Luv4mylittleone's Wedding/Honeymoon trip report! Updated! 7/10~Dessert Party!

Fantastic report and stunning photos

I did giggle at william and 1 of the step sisters - but hey im sure he made her day as she certainly made his - bless him
great report!!! Lovely day, and i can't wait to hear more!!
:worship: WOW love your dress... Love your pictures... You looked beautiful :goodvibes It was truly a fairytale and you both look so much in love... Congrats, I don't know how may times I am going to tell you that.
What an awesome finish to a great day!!!!! I knew several people at New World and what a great school for your BIL to be attending, it's truly a great place! I wish I was as talented as the people that go there! :goodvibes
Aw how beautiful ! I love your report! I just found my Prince at the beginning of this year (he loves me and my kids which is AWESOME) and we are planning a Disney Honeymoon - don't think we can swing the wedding part - so I am loving reading all about yours!!!
Diane, I just finished your TR and your wedding sounds so beautiful!! I am so glad that even with all the happened with your dad it was a perfect day for you. I am so glad you are also feeling better and was able to finish your TR.

I am printing out a couple of your pictures to show floral when I finally have my wedding because your centerpiece on the alter at the WP is exactly what I have been trying to describe to everyone of what I want!:laughing:

I wish you and your family all the very best and I can't wait to read about your honeymoon!


Everything was just beautiful. These two pictures are amazing. I love how your veil caught the wind, fireworks, kisses :wizard: - just magical!! You deserve it :flower3:

I'm sorry that it was so cold. What a nice little back-up location. It's too bad they couldn't have given you a little bit of extra time considering.

I came out of lurkdom because of this report. I cried looking at your pictures. They are beautiful. FYI- I am not a crier.;)


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