MagicBands + Margaritas + Muggles + Minions = TRP. New TR link is up! 10/31

I'm here! Thanks for the heads up.

I'll try to get caught up with intros, but I'm leaving for Disney on Friday (yay!) so I'll definitely get caught up after that.
There is such a special bond with cousins- my boys have it with theirs, too. :lovestruc So nice to see your family, and you are so wonderful for coordinating this! I can't wait to hear about NYE in WDW- although I can now tell you that NYE on DCL- is UNBELIEVABLY fun! :banana::banana:

Ok- I am off to read your Alaska TR- more banana dancing for that-:banana::banana::banana::goodvibes
I jointed the Disboards a while ago but was too shy to post. Loved your other PTR's and TR's so decided to jump in on your newest. Can't wait!:)
I will quite enjoy seeing pictures of all the things I didn't end up seeing at Christmas. :)
Love the tile! I'm checking in now - I'll be back to read. Thanks for the bat signal! :rotfl2:
Yea you started and it looks like I'll be relegated to paaaaaaage....... .....ummmmmmm....... yeeeeaaaaah .............4. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Well maybe next time I just tag along in your luggage. I'm not very tall, but will definitely go over the weight limit for the bags. :scratchin I shall continue to think on this.

Now back to read!
Ok, I am trying to figure out what the heck photobucket is doing with my image sizes. I have it set to upload at a certain size but as you can see, some are larger than others and for the life of me I can't figure out why. The "big" ones are larger than what I've set as my default size and some of the others, slightly smaller! Some were uploaded via the mobile site, some direct via the laptop and a few of the others are from older trips but...arrgh! What is seems is happening is that within PB itself, they are showing at the size I've chosen for uploads (640x480) but when I link out the images here, they are showing at original size even though that doesn't seem to be an option for the upload size I've asked for (it is at a larger size). I have pro which means I have access to original size but ugh..sorry for the big pics! Anyone have ideas on how to fix?
howdy howdy howdy, im here but not promising i wont get confused at some point. hey it happens.

looking forward to it.

Great intro. Eric certainly got taller! Cant wait to hear about this marvelous trip!!!

Im no help with photobucket, it drives me crazy sometimes.
I'm here!

Jill in CO

:welcome: Jill! #1 spot!!

:goodvibes :welcome:

I'm in! I don't know how you kept that BFP straight - that is a lot of planning!

:welcome: Kristi! I'm not sure I do keep it straight...I'd be lost without a few apps that's for sure. Are you going to do a TR for your cruise?

I am here.

:welcome: Scott!

So I enjoyed meeting your entire family. What fun. Is it Colby that has the cardiomyopathy? I forget. How is he doing? I remember you talking about his cardiology visit and new meds. I hope all is going well in that department.

Impressive! Yes, that is Kolby. He is doing ok, he has to go in I think either twice a year or quarterly to get checked which really stresses my sister out, it was annually. He has some issues sort of related to it that popped up on the trip, when younger he fell into the failure to thrive category and as you can see he's still pretty tiny. As a result they had my sister feed him high protein and fat snacks really any time she could get him to eat anything. It's created a bit of a nightmare, he is a horrible eater (picky) and often just flat out won't eat, saying he isn't hungry. If he doesn't though, about every 2 hours, he can totally melt down and it's not pretty. Of course with him snacking every 2, and not always on "good" things, somehow mine got in on that pretty often and well, it didn't always end well for them. But in the big picture, if that's the worst of it (and he making fun that he can't go on rides due to heart condition...though he has no such restrictions) then we are pretty darn blessed so far.

Your boys are getting SO tall! Sheesh! They will be towering over you soon.

They think they are already, it's a source of pride to them.

Taylor is getting ready to graduate already? Darn. I remember when he was just trying to decide whether to attend college. Good for him. I hope he has a very successful career.

He really is working it that's for sure! Hard to believe huh, I was with you when he decided for sure at the 11th hour!

And your baby sister going on the trip with you. How fun.

I hope your parents had a great time too.

So bring it on! I'm ready.

There were tiny moments of drama, as one might expect but I do think everyone had a good time and most of the drama really wasn't with each other, more circumstances out of anyone's control.
I'm here! Hope I can keep up....... :goodvibes

:rotfl: I hope I can keep up!


I'm excited to follow along. I love your trip reports. :)

Thank you so much and :welcome: !
I'm here....back to read in a few.

***Wonderful introductions. I cannot believe how tall Eric has gotten. When did that happen?

I am so looking forward to this TR.

:welcome: Kathy, so happy you are here

Crazy huh! I just keep buying pants... which aren't easy to find in a size that won't fall off the kid :rotfl: Craziest thing was black dress pants. We have a pair that was far too long for Evan that he wore for all his band groups in MS. Of course, knowing how they are growing, and the fact they were cheap black dress pants for limited wearing, I didn't "really" hem them, just did the iron in hem. But it was a significant hem, probably at least 2 inches. Evan wore them last spring. Fast forward to fall...hem has fallen out after they were washed and of course it's the night of the concert, I don't have time to re-hem etc.

They are now the right length. On both of them. :scared1: Evan got nicer new ones last night, I managed all fall with them sharing 1 pair and 1 pair of black dress shoes but next sat is a joint HS/MS event and both will need a set. Sigh. I miss hand me downs!

Here and I will keep up I promise.

:welcome: Pat!

Well that's one of us! :rotfl: Which is good so you can be there when we get to you!!! We had so much fun with you, the boys (Evan) was just talking about it the other day :goodvibes

Subbing in! Will be back to read!

:welcome: Allison!
Here! Looking forward to reading how the whole plan fell into place!

:welcome:! Carolyn!!! I'll be curious to hear how your trip was at the same time, looks like you have another one soon, how lovely!

Presenté hoy!

Práctico mi español. Es bien, si?

Muy bien mi amiga :goodvibes


Yeah! I am in!

Okay, now going back to read. :lmao:

:welcome:! Karin!

I'm in.

Is Eric taller than Evan or is it just the angle in the pics


He is, just slightly and boy does he gloat. I expected it but it really bums Evan out. Good news is that it is almost 2 years before they are at the same school so hopefully Evan will have some height of his own by then and not be as bothered by it (and Eric will be over the rubbing it in phase).

I am subbed! I'll be back to read soon!:thumbsup2

:welcome:! Ellen!!!! So glad you are here, I can't wait to read about your trip too :goodvibes
Following along! :goodvibes

:welcome:! Happy you could join us!

I'm in!! So excited to start out w one if your TRs from the beginning :)

:welcome:! I am so glad you are here!!!!!!!

:banana: :banana: :banana:

What a great way to start a new year!

Can't wait to follow along!

:welcome: Dee! It was a wonderful way to start the new year. :goodvibes

Got the bat signal! I don't have time to read and comment now, but I'll be back!

Busy, schmusy. You'd think you were about to have another baby or something. :rotfl:

Seriously though, :welcome: Mark, very happy you are here!

I'm here! :woohoo: Thought I already posted. :lmao: Time to catch up.

You did! I think your post beat my bat signal :laughing:
I just noticed the link to your new report in your signature. I'm here and ready to hear all about the trip!

Hi Lisa! :welcome: so happy to have you here!

Here!!! I'll be back to ketchup! :rolleyes1

That's mustard nice of you Tim! :thumbsup2


Hi Cynthia! looking forward to read about all your adventures!

Katharina! :welcome: so happy to have you here :cool1:

:cool1: Thanks for the bat-signal! Looking forward to this one!

Makes me want to create a DIS version of the bat signal as an icon. LOL!

:welcome: Glenn, so happy to have you here

I'm here!! I can't wait!!!! :goodvibes

:welcome: Emma!!!!!!
YAY a new eandesmom TR! I have been wondering how your big huge crazy family trip went.

It went! And now we are all home...WAH!

thanks for the heads up!

:goodvibes :welcome: I am glad you are here Mary Ellen

What a great intro to everyone. Didn't know that Tyler worked in a studio as well..and with the Lumineers. Actually I am listening to them this very moment on my Pandora station! cool.

The boy, I mean young man, is connected. Definitely works hard at it!

I love your parents -- I want to be them when I grow up. Crafting, girl scouts, sci fi, genealogy...that's Joe & I all over the place. and yep, my hubby is often along for the ride LOL

Oh my dad has his own agenda, he's just quieter about it.

I can so related to everyone (not just E&E) looking forward to having time to spend with family. Bet it was great -- on vacation, there are no dishes to do, no running out to take a kid somewhere, just time to spend doing stuff ..or nothing.

Ha! I did dishes every day! And laundry on several. The blessing (and curse I guess) of DVC. Not to mention the kids did have to be run out several times...they didn't exactly move at the same speed as my folks.

Can't wait to hear how it all played out ----and how you dealt with some of that very chilly weather!

The weather was quite variable that is for sure. A few packing changes I should have made...nothing major but something that would have been nice to have and others I could have left home.

Thanks for the invite. I look forward to reading about this epic trip. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Andy! So happy you are here

Got your PM! Love your title and can't wait to start reading!:cool1:

:welcome: Alicia! glad you can join us

I'm here! :)

Thank you for the invite, sweet lady. :goodvibes

:welcome: Camille!

For some darn reason the boards are acting funny. I'm not one to complain but I had a heck of a time getting my personal message about this thread, had to keep trying about 20 times before it would finally allow me to get the link to work and get my message. And now I'm not able to get the colors to work properly or the sizes of the font and font choice. :rolleyes:

Anyone else having a problem? :confused3

Sometimes I have issues like that, more often on my phone than on my laptop and some browsers are better/worse than others.

Either way, I'm happy to be here. Just don't hold my feet to the flames if I'm not able to get here as often as I like. :rotfl:
I'm always reading, just may not have time to reply.

You have a LOT going on my friend. Thinking of you.

I'm here for the latest adventure! Must come back to read. :)

:welcome: Pam!
Sounds like a wonderful, close-knit family. You have to love anyone who embraces geeky stuff, builds seaplanes in their garage, and loves travel. :thumbsup2

Totally agree on the value of couples-only trips!:goodvibes
Subbing. Just read your entire Aulani TR in one day this past weekend. I can't wait to hear about your new adventures!
I'm looking forward to reading Cynthia! This will help fill in the gaps for the FB photos. :)

:welcome: Brenda! So happy you are here

Were there gaps? :rotfl2: I didn't post that much on FB but there were a few at least lol.

Just what I was thinking!

Great photo of T & K.

:welcome: Claire :goodvibes

Oh my word, you should have seen that poor boy in his boy scout pants at his court of honor last night. Yikes! Time to buy new ones big time. I can't keep up. Neither can my wallet.

I am thinking that for Jeff's birthday we will get some new family photos of all of us, it's long overdue.

I'm in! I love it already!

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

:welcome: Wendy!!!!

Just got the news, now off to read. The planning had my head spinning, now to find out how it all worked!

:welcome: Doris!!!!

my head spins on a daily basis :rotfl:

Love your trip reports. So glad I can subscribe to this from the beginning!

Thank you and :welcome:!
Subbing and thanks for the link!!!

:welcome: Rosie!!!! It would not be the same without you :goodvibes

Awesome introductions Cynthia !!!You have a beautiful Family !!! Can't wait to hear all bout it !!!

Thank you!!! I rather like them

Thanks for the heads up, here I am :)

:welcome: Mary!!!!

I'm here! Thanks for the heads up.

I'll try to get caught up with intros, but I'm leaving for Disney on Friday (yay!) so I'll definitely get caught up after that.

:welcome: !!!!

Lucky you!!!! I hope you see some sun and enjoy being there without all the crowds, it should be wonderful.

There is such a special bond with cousins- my boys have it with theirs, too. :lovestruc So nice to see your family, and you are so wonderful for coordinating this! I can't wait to hear about NYE in WDW- although I can now tell you that NYE on DCL- is UNBELIEVABLY fun! :banana::banana:

Thanks Ellen :goodvibes

I love the idea of NYE on DCL...being completely pampered for the week! I don't see it likely ever happening but oh it sounds lovely!

I do wish it could have been all 6 boy cousins but the 4 made a pretty good group most of the time, it was great.

Ok- I am off to read your Alaska TR- more banana dancing for that-:banana::banana::banana::goodvibes

Which sailing are you on date wise? You will LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!

I jointed the Disboards a while ago but was too shy to post. Loved your other PTR's and TR's so decided to jump in on your newest. Can't wait!:)

I am so glad you came out of lurkdom!

:welcome: !!!!

I will quite enjoy seeing pictures of all the things I didn't end up seeing at Christmas. :)

:welcome: Caren

I am so sorry about how your trip ended up :hug: but so very very happy you are better now. I imagine it's a rather different trip than Jill and the girls had just given the kids age differences but it might give you a snapshot of what could be in store :rotfl: or not. They are boys!
Love the tile! I'm checking in now - I'll be back to read. Thanks for the bat signal! :rotfl2:

:welcome: Tammie!

Yea you started and it looks like I'll be relegated to paaaaaaage....... .....ummmmmmm....... yeeeeaaaaah .............4. :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Well maybe next time I just tag along in your luggage. I'm not very tall, but will definitely go over the weight limit for the bags. :scratchin I shall continue to think on this.

Now back to read!


:welcome: !!!

howdy howdy howdy, im here but not promising i wont get confused at some point. hey it happens.

looking forward to it.


:welcome: Dan!

Dude, I'm confused all the time. The dangers of over planning (or under) or just getting old or....just being me.

Great intro. Eric certainly got taller! Cant wait to hear about this marvelous trip!!!

OMG the poor kid in his scout pants last night, I swear he grew 3 inches since fall! UGH

Im no help with photobucket, it drives me crazy sometimes.


Still, I've paid for pro and hate the idea of photos in 2 places but ugh it can be a giant pain in the patootie. Guess we will just have big pictures?

Sounds like a wonderful, close-knit family. You have to love anyone who embraces geeky stuff, builds seaplanes in their garage, and loves travel. :thumbsup2

I will tell Jeff how you feel about him


Oh wait, geeks abound in my clan. Silly me!

Totally agree on the value of couples-only trips!:goodvibes

Ah yes...I was plotting last night on that very idea. Ok plotting might be an overstatement, more like seeing if we could really pull the next planned one off. I'd been considering we needed to opt out but boy...I do not want to!


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