Age Graded %: 48.4%)

A Few Thoughts:
- Tzippy was telling anyone and everyone that I was going to PR, which I hated, because I hate calling attention to myself. But that's just Tzippy - when she thinks you can do something, she'll be loud about it.
- I'm definitely having hydration issues. Between the cramps and the lightheadedness and the feeling like I was going to vomit, there was definitely something off. So I really need to figure out what that was all about and fix it.
- As I said earlier ... this race confirmed my theory that I don't enjoy running at an aggressive pace, even if physically I can do it. My next major time goal race is in September, and I definitely have some things to figure out before then. (I do have another "A" race before then, a 7 miler in August, but that one doesn't have a time goal)


As soon as the race was over, I ate Sport Beans to get some electrolytes in me. We also grabbed bagels, and I grabbed our checked bags while Tzippy made a pit stop. This race was part of a Japan Day festival, so there was a lot going on in the post-race area. After not winning anything in the raffle, Tzipy went home, and I chilled in the post race area, where I got to do things like get a picture with Hello Kitty and get a free sample of these Panda cookies that I like for some strange reason:


There was a lot more going on, but I was ready to head home. So I did. The end.

The Aftermath
I feel like it's been a while since I posted a picture of my myNYRR account. So here are two:
Nice best pace, amiright? (just as a reminder, that's best estimated 10K pace)
Best part, here's the NYRR pace/corral chart:
That's right, this race just pushed me up into corral J! I think that if I had been feeling up to running the whole thing and hadn't been so crampy, I might have even made it into I. But I'm cool with J for now :).

And picture #2 ... my 9+1 (marathon guaranteed entry) status:
4 races + 1 volunteer down, 5 races to go ... aka I'm halfway there!

What's Next:
Next race is probably a local 5K on the 27th (I haven't registered yet, but I plan to register in person the night before), which will be part of a regular training run. The following week is the Nutella Run, which is also planned as a regular training run, but with at least 98% more Nutella.
So that's what's coming up for me.
Okay, pre-bed update:
A) Still no idea what I'm doing about barre3 tomorrow. I think I'll make the decision in the morning based on what time I get up and how I'm feeling. I think I am leaning towards cancelling ... but I'm not 100% sure, since I won't be in the city late on many non-running days for the next few weeks, so I'd probably have to either do it the day before a tempo run, which I'm a little worried about doing, or wait until June to go back.
B) Coach and I had a little bit of a conversation today, and I think I've gotten some new insight into how I want to choose my races in the future (especially my PR races). My races through mid-October are pretty much already set, and I've got some ideas for November, but this may come into play for late November/December and will definitely come into play for next year.

Also ... thank you for all the good lucks and congratulations. It really meant a lot to me to know that I had you guys rooting for me! (And big props to @jennamfeo for getting up obscenely early to track me and congratulating me right after the finish)
I cancelled today's barre3 reservations (both the confirmed one and the waitlist) and rescheduled for May 30th. Which is the day before a tempo run, but is also the only night I had available in May.
Hey girl. I'm just here to cheer on my favorite group of people. And if that means waking up early for a bit to watch you PR then so be it.

So proud of you!
Life, man. It happens. Sigh.

Yeah. Sigh.

:cheer2::banana::cheer2::banana::cheer2::banana: HIP HIP HOORAY! So stinking excited for that shiny new PR! Congrats!!

Thank you!!

Hope you can figure out the hydration issue soon!

Me too! Coach gave me a suggestion, so we'll see if it's an easy fix.

Hey girl. I'm just here to cheer on my favorite group of people. And if that means waking up early for a bit to watch you PR then so be it.


So proud of you!

Thank you!

Congrats! Yay for new PR.

Woot woot! Great race recap!

Thanks :)


So ... how's this for awkward? It came up recently that one of the teachers at my dad's school went to my high school, around the same time as me. This was a small school - like 300 people total. So it's possible we might have interacted. My father didn't know her maiden name, though, and I wouldn't know people's married names.
Turns out ... she was in my grade. Not only that ... we were in most of the same classes. We weren't particularly friends (we weren't enemies or anything, we just weren't friends ... I think she was one of the (many) people who found me weird and annoying), but ... I sat in a class with her every day.
She is also not someone I would have guessed would become a teacher. But okay. I didn't know her that well, so for all I know, it could have been a life-long ambition that she just never shared with me.
I told my dad to tell her I say hi.
Thanks :)


So ... how's this for awkward? It came up recently that one of the teachers at my dad's school went to my high school, around the same time as me. This was a small school - like 300 people total. So it's possible we might have interacted. My father didn't know her maiden name, though, and I wouldn't know people's married names.
Turns out ... she was in my grade. Not only that ... we were in most of the same classes. We weren't particularly friends (we weren't enemies or anything, we just weren't friends ... I think she was one of the (many) people who found me weird and annoying), but ... I sat in a class with her every day.
She is also not someone I would have guessed would become a teacher. But okay. I didn't know her that well, so for all I know, it could have been a life-long ambition that she just never shared with me.
I told my dad to tell her I say hi.
You know what they say---it's a small world after all...


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