Lookalike E-Submission Experience - Please Read!

Congratulations on the job. Can you tell us more about your audition submission and questions that casting asked you in your interview?


Yes :)
I basically found the audition on their disneyauditions.com website... I went to female character look alike positions and sent a resume and a headshot to the email the provided and at the times they were asking them to be sent. I waited about 5 days and got another email asking if I had tattoos, piercings, how old I was, and for 4 more pictures; one from the front waist up, one from the front with my whole body, and then two like that of my profile. They also asked me to wear simple make up, tight fitting clothes, and smile. So I did all of that and then didn't get a reply for a month!! After the month, they sent me another email with attachments of a script and charater bio. In that same email they also asked for more pictures and for me to read the script/character bio and then send a video of me playing that character. I sent in the rest of the pictures (waist up front and waist up profile only) and sent my video of me reading the script acting like that character. I got a call less than a week later with a conditional offer.... waited almost a week... got an email to schedule a phone interview.... waited.... then finally got the phone interview on a Monday! They literally asked me only TWO questions and made a few comments on those questions and then I got offered the position of Character Performer. They only asked "Why Disney?" and the other questions were specific to my resume and they were "Tell me about your work experience and your volunteer work experience" "Tell me about your choir". That was it! I was offered the job! It surprised me.... haha You can ask me more if you want!
Thanks for the response. I know you are extremely excited.
Which character script did they want you to act out?
Did they tell you how much you'd get paid?
How much you'd be working?
Where you would be working?
Which character(s) you'd be friends with?
Did they ask if you had a problem with relocating or offer any help with paying for the move?

Thanks for the response. I know you are extremely excited.
Which character script did they want you to act out?
Did they tell you how much you'd get paid?
How much you'd be working?
Where you would be working?
Which character(s) you'd be friends with?
Did they ask if you had a problem with relocating or offer any help with paying for the move?


You're welcome!
I got hired as a Full-time character performer!
-They asked me to play Alice. They provided a script and told me how to stand and how to talk. That does not mean I will be playing Alice though, because I know that once you get down to Disney you have to pass training. If I do a terrible job as a fur-character they definitely won't put me in as a face character.
-There is no 'Face Character' department, there is only a 'Character Performer' department. Base pay for FULL-TIME character performers (dancers, fur-characters, parade people, etc.) right now is $9.35 an hour, but we get benefits. A face character makes $3.00 more than the base pay ONLY while they are playing that face character. I have heard that Disney is really looking for Faces right now, so it may be a good time to apply :). But know that you will also be in costume!
-Full-time Disney character performers work anywhere between 32-40 hours a week. I am assuming it's lower because of the crazy Florida weather and so many people play different parts. They also told me that practices for performers can go very late or very early in the morning, so I would need to be prepared for over-time and crazy hours.
-They did not tell me where I would be working, but I know that performers are in the MK and EPCOT. I am not sure about other parks.
-They didn't tell me what character I would be friends with because being a character is based off of your height. My height is 5'1 and I could be anywhere from a parade dancer to Mickey to the 7 dwarves to a short-female face character and in-between... It just depends on who you play.
-They do offer relocation help! They allot a certain amount of money to both moving and transportation expenses.

Congratulations! Tons and tons of girls audition for years just to get where you are, so consider yourself very fortunate. I'd be jealous of you, since I've ALWAYS wanted to be in Entertainment, but where I'm going ain't half bad and I'm also not a girl. >.>

I've been through the living process twice down here (did a CP, doing a PI, extending into another PI) and have a lot of friends living in a whole bunch of different places, if you have any questions about different places I'd be happy to answer them, but I'd check out Cagan Crossings, Bella, Buena Vista Palace (close to MK), Alexandria Parc Vue, Abaco Key- all places my friends live.

If you're friends with Alice, I know you can meet her in Epcot in the UK and at the Teacups in MK, and at 1900 Park Faire which is dining. Furs, however, can go anywhere.

Hope I helped!
Thank you so much! That does help! Me and my roommate actually compiled a list of apartments and most of those were on there, except Cagan Crossings, but I will check those out online right now. Are you not working at Disney anymore?
Just an FYI, I moved to Central FL a few months ago and loved the Bella apartments website and thought about checking it out until I read the reviews. They're horrible.
Okay thank you for the heads up:) I think I am going to the Orlando area the day after Christmas to check places out!
I've been scanning the audition page for an email but I couldn't find one. Do you know if it's only certain auditions that you can do an e-submission? Thanks!!:confused3
I went to www.disneyauditions.com and went to upcoming auditions page and when you go to that it will specify what kind of auditions and where they're having them and what times. I did this back in September and it said "look alike esubmission" and I clicked it and it had all of the information of what to do and who to email! You just have to search around the site and look at the different available auditions.
Thank you so much! That does help! Me and my roommate actually compiled a list of apartments and most of those were on there, except Cagan Crossings, but I will check those out online right now. Are you not working at Disney anymore?

I am! I'm a PI right now and I got another one in Guest Relations for January 2013, so maybe I'll even see you down here! (I've always wanted to be friends with a face character... er... rather... friends with a friend of a face character...?)

I'm actually gonna confirm what the other person said- Bella's got awful reviews. Cagan Crossings is a pretty cheap place but I think it's a little further out, 20-30 min maybe? Not too terrible.

Oh, and I didn't read your post closely enough- they didn't tell you who to play, but if Alice was who they asked you to read for, there might be a pretty good chance that you'll be playing her, I think.
I am! I'm a PI right now and I got another one in Guest Relations for January 2013, so maybe I'll even see you down here! (I've always wanted to be friends with a face character... er... rather... friends with a friend of a face character...?)

I'm actually gonna confirm what the other person said- Bella's got awful reviews. Cagan Crossings is a pretty cheap place but I think it's a little further out, 20-30 min maybe? Not too terrible.

Oh, and I didn't read your post closely enough- they didn't tell you who to play, but if Alice was who they asked you to read for, there might be a pretty good chance that you'll be playing her, I think.

Yes they did ask me to send in an audition video for her!!! Why do you say there's a good chance, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondering because I am really excited haha! I am going to spend all day 'studying' how to be her and the other characters I might be from youtube videos and the cartoons haha! I really want the job but I feel very unprepared. A lot of people spend their whole lives wanting to work at WDW as a character or they have a lot of professional experience in acting and things. Where as I do not... I have a lot of experience on stage and dancing and singing, just not in big shows and I have never been trained or taken classes. I am nervous about what Disney expects. I am going to try my best though!
Here is a funny story for you.... I have only ONE friend working at WDW right now and she is in Guest Relations!! I am going to be living with her and the other girl I found. Guess where she is living right now and needs roommates for? BELLA..... AHHHHHHHH. Haha. Needless to say I am not very happy about it.... But she insisted on it and there was no way to change her mind. Plus, it was my only option and I had to do it. :(

Also, on my dashboard on disneycareers it says that I am a character performer pg..... Do you know what that means? I could just be over analyzing things but those two letters are annoying me because I don't know what it means. Haha!
It was an audition video of me reading a script they sent me in a youthful, British accent while standing in a certain way.
I really wouldn't worry about other people's experience. There are tons and tons of folks on the College Program who are friends with face characters that have never really acted before, and they come and go every 4/6 months. The most important thing is to have fun with it, and work hard. Disney does expect a lot, of course, but you do have to realize that if you love it, it won't ever feel like work. :) (And again, I'm so jealous. I have ALWAYS wanted to be in Entertainment.)

Don't sweat it about Bella. If you make enough friends, you might not even be spending that much time at home anyway!

Character Performer PG is the classification for Character Performers, meaning you're probably going to do meet and greets. I sent you a message with a few more details, but I wouldn't worry about it, that status just says you're a Character Performer. (again. jealous.)
oh my goodness you are seriously the luckiest girl i know! You better take full advantage of your once in a lifetime opportunity :) I never knew they did esubmissions and we be on the lookout for the future. I think it would be really cool if you did a trip report sort of thing about your experience. I know you probably can't post much about being friends with Alice, but just like the lifestyle of a friend would be awesome to hear about! Congrats!!!!! :goodvibes
disprincess4ever said:
oh my goodness you are seriously the luckiest girl i know! You better take full advantage of your once in a lifetime opportunity :) I never knew they did esubmissions and we be on the lookout for the future. I think it would be really cool if you did a trip report sort of thing about your experience. I know you probably can't post much about being friends with Alice, but just like the lifestyle of a friend would be awesome to hear about! Congrats!!!!! :goodvibes

Well thank you so much!!!!!! I hope I get to do the face job. I have To pass the classes to be the character and everything!!! But if I do then I will certainly write down my experiences somewhere and possibly start a blog or something!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!!!!
Ah!! Congrats!! I'm very happy to hear that SOMEONE has heard back from those!! All over tumblr people had heard "not now" or just NOTHING back from casting. Myself included, I submitted in Sept, and waited, and waited, and waited. The took the posting down, then would re post it and say "don't re apply if you applied to an earlier one" Ugh, but CONGRATS!!!! I hope you have the most magical experience of your life!


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