Love is “Universal”: Our Awesome Anniversary Adventures in Orlando (May 2015 TR)

You know when you eat something and then want to wipe it off your tongue? That's what dust tastes like.

:thumbsup2 Gotcha. Interesting analogy nonetheless.

Love Lost Continent, so amazingly themed. I wish they would switch out that horrible Sinbad show though! Did you see that yet?

I agree, the track through Circus is the winner, although I think it's neat they have two tracks.

I'm surprised your DH didn't go on Cat in the Hat! He will do all of those roller coasters but not Cat in the Hat :) My husband is the same way, he can go on anything, but spinning is his enemy. They did turn down the spinning though, almost to zero. It's much better now.

We took a pass on Sinbad, though I'm not objecting to seeing it in October if time allows. If nothing else than to see just how bad it actually is!!!

I find it super bizarre that Steve can ride the Hulk without batting an eye but the Cat in the Hat sends him running for cover. How can a person not mind being hurtled around an upside down loop at a zillion miles an hour, but be completely thrown off by a kiddie car that spins around?? :confused3

Did you say we are on the second to last day already? Oh no! I will be so sad when this trip report is over.You will have to start the pre-trip for October!

Aw, thank you! :goodvibes

Not sure about a PTR just yet. Once I'm done this report, I want to do my tripadvisor submissions (I did manage to finish my photo book while I've been working away on these posts.....multitasking at its fines!!). We shall see, I'm definitely not ruling it out. I was just saying to Jake this morning....only 129 days until we leave on our October trip, and 199 until December's vacation :cheer2: .
We took a pass on Sinbad, though I'm not objecting to seeing it in October if time allows. If nothing else than to see just how bad it actually is!!!

Sinbad is bad. It's so bad it's bad ;)

It's a shame because the performers are amazing and the theatre is neat. It's also 5 billion degrees in there so that doesn't help (no AC). If they enclosed it and put some air in, it would a much better show, funny how that works lol

Still worth seeing once though!
Thursday, May 7th: part 3

After our character meet in Seuss Landing, it was back to the Lost Continent to take in Poseidon’s Fury. I was very much looking forward to experiencing this attraction…..or would it be a “show”? We weren’t entirely sure.

I knew that water was involved in this production to at least a moderate degree, so I inquired to one of the TM’s if I should be stowing my camera in a safe (read: dry) location for the duration of the show. She indicated that yes, it’s definitely recommended as it was a walk-through attraction and there was a chance that the camera could get wet at various points. She reassured me that I would have lots of time to put the camera in its case, and then into my sling bag, once we were in the queue.

Once inside the building, we waited in the queue for entrance into the initial theater. It was darkish in there, but light enough to see. Once we had advanced forward as far as we could go in the queue and the movement of the line had settled, I kneeled down to secure the camera per the TM’s directions. I had no more than unzipped the camera bag when a half dozen young people from about 10 feet in front of us started yelling to people somewhere further back in the line, and began pushing their way in the opposite direction…..and as one of them passed by where I was kneeling, his foot kicked my camera so hard it left my hands and landed on the pavement :furious:. Now, if there was some sort of emergency I could have allowed for their hasty, boisterous retreat but no…apparently, they just couldn’t bear to be apart from their other raucous friends while they waited for entry to the theater to be permitted. No stop to say hey, I’m sorry lady…no nothing. I was furious, and quite expected that my camera would be busted to at least some degree, though I was woe to figure it out while we were in that queue considering the muted light. I finished stowing the camera and then we were ushered inside.

The show itself was really quite entertaining. The actor was high-energy and the special effects were very cool (or very hot, as the case may be…..spectacular displays of fire and water). I will admit…my enjoyment of the attraction was marred somewhat by the fact that I was seething about my camera assault, and wondering if the lens may have suffered irreparable damage. But even amidst those concerns, we really enjoyed Poseidon’s Fury. We look forward to repeating this attraction again in October….without the equipment drama :rolleyes2.

As we emerged from Poseidon’s Fury (note that I was on the outside of the group as we walked through the 360 degree tunnel of rushing water, and my sandals were so wet I was squooshing as I took each step…..I was thankful I was not in closed toe shoes and socks!) we found a rock to sit on while we inspected the camera. I am sure Steve held his breath for a while, knowing I would be devastated if it was seriously harmed….because when I finally declared it to be okay, he heaved a HUGE sigh of relief.

Crisis averted :faint:.

Steve wanted to eventually head over to Marvel Superhero Island in the hopes of catching some of the characters out and about, so we opted to walk around the lagoon back through Hogsmeade rather than heading through Seuss Landing and around the front of the park.

On our way into Hogmeade, we notice a little fellow who was having a wonderfully animated chat with the Singing Fountain. We stopped to watch and listen for a few moments, and were rewarded with a spectacular show of water spray in which the young man took complete delight. It was so cute :goodvibes.

Entering the Wizarding World, we noted that crowds had picked up substantially in Hogsmeade and we patted ourselves on the back for having the gumption to get our bums out of bed and get to the park in time to take advance of early entry. Sleep? Who needs sleep? :upsidedow

We ambled through Jurassic Park (I was secretly hoping Steve-o would offer to try and win me one of the dinosaurs at the carnival game, but without a strong man game, he just kept going….boo! :sad:), and took notice that the River Adventure was showing only a 10 minute wait. I said to Steve….heck, we’re here, why not?....and he was happy to oblige.

After watching his big splash down, I was enjoying some browsing in the gift shop while I waited for him to exit the ride. I went over to the Photoconnect kiosk and had a nice chat with the lady who was manning the computers, and asked if she could put my husband’s photo on our Star Card. I told her it should be one of the more recent pics that came through, as his raft would be just coming back to unload. She looks at me, with a lopsided grin and a raised eyebrow, and says….is your man the “Sexy Bald Guy”?

Why yes, yes he is :rotfl:.

We shared a good laugh while she did some fancy edits to the photo and scanned it to our card.

The “regular” pic:

And the “edited” version:

Then we were on our way to Marvel…..Steve was hoping to make the acquaintance of at least a couple of his favourite super heroes.

Our timing was spectacular :thumbsup2. A few of the characters were out and small groups were gathered around each, waiting their turn for photos and autographs. He first had the opportunity to meet Wolverine:

…..and then Rogue:

But the most exciting meet-and-greet (and the longest wait) was reserved for Captain America. The TM closed the line right after Steve, so we would be the last family to meet him until he returned for another session later that afternoon. Let me tell you, we were first hand witnesses to some totally unnecessary abuse of that wonderful young TM as she kindly explained to people that Captain America would be taking a short break after Steve and I, but that he would be returning again several times that afternoon. I seriously question what is wrong with the human race sometimes….that kind of a verbal attack and nasty attitude over a theme park character? To her credit, she handled it like a pro…..and we complimented her sincerely on her unwavering professionalism.

We enjoyed a lovely chat with her as we made our way closer and closer to Captain America. Then, Steve had his moment of glory:

For the record, I totally “get” it. For me it’s the Minions. For Steve, it’s the super heros. And I was so happy that he, too, got to experience the kind of childlike fun that spoke directly to his heart on this trip as well.

As soon as Captain America finished up with Steve, he and the rest of the super heros (who were waiting patiently on their ATV’s) drove off in an engine-revving, horn-honking, hand-waving flourish.

That awesome young TM who had been corralling the Captain America line stopped us to ask which characters we didn’t yet have a chance to meet, so we told her that we thought we were only missing Cyclops and Storm (we had already met Dr. Doom and Wolverine earlier in the week). She gave us the times to return for their next sessions, we thanked her immensely, and off she went.

Whew! What a morning! :teeth: It was time for some lunch.

On our way to the front of the park, one of the Photoconnect TM’s stopped us for a quick photo…..which turned out to be one of my favourites of the whole trip. I framed an 8 x 10 (edited to have it portrait rather than landscape, and with a lot of the background people removed) and currently have it hanging in my living room:

Lunch at Confisco’s is next!
Sinbad is bad. It's so bad it's bad ;)

It's a shame because the performers are amazing and the theatre is neat. It's also 5 billion degrees in there so that doesn't help (no AC). If they enclosed it and put some air in, it would a much better show, funny how that works lol

Still worth seeing once though!

Yikes....a Florida attraction with no air conditioning?? :scared1: What were they thinking??
Yeah, we didn't meet any Super Heroes either...just didn't interest us although we did see some long lines for them. I'm with you...give me the Minions and Gru and Agnes, Edith and Margo!
My kids won't even do P's Fury, or Sinbad either. One did each once, and that was more than enough for us. One morning, I dress in my bathing suit and quick dry clothes, and do the water rides. I hate drops, but will do each once, with the raft ride more than once. My kids will do several rides. When the JP ride, which had just opened, didn't have a line, the CM said we could stay seated when returning to go again. I got up, my kids stayed. Also, I'm the one that was silently thinking hurry up already when waiting for the drop on JP, we seemed to be hanging forever. When sufficiently soaked, we head back to the hotel to shower and return to the parks.

Great pictures. Funny, I rarely get my picture taken with a character, but my DD will, DS will not most of the time either.
It's great that you both got to meet your fav characters. I'm sure that TM appreciated your comments. Such a simple thing to do but has such a positive impact. Good on you! Sounds like such a great trip.

In Dec 2013, we happened upon the whole Minion crew - GRU, Vector, all 3 girls and I can't remember exactly which minions were there. We have some great pics of my 2 youngests with them all but sadly, my oldest who was 9 1/2 at the time was not interested. :(
Catching up! What a fun trip, can't believe you're almost done! I love reading it and you're killing me with the food photos! I don't have enough money to get them all, not with 5 of us going LOL! We bought buy 2 days get 1 free deal, trying to decide if we will upgrade to AP's for around $300 more I think and come back again sometime before the blackout dates. I think we'll wait til we are there and decide before we leave on the 3rd day. We're there for a week, so we could potentially do more days, decisions, decisions!

Love Steve's shirt! I am so excited to get some great photos, we went ahead and bought the star card before prices went up, thanks for the info about the email. I was worried they would have to mail something, but we've printed the email and ready to go. 4 Days and counting! :D

Does the chocolate cauldron have a filling in it? I want a chocolate frog too and I must also have the 3 must have snacks from the simpson area now, my husband and I's waistband might not thank you though LOL but those look delicious!
Fantastic pictures again Gina.........we as three adults love getting our pictures taken with the characters.......the interaction with them is always the superheroes........:thumbsup2
As someone who's worked at a theme park; that's had to cut off a line to a VERY popular thing to the end of the day; the human race is aweful. Horrible. Just plain bad. You get the angry ones that assume if they get angry you will cave. But you will not; the more mean and angry you get; the far less likely I (or many of my coworkers are) am going to help you out. Or you get the opposite; the sob story about how "We came all the way from ___"insert any country, city or state here"____ JUST TO DO THIS, It's the ONLY thing we wanted to do ALL day" Yet, it's now 9pm and the park has been open for 12 hours; and you come to visit when the park is closing; and its the ONE thing you wanted to do? Really? Because when theres "just one thing I want to do" I go there first. And if I miss it; then I miss it and its usually my fault. People can be so degrading; and they think they are so entitled to EVERYTHING; when really; they are entitled to nothing. I can tell you; it's not fun being the person getting yelled at. It for sure makes me much more aware of how I treat people when I'm out in the parks; or at dinner; or anywhere else where I'm some sort of "guest" and someone is getting paid to help me out. I know by remaining calm, you're much more likely to get what you want if you're understanding.
If it was enclosed I'm sure it would be packed!

Universal LOVES water don't they? I can't believe this is all before lunch. Early Entry for the win!

Early entry + slow season is paradise :cloud9: . We were seriously spoiled. The Christmas crowds around Orlando are going to KILL us!

Yeah, we didn't meet any Super Heroes either...just didn't interest us although we did see some long lines for them. I'm with you...give me the Minions and Gru and Agnes, Edith and Margo!

lol, Steve had to tell me who the super heroes were :laughing: . I knew Dr. Doom and Spiderman, but the rest were a learning experience for me!

My kids won't even do P's Fury, or Sinbad either. One did each once, and that was more than enough for us. One morning, I dress in my bathing suit and quick dry clothes, and do the water rides. I hate drops, but will do each once, with the raft ride more than once. My kids will do several rides. When the JP ride, which had just opened, didn't have a line, the CM said we could stay seated when returning to go again. I got up, my kids stayed. Also, I'm the one that was silently thinking hurry up already when waiting for the drop on JP, we seemed to be hanging forever. When sufficiently soaked, we head back to the hotel to shower and return to the parks.

Great pictures. Funny, I rarely get my picture taken with a character, but my DD will, DS will not most of the time either.

At the risk of sounding vain (which I'm not....I assure you!), its less my clothing and more my hair that bothers me about the water rides. I don't care if my shirt or shorts are wet, but my hair? Totally different story!! I am often battling the Florida Frizz to begin with, but those wet rides just make it 100% worse.

It's great that you both got to meet your fav characters. I'm sure that TM appreciated your comments. Such a simple thing to do but has such a positive impact. Good on you! Sounds like such a great trip.

In Dec 2013, we happened upon the whole Minion crew - GRU, Vector, all 3 girls and I can't remember exactly which minions were there. We have some great pics of my 2 youngests with them all but sadly, my oldest who was 9 1/2 at the time was not interested. :(

I think in October I will ask about the schedule for meet and greets with the rest of the Despicable Me characters. That will probably up my chances substantially of getting to meet Gru and the girls, too. And Vector! That would make my day! :thumbsup2

Catching up! What a fun trip, can't believe you're almost done! I love reading it and you're killing me with the food photos! I don't have enough money to get them all, not with 5 of us going LOL! We bought buy 2 days get 1 free deal, trying to decide if we will upgrade to AP's for around $300 more I think and come back again sometime before the blackout dates. I think we'll wait til we are there and decide before we leave on the 3rd day. We're there for a week, so we could potentially do more days, decisions, decisions!

Love Steve's shirt! I am so excited to get some great photos, we went ahead and bought the star card before prices went up, thanks for the info about the email. I was worried they would have to mail something, but we've printed the email and ready to go. 4 Days and counting! :D

Does the chocolate cauldron have a filling in it? I want a chocolate frog too and I must also have the 3 must have snacks from the simpson area now, my husband and I's waistband might not thank you though LOL but those look delicious!

The cauldron cake has a chocolate cream in the center....very tasty!!

Glad to hear that you splurged on the Star Card. I hope you get some awesome pics on your trip!! (with five people in your party, I bet you will get way more than we did as a couple!)

Fantastic pictures again Gina.........we as three adults love getting our pictures taken with the characters.......the interaction with them is always the superheroes........:thumbsup2

The characters were superb ::yes::. It always impresses me how they are able to keep up genuine interest and chitchat among so many guests from so many cultures and backgrounds. And be so "in character" through it all. It must be an exhausting job! (especially for those poor people in the heavy costumes in the Florida heat :faint:).

As someone who's worked at a theme park; that's had to cut off a line to a VERY popular thing to the end of the day; the human race is aweful. Horrible. Just plain bad. You get the angry ones that assume if they get angry you will cave. But you will not; the more mean and angry you get; the far less likely I (or many of my coworkers are) am going to help you out. Or you get the opposite; the sob story about how "We came all the way from ___"insert any country, city or state here"____ JUST TO DO THIS, It's the ONLY thing we wanted to do ALL day" Yet, it's now 9pm and the park has been open for 12 hours; and you come to visit when the park is closing; and its the ONE thing you wanted to do? Really? Because when theres "just one thing I want to do" I go there first. And if I miss it; then I miss it and its usually my fault. People can be so degrading; and they think they are so entitled to EVERYTHING; when really; they are entitled to nothing. I can tell you; it's not fun being the person getting yelled at. It for sure makes me much more aware of how I treat people when I'm out in the parks; or at dinner; or anywhere else where I'm some sort of "guest" and someone is getting paid to help me out. I know by remaining calm, you're much more likely to get what you want if you're understanding.

The "Center of the Universe Complex" is definitely alive and well. I always cringe when I hear someone justifying their actions with "we spent $_____ on this vacation, and so we're entitled to ______".

I hope that the number of happy, appreciative guests at least sometimes outnumber the rotten apples. Especially in such enjoyable, family places like the theme parks :) .
Gina.....I meant to say, love the difference in how cool Steve looks on the JP ride compared to the screaming woman behind :D
So glad your camera survived, that could have been terrible.
We saw the fountain, both of my kids got a chance to talk to him. Was a fun and comical interaction.
Gina.....I meant to say, love the difference in how cool Steve looks on the JP ride compared to the screaming woman behind :D

Isn't her facial expression a riot?!?? :rotfl:

Every time Steve says "you know, the drop on Jurrassic Park River Addventure isn't that could totally do that ride", I bring up that photo and say Oh really? Its not that bad? Maybe we should ask that lady? :rotfl2:

So glad your camera survived, that could have been terrible.
We saw the fountain, both of my kids got a chance to talk to him. Was a fun and comical interaction.

That's so awesome! We totally missed the fountain on our 2012 trip, but we had read much about it here on the Dis. It was nice to see it in action :thumbsup2 .
Thursday, May 7th: lunch :)

We had checked out the menus for both Confisco’s and Mythos while touring the parks, as both had made the short list for our noon meal. Mythos, definitely, had major “ambiance” appeal, but Steve found the menu at Confisco’s to be much more to his liking. I was agreeable to either location, so I let Steve made the executive decision. Confisco Grill it would be :thumbsup2.

It was pretty quiet in the restaurant when we arrived, but business picked up substantially once we were seated. I had just enough time to grab some photos of the interior before the tables around us started filling up with hungry park-goers.

Our server (I think his name might have been James….though I can’t remember for certain) was excellent, and had us enjoying cold beverages within minutes. Coke Zero’s all around :drinking1. He left us to review the menu (so many choices! What to have, what to have?) and returned a short time later to take our orders.

While the kitchen worked away on our entrees, we were brought a complimentary appetizer of warm flat breads and some sort of cream cheese spread (I took a pass on the spread….cream cheese and sour cream are not my thing…..Steve was happy to eat my portion and claimed it was delish ::yes::). I sampled the flatbreads plain, and they were really fresh and tasty (even with nothing on ‘em).

I ate the flatbreads sparingly, because I had ordered the cream of potato and leek soup. as a starter It arrived shortly thereafter, all yummily topped with crumbled bacon and cheese.

This soup was amazing. One bite and Steve was wishing he had ordered a side soup for himself as well. I took pity on him and we shared … he’s lucky I love him so ;) .

Not long after the last drop of soup was savoured and the flatbreads met their ending, our entrees came out (visibly hot and steaming) from the kitchen.

A little side note…..the kitchen at Confisco Grill is open to the dining area, so you can watch the chefs busily preparing everyone’s meals. I liked that little feature.

Steve had ordered the beef and chicken fajitas, and the portion was huge:

I was a little less adventurous (and clearly less ravenous!) and had a pepperoni fire-grilled pizza.

Steve RAVED about his fajitas….he was super impressed by the freshness of the toppings, the quality of the meats, and the size of portions. I sampled both the beef and the chicken, and they were wonderfully flavourful (whatever marinade they use is delicious and made for some very tender meat).

My pizza was really good as well. With the soup, it was too much for me to finish, so Steve helped out. There shall be no waste where we are concerned.

Our wonderful young server was excellent throughout the meal, constantly refilling our drinks without having to ask and checking in every now and again without be obtrusive in his efforts to be helpful. We lingered over our lunch for a bit…it was a very comfortable atmosphere, which lent itself well for a little relaxation and conversation….but eventually, it was time to cover our bill and continue on for the balance of our park day.

The cost of the meal, including tax and our AP discount but excluding the tip, was $32. We left James a generous gratuity and headed back out into the sunshine.

I checked the time on my phone, and told Steve that the Marvel characters were scheduled to return for meet and greets within the next 10 minutes or so….perfect! Since there were a couple of additional character that he wanted to try and catch, we headed back to Marvel Superhero Island…..and the entourage rolled up on their bikes shortly thereafter.

The balance of our park day is up next!
Gina, you might like the character breakfast at Universal Studios for October. Gru is there, not the girls though. A minion. A bunch of other characters. It's very fun and the food is good. It's pretty relaxed, doesn't have that crazy feel that the Disney character meals have.
Gina, you might like the character breakfast at Universal Studios for October. Gru is there, not the girls though. A minion. A bunch of other characters. It's very fun and the food is good. It's pretty relaxed, doesn't have that crazy feel that the Disney character meals have.

We had actually thought about doing that breakfast on this past trip, too.....but we wondered if we'd stick out like sore thumbs when we didn't have any little ones with us. Do you think we'd be very out of place? I'd LOVE to meet Gru!

Those fajitas look great. Off to look at confisco menu

The food was excellent, and the prices were very affordable. I think we will probably do more sit-down meals versus quick service on the next trip....there is very little difference in the overall costs from Three Broomsticks or Leaky Cauldron verus Confisco's or Finnegan's. The only Butterbeer!!!
We had actually thought about doing that breakfast on this past trip, too.....but we wondered if we'd stick out like sore thumbs when we didn't have any little ones with us. Do you think we'd be very out of place? I'd LOVE to meet Gru!

Oh you wouldn't be out of place at all. Go for it! It's fun. And the food is quite good.


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