Long weekend?


<font color=green>Moderator<br><font color=red>Pro
Jan 19, 2000
Do you guys get Monday and Tuesday off next week for Canada Day weekend, or do you have to work on Monday? What's everyone doing this weekend. Any special celebrations. We're headed for a family reunion this weekend.
I just want Tuesday, DD starts Day Camp Monday, off Tuesday!

The Guys in the Plant want both Monday and Tuesday!LOL

I want to Shuffle off to Buffalo (Niagara Region) to hit the Disney Outlet and maybe the Boulevard Mall, etc. Don't want too many days off, one is enough for shopping!LOL

DH and the crew in the office decided to take Monday as the holiday. :)

We're having a family bbq (yet again..lol) on Sunday. It was my Mom's 81st Birthday last Sunday, my Dad's 75th this Thursday, and my Sister's 38th on the 2nd, so it's a BIRTHDAY BBQ!!! :) :)

and of course, HAPPY CANADA DAY!


PS Your pictures on the Flower's Board made me sneeze!LOL
I realized when I was in the shower (guess the water woke me up!), that I had the date for my sister's b-day wrong...she would kill me! ;) :)

Bless you, Scratch...sorry about the sneezies! :teeth: You might want to quit doing the scratch n' sniff thing....;)
Have to work on Monday and get Tuesday off although it appears from a casual survey of the office that most are taking Monday off and Tuesday too. Friday and Monday are very busy for me at work. :( The last day of June is always busy and it sucks the way the holiday fell this year.

Oh well if the office is quiet and the big bosses are away it won't be too bad. :p

Baseball games are planned for the weekend -- Expos are in town.

Have to be up early Sat morning as DS has to be at Downsview at 7:30am to catch his bus to Meaford for his training this summer.

I think I may sleep in on Tuesday!!
LOL Kim - 1000 posts. Between losing my post count here, taking a break from moderating a couple of years ago etc., I'm surprised I actually made it. I hadn't noticed, so thanks for pointing it out!
CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 POSTS, PEGGY! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

On Friday night we have Seafood Night at Dh's golf club then on Saturday morning we have to take my car in to get the brakes done. He suggested going over to the RBG afterwards but I think with my allergies acting up right now, I'd rather go later in the summer, when we plan another DIS meet. Then I saw there was a message from his golfing buddies setting up games on the weekend so I'm sure Dh will be golfing Sunday and Monday. :rolleyes:
I'm working Monday :( ... I thought I read something about the NDP introducing a private member's bill to make Monday (for this year only) a civic holiday... That would be nice if it passed :cool:
We are leaving for Toronto area on Thursday afternoon, as soon as I finish work. I took Friday, Monday and Wednesday off, and DH is off on Thursday (kids first day out of school) to get the camper ready so we can leave when I get home. We are staying at the KOA in Cookstown, and I already bought a family season pass to Wonderland, we will also spend a day at the zoo. I want to see the fireworks over the castle at Wonderland for Canada Day. Anybody know what the weather is supposed to be like for the weekend?
Hi Faye! :)

Here's the Toronto forecast through till Tuesday. Looks like it's going to cool down just in time for the weekend...sigh...

Toronto Forecast


That's a great idea Bunnyfoo, but I suppose it's too late for this year. Maybe next year!! :)
Hockey Mom or Scratch or anyone going to Disney outlet, please if they have autograph books, PLEEEEEEZZZZE pick up 2 for me.
When I went, they said they had some, but then the girl & I walked all over the store looking for them. None to be found:(

Nothing special planned, life as usual Monday & Tuesday
But I'm not going Tuesday!:rolleyes:

Those who have cottages, we won't name names! Have decided that Monday is a better day to take off in order to make it an official long weekend!:rolleyes: MEN!

Don't want DD to miss first day of camp, 'cause that's when the friendships happen! Why couldn't the government get their act together!

Ma, will let you know one way or the other!



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