*~*Lizby's Fairy Tale Wedding PJ/TR*~* - Day Seven FINALLY


Aug 9, 2007
Since I enjoy reading everyone else's PJs and trip reports I thought I would start my own PJ. Let me start by introducing myself...my name is Liz and I am new to DIS but I am in love with it already! I have already learned so much from reading posts on here and the excitement over everyone's weddings/honeymoons/vow renewals is so infectious! :rotfl:

My DF, Tim, and I will be together for five years on September 10. I am still in disbelief that we will be together for half a decade since it seems like we just started dating. :rolleyes: We met through an online dating service. I was 18 and he was 20 and we were basically just on there for fun and to see who from our town was also there (we went to the same high school but had never met--it was a big school!) I was mostly just a "lurker" on the site and didn't talk to anyone since I wasn't really trying to find a someone special. I didn't answer most messages that people sent me, but for some reason I wrote back to Tim and we made a date and the rest is history! We always say we must be soulmates to have found each other out of the millions of people who are online. :love:

DF and I knew just over a year into our relationship that we wanted to get married. We went and looked at rings and I picked out a beautiful one by Tacori. He said that I would have to wait for it and boy did I!! I knew that he went back a few months later and bought it since he teased me constantly about it. He even blindfolded me one night and had me try the ring on for size before he got a diamond for it! I was going crazy with the anticipation! He would always tell me that he had the ring but I wasn't ever going to get it when I was expecting it...it would never be on my birthday, Christmas, or our anniversary. Meanwhile friends of ours who had started dating around the same time as us started getting engaged and there was the constant questioning from everyone we knew about when our time would be. I was really starting to feel like it might never happen and he would keep the ring hidden in his safe for the rest of our lives when......THE BIG DAY CAME!

It was our four year anniversary and we were going out to dinner to celebrate. We were running late as usual and we pulled out of the driveway when he said "oh I just have to stop at the neighbor's house to look at these trees he planted in the back field." (We used to spend a lot of time sitting in his car talking and gazing at the stars in this neighbor's field when we first started dating - it is a very special spot for us.) I was a little annoyed since we were going to be late to the restaurant just so he could look at some trees but I said it was alright. We drove up their long driveway and then he parked back by their barn and got out of the truck. He opened the door for me and told me to come out in the field with him. I didn't see any trees and I thought he might be up to something, but this was our anniversary so he couldn't possibly be doing what I hoped he might do, right??? WRONG! :yay:

We got a few steps out into the field when suddenly he turned around and got down on one knee and in an adorable, nervous voice he said that he loved me and asked if I would marry him. Then he tried to put the ring on my right hand (lol he was SO nervous, as if I might actually say no!) and I kept asking if he was serious because he always teased me about it and said never, ever on our anniversary! But, he was serious so of course I said YESSSSS!!! :dance3: Then we were hugging and crying and it was just so wonderful being in this very special spot on a beautiful September day holding the person I love more than anyone, knowing that we would be getting married and spending the rest of our lives together! :hug: Everyone was thrilled to find out that we finally got engaged after four years and then the questions began about when would the wedding be, where would it be, who's invited, etc.

Big decisions! This is where I will pick up later on. I hope you enjoyed hearing the beginning of our story as much as I loved telling it! Here's a couple pictures of my ring:

From the top

From the side

Here's a picture of us the day we got engaged
So back to those all important questions of when, where, and who! DF and I originally wanted to get married in Disney. I have been there many times and we've taken two trips there together. The last time we were there in Jan. '05 we were on the monorail going past the Wedding Pavilion and we were saying how it would be so amazing to get married in Disney and it would be an awesome story to tell our kids! I kept it in mind and then after we got engaged in Sept. '06 I looked into it a little bit. We both still really loved the idea, but he wanted to elope in Disney and I didn't, and there was the issue of his grandma. She is 85 years old and traveling to FL isn't really an option at this point. We decided to get married at home and then have our honeymoon in Disney, so that she would be able to see us get married. DF and I picked July 4, 2008 as our date and I booked the church and the photographer and had appointments to meet with people for the cake and catering. The church is where he went as a kid and I go there every Sunday now - the pastor is wonderful and I was really looking forward to having him marry us! My FMIL and I started writing out the guest list and it came to 125+ people. Now I know that many brides on this board have had many more guests at their weddings and that is wonderful! However, DF and I felt terrified at the idea of getting married in front of all those people. I was also noticing that I was getting this feeling of dread every time I booked something else for the wedding and I was really unhappy with the whole situation. :guilty: I mentioned something to DF and he said he felt the same way! Suddenly I realized that this is supposed to be OUR day, and (hopefully) it will only come once so it should be done the way that we want. That night I went online to look at the Disney weddings again and that just sealed the deal. The original wedding is off and we are getting married at 10 a.m. on July 4, 2008 at Sea Breeze Point! :cloud9: We did compromise on the eloping idea and now only immediate family will be invited (10 people total, including us). I feel bad that his grandma will not get to see it, but we are going to have a big celebration when we get home for everyone else who wasn't at the actual wedding.
Everything sounds great so far. Your engagement story is so sweet, and I love your ring. A Tacori ring was on my list of possibilities :)
Lizby your dress and your ring are soooooo pretty! He did a great job picking out the ring... My FH did a little sneaky trick to get my ring size. He bought me a ring that fits on both my right and left ring finger and one day he was trying it on all his fingers and I was like what are you doing? He said he was just seeing if the ring looked better on him. I said no silly, it is a girls ring. And he was like oh yea.. That is true and gave the ring back. Then he went to a jewelers and sized the engagement ring off of what ring my ring fit on his hand... Very creative and very sneaky..I can not wait to read more on your PJ!!! Congratulations and happy planning!
Ok, I have had a change of heart, so pretty much discount the dress and flower posts from before. I am going with a different dress and flowers but they are going to be beautiful! I am going with a satin A-line dress from David's Bridal with red flowers embroidered on it (perfect for a Fourth of July wedding, right?!)

The dress


I don't have any pictures of the back, but I will post them when I do. I love it! Thank you to everyone who helped me decide between this dress and another that was gorgeous, but just not for me.

Since my dress is white and red, I am going to try to use these colors throughout the wedding. This is the bouquet I am thinking of using, if it is not too expensive to substitute calla lilies for some roses. The picture is very small; the bouquet had red roses and white calla lilies tied with a white bow. I found this bouquet posted by LUVTGR on an old thread and I just love it!

The bouquet

Here is the suit that DF and his brothers (his best men) will wear. It is from Carolyn Allen's. DF will wear a red bow tie and his brothers will wear white bow ties. He is refusing to wear a jacket at this point because it will be very hot, so we will see how that works out. I am not opposed to that, as long as he still looks appropriately dressed.

The guys' outfits

I also saw a very beautiful dress the other day that I thought would be perfect for my MOH, but I can't find a picture of it. It is red, strapless, tea-length, and has some sparkles on the bodice.

That's it for now...I will update when I have more to add!
welcome Liz and congrats!! everything looks fabulous..including your dress (dresses??!!) :rotfl: seriously, I completely understand the dress dilemma...I was also a "two" dress bride as are many of us here! looking forward to reading more :surfweb: ..

Michelle :cloud9:
Thank you for all of your nice comments everyone! It is so nice to get positive feedback :hug: MeeshKapeesh - I guess great minds think alike, right? lol! :rotfl:

Yesterday I went back to David's Bridal and tried the dress on once more just to be absolutely sure it is *the one*. It definitely is :love: I didn't want to take it off and I just couldn't stop smiling when I was wearing it. :cloud9: I also tried on a bunch of different veils, including a beautiful white one with a thick ribbon edge. I loved that one but it was all in my face and I thought it took away from the dress. I wound up getting a fingertip length veil that is plain except for a little beading on the scalloped edges (which also matches my dress!)

I also wanted to say that I had a very nice experience with David's Bridal...I know there have been some mixed reviews of it on this board, but I liked it. I had one sales girl the very first time I went to look at dresses that I wasn't really crazy about, but the one I had when I picked this dress was super sweet and not pushy at all. I guess it just depends who you get.

So anyways, here are pictures of me with the dress and veil I got. I'm also posting a picture of the back.


There is a big black mark on this picture because there was another bride-to-be in the background and I didn't want to post her on the internet.

You're just glowing with happiness in that dress! It's definitely "the one". Congratulations on finding it! I'm looking forward to hearing more about your plans. :)
We are going to a wedding for one of DF's close friends in two days, so I have wedding fever! I just had to make a post to try to ease it a little. I figured I would write down the specifics of our wedding, since I haven't posted most of them yet and the others are buried in mountains of text!

Where: Sea Breeze Point
Coordinator: Tanis (I'm so excited about this because of all the wonderful things I have read about her on here!) :yay:
Officiant: Reverend Jack Day
Photographer: Randy Chapman
Hair/Makeup: Ana from Beaute Speciale

Also, I know I have been a little indecisive about the whole dress situation :upsidedow but I just have to say I LOVE my new dress. I can't wait to wear it and I get so excited whenever I think about it! :love:

I think we are very lucky because we get to stay at Disney for over two weeks! We arrive on July 2, get married on the 4th, and stay until the 18th! My aunt was nice enough to give us her timeshare for a week so that is a free week (especially with the park passes included in the wedding package!) We will be staying the rest of the time at Port Orleans French Quarter.

When we get back we are going to have a big party to celebrate. I am thinking of just doing simple invitations on card stock with a bride & groom Mickey and Minnie at the top. I don't want anything too fancy for a casual backyard BBQ. Oooh I am so excited now! I can't wait to go to Disney!!! :cheer2:
Your plans sound lovely! And I love that dress, my SIL has the same one. It's sooo gorgeous!

What else you have planned?
Love the PJ so far and I love your dress. Everything looks like it's coming together so nicely.
I love that dress. I actually tried it on myself. It's so beautiful. My color scheme would only allow for me to get the all white version. But the red version is the best one. I think you look great in that gown and I can't wait to hear about the other details.
Aww thanks for all of the wonderful comments on my dress everyone! It is really nice to get positive feedback on it! :banana:

I know our wedding is still a while away, but I got this idea in my head yesterday and wound up making my MOH's bouquet. :flower3: I was going to get her one of the flower wands with three roses from Disney. The website said the cost was $45 dollars (which is still way better than the $125 for a regular bridesmaid's bouquet!) But, I thought I could make it just as nice out of silk flowers for cheaper and then she could have it forever.

So I took a ride up to Michaels and bought some red roses, white roses, thick white ribbon, and sheer, sparkley white ribbon. It took me about an hour and I had a bouquet made for her! It really wasn't hard at all. Here's some pictures of it. I am happy with the way it turned out and thrilled because it only cost me $24.56! What do you all think?



I love the bouquet!! Very simple, yet elegant, Cheap and they won't die! I need to stop by Michael's soon =)

Keep it coming!
Today is exactly nine months until our DFTW!!! :dance3: A lot of the other teachers at school have found out that we are getting married in Disney and everyone is so excited, which makes me even more excited! As far as planning goes, we booked our flights yesterday and I am going with MOH to David's on Saturday to pick out her dress. I've been playing with my veil, trying to figure out where I want it placed. Here's a couple pics. I like it kind of low on the back of my head the best, so it still shows my hair (I am paying to have it styled, you might as well see it!) I know it will look better with my dress but just bear with me for now in my school clothes :cutie:

From the back

From the side

This is kind of what I want my hair to look like (minus all the flyaways...it was the end of the day, give me a break! :rotfl:) I want it to look curly, soft, and natural. I will post possible hairstyles I have been looking at later.


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