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I have tried and tried to post on here for a week but no go... Every time I try I hit post and it goes into slow speed oblivion and is lost. Ugh. I have had good success lost another 3lbs last week! Yay! Have been trying to exercise, DD got a new bike this weekend so we were out with her all weekend, didn't calculate miles on Saturday but on Sunday I walked three miles. Felt good :) yesterday was a monster work day, so I burned quite a few calories. This afternoon we're outside (it's a bit breezy, lol) but I am so ready for sunshine that it doesn't matter. Still haven't got up the nerve to do my running in front of people aka outside on the running paths. But I am doing it on the treadmill, still plugging away at my couch to 5k plan. I think I actually like running again, even though it's limited to the treadmill for now.

Crossing my fingers that this post doesn't head to oblivion

Great job on losing 3 pounds! Keep doing what you're doing, cause it's working! :goodvibes

You hit the nail on the head with exercise. I have been dragging my feet on the issue. I'm glad you are on top of it. It just seems like there is so much to do and when it isn't, I just want to relax. Sit and be still. I go from "stress" to "rest". :upsidedow :laughing:I *know* exercise would be the best thing for me, but I haven't gotten in the mindset.

It has been slow going on the boards lately. It takes forever to post sometimes.
Congrats on the 4lbs!!!!! :cheer2:

I know how you feel the love of sweets!

One thing I can recommend is to load up on sweet fruits (grapes, cantaloupe, strawberries and the such) Everytime you have a craving for refined sugars eat some fruit. It takes about a month of torture, but eventually you want want to eat the bad stuff anymore.

I was a packaged food junkie growing up. Chips, boxed foods, packaged cakes and snacks. It was rare to eat anything that didn't come in a colorful box. When I moved in with my health nut boyfriend it was TORTURE. :) It took about a month before I got used to preparing all my food on the stove or oven without a microwave. Now, I can't stand that stuff I used to eat. It doesn't taste good anymore. If we want something sweets like cookies or brownies, we make them from scratch and enjoy the treat (and have fun cooking together :))

Just keep working at it! It gets easier!
Well this week has been yuck,nothing great. I slipped up on my eating a few days and went over calories. Didn't get my workouts in, just got lazy and couldn't motivate myself. Too busy wallowing in my own misery:( so it's no surprise that I didn't lose anything this week. But I have come to a few conclusions .... I am not scheduling workouts, I am only doing them when I have time,well I am beginning to realize that I will never have time. I have to make the time, something else can wait for once. So I am going to sit down and schedule my workouts this week. I also need to watch my carb intake, every meal has carbs, which is fine, but I think that I am eating too many daily for the current exercise routine I have.

I will focus on those two items this week, scheduling my workouts and limiting my carbs to a reasonable amount. Hopefully I will see a difference on the scale next week.


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