Magical Moments Trip Report COMPLETED!!

Hi Mum to Belle

Lovely to read your installments so far, looks like you had a great time despite the weather on Tuesday. I look forward to reading more :)

ps your DD is lovely :goodvibes
I think it was 1m 60cm but I am 5ft 6in and couldn't touch the bottom. They have a table of arm bands, floats, etc - I would recommend grabbing some! :thumbsup2[/QUOTE]

I'm only 5ft 3in so I stand no chance :lmao: Thanks for the tip on the armbands.
Really enjoyed reading the 1st two days Jenny.
I had a panic moment when reading the forgotten memory card bit eeeek!!
Good thinking to have a back up :thumbsup2
Cannot wait for more. Isabelle is gorgeous!
Flynns quite dishy!! Think that may help with the long que :rotfl:
Day Three – Wednesday 8th June 2011

Today was our day for a lie in and so Mickey called us at half seven to wake us up. DD thought it was brilliant that Mickey was calling her!! She wanted to ring him back afterwards though, tricky! Studios was the plan today so we had breakfast, met Minnie Mouse, then set off. There was a queue for breakfast when we arrived, but not that long, by the time we left though it was much longer!

We were there for opening and joined a queue (which turned out to be for Crush! :rolleyes1 ) so then we left that and walked a bit further round to the TSPL entrance just in time for opening. We rode Toy Soldier Parachute Drop thing first, never again I can safely say. DD & I both hated it, as did the woman I was facing in the next “parachute”! DD & I went on Slinky, much more my speed!Then she played on Rex.

We went on Tram Tour next, this was a first for us, on our first trip DD managed to spill her fruit pouch all over her clothes just as we reached the queue, and on our last trip it was shut. Oh my, Jeremy Irons has a voice like melted chocolate – delicious!! I could have listened to him talk all day long! We loved the fire & water bits and the dragon too. Good fun.

We were just in time to watch Stitch Live but afterwards DD was upset that Stitch didn’t want to be her friend. So we headed over for the Sully meet & greet to take her mind off it. He tickled me just before this was taken...

Wandering around for somewhere to eat we came across some crazy character meets. We met Woody & a chipmunk before walking away after an incident with Donald & Daisy scrum... DD was pushed, shoved, hit with a bag, and never got near the front. The two ducks ran away in the end – I can’t say I blame them either, it was crazy!

We were just in time for Animagique – DD still loves this and it was a chance to see Donald, albeit on stage! Then we went round the corner to Magic Carpets – DD made it go right up then dropped it down, up, down, up, down, giggling like mad!

We came out just as Stars & Cars Parade was starting, but wait, what was this – new characters??? Bullseye, Max, Seven Dwarfs, Abu, new baddies, Huey, Duey & Louis - I was beside myself with excitement, DD was sad that she couldn’t give them all a hug.

I now know that these characters weren’t here purely for my benefit, something to do with a rich Prince!! Clearly we had timed our trip very well! (DH thought I had lost it, but I know you will all understand my excitement!!) :yay:
Day Three - Part Two

Time to leave Studios now and we stopped at Market House Deli for a Croque Monsieur – yum, yum, yum, yum!!! If it hadn’t been for the ridiculously long and slow-moving queue we would have gone back for seconds!

We went for a ride on Pirates, after the second “drop”, DD pointed out that her skirt was all wet, fortunately not due to an accident but from the splash - lol! I had a rather damp bottom myself, but her skirt & leggings were soaked. Fortunately I had a change of clothes with me, phew!

We headed off to the Alice Maze and had fun in there, actually losing DH at one point, or maybe this was his intention...?!!

DD wanted to meet Pascal, so we went over to say hello to him.

DD had a go at pulling the Sword from the Stone, before visiting the dragon again.

Then it was time to find a spot for the parade. We sat by the bandstand and watched the parade coming up Main Street. It was really lovely to just sit in the sunshine and relax, the long days were starting to catch up on us now!

When it had finshed, we headed back to the hotel to change for dinner at The Steakhouse. Once again we had good food and this time we had the service to match!

DH had the Kobe Burger

I had the Butchers Trio - a tasting plate of sirloin, rump and fillet steaks, stuffed baked potato, a trio of sauces and a mixed salad

Could they get some more meat on the plate?!! I think not! I had a mini Black Forest dessert too but no photos as I ate it too quickly! DD had the bread rolls (she loves these!) and pasta and ice cream. As well as some of DH's chips and my potato and a bit of my steak too.

Back to the room for a Bedtime story, then DH & I watched Ratatouille, but we both fell asleep before the end!
Yay day 3. :cool1:

You were so lucky with the new characters being there for the Prince.

Was Pascal at the meet stand for Rapunzel? and I meant to ask you what times were the Rapunzel meet or did you just stumble across it?

Your steak looked so yummy. i must remember to take photo's of our food on this trip. I always forget :rotfl2:
That is a LOT of meat - yummy! :lovestruc
Very jealous about those special characters, what fantastic timing. Couldn't they have let DLP keep them a wee bitty longer?!
And I just have to say I love that photo of Isabelle with the card behind her in the labyrinth, looks like a professional shot! gorge :)
Looks like a fantastic trip so far :goodvibes

Love the Cafe Mickey photos, and the Steakhouse looks yummy - might try there next time ;)

I loved the parachute ride :rotfl::rotfl:
Thanks for all your lovely comments! :flower3:

Flynns quite dishy!! Think that may help with the long que :rotfl:

It certainly did!! :lovestruc

Was Pascal at the meet stand for Rapunzel? and I meant to ask you what times were the Rapunzel meet or did you just stumble across it?

Yes, there is a little stage where she does her meet & greet with a tower background and Pascal at the front. I cannot believe you would ask "if" I knew what the times were - have you not seen my planner?!!!!! :rotfl2: When we were there the times were 1.30 and 2.30 and I had planned on getting there for 12.30 to queue but risked a go on the carousel as there didn't seem to be many people there. When we got back at 12.45 there were LOADS!!! It was just after 2 when we met her! So worth the wait though, and there was Flynn...!

That is a LOT of meat - yummy! :lovestruc
Very jealous about those special characters, what fantastic timing. Couldn't they have let DLP keep them a wee bitty longer?!
And I just have to say I love that photo of Isabelle with the card behind her in the labyrinth, looks like a professional shot! gorge :)

I know, I wish they were staying too. I can't believe and our luck at being there and also at being in the right park on the right day that week - result!

I loved the parachute ride :rotfl::rotfl:

You are a much braver woman that I! :thumbsup2
Day Four – Thursday 9th June 2011

Mickey woke us up nice and early again and to our excitement, we opened our curtains to see....... sunshine!!!! YAY!! :yay: Now, I remembered that the camera had been showing a low battery in the restaurant last night so I decided to charge it up while we were having breakfast, ready for some serious photo taking now that I had a memory card AND some sunshine!!! This is where we come to the camera complication number two, I couldn’t for the life of me find the charger! I checked the drawers, the cases, the bags, everywhere. No sign of it. Not good. Especially as today was the day we were having lunch with the princesses. Oh bother! :headache: Never mind, at least they take photos for you in Auberge...

Early breakfast was lovely again and we got to meet Mickey Mouse this morning before heading into the park for EMH, stopping to take the obligatory photos...

We rode Buzz, Star Tours (Isabelle’s choice of first ride, but as we had to walk past Buzz to get there, Daddy got his 1st choice!), Tea Cups, Peter Pan and Dumbo.

We bumped into Tweedle Dum & Dee on our way past the maze, perfect as DD was dressed as Alice today! They seemed really pleased to see her and made a real fuss of her, she was made up!!

We then rode Casey Jnr and DD insisted on riding in front of us on her own, we were in the tiger’s cage! DH & I got to hold hands in a seat to ourselves, ahhhh. :cloud9: I'm sure we must have gone on IASW too!

As we hadn’t used our photo vouchers yet, we headed over to Pirates to get the ride photo, fortunately we had a dry ride today! DD got a lot of comments n her Alice dress today on all the rides. Our photo wasn't bad, we were in the front row so no arms blocking DD out of the photo!! :thumbsup2

Next we went round to Indiana Jones to get DH a FP for later on but as there was absolutely no queue he rode there and then while DD rubbed the magic lamp and twirled...

We were having our girl’s lunch today at Auberge and DH realised that he had no cash for his lunch so he went back to the hotel and we waited by the gazebo as the Dance Express was due out shortly. Then I noticed a group of people in the gazebo area which was roped off. It was obviously something private and then I saw who was with them... Marie!!!!! :banana:

I asked if we could meet her too and one of the CM’s said, “Not at the moment”, so I took that to mean, “Maybe after these guys who are very important”, and so we waited around. DD couldn’t believe that it was Marie! Eventually the VIP’s left and there was just enough time for DD to get a hug! Queue was crazy, a complete scrum, but we stuck it out and used elbows where necessary to keep the non-queuers at bay! You can just about see DD underneath a sea of people...

We met up again with DH and while we were walking to the Auberge we saw some princesses and followed them! Beauty & The Beast , Ariel, and ..... wait for it..... Tiana!!! They all gave DD a lovely wave and blew kisses, calling hello Alice to DD. We followed them all the way to the restaurant and joined the queue for our 12.30 booking....
Day Four - Part Two

We met Cinderella who was charming as always and then were shown to our table. There were no tables for 2 by the dance floor so we were put right around the corner. My first disappointment. Still, I knew all the characters would visit us so it was just the dancing we would miss out on. When our waiter arrived, he told me that wine was no longer included in the price, just soft drinks. My second disappointment. But still, probably best not to start drinking alone in the middle of the day...!!

The food arrived and there were some llittle cheesy herby parcel/puff things, which were yummy and I ate all of them.

My starters...

DD’s starters...

She didn’t eat hers apart from the breadsticks and smoked mackerel mousse thing, but she had another bread roll (there’s a surprise!) and some of my smoked salmon, and Mummy ate everything else! Got to get my moneysworth!

My main, the veal (no Chef’s suggestion today ) I cannot tell you how excited I was to see vegetables!!!

DD’s main

She ate most of this, and I ate all of mine.

My desserts

DD’s desserts

She ate my Cinderella chocolate and biscuit spoon and I ate her chocolate cake and the ginger mousse thing!

We met Suzy, Perla, Beauty & the Beast, Ariel and Tiana. They were all lovely, and Tiana came back for a second visit with DD, they were chatting for ages! (Afterwards I told DH Tiana was from England, and DD said, “No, she’s from New Orleans!” Lol! )

I had to ask our waiter to see the photos at the end of the meal and then I found out that they were E25 extra, no longer included in the price of the meal either. Another disappointment, they say things come in 3’s don’t they?!
So I asked if we could use the photo vouchers, but no, so we went back and took another photo of DD with Cinderella (fortunately the battery was still holding out!)and I’m pretty happy with it.

While we were in princess heaven, DH went to Studios to ride TOT and grab some lunch and then came back to ride SM and do a little people watching, before we met up at 2.30.

We were all feeling a bit tired now and the sun was out so we strolled round to IASW, then a short queue for Casey Junior and then back to Pirates before it was time to grab a spot for the parade.

I sat on Main Street today, opposite Bixby Brothers I think, roughly were we’d seen the parade stop the day before. DD made a new friend while we were waiting which helped pass the time. Now it was time for me to get very excited again because there were more new characters! Donald’s nephews, 3 little pigs, Max, Flora, Fauna & Merryweather, Lotso, Marie, Dr Facilier, Governor Ratcliffe, Judge Frollo.

Dr Facilier came over to DD and told her what a beautiful dress she was wearing before kissing her hand! We got a lot of attention from the villains and Lotso blew us a big kiss! Magic! Unfortunately for you, DH had gone back to the hotel and I chose to video the parade rather than taking photos, sorry!!! When I get the video sorted out I shall try and put some of it on here so you can share in my excitement!!

Back to the hotel and it was that dreaded time, time to pack. We wanted to do EMH on our last morning, so it had to be done. We had dinner in the hotel tonight at the Parkside Diner. Despite our enormous lunch, I managed to polish off a starter, plate of mains and several desserts! I had Black Forest Gateau, Floating islands, the red fruit cake thing and pancakes with chocolate sauce! DD had a few salad bits, vegetable soup and the obligatory roll and then hit the desserts like her Mum, she had two bowls of jelly and pancakes with chocolate sauce. DH is more of a savoury man and he found plenty to eat too. There was a good selection and if you are hungry then I think the buffets can be good value at DLP.

Time for another bedtime story before bed and then DH & I managed to finish watching Ratatouille!! Yay!!!

P.S. Just noticed that this is my 2000th post!
how wonderful to meet Marie at DLP :love: (she should be there all the time shouldn't she, she is French ;)).
Another fun packed day!! :)
I so can not wait to do auberge in November as dh wants to be there when we try it for our first time and as the July trip was meant to be a cheap trip i agreed (altho it's not turning into a cheap one but don't tell dh :rolleyes1).

you were so lucky to see the new chracters in the park.
Is Tiana always at the Auberge or was it because of the Prince visit?
DD's Alice dress is just too adorable! No wonder she got a lot of comments on it :)
Wonderful report so far. I'm curious about your last day.
Loving the've seen different characters to us. We were upstairs in Cafe Mickey and still got our fanfare for the kids birthday cake!

I just showed Jem the Auberge pics and shes been oooohing and aaaaahing, her little face lit up! Little does she know :lovestruc
Great TR Jenny. Cant wait for the rest. Just out of wondering what were the starters yourself and Isabelle had?
awwww love the report the costumes you took are gorgeous!!!!!! xxx
Day Five - the last day

Not sure what happened, but I seem to have forgotten our last day!!! Sorry!

So, Mickey rang again to start our day – I did not get tired of this! Looking out of the windows we thought it was warm. In the last minute packing we found the camera charger, so we put the camera on to charge while we had breakfast. Then we got our luggage, but there were no lifts going down, we waited about 10 minutes and then used stairs. We checked out, met Minnie and headed to the park.

First up was Buzz ride – I won! I have never beaten DH on this so I was soooo pleased!!!

We then had to go on Star Tours, again!

Afterwards DD played in arcade area while DH went on SM2.

It then started to get a bit chilly so I got DD changed into something a little warmer. We went on Peter Pan, twice, then tea cups and then on Dumbo, while DH went back to Space Mountain again.

By now it was 10am so we decided to go and wait for the 10.30 Pooh meet & greet – he was early! We were first in the queue. Pooh has always been my 1st Disney Love so I was actually just as excited as Isabelle to meet him finally!!! We’ve never managed it before as the queues have always been sooooooo long. Can you tell I'm happy...?!!

As it was raining now and we’d been on every ride we wanted to do, we headed over to Studios to watch Cinemagique and we were just in time for the 11am show. We got seats near the front as recommended and thoroughly enjoyed the show! I wasn’t sure if DD was too young, but, although I did need to explain some things, she really enjoyed it. A big hit with us!

We did some shopping and then went to see if we could bring forward our 1 o’clock reservation at Walts for lunch, which was fine. Probably not the best meal to do on the last day of our trip as we were all tired, and with no view out of the window to entertain DD, it was a bit strained. I still really enjoyed my meal and DD ate quite well. DH enjoyed his gourmet burger but said he preferred the Steakhouse.

As we were leaving it was time for the Disney Dance Express which DD wanted to join in with, again!

Then we headed over for another ride on IASW, and Casey Jnr.
Finally it was time to bid farewell to the park and we made our way out to the DLH for the 4pm character meet & greet which was another first for this trip! We met, Tigger, Scrooge McDuck, Suzy, Perla, Goofy, Pluto, Chip & Dale. Isabelle also met up with her friend from the parade the day before!

We wandered slowly through the shops in Disney Village picking up some last minute souvenirs & gifts on our way back to the hotel. We waited in the Roger Rabbit play area for the time when our driver from Ezyshuttle would come & take us away...

So that should be the end of the trip report really, except, it wouldn’t be a real trip report without a bit of drama, and the continuing camera-saga doesn’t really qualify! So, we’re waiting and the driver hasn’t arrived which is most unusual. I remember at this point that my new mobile doesn’t have roaming so they can’t ring me! I gave DH their number and he called them. Their driver was stuck in a traffic jam and they were sending another one. As we allowed 2 hours for the 1 hour journey we weren’t too worried. However, they rang again to say that the first driver was STILL stuck in a jam and the second one would be with us very soon..... The arranged pick-up was 6.20pm, the driver arrived at 6.45. Still not too worried. We got in and I checked our flight details which said last check-in was 9.00pm so no problem. Except that the driver informed us that the Autoroute was gridlocked and the sat nav was estimating the journey time at 2 hours! (It was now 6.50!) He set up Mr Bean on the DVD for DD and off we set, feeling a little more tense now.

Our driver announced that we would be travelling “ville-a-ville” which I translated to mean town to town, or the scenic route! He was constantly checking with other drivers and John on the roads to see which were clear. We went on roads all over the place, hitting more queues each way we turned. At one point when faced with a road of stationary traffic, he drove on the wrong side of the road (mounting the pavement to avoid on-coming traffic!) and re-joined the traffic at the next junction! He drove through hotel car parks to avoid the queues and I have to say doing a pretty good impression of a NYC cabbie! He did back down when confronted with a truck though – phew! It was during the first stages of our “scenic route” that DD uttered those words every parent dreads in a taxi, “Mummy, I feel sick”...!!! I said a big thank you that I had put a plastic bag in my handbag in the morning which I used to “catch” everything and then had to hold it for the rest of the journey – which DD slept through! It was baking hot by now which hadn’t helped, so I kept getting wafts of you know what, but didn’t dare ask him to stop as we didn’t have the time to spare!

John called us during the journey and said that he had promised our driver a bottle of champagne if he got us to the airport on time! DH was getting visibly stressed now, chewing his nails, and checking his phone repeatedly. We did actually see the Eiffel Tower on our route to Orly airport, so that was nice! We were coming up to the section of the Autoroute which should be clear so we re-joined. Our driver informed us that just over this next hill was a junction where we can come off and go an alternative way which is about 40 minutes, but the main route should only take about 9 minutes if it’s clear. (It was now 8.15!) As we approached the hill we saw the information board giving the time to Orly Airport as 39 minutes!! As we got closer, it changed to 40. Our driver chose to take the next exit and was back on the phone! We sped off through more random roads and then with 20 minutes left on the clock we saw the signs for the airport!

He then got us a luggage trolley, put all our luggage on our trolley and ran with it to our departure gate to make sure we got our flight, he even spoke to the check-in lady to explain what had happened! John was on the phone again and could not believe that we had made it – he was off to lie down in a dark room! We thanked our marvellous driver and checked-in with 15 minutes to spare. By the time we had gone through security, they were boarding our flight. Phew! Another family on the plane had got the bus and it took them 3 hours to do the journey.

Having not eaten we enjoyed a delicious & nutritious dinner of Pringles, Kit Kat, pretzels, crackers & cheese on the plane!

Thanks for reading!
Dang it you finished your tippie .... now I truly feel under pressure to get our Feb one done :lmao:

I would have been in bits with the airport drama, so glad to hear you got there ok in the end. It's funny seeing everyone's children growing up in trip reports, I can really see the change in your dd, I was looking at my dd's photos from the first one and can't believe how big she's getting :sad1:

Love the outfit's as always :lovestruc


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