Linda's goal = Lose wt + 1/2 marathon 09(encouragement welcome)

Linda, good to see you back from vaca!! Missed ya!

Yeah, a bit too windy for me this morning, gusts over 30mph, so I TM'ed it. As you said, anything over 3 miles on that infernal machine is :headache:

We missed last weeks long run due to the snow, but have adjusted accordingly for this weeks 10 miler. We won't be able to run on the trail anymore, so we are going to run the school campus. Flat, clear, but we will have to do out and backs a couple times to make up the miles. Don't mind too much, just want to get the miles in.

Hope the weather can cooperate just a little bit longer, would be nice to get all the rest of the long runs in before we go. Hard to believe it is only 4 weeks away!! Seems like just yesterday I signed up.
Today was cold but kind of nice out there with no wind and the neighborhood is very quiet on a Sunday morning.

Went out at 9:30 to do 6 but did 7 instead because I just felt like I could so I did.Did it in 1:11:19, a 10:11 pace.

Now the snow then rain is coming this afternoon.

It looks like the weather hasn't damped your training. It must feel good to be able to do 6 miles and then just feel good enough to keep on going.

Thanks for your support and reminder that I must give in to the emotional eating in my journal. That was the encouragement I needed and it was nice to log in and see your kind words!

Ran 5 miles today in 49:50, a 9:58 pace.Dinner last night is still with me since it was quite a load.I hauled that load on my run and boy did I feel it.My dietary habits are horrible- I have no willpower.

Frustrating knowing you should be able to get a handle on eating but it just keeps getting worse.

Wt 171 this am

Forgot to post yesterday- ran 6 miles in 59:57 I think it was, less than 10 min pace, I'll take it.

Huge storm coming tonight and have to do 8 miles tomorrow, may push it to Monday since I am off.

Just did my 8 miles in less than perfect conditions- About 0 degrees with wind chill, wind at about 25 mile per hr gusts.The roads are covered with soft dirty snow so it's like you are running in cinnamon and your feet continually are getting coated.I could feel the extra work on my calves.

Took 1:26:08,a 10:46 pace- I was surprised I thought I was way slower than that.I guess the wind makes it feel like that.

Sounds like the weather was less than cooperative, but you got a really good run in yesterday. :thumbsup2 Great job, Linda!!:cheer2:

Hope you have a nice day!:hug:
Here's hoping that the ice that predicted for the East Coast misses you! Have a very warm and wonderful Christmas!

3 miles today felt like 33! Did it in 29:29,a 9:49 pace. Running in the snow is like running on the sand- my calves are so tight and 2 weeks before 1/2.Oh well I will do what I can do.

It is 40 degrees here now that is nice- if I had waited then no snow on the road.

Whew, that is inspiring! I can't even imagine running in snow anymore...used to live in Chicago but moved to FL. Sounds like a heck of a workout. I do miss cross country skiing...that was a great way to work out the muscles too.
Thanks Inkkognito I don't think I could do Chicago either- I would vote for Fl. too!

Did 10 miles today in 1:47:42, a 10:46 pace.It is 48 degrees out there and sunny.I am in shorts- gotta love this!

Forgot to post yesterday- did 5 miles in 50:31, a 10:06 pace. Snow and wintry mix on the way- gotta love it! NOT!

3 miles today in 28:47,a 9:35 pace.Next Saturday at this time I will be wearing my medal and eating at Olivia's.

Last run this am before we leave on Thursday! 3.1 miles in 30:29, a 9:48 pace. I will take it.

Good luck to all the runners this weekend- see you out there!!!!!!

Here's hoping it warms up for you!!

Olivia's...mmmmm (that's where we had Thanksgiving dinner this year).
Linda - have the best race ever and I sure hope that you get some Florida warmth and sunshine while you are there.

It dipped down to freezing when were first went in November; they covered all the plants to keep them from freezing in the parks. But, I still managed to wear shorts and sundresses for a couple of days before it got to be so cold!

No blisters OK? Have a fantastic time.
Back from the 1/2! It was fun.The weather could have been better while waiting in the corrals but honestly while running it was no different than here so that did not bother me much.My brother ran the 1/2 with me without one day of training so we went his pace and crossed the finish line together- Kodak moment.Part of me wishes I did my own thing to challenge myself to see what I could do but after the slow start because of the crowd I figured what the heck I will pace with him.I know I would have been much faster- oh well.

Maybe next year??????????

Now time to start a new journal and lose some flipping weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the weather...never thought that it could be so cold in Orlando! I'm proud of you for following through and not letting a little sleet get you down.

One of my colleagues ran a full marathon at Disney last year and said it was so crowded at the start that he literally was an hour off his usual time for such events. He also thought the course was not very challenging (he's used to running up mountain when he trains around here.) Still, running a half - making it all the way is impressive to me. Congrats! It's good to do it with family too--you probably could have done it faster, but you may not ever get to run a race at WDW with your brother again (but I hope he appreciates your 'sacrafice').;)



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