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That's funny! If it was 40s here I'd be horrified! :rotfl:

I understand, but for cold most of the year I get a summer where it rarely hits the nineties and the humidity barely matters. With thunder storms now and then the are just a few actual rainy days. That why places near me get rated in the top 10 US cities for summer weather.

Ditto we had the same weather and we now have huge holes in the yard. However right now it is raining which is making the holes bigger... but it is supposed to turn to snow overnight so we shall see what the yard looks like in the AM.

Look like the storm pushed north to you. Just a light chance for snow tonight and good chance for rain then snow tomorrow. when your storm swings down to me. Thanks for sharing.
I understand, but for cold most of the year I get a summer where it rarely hits the nineties and the humidity barely matters. With thunder storms now and then the are just a few actual rainy days. That why places near me get rated in the top 10 US cities for summer weather.

I do love Washington in the summer! We used to go to Spokane every summer growing up. I loved the warm evenings, it didn't get cold at night like it does here. One summer we were having a family reunion in my grandma's back yard when it suddenly started raining and then a thunder storm. So we all went up on her large covered porch and watched the show. Thunder storms are rare here in the winters and never happen in the summer so that was something we never forgot. :)
Warm day must be 40, but not a bit of blue up in the sky.
Look like the storm pushed north to you. Just a light chance for snow tonight and good chance for rain then snow tomorrow. when your storm swings down to me. Thanks for sharing.

It rained all night last night then stopped this morning. About 3 hours ago it started snowing really big really wet flakes so if you are next there is your warning...Hope your skiing was good today
It rained all night last night then stopped this morning. About 3 hours ago it started snowing really big really wet flakes so if you are next there is your warning...Hope your skiing was good today

Skiing was spring like soft, around 2:30 I could see the storm coming over the crest of the mountains, by 3 it was snowing, skied to the bottom and it turned to rain. Went back up and it was snowing hard. Ski area closed and it was raining in the valley lightly. After we got home it poured for about an hour then stopped.

It's colder now and we are getting the wet flakes.
All the areas that melted off got coated in snow this morning. It's still coming down but looks like it is almost rain. The roads are almost 100% clear again.
Current temp 45.. looks like Spring is finally showing up for real here in Montana! There are still piles of snow all over town and the north facing side of the house is still buried but most of the front and back yards have grass "springing" up green already and the horse pasture is starting to green up so we can cut down on feeding them so much hay soon! Honestly thought winter might hang on forever this year... Now if the mud will dry out a bit before all the big Easter egg hunts I will be :cool1:
It was almost sunny, but still just above freezing so melting was slow today.
Partly cloudy, with light to moderate rain and wind. With a cold chill in the air.
Super Warm. I mean 51 at least the second time this year it's gotten past the 40s. It was almost sunny, and rained lightly for 5 minutes at 4pm.
We had icy wind all day so even though it was sunny it was really pretty cold in the 20's and the wind has picked up even more...thus me at 323am still awake due to the noise from the wind...I went out barefoot about 2am when something kept banging against the house...turned out my husbands big pink flamingo was being knocked around by the wind and was knocking his tailfeathers against the side of the house but it was keeping me awake sooo... It is very cold out there but the forecast overnight snow has not yet materialized.
Woke up to heavy fast snow falling from the sky. Didn't last long though. Now it's almost sunny and probably 35.
Partly cloudy mixed with sun. And slightly chilly air. Rain is expected next Monday.
After all that wind we got last night it started snowing about 9am...Andrea got it first and has pics of her house and her newly detailed car covered in snow again So Matt time to start praying for a wind blowing it away from you.

Poor Daisy isn't liking the weather at all. Mom kept her in the barn most of the morning but at 11am like clockwork Mom headed out to the feeding pen to eat and the poor little filly was shaking with the cold so we hauled hay down to the barn and led Rowan back down there so Daisy could get in out of the cold...wish Mom would leave the darn blanket on the baby!
Currently the weather is cloudy and in the low to mid 50's in Sonoma County. With a chill in the air.
...Andrea got it first and has pics of her house and her newly detailed car covered in snow again So Matt time to start praying for a wind blowing it away from you.

I think I will be fine. Locally I live about 15 miles from the continental divide and am on the Pacific side. The weather rarely comes from the other side, and many times is drastically better.

Don't worry what's up in WA is headed to me.
The forecast had been for warmer weather today. However, Ma Nature had other ideas. For the temperature is in the mid to low 50's, cool air, with a mostly cloudy sky. Rain is anticipated for Sonoma County. Hopefully it will not rain on tomorrows parade in Petaluma.
It is pouring down rain and cold! :cold: To top it off...my furnace went out this morning!! We are freezing! I'm so sick of this weather!


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