lola's adventure:from couch to 1/2 marathon!!!


DIS Veteran
Mar 27, 2009
Hi everyone,

I've been very inispired by reading the posts and journals of other DIS'ers on the WISH board. I've decided to start my own journal to keep me honest about my progress and hopefully to get some support from this wonderful community.

First, a little bit about myself. I'm in my early 30s, I have a wonderful husband and a 3 year old daughter. I grew up in the suburbs of NYC but spent the last 10 years in Philadelphia finishing by training. In July we moved to North Carolina for my new job and I'm very much feeling like a fish out of water. It doesn't help that my job is crazy busy and it's not uncommon for me to spend 90-100 hrs/week at work. We don't know a soul in the area so getting settled is a bit of a lonley process

From a fitness standpoint I've never been an athelete. I've always been a little overweight and too sedentary for my own good. I've had spurts where I've been in better health but they were long ago and fairly short lived. 6 years ago, before my wedding, I was running 3-4 miles a day. I still remember how good that felt. Since then the pressures and time constraints of work, family etc have led me to neglect my own health. I've slowly gained about 50lbs (I'm 5' 10"). And while I wasn't looking my BMI silently crossed the threshold into "obese".

Earlier this spring a group of co-workers were getting ready to run a 10 mile race in Philly. I remember thinking that this was completely out of my reach; something that I could never do. One of them started talking about the couch to 5 K program and I checked it out on line. I didn't act on it then but I did think to myself...hmmmm... maybe I could do that. I started to change my diet a little here an there and I was down 15 lbs between May and July. In June I had some vacation time and decided to start the C25K program. It felt amazing and I though to myself, Wow, I really can do this. I had heard of the Disney 5K race in January (I didn't know about the October one) and decided to register. I'm a huge Disney fan and I knew this would motivate me. Unfortunately, after vacation I got distracted with selling the house and packing up for the move. I fell off the C25K wagon after doing only the first week and my eatiting habits took a turn for the worse. I gained back about 5 lbs.

In July we got to NC and I felt so alone. I was really overwhelmed by the move and missing my friends and life back home. I was feeling down but I remembered what a high running used to give me years ago. I though to myself, that even though I couldn't control anything else about our move or the new area I could control my own body. I started doing some walking on the tredmill and it felt good. I also re-joined Weight Watchers. A program that had worked for me in the past.

Last week I finally got back on the C25K program and officially re-started it. I started coming to the DIS boards to see what people were saying about the marathon weekend 5K. I was shocked to find such a supportive group of people on WISH. I was so encouraged to read all the stories of people who had gone from a seditary lifestyle to running endurance races. I started to think, if they can do it so can I! It was such an extrodiary idea for me I became super excited about it. After a little waffeling I commited and registerd for the Disney January 1/2 marathon today:woohoo:.

I'm not talking about it with any of my friends becuase they would think I am nuts. My husband is very supportive but I can tell he's not sure what to make of my new plan. I'm so happy to be able to talk about it here with all of you!

I figure I will use this journal to track my progress and maybe make some W.I.S.H buddies. So here are the starting stats.

Start weight: 244
Current weight: 220
Goal weight: :confused: Not sure yet. I spent most of my life in the 190s and was happy there. WW thinks I should be 175. I was 165 at my wedding and looked down right skinny. Guess I have some time to think about it.

C25K status:
Today: Week 2 Day 2
8/23: 1.7 miles in 25 min (14.7 min/mile pace)

If you made it this far thank you so much for reading !!
I finished the W2D2 run last night. It actually felt a little harder than the W2D1 run. I think maybe becuase I was tired and doing it on a pretty empty stomach.

The only time I have to run is at around 8:30 pm. I usually get home from work about 7 and spend an hour with my daughter before putting her to bed at 8. My husband would usually cook dinner then (bless his heart) and we would eat about 830-9. Since I can't take away from my limited time with my daughter I can really only run once she's in bed. Then we eat dinner when I am done. The problem with that is that I am usually totally beat by that time (I go into work around 6am). Since we don't eat dinner until after my run I'm thinking I should grab a quick snack before I run but I'm not really sure what to have that won'd sabatoge my WW plan too much.

Anyway, I seem to be getting by with this schedule for now but I'm not sure how I will make it work as I move on to longer runs. I am running on a tredmill for now but I know eventually I will have to move outside. It is just too dark and isolated in my area to run at night. Maybe I will do my weekend long runs outside and keep my midweek runs inside on the tredmill. I'm trying not to think too far in advance and just keep it one run at at time. It's hard to believe that I will be able to go from barely running 90 second intervals to getting through 13.1 miles. I'm trying to just trust the program

I also think I might be getting shin splints. Not too surprising considering I've gone from no running in 6 years to this training program. THey are not too bad yet but I'm worried they might get in the way of my progress. Hopefully they will improve with a little ice/rest. There is no run tonight so I will just be putting my feet up.

I missed my official WW weigh in this Tuesday. There is only one mtg late enough that I can usually make it after work. Unfortunately I had a work dinner I had to go to this week. Usually missing a weigh in will throw me way off track with my eatting but this time it has been OK. I'm still on plan and loosing according to my scale at home. I'm focusing on the potential of a bigger number from my 2-week drop at my next weigh in. I was 224.6 by there scale last time (week 2) and my scale at home is reading 219.5 today :yay:

W2D2: 1.7 miles in 25 min (14.7 min/mile pace)
Last night was a rest night from running. I've never followed a formal training plan before so the idea of scheduled rest is new to me. In the past I would just throw myself into working as hard as I could. Of course, this would usually lead to injury or burn out and I would quit before making any real progress. I still can't quite shake the feeling that I am goofing off on the rest days but, intellectually, I understand that it is a necessary part of the program.

My shin splints are feeling a lot better after some rest/ice/stretching. The ache isn't quite all gone but it's nothing that will hold me up from my run tonight. I'm thinking I may need to slow down my pace during the jogging intervals to avoid more problems with the shin splints. I already run slowly. I've been using a 5mph pace for the jogging and 3.3-3.5 for the walk section. I think tonight I will try 4.5-4.7 mph for the jogging section and see if that helps. I used to feel embarassed to run so slowly but after reading a lot of success stories on the WISH boards I realize that a lot of people start off very slowly. For some speed comes later, but if it never comes for me who cares? My goal is to finish the 1/2 marathon not to set a new speed record. Right?

Some other exciting news for today. My pants are too big! :yay: After shleping around for the last week in baggy looking work pants I decided to dig through my smaller pants that I had in storage and THEY FIT! This is a big deal for me because it takes me out of the woman's department and back in to the (very very largest) regular misses sizes. The selection in the woman's department around my new home is laughable so this means I can shop in regular stores again. (Well, at least on line where they carry the size 18 misses.) I'm sure many of you other gals can share my fustration with the limited selection in women's size clothing. It's just ridiculous given the average sized American these days..... I could go on about this forever but I digress. I'm going to wait another month or so before I buy any fall clothes to see if I can drop another size. Then I will have tons of choices just by going to the regular mall.

I've been good about sticking to the WW plan. I will weigh in again next Tuesday. The scale at home still says 219 but that is first thing in the morning without clothes so I imagine the WW scale would be 1.5-2lbs higher than that. My first mini-goal is to loose 5% (12lbs) from my WW starting weight (230.5) which will be at when my official WW weigh in weight is 218.5 lbs. I'm hoping with a little luck and hard work that might happen in the next 2weeks!

That's about it for today. Here's to having a happy and healthy day!
Hooray for you having to dig through your smaller pants to find some that fit!! You go, girl!!:yay:

When I read your journals I'm knocked out by your busy schedule! I remember when my kids were little, like your daughter, and at the time I worked like you do...unbelievable hours. I don't know you, but I'm very proud of you for taking the time to do your running and the WW. You've got to take good care of yourself and you seem to know that! :hug:

I also think you're smart to allow your muscles to rest between workouts...I think alot of people think they have to work out too hard & then they eventually burn out...keep up the pace thats comfortable for YOU...its obviously working!! Keep it up!!
Great job on needing smaller pants already!!! :cheer2: Your hard work is already paying off!:thumbsup2

How are the shin splints today?

I hope you have a nice weekend!:goodvibes
Thank you both for stopping by my journal. It is great to know others will be following along with me. :) Your support means a lot to me.

My schedule is a little nuts right now. I know I'm certainly not the first working mom to feel a little over extended. The ironic thing is we made this move because it was supposed to increase our quality of life and give me more time with the family. Unfortunately I was a victim of the old bait and switch. Oh well, if something doesn't give in the next year I will just move back to Philadelphia and seek a new job there. The experience I'll gain at this job will still be very valuable to me professionaly. I'm trying to look on the bright side.

Anyway, I sucessfully completed W2D3 last night. I slowed my pace to 4.7mph for the jogging intervals and it felt much better. I still have some aching in front of both shins but it is a lot less than with my last run. I noticed that at this slower pace it wasn't my breathing or heart rate that limited me but deffinitly the aches in my legs and my right knee and ankle. I've read that this is often the case for new runners so I will just push through it.

Tomorrow I'll start week 3. I'm debating whether to follow the program for time or distance. I feel like distance makes more sense as my goal is to build up endurance for a distance based race. However, I'm so slow that I'm not sure I can handle the jump in time for each jogging interval. I guess I will start by trying to do intervals for distance and see where that gets me. If it is too much I can always do it for time the first day and try to extend to the distances over the course of the week.

My hubby is away for the weekend. It is my first day off in 3 weeks so I'm just enjoying the time with my daughter. We will go to the park when she gets up from her nap and tomorrow we may check out a local children's museum. Since DH is also the family cook I will be on my own for meals until Tuesday. I bought some bagged salad and chicken breasts so I wouldn't be tempted to stop and pick up junk to eat. Even a kitchen rookie like me should be able to figure that out.

I'm off to get some rest while DD is napping. Have a great day!!

W2D3: 1.61 miles in 25 min (15.53 min/mile pace)
yesterday was a rest day so not to much to report on the C25K situation. The shins are deffinitly feeling better than then did last time around so I think slowing my pace really helped.

Food yesterday was on target for the WW plan

B: Banana
L: Omlete with mushroom and peppers
D: Chicken and brocolli stir fry with wild rice
S: Skinney Cow mint/chocolate ice cream sandwich (if you've never tried these you should. Yummy and only 2 WW points)

No formal excersice but I did chase DD around at the park for a while. :love: DH is away for the weekend visiting our friends back "home" in Philadelphia. I'm glad he's able to go and have a good time but it is very lonley here and I am home sick. :sad1: I know everyone says it will get better with time but for now it is still hard. We are giving it a year to see how we feel and then we'll make a decision about if we will stay or look to move back.

Until then I will just enjoy cuddling with my little girl and watching Dora the Explorer until it's time for my run. W3D1 tonight!!
W3D1 went better than I expected. I was able to complete all the intervals and even added in an extra jog at the end. I decided to do the intervals for distance so the long interval (1/4 mile) took me a about 3 and half minutes. I did the first round of intervals at 4.7 mph and walked at 3.5 mph. I felt pretty good so I did the second 1/8 mile interval at 5 mph and added on 1/4 mile of jogging at 5.0 at the end of the run. I was previously counting my warm up/cool down in my time and pace but I'm going to stop doing that now and only report out the time for the trainng part of the run.

My shins are still a problem and they really bothered me in the last 5 min or so of this work out. I'm not sure what to do about it since they seem to feel ok when I start. More rest may be the best answer but I know if I get off my training schedule it is a slippery slope to giving up all together. I guess I just try to keep my pace slow and steady and hope those muscles get stronger with time.

W3D1: 1.63 miles in 23:33 (14.31 mph pace)

Eatting wise I really wanted to go out for a treat today. The whole point of WW is that one is supposed to be able to do this with the proper planning. I decided to take DD out to the cheesecake factory. My favoirite meal there is the chicken piccata (sp?). Like almost everything else on their menu, it is deadly from a fat/calorie stand point. I looked up the nutritional info on line and the whole meal comes to about 33 WW points. I decided to split the meal in half and plan the day to accomidate the 16.5 points for dinner.

B: Cantalope, scrambled egg whites with peppers/mushrooms
L: sliced green pepper/cucumber/tomato salad (just viniger dressing)
D: 1/2 CF Chicken Piccata
S: Skinney cow ice cream sandwich

Overall I felt pretty good about the day. DH will be getting home late tonight from his trip to Philly. I have "back to school" night at DD's pre-school to attend. The nanny will be working late but I'm going to try to duck out of work a little early so I can peak in and see her before I go. I have a big presentation to get ready for work so this week will be a little stressful. On that note, I guess I better go get some work done!

Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!:thumbsup2
Yesterday was a rest day from the C25K. The legs are feeling pretty good. Not 100% but about 90% normal. I plan to do my run tonight (W3D2) as scheduled. The marathons for mortals and Galloway book that I ordered came in last night along with my new Forerunner 305. I spent a little time skimming the books but I haven't played with the Forerunner yet. It will be a few weeks before I have a "long run" to justify it's use anyway. After looking through the books I'm a little nervous about the time I have before the 1/2 marathon. If I completely finish the C25k before starting the Galloway 1/2 marathon program I won't have enough time. I'm thinking once I finish W4 on C25K I will start integrating a long run from the Galloway program on the weekend. That way I should be building enough endurance before the 1/2. We'll see how it goes. All of this is contingent upon my lower leg muscles hanging in there. I feel like the rest of me is ready to go so I'm really concerned that these stupid shin splints are going to hold me up. I guess worse comes to worse I have to defer to the 5K at marathon weekend. Maybe I could pick up the Princess 1/2 marathon at the end of Feb. I've found a better running shoe store in my area and I plan to try to get there in the next week to make sure I'm running in the right shoes.

While I was looking for a place to get checked out for shoes I saw that one running store has a clinic for new runners starting up at the end of September. I would love to be able to do that not only so I could learn some better technique but also so I might meet some people in my new town. Unfortuanately there is no way I can make it to the meetings with my work schedule. I'm pretty bummed out about this. I feel so trapped between work and my family obligations. I just don't see how I'll ever make any sort of social connections in our new area.

Eatting wise things are going fine. I'll weigh in at WW tonight. It's been 2 weeks since my last weigh in so I'm hoping for a good number. I'm hoping I might make my 5% goal today. Food yesterday:

B: Banana and 2 plums
L: Lean Cuisine BBQ chicken pizza, bag of cherries
S: Starbucks fat free cappacino
D: The other half of the CF Chicken Piccate from yesterday
S: Skinney cow mint ice cream sandwich.

I was a little over in my points but I still have all of my flex and activity points for the week so I wasn't really "over".

Ok...back to work :surfweb:
Looks like you are doing good with your training. I hope your shin splints ease up soon.
I did the 1/2 this past January and will be there again next January. I'm a walker. Would love to run, but just can't get the hang of it.

Keep up the great work. :thumbsup2 I am really impressed that you are taking this on given your work schedule.
You're doing a great job with your training! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear that you are still having problems with the shin splints. :( I used to get those all the time in gymnastics when I was in high school. Our trainer told me to ice them like crazy and to make sure I stretch my calves and ankles really well before doing warm ups. I hope your shins feel better soon!:wizard:

Have a great day today!:goodvibes
Thanks for the support eyor44. Walking the half is a pretty impressive thing to me. Walking a 16 min/mile pace is almost as fast as I can "run" or "slog" or whatever you want to call it. :)

I successfully completed W3D2 last night. It didn't feel easy but I got through it. My lower legs are still bothering me a lot while I run but not so much in between runs. For some reason the right is worse than the left. They just feel a little achey this morning. I hope that means they are getting better. We'll see. I had a hard time motivating myself to get going and I kept my pace slow and didn't do any more distance than the program called for. I did the walks at 3.3-3.5 mph and the jogging at 4.7 mph. I should fee proud for finishing all the intervals but instead I feel a little let down that I can't do more or faster. I really am a head case. :confused3

Anyway the stats are:

1.5 miles in 22.30 min (14.87 min/mile pace)

I also weighted in at WW last night.
New weight: 217.6 :banana:
Last weight (2 weeks ago) 224.6
net loss 7 lbs :woohoo:

WW start weight: 230.6 (-13lbs)
Real start weight: 244 (-26.4lbs)

I also made my mini-goal of loosing 5% of my starting WW weight.
My next mini-goal is to loose 20lbs from my WW start weight!

I'm pretty happy with my progress so far. Food from yesterday was:

B: Banana
S: 2 plums
L: Lean Cuisine chiken carbonara (first time I tried this one, not bad) and a bag of cherries
S: Fat free cappacino
D: Pre made bag of ceaser salad with chicken
S: Diet ice cream sandwich (TPTB *** out the name above so maybe I'm not allow to say it, sorry, I didn't know that)

Tonight is a rest night from C25K. I'm planning to buy the add on's to the Wii soon so I can use it to do some Cross training. My DH got me the main part of the Wii last year for Christmas but it is still in the box. I don't really have time for video games (which kind of makes me wonder who he realy bought it for :lmao:) but I would love to use it for some Yoga or Pilates that I could do at home.

Ok, that is enough procrastination. I'm supposed to interview some poor character who doesn't know what he'll be getting himself into in a couple of minutes. I can't exactly have dancing smiley faces on my computer can I. :dance3:
First - CONGRATS on your first WW goal! It's a great feeling - and the way you are working, it's only the first of many met goals. :cheer2:
Second - thanks for the inspiration! I just started walking about 2 weeks ago - and the shin splints and aches I can totally relate to. I can't even think about adding running intervals in! But knowing there's someone else out there that's succeeding is encouraging. :yay:
Also, I can totally relate to moving to a new city and not knowing anyone. Been there too many times. DH has moved us 4 times since we got married 10 years ago. It's hard and it just takes some time. Sounds like you're already really busy, but church is a great place for getting some support and meeting people.
Keep the updates coming!
Thank you toystoryduo and mickeygirl 14 for the encouragement!

Mickeygirl14, it makes me feel great that my story inspires you. I got going by reading so many motivating and inspiring stories on WISH. It makes me happy to think I can give back a little bit of that too.

Yesterday was a rest day for C25K. I did go out and buy the Wii Fit Plus attachment for the Wii yesterday. I'd like to start working in some cross training at least a couple of times per week. It will have to wait until we get the TV/Wii set up in the guest room but hopefully that will happen in the next few weeks. (have I mentioned that moving is a PITA).

Tonight will be W3D3. The shins and lower legs are feeling OK today. I will take it nice and easy with the run. I tried to get over to the running store last night after work but didn't quite make it before they closed. I have some time off this weekend so I hope I can get there.

Food was on plan yesterday.

B: Banana
L: Lean cuisine cranberry chicken "spa cuisine" thingy (another first for me and not too bad)
S: bag of cherries
D: chicken and brocolli stir fry with wild rice
S: SC ice cream sandwich

For some reason the numbers on my scale at home were up a little this AM even though I haven't indulged or anything. :confused3 I guess it is normal to fluctuate a little up and down but it sure is more motivating to see the numbers go down when I'm being "good."

Have a great day!!
How did your run go last night? That's great that you are on week 3 day 3 already!!!:cheer2: Keep up the good work!:cheer2:
Thanks for stopping by Toystoryduo. I am totally excited to be finishing week 3!!

I completed W3D3 yesterday.:yay: It will be on to week 4 on Saturday night. It looks intimidating but then again so did week 3 before I started doing it. Although I still have some aches in my lower legs I think it is getting better overall and I no longer have frank PAIN in my shins after I stop running. Hopefully those muscles are beefing up and I've seen the end of shin splints for now... I hope. I did all the walking at 3.5 mph and most of the runs at 4.7. I did kick it up to 5.0 for the last bit of each 1/4 mile stretch. In part because I felt like I could do it and it part b/c I wanted to hurry up and get to my walk break!

W3D3: 1.5 miles in 22.14min (14.76 min/mile pace)

Eatting yesterday was:

B: 2 plumbs
L: Lean Cuisine BBQ Chicken pizza (this is my goog ole' standby lunch it is very good for frozen "diet" food)
S: Fat Free Cappiccino
D: Chicken and Brocolii stir fry (the other half from yesterday)
S: SC mint ice cream sandwich

My Dad is visiting us this weekend. It is so good to see a familiar face. I know his visit will likely present some food challenges b/c we may be eatting out. I will just have to make healthy choices. Also he is staying in the room where my tredmill is. Hopefully I can still get my Saturday night run in.

I hope everybody who has long weekend this week enjoys it. The beaches of NC were spared the brunt of hurricane Earl. I've so happy for everyone who can keep their beach plans!
You are doing so well!! I love those Lean Cuisines, don't you? They make things so easy & really get us acclimated to the smaller portion sizes. Try not to worry about making good eating choices while dining out...I actually find that easier once I get past the temptation effect. Try to avoid the saucy, pasta and casserole type things...go fish! go steak!

You are doing AWESOME! :yay:
Thanks therriau4. I do like the Lean Cuisines and eat them almost daily for lunch when I'm at work. Some are good, most are OK but all of them keep me from going to the cafeteria and grabing some tempting high calorie meal.

Yesterday was a rest day on C25K so no run. My dad is here and I'm soooo happy!!! I've really been missing my family.

Food yesterday

B: Bag of strawberries
L: a lean cuisine (can't remember which one)
S: SC ice cream sandwich
D: pork loin, corn on the cob and a little bit of apple sauce
S: SC ice cream sandwich

The scale has been steady this week in spite of me staying completely on plan and getting in my runs. Oh well, I know it is normal to hit plateaus so I will just have to keep at it. Soooo fustrating though.

Tonight is W4D1. The intervals go up to 0.5 miles and we go 2 miles total with 1.5 being jogging intervals. It seems like a lot to me and is deffinetly more than I would dream of trying before I started the program. I'll just be tickled pink if I can get through it.
Still doing great with your training. :thumbsup2 I have the WII Fit and really like it. I do some yoga, the dance steps and the regular stepping (not quite sure of the name). I also do a few others, but not much. I think the stepping exercises have really helped my shins and calves. Overall the program has helped a lot with my balance. I have balance issues.

Remember the more you run you will be building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat which might account for the no changing scale. Holding steady is way better than gaining. :goodvibes


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