maclaren major special needs stroller


Disney Obsessed
Oct 30, 2003
Does anyone own one? We are considering buying one for our 4 yr old autistic son who is 56 pounds. Any suggestions
I have looked at them but we didn't care for the chair look that they have. We wanted more of stroller to push DS around in. Same thing, 4 yr old with autism. We use it to keep him confined. I saw in OKWMOM posts that they have their son in a jogging stroller.

Let me know what you figure out. Right now we are using a Mac Quest.

Blessings, April
We loved the MacLaren Major for my son - he's finally outgrown it at 12 - looks like a stroller, very comfortable for him (we did buy the pad that goes with it) & the harness kept him feeling nice & secure. It was very easy to manuever & it was also nice to have storage underneath.

My son used this stroller for 3 1/2 years, from 8 1/2 to 12, as stated above. He now weighs 77 lbs. and is 58" tall - and I just wanted to say that while he was obviously too tall for the stroller, he was still able to sit in it comfortably with the harness on. We used it during our April trip to WDW & it was great, especially since it's pretty easy to collapse - we had a system going to get him & the stuff out & then collapse it as the resort bus was pulling up. A jogging stroller isn't as flexible, which was a big factor in going with the MacLaren instead of the other style. I was also able to store the MacLaren in the back of my van, "just in case."

He just got a Convaid Cruiser & boy, it's big compared to that MacLaren, but we'll just have to get used to the fact that he's getting bigger. Good luck. :)

Any other questions, feel free to ask!

Hi!! What a coincidence!!! I just got on here to look for info on a stroller/chair for an older child. My son is 4 and weighs about 47 lbs. He has leukemia and is doing well but tires VERY easily due to all of the chemo. He will be getting chemo for another 2 yrs so I was looking for something that will work when we need it (trips, mall, etc) that he will fit for a while. Does anyone know the price on something like this??? Just curious. I will look into it more tomorrow. Thanks for the info.
The baby jogger company has a special needs jogger. My DD loves it. It can hold a child up to 100lbs. I friend that visited us with he autistic son barrowed it to use at Disney and he loved it. It became his comfort zone the entire trip.
If you are looking for a new special needs stroller, check out

They have many products, including a lot of strollers and pushhchairs. It is a good place to get an overview of the different things available. They have a lot of information about sizes and specifications.


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