Looking For Control Freaks & Worry Warts too (Part 2)

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Well we made it throught the night. No nap worked in our favor. She was exhusted and stayed in bed all night.

Cammie YEAHHH it's so close! Are the girls getting excited?

Erin- yes I agree with Kara we need a pic of the overalls. ;)

Hi to our new members!!
Hi everyone ! I was new a couple weeks ago but disappeared - sorry ! You didn't scare me off with those pictures (Johnny, Sting, Matthew etc .... you can send some more!!!! LOL)
To all the Canadians - hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving !!
To all the Americans - Happy Columbus Day !

My DD is 9 and still goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 pm almost every night. My DS is 13 and I have him in bed by 9:30 pm. We try to eat dinner around 6pm but being a single mom and loads of activities for the kids to do after my home day care closes for the night, dinner time can vary all the time.

OK, as our only Canuck on here, what exactly is Cannadian Thanksgiving? :confused3 See? We're such an educational thread!

Well we made it throught the night. No nap worked in our favor. She was exhusted and stayed in bed all night.

Cammie YEAHHH it's so close! Are the girls getting excited?

Erin- yes I agree with Kara we need a pic of the overalls. ;)

Hi to our new members!!

Yea to sleeping through the night in her big girl bed!!!! :cool1:
Welcome newbies!

Tessa - My DD has a later bedtime but it works out good for our family. At least she goes to sleep at the same time every night now.

Debbie - I am with you again w/the holiday worry. I am too close w/my family, too. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Kara - Glad you had fun at AK. Loved the pics.

Tammie - Hope things get better with the kids.

Erin - Good luck.

Laura - I usually put DD to sleep by staying in the room. She is almost 4 and I know I need to stop that but she is scared of things now and I baby her too much.

Sorry so short. I have a lot to get done today. I hope to get back on here soon.

Hi Girls..
Yeah Cammie! So close!
Have a good one everyone. It is chilly now so I have to deal! At least the sun is out.

I STILL have to do all my photopass work so I can order the disk!
Hey All!

It is beautiful here today a little on the cool side but good to try toget out and get things done. I am going to try a little christmas shopping. I know it's early,but I officially just cancelled our flight and our ADR's so I need to do something. Now I am on the hunt for ELMO Live! Oh Boy this Badookie is spoiled.

Laura- We were wondering when we should put Badookie in his big boy bed. I am waiting for him to climb out,but then I am afraid he is going to fall out :confused3 His crib goes to a full size and I really don't want to buy a toddler bed. I am hoping he waits a year or so.

Kara- I'm with you I don't think I could handle X Mas without the snow. I love New England and I like things cold.

Tammie- I am ordering from you today. Just baby wash because it is all I have had time to try:laughing:

Debbie- I can't believe your baby is 3 it is amazing how long we have been talking to each other.

:welcome: to all of our new comers. We are a fun group.

By the way now that winter is coming we should start DPing again.
So how's our little schoolgirl doing? :rotfl: You need to post a pic of you guys in your new coveralls!!!! Make sure they're splattered with paint first so we know you're really working! :rotfl2:
Erin- yes I agree with Kara we need a pic of the overalls. ;)
Erin - Good luck.

Thanks again .. I am good thanks although shattered i have come down with this stinking cold and sore throat thing thats going round so worked hard today then came home and put myself in bed .. am up now as had to get cj ready for brownies .. Oh well tomorrow is another day hahahhaa :lmao:

Anyway here are the pics .. Noticed how we managed to make sure our t-shirts blended nicely with our overalls :lmao: A control Freak right to the end my friend :lmao:

This is before


And this is after

Look at you, Erin!!!! It's official now! Good job, and I hope you get to feeling better!!!
Got a good one for you. You know my BSIL, right? She just emailed me and we were going back and forth. Turns out, the weekend that Ally and I are coming to Disney, Jeff wanted to have a golf weekend and invite his buds from SC to come down but his dad couldn't come cause they had to watch BSIL's kids, right? WRONG!!! She's not taking the kids to their house until the Wednesday AFTER that. I guarantee that when she found out that her dad was coming down here, she got PO'd and told them that weekend. So I just told Jeff that he can get the golf weekend back on the schedule.

And, I made her feel guilty cause I said I felt bad we hadn't been back to see her parents since May and we're "only 6 hours away" and she said they haven't been to see them in A YEAR!!!! They only live 4 hrs away!!!! See why I do NOT want to spend holidays with this chick????

But they're planning their first trip that they have to pay for since they've been married. To Disney. I will NOT offer any suggestions, but after it's done Jeff and I will probably say, "well you should've done such and such" just to tick her off!!!!!
Hi guys! Checking in. Made out just fine at the dentist. Of course, not giving my teeth the proper attention over these past few years means I have ALOT of catch up work to be done - probably won't need another root canal but instead, she just wants to pull the tooth!:eek: It's the very back tooth on the top and she feels it's pointless to go through the agony of another root canal. Oh well - that's what I get.

But I have to tell you, I'm very relieved. Now you're all going to think I'm a mental case, but one of my BIG fears in going to any doctor is that they're going to find something really horrible - like cancer. Although I do know it's better to get yourself to a doctor to get things checked out, I convince myself to just be ignorant. I know I'm stupid!:headache: What's funny is - Amanda can be really, really sick and I will be 100% confident that she'll be fine; on the other hand, I can get a paper cut and become paranoid that it will be infected with a flesh-eating bacteria!:laughing:

Anyway, I've just been very stressed this past week. Still have alot of plans to make for Disney. Right now, I'm in the middle of battling (once again) with Amanda's equipment company on providing the supplies I'll need. I swear, they just want me to bring EVERYTHING myself - which I do for most things; but there is some equipment I just can't phsyically bring myself. It's the same thing every year. I know once I get down there, I'll be so happy and relieved; but right now, the preparation is overwhelming me! I'm done chasing after my sister for what characters to put on their shirts - so there goes the idea of all of us wearing matching shirts for the xmas party. Whatever - one less thing I have to do!

Sorry to ramble on. I promise to pop in more to chat!:)
OK, as our only Canuck on here, what exactly is Cannadian Thanksgiving? :confused3 See? We're such an educational thread!

Well, I would like to say I feel priviledged to be the one and only Canadian on this thread !!! :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao:
The Canadian Thanksgiving is similar to yours (turkey, dressing, potatoes, friends, family - all that good stuff) where celebrate the harvest season. We "give thanks" for the crops, our health, and the end of the growing season. About the only thing we are missing from the US Thanksgiving is the pilgrims. It also means we can start Christmas shopping earlier than you guys !! LOL

And oh yeah ..... 52 days until I am back in WDW !!! I can't wait !!!
Hi all! I'll see if I can catch up a little - chatty bunch today!

Kara, Your BSIL is a piece of work. :headache:

Jim's knee is still pretty sore - he went back to work today, I had to drive him and he's limping pretty good. The kids did go to sleep in the car and got nice naps! :thumbsup2

Jenroc- welcome back and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jillian, thanks for the order! I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip. :sad2:

Tessa, my kids went to bed at 8pm and got up at 6:30 am at that age.

Cammie, IKWYM about the doc and dentist. I just really hate to be messed with, so I put if off - I even worked for a surgeon, and I know better. It really stinks that you have to fight to get the things you need when you travel. I'm glad you're getting it. Like we all told Renee, take a deep breath, now another one. Okay get out your list and get a few things packed. You'll feel better. 24 days!!!! :banana:

Erin, you look so cute in your overalls! Come on out here and paint my house when you're done, K? :laughing:

Debbie, hope you had a great day - can't wait to see more pics!

Hi Lisa and Renee! :flower3:

Okay, gotta read some of your TRs! and BTW....

I am still writing my MX report - I'm kinda lonely over there...:rolleyes1
About the only thing we are missing from the US Thanksgiving is the pilgrims. It also means we can start Christmas shopping earlier than you guys !! LOL

Hey, anytime I can start Christmas shopping earlier, is okay with me! :thumbsup2

Hi guys! Checking in. Made out just fine at the dentist. Of course, not giving my teeth the proper attention over these past few years means I have ALOT of catch up work to be done - probably won't need another root canal but instead, she just wants to pull the tooth!:eek: It's the very back tooth on the top and she feels it's pointless to go through the agony of another root canal. Oh well - that's what I get.

But I have to tell you, I'm very relieved. Now you're all going to think I'm a mental case, but one of my BIG fears in going to any doctor is that they're going to find something really horrible - like cancer. Although I do know it's better to get yourself to a doctor to get things checked out, I convince myself to just be ignorant. I know I'm stupid!:headache: What's funny is - Amanda can be really, really sick and I will be 100% confident that she'll be fine; on the other hand, I can get a paper cut and become paranoid that it will be infected with a flesh-eating bacteria!:laughing:

OK, now I know you're a nutcase! :rotfl2: Funny thing is that we DO have flesh eating spiders down here!!! The brown recluse. So of course every spider I see is a brown recluse in my book!

Anyway, I've just been very stressed this past week. Still have alot of plans to make for Disney. Right now, I'm in the middle of battling (once again) with Amanda's equipment company on providing the supplies I'll need. I swear, they just want me to bring EVERYTHING myself - which I do for most things; but there is some equipment I just can't phsyically bring myself. It's the same thing every year. I know once I get down there, I'll be so happy and relieved; but right now, the preparation is overwhelming me! I'm done chasing after my sister for what characters to put on their shirts - so there goes the idea of all of us wearing matching shirts for the xmas party. Whatever - one less thing I have to do!

Sorry to ramble on. I promise to pop in more to chat!:)

Like Tammie said.... Deep breath.... Make a list. Check it twice. Find out who's naughty or nice.... wait, wrong list!!! Anyway, make a list. And cross off the things you get done. That way you can see progress and you won't stress as much when you realize that you're getting stuff done.

Hi all! I'll see if I can catch up a little - chatty bunch today!

Kara, Your BSIL is a piece of work. :headache:

Don't I know it!!! Oy vey! Jeff is so pissed at her right now!!!

Jim's knee is still pretty sore - he went back to work today, I had to drive him and he's limping pretty good. The kids did go to sleep in the car and got nice naps! :thumbsup2

Jenroc- welcome back and Happy Thanksgiving!

Jillian, thanks for the order! I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip. :sad2:

Tessa, my kids went to bed at 8pm and got up at 6:30 am at that age.

Cammie, IKWYM about the doc and dentist. I just really hate to be messed with, so I put if off - I even worked for a surgeon, and I know better. It really stinks that you have to fight to get the things you need when you travel. I'm glad you're getting it. Like we all told Renee, take a deep breath, now another one. Okay get out your list and get a few things packed. You'll feel better. 24 days!!!! :banana:

Erin, you look so cute in your overalls! Come on out here and paint my house when you're done, K? :laughing:

Debbie, hope you had a great day - can't wait to see more pics!

Hi Lisa and Renee! :flower3:

Okay, gotta read some of your TRs! and BTW....

I am still writing my MX report - I'm kinda lonely over there...:rolleyes1

I'll be there today! I'm gonna check out your TR!!!

Jillian - so sorry you had to cancel, but there will be many more trips in the future!!!! And I'm sorry we will miss our meet!!! How am I gonna make my quota now? :rotfl2: Now I'm stuck with Cammie!!! :rotfl2:

I went out last night and bought my niece her Christmas dress and her birthday present. She's turning 10 on Monday and I started buying her Christmas dress when she was just 2 months old and have done it every year since. Now I end up getting my nephew (8) a little sweater vest or something to match. This dress is beautiful!!!!

The one I got is green though, instead of red. It will look so cute with a little black shrug or something.

So we got to the mall around 6ish and I told Ally we had to hurry cause I didn't want to leave after dark. This is a scary mall. But I didn't want to drive 40 minutes to a nicer one, so we just made a quick stop. I think this weekend we're gonna have to head out to another mall to do some "winter" clothes shopping for Ally. She has no long pants that fit her, and the mornings are starting to cool off enough that she's gonna need long pants before too much longer.

Oh, and I don't have a winter coat for her for Ohio at Christmas!!! The last coat we bought her is a size 4-5!!!!! So I called my sis to see if she has any hand me downs that she hasn't sent me yet...... Otherwise, I'm just gonna layer sweaters on Ally and keep blankets in the car. Seriously. I'm not going to pay $50 for a coat she'll only wear for a week before she outgrows it! Yup, there goes my mother of the year award.... AGAIN! :rotfl2:

a little behind. The server crashed! Ugh! Tim has it hobled together.

I just found outa friend from HS works at Disney!!! Why didn't I sign up for facebook before my trip????

gotta run sorry I'll try to catch up later
Cold and rainy here. You all know how well I deal with that!
Cammie....hope everything settles down on your end and it all works out. Yeah...at least the stress is for an awesome reason!
Kara..I hear ya...enough said.
Hi Laura..I can't stop looking at facebook. The good thing is there isn't a lot of reading or typing (unless you are searching for someone). I just like seeing who is on it from time to time.
My FAVORITE place is still HERE!!! I just don't have the energy to post. I suck at typing and putting my thoughts together but I ALWAYS try and read and think of all of you!
I still have to add PIX to my TR PIC thread and I still haven't even touched my photopass account yet!:scared1:
Hello ladies. I'm still here, just lingering. I couldn't tell you what I've been doing because it's been family stuff. Glad to see everyone is doing good.

Plus we've been playing Toontown like crazy.
hello---wow on before Kara? anyway schools off for today and tomorrow. Hopefully will find something fun to do with them.
OH, I've had a headache since yesterday afternoon - finally took some Tylenol. And Bucky isn't helping this morning. He's laying under my desk farting! Not pretty.

A couple of days ago he broke his leash outside. He just gets too bold when I let him out, so I tie him up just to make sure he doesn't spot something out in the woods and take off. Well, he decided to take off the other day, and snapped the leash in half. So now I need to go to Petsmart and get another one. Jeff has no problems with Bucky, but I just don't trust him. Which is why I'd love to get the back yard fenced. Jeff hates fenced in yards, says it takes away from the view. I think it would be very pretty, especially if I plant some pretty bushes in front of it. But that's another expense we just don't need right now.
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