Losing While I Can and Must (comment away!)

July 19, '07 (I just noticed I never write the date the same way. I wonder why that is...maybe I'm just weird :lmao: )

B: Bowl of Kashi Autumn (I noticed I was spelling ths wrong too!) Wheat w/ blueberries and soy milk

L: Weird lunch, spread out over a couple of hours..Big handful of pita chips w/ 2 tbls. hummus, slice of oat bran bread w/ pb and a cherry yogurt...come dinner time, I was hungry!

D: Chicken burrito w/ grilled peppers and onions, black beans and guac

S: Handful of chocolate chips

Exercise: 2.8 mile walk in 44 minutes. I did intervals of 2 minutes fast, 3 minutes slow (plus about 10 minutes warm up/cool down), 1 mile walk w/ the dog (23 minutes) and we walked to dinner which is a little over a mile round trip (and up a hill :) ), plus ab work on the yoga ball

DH is going to a concert that I opted out of tonight, so I'm trying to work up the courage to go see a movie by myself! I used to eat at restaurants by myself, so I figure this has to be less awkward than that, right?
Hi bekki
Go see the movie, you will be fine :)
your going great with all the walking & exercise :)
My motivation has left the building :lmao: I was all geared up for a long walk this weekend, I was hoping for about 5 miles. Well, this little thing called Harry Potter landed on my doorstep Saturday morning, and then it started raining...and it all fell apart from there :) I did walk the dog both Saturday and Sunday, and we walked to lunch yesterday so I did about 3.5 miles over the weekend

Not good enough, but it'll do. I'm still feeling just weird, lethargic. I'm hoping that goes away soon.

Food wise the weekend was ok. I made some good choices (like turkey on whole grain w/ mustard and no mayo etc) and some not so good choices (like a blondie at the movies on Saturday night) But overall, things were OK.

I really need to get moving, and not sit around quite so much. The weather is NOT cooperating. I feel like I'm in FL or Hawaii, it's so muggy here. I'm not used to it. But I also need to get over it. Stop making excuses!

Have a great day!
Hi Bekki
Hows the Harry Potter book??
I've had a weird & lethargic kinda day too!!
Our weather is not cooperating but not for the same reason, just too wet & rainy here & definatly NOT that warm :(
Hey Bekki,

That's great that you got some walking in this weekend!:thumbsup2 What movie did you go see?

Hope you are feeling better.:goodvibes Have a great day tomorrow!:cool1:
I loved HP, it was a very fitting end to the series. Over the weekend, I say Harry Potter 5 on my own, and then Transformers w/ DH and friends. I liked both--transformers had really cheezy dialogue, but it was really pretty :lmao:

Monday, July 23

B: Bowl of Smart Start healthy heart cinamon raisin w/ low fat milk

L: Bowl of broc. cheddar soup and salad w/ lemon dressing and a small piece of whole grain bread

D: A heaping scoop of mashed potatoes (made w/ low fat milk and marg.) and a pork chop (done in a pan w/ a little evoo) and a cherry sauce.

S: A piece of oat bran toast w/marg and little honey, a hanful of chocolate chips

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog. A 3 hour nap in the afternoon conflicted with my plans for a second walk. I'll get to that today

Thanks for checking in!
DH is going to a concert that I opted out of tonight, so I'm trying to work up the courage to go see a movie by myself! I used to eat at restaurants by myself, so I figure this has to be less awkward than that, right?

I have gone to movies alone, and I think it is easier than eating alone. And, it is way better for us too.

We saw HP movie, and altho this one skipped alot from the book, still a pretty good movie.

Tuesday, July 24

B: Bowl of Smart Start raisin w/ low fat milk, 2 pieces of oat bran toast w/ marg and honey (I hate it when I wake up so early--I have this need to eat more!)

L: Teriyaki chicken bowl, about 1/5 c. rice, 3-4 oz chicken and 1/2 cup of veggies (broc, cabbage etc) and just a smidge of sauce

D: cheese and veggie (peppers and onion) quesadilla w/ 2 tbls. each of sour cream and guacamole, a weight watchers cookies and cream bar

S: a few pita chips and 2 handfuls of chocolate chips

Exercise: 1 mile walk with the dog, and 4.75 mile walk on my own in 1 hour and 16 minutes (exactly a 16 minute/mile pace)

I was so tired yesterday, I took a nap and went to bed early. Of course that meant I was up at the crack of dawn today lmao: Oh well!
Hi Bekki
food looks yummy & healthy as always ;)
Glad you went to the movies, havnt seen HP or Transformers yet, looking forward to seeing both!
Have a great week
Hey Bekki!!! You've been walking up a storm (no wonder it's been raining for ya :laughing: ). Yes, I know. I'm corny.

Seriously, GREAT job with the walking. That's such a fast pace. I don't run much faster than that. :rotfl:

But about your tiredness, are you usually a napper, or is it just lately that you've been that tired? If it's just lately, you might want to talk to your doctor. Maybe you're lacking some vitamins or something. I know when I was anemic I was sooooo tired all of the time. It was the only time in my life that I could take naps. Now there are days I wish I could take a nap, but my body won't calm down enough. :sad2:

Enough about me....keep up the GREAT work!! :woohoo:
You are doing a great job getting your walks in Bekki! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Have a great Thursday!:cool1:
Thanks girls! I love my cheerleaders :)

Kim: RE sleepiness, I've always been a napper, but not much of a nighttime sleeper--I tend to wake up really early and not be able to fall back asleep. I DO need to start taking vitamins again, though. Thanks to you, I took my one-a-day this morning, so thank you!

Wed, July 25

I'm almost embarassed to type out what I ate today, but I figure, you have to take the good w/ the bad, right?

B: Bowl of Smart start w/ soy milk

L: Cheeseburger and 1/2 order of fries (wait it gets worse...)

D: Taco Bell burrito and soft taco

S: A whole cinnamon bagel, toasted w/marg and a 100 cal pack of cookies

I think I ate enough for like 4 people! I ate that bagel at like 6 PM, and honestly, I should have just had a yogurt or something and called it dinner, but I could not resist the Taco Bell....and there's more

NO EXERCISE all day long (well, ab work, but that barely counts). I didn't even give the poor dog a walk.

I would consider July 25 a complete and total failure :lmao: But that's A-OK. I will do better today :cheer2:
Hi Bekki
Well at least if your gonna jump off the wagon for a day its best to do it in style ;)
We all need an 'off' day now & again, i'm sure your right back on track now :)
Have a great weekend :)
I did do better. Not awesome, but better, and I'm good with that

Thursday, July 26

B: 2x 1/2 bowls of cereal. I ran out of Smart Start, so I had a 1/2 bowl..but then I was still hungry, so I had a 1/2 bowl of Autumn Wheat. I also had a glass of OJ

L: Lean cuisine chicken panini and 100 cal pack of cookies

D: Grilled steak burrito w/ a bit of guacamole and some cheese. Also about 10 chips w/ pineapple salsa.

S: Kashi waffle w/ 1 tbls of peanut butter

Exercise: Just took the dog for a 1 mile walk, plus ab work.
Nothing interesting to report. My life is fairly boring right now. And I like it!

Fri. July 27

B: Bowl of Autumn wheat w/ soy milk

L: 1/2 chicken caesar sandwich, 1/2 small asian chicken salad and a piece of whole grain bread

D: 1/2 order of cheese manacotti (took most of the cheese of the top), a slice of garlic bread and a salad w/ blue cheese dressing on the side (a few dips here and there)

S: Weight watchers cookies and cream bar

Exercise: 1 mile walk w/ the dog and a 3 mile walk (in 46 minutes)
Hi Bekki
Hope your having a good weekend :)
Glad your enjoying life being boring at the moment ;)
Yes, boring is good. I'm catching up on Battlestar Galactica--season 2 just came from Netflix. I'm going out of town again in Thursday, and this is sort of a fun trip, back to California for a big tournament, but I'm just going to see friends and family, and watch games. No responsibility! I love it :)

Weekend wrap up: Eating was fine, although I had a hankering for hot dogs, so we bought some low fat ones. I can honestly say I've had more hot dogs in the last few days than I think I've eaten in the last few years. But they were pretty darn good. I figure between the low fat dogs, and the whole grain buns, they're not THAT bad for you :) I went on a good hike w/ DH. It's only 2.5 miles round trip, but it's straight up the way back from the beach. I was ok, didn't feel like I was going to die :lmao: But it was pretty warm, and that made it a little harder

B: Bowl of Autumn wheat w/ soymilk

L: 2 hot dogs (see above ;) ) a handful of pita chips and a cherry yogurt

D: Barilla+ pasta w/ marinara (w/ ground turkey) and a sprinkle of parmesan. A big glass of milk. A slice of oat bran toast w/ marg.

S: A handful of pita chips, a root beer and a 100 cal pack of cookies

Exercise: I did intervals for 44 minutes (2 min on, 2 min off). I went just shy of 3 miles (I think 2.89 or something). I was happy b/c my fast intervals were fast the whole time (around 13:15 mpm). Usually, the last 2 cycles are really hard for me, but I think I was in a groove yesterday. I also took the pup for a 1 mile walk.

I'm SO excited, I'm getting my hair cut (haven't had that done since Dec!) and colored (not since May...of last year!) today. I hope they can help me figure out what I should do with it. Right now, I just feel like I have this sheet of blah brown hair. I'll let you guys know how it goes :)
You're doing a great job, Bekki! Interval training can be so effective....Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Let us know how the cut and color go.... princess:

Have a great Tuesday!:goodvibes
Hello Bekki!

Just sending a wave to say hi :wave2:

Looks like you have been doing just great with your game plan. :woohoo:

Have a great week



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