Make a wish family files complaint

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And we have very odd Hematoligist. My dd had an appt there on Halloween - the entire dept was dressed up as Wizard of Oz except him. He said he didn't know it was Halloween. We were specifically told by his office to apply (but we didn't someone else did, I don't know who).

My dd doesn't clot. She will always be "fine" right up until she wrecks that bike and hits her head, or falls off those bleachers she shouldn't have been climbing on, or is in a car accident, or a number of other things. We were told to always treat first and diagnose second or by the time we realize she has internal bleeding it will be too late. In the next year or so we will have a whole new set of issues when her monthly "friend" decides to make an appearance. Definitely not looking forward to that.

Wouldn't she be placed on the pill to prevent that?
Yeah, there are definitely big holes in the narrative here. If the CM did say she was taking advantage (which, honestly, it really sounds like she was), especially if he said it in front of the kid, that wasn't a great thing to do.

On the other hand, I've worked retail, and just from the quotes from the Mom in the news story, I can EASILY imagine a situation where she might have stood there screaming, yelling, throwing a tantrum, making personal attacks against the CM, and pushing and pushing until anyone without superhuman levels of cool would lose a little bit of control. I've seen my share of customers like that; they know that employees can only take so much, and they'll either give in or snap. And if they snap, then you can either go over their heads or sue.

Sure, he could have called a manager to deal with her right away, but I've been in the MK when they're emptying out for a hard-ticket party, and it's a zoo. Back in my retail days, you'd page a manager and wait 20 minutes; half the time the customer got fed up and stormed out waiting. With the chronic understaffing levels at Disney parks, I can only imagine how hard it is to get a manager on the floor when it's not an emergency.

So, we don't know the whole story, but I find it plausible either way.

This says it perfectly.
disney david said:
When you worked for Disney and let's say this happened or something close what the protocol to call security. She says the manager said the that line so just wondering what your supposed to do win a guest that arguing and causing a scene and if it different if it a maw family.

On party nights specifically, we were trained to apologize for the inconvenience and explain some of the other places they could go to get what they needed. In this case they would have probably suggested the Contemp or DRD. Security is always called if a guest is ever making a scene or if a CM ever feels threatened. I would imagine that Security was unsure what to do because you never want to kick out a MaW family, however any other guest would have been escorted out. They got special treatment because the were MaW, that's guaranteed. No other guest would've been able to get into that store after the park was closed.

Who knows if the CM said what the mother is saying she said. I know that as a CM, I was verbally abused more times than I could count and eventually it does take a toll. Hell, I was even physically attacked but that's another story.

I have plenty of sympathy for that mom but bottom line she used her Childs disease as an excuse to get special treatment at Disney and that is disgusting. She could've bought those toys any other day of her vacation and choose not too, she could've gone to DTD and chose not to.
On party nights specifically, we were trained to apologize for the inconvenience and explain some of the other places they could go to get what they needed. In this case they would have probably suggested the Contemp or DRD. Security is always called if a guest is ever making a scene or if a CM ever feels threatened. I would imagine that Security was unsure what to do because you never want to kick out a MaW family, however any other guest would have been escorted out. They got special treatment because the were MaW, that's guaranteed. No other guest would've been able to get into that store after the park was closed.

Who knows if the CM said what the mother is saying she said. I know that as a CM, I was verbally abused more times than I could count and eventually it does take a toll. Hell, I was even physically attacked but that's another story.

I have plenty of sympathy for that mom but bottom line she used her Childs disease as an excuse to get special treatment at Disney and that is disgusting. She could've bought those toys any other day of her vacation and choose not too, she could've gone to DTD and chose not to.

That what I figured so since they was a maw family they got great special like she wanted and didn't get what any other family would got was a escort out of mk. It is hard on security because they get called after they get upset and the. Have to deal with them and don't want to be the ones who have to kick out the maw family.

I also think their no way they made her stand their for a hour it would of got to crowed and with the parades they would had a traffic jam with guest trying to exit or move.
As a CM who was working in the Emporium when this incident happened I can tell you that this is nowhere near the whole story. Much was left out and the manager that supposedly said the offending comment is NOT the type of person to say that.

When we pick up our door assignments (the CMs who have the unfortunate duty of standing outside of the doors informing guests that the store is now exclusive to party guests) we are reminded that there is to be NO entry into the store without a wristband. Period. If there is a guest who wants one specific item that we know we have then one member from the party will be allowed in with a CM escort to purchase the one item and immediately exit the store, and that is on a case by case basis.

This story leaves out the swearing of the mother and father directed at the college program CM that was attending the door before the managers arrived. The swearing that happened within earshot of your children lining the street for the Boo to you parade. It leaves out a member of the party threatening to run our manager over with their ECV. The story leaves out the family stopping other guests walking by to tell them how Disney hates MAW children. The story leaves out the family telling the manager and CP CM that they are terrible cast members and the repeated use of the "we're make a wish" line.

This family was given two alternatives to shopping at the Emporium like shopping at Downtown Disney which was open for 4 hours beyond that point or Epcot which was open for 2 hours beyond that point.

I love my job as a CP at the Emporium but the one thing none of us like (though you will never hear us admit it in person) is door assignments for the party. On a nightly basis when we will get these assignments we are yelled at, told that we 'are what's wrong with Disney', that we are bad CMs, that we 'lack Disney magic, and that we need to have a heart all because we won't let them shop. And through all of that we still stand there, smile, wave our Mickey mitts, ask for high fours, and hand out stickers.

Please, if you attend a party and we tell you the store is closed unless you have a wristband, do not argue. We HATE telling you no and we want nothing more than to help you find the things you're looking for.

I'm sorry for this rant but this story made all of us at the Emporium furious at its one-sidedness.
On party nights specifically, we were trained to apologize for the inconvenience and explain some of the other places they could go to get what they needed. In this case they would have probably suggested the Contemp or DRD. Security is always called if a guest is ever making a scene or if a CM ever feels threatened. I would imagine that Security was unsure what to do because you never want to kick out a MaW family, however any other guest would have been escorted out. They got special treatment because the were MaW, that's guaranteed. No other guest would've been able to get into that store after the park was closed.

Who knows if the CM said what the mother is saying she said. I know that as a CM, I was verbally abused more times than I could count and eventually it does take a toll. Hell, I was even physically attacked but that's another story.

I have plenty of sympathy for that mom but bottom line she used her Childs disease as an excuse to get special treatment at Disney and that is disgusting. She could've bought those toys any other day of her vacation and choose not too, she could've gone to DTD and chose not to.

Security WAS called but they refused to leave and somehow the duty manager heard about what was happening and ordered our managers to let the family shop for as long as they like without knowing the whole situation.
That what I figured so since they was a maw family they got great special like she wanted and didn't get what any other family would got was a escort out of mk. It is hard on security because they get called after they get upset and the. Have to deal with them and don't want to be the ones who have to kick out the maw family.

I also think their no way they made her stand their for a hour it would of got to crowed and with the parades they would had a traffic jam with guest trying to exit or move.

We where just at mnsshp on 10/24 and 27 cm did great job of clearing a path so people could exit. I know we exited at around 8 after dinner at bog, we even cheated as we exited the park just under the train station we saw headless horse man. They couldn't find picture we had ship to front. Took guy forever lol he keep saying sorry.
As a CM who was working in the Emporium when this incident happened I can tell you that this is nowhere near the whole story. Much was left out and the manager that supposedly said the offending comment is NOT the type of person to say that.

When we pick up our door assignments (the CMs who have the unfortunate duty of standing outside of the doors informing guests that the store is now exclusive to party guests) we are reminded that there is to be NO entry into the store without a wristband. Period. If there is a guest who wants one specific item that we know we have then one member from the party will be allowed in with a CM escort to purchase the one item and immediately exit the store, and that is on a case by case basis.

This story leaves out the swearing of the mother and father directed at the college program CM that was attending the door before the managers arrived. The swearing that happened within earshot of your children lining the street for the Boo to you parade. It leaves out a member of the party threatening to run our manager over with their ECV. The story leaves out the family stopping other guests walking by to tell them how Disney hates MAW children. The story leaves out the family telling the manager and CP CM that they are terrible cast members and the repeated use of the "we're make a wish" line.

This family was given two alternatives to shopping at the Emporium like shopping at Downtown Disney which was open for 4 hours beyond that point or Epcot which was open for 2 hours beyond that point.

I love my job as a CP at the Emporium but the one thing none of us like (though you will never hear us admit it in person) is door assignments for the party. On a nightly basis when we will get these assignments we are yelled at, told that we 'are what's wrong with Disney', that we are bad CMs, that we 'lack Disney magic, and that we need to have a heart al because we won't let them shop. And through all of that we still stand there, smile, wave our Mickey mitts, ask for high fours, and hand out stickers.

Please, if you attend a party and we tell you the store is closed unless you have a wristband, do not argue. We HATE telling you no and we want nothing more than to help you find the things you're looking for.

I'm sorry for this rant but this story made all of us at the Emporium furious at its one-sidedness.

I'm a Plaid, but my home park is not MK. We dealt with this party during their stay. They are not your typical MAW crowd. They were ungrateful, spiteful, and hateful. I heard another guest say, "Well, if that's what Make-A-Wish is rewarding, I'm not giving them a dime this year!"

I felt bad for the kids. The parents/grandparents/entourage were some of the worst people I've dealt with in awhile.
I'm a Plaid, but my home park is not MK. We dealt with this party during their stay. They are not your typical MAW crowd. They were ungrateful, spiteful, and hateful. I heard another guest say, "Well, if that's what Make-A-Wish is rewarding, I'm not giving them a dime this year!"

I felt bad for the kids. The parents/grandparents/entourage were some of the worst people I've dealt with in awhile.

That's really unfortunate.
Let's just pause for a moment and have little compassion for the CM that had this rediculous complaint filled against her. I guarantee you she's been fired, anytime anything goes public involving CM's they're considered a liability. So now because this mother used the famous line of, "it's our last day" and threw a hissy-fit that poor woman is probably out a job. I worked at WDW for 5 years and at least 10 times a day we'd hear that excuse, "it's our last day"... And at least 10 times a day when we said no we were told, "you ruined our vacation" "how could you say no to my child" "you're a horrible person" and so on.
I have no problem with a little compassion but she had the whole vacation to buy those toys and chose not to. I'd bet you the CM's gave her a variety of options of places she could go buy the toys but she chose to make a scene. Therefore not only ruining her families night but every other family around her.

As of last night she hasn't been fired. We've all been going out of our way to tell her that's she's awesome. She even joked about her situation when I asked for her "autograph" for a GSF she said "Ok but don't put it on the internet because I'm already famous enough."
As a CM who was working in the Emporium when this incident happened I can tell you that this is nowhere near the whole story. Much was left out and the manager that supposedly said the offending comment is NOT the type of person to say that.

When we pick up our door assignments (the CMs who have the unfortunate duty of standing outside of the doors informing guests that the store is now exclusive to party guests) we are reminded that there is to be NO entry into the store without a wristband. Period. If there is a guest who wants one specific item that we know we have then one member from the party will be allowed in with a CM escort to purchase the one item and immediately exit the store, and that is on a case by case basis.

This story leaves out the swearing of the mother and father directed at the college program CM that was attending the door before the managers arrived. The swearing that happened within earshot of your children lining the street for the Boo to you parade. It leaves out a member of the party threatening to run our manager over with their ECV. The story leaves out the family stopping other guests walking by to tell them how Disney hates MAW children. The story leaves out the family telling the manager and CP CM that they are terrible cast members and the repeated use of the "we're make a wish" line.

This family was given two alternatives to shopping at the Emporium like shopping at Downtown Disney which was open for 4 hours beyond that point or Epcot which was open for 2 hours beyond that point.

I love my job as a CP at the Emporium but the one thing none of us like (though you will never hear us admit it in person) is door assignments for the party. On a nightly basis when we will get these assignments we are yelled at, told that we 'are what's wrong with Disney', that we are bad CMs, that we 'lack Disney magic, and that we need to have a heart all because we won't let them shop. And through all of that we still stand there, smile, wave our Mickey mitts, ask for high fours, and hand out stickers.

Please, if you attend a party and we tell you the store is closed unless you have a wristband, do not argue. We HATE telling you no and we want nothing more than to help you find the things you're looking for.

I'm sorry for this rant but this story made all of us at the Emporium furious at its one-sidedness.

As a guest I can say sorry and I know how you feel if a cm says no I listen. I been to be party and with wrist band and around the same time the cms said very nicely that their closed to get the day guest out and bring the merchandise out. They told us to try the other locations thanked them and wished them a good night not the end of the world and no where needing to curse at anyone. I guess I was brought up to respect people if your upset you have a right to ask to spell to a manager and if still not happy their guest services. This all can be done calmly without cursing or mistreating a cm co or not.

I glad she didn't get fired and hope she okay I wish the duty manager would support the cms a little better. At least go and speak to then and the other cms first before just letting them in. The duty manager just heard Maw family and not the rest.

Not sure if you remember the incident of the bus driver being attacked by a guest at Dhs. Well I talked to a driver that on the dis and he said the driver might be fired if they go by Disney policy. Even though the driver just put his arms up to defend him self and get the guest to stop choking him and let not forget that the man threw the baby at him. Thankfully since it made the news the union and Disney meet and decide it wouldn't look right firing the driver for just defending him self. Also Disney did let him down and the other driver by not having more security at the bus stops at park closing.

Respect the cms they work hard and have to deal with all the guest complaints.
As a CM who was working in the Emporium when this incident happened I can tell you that this is nowhere near the whole story. Much was left out and the manager that supposedly said the offending comment is NOT the type of person to say that.

When we pick up our door assignments (the CMs who have the unfortunate duty of standing outside of the doors informing guests that the store is now exclusive to party guests) we are reminded that there is to be NO entry into the store without a wristband. Period. If there is a guest who wants one specific item that we know we have then one member from the party will be allowed in with a CM escort to purchase the one item and immediately exit the store, and that is on a case by case basis.

This story leaves out the swearing of the mother and father directed at the college program CM that was attending the door before the managers arrived. The swearing that happened within earshot of your children lining the street for the Boo to you parade. It leaves out a member of the party threatening to run our manager over with their ECV. The story leaves out the family stopping other guests walking by to tell them how Disney hates MAW children. The story leaves out the family telling the manager and CP CM that they are terrible cast members and the repeated use of the "we're make a wish" line.

This family was given two alternatives to shopping at the Emporium like shopping at Downtown Disney which was open for 4 hours beyond that point or Epcot which was open for 2 hours beyond that point.

I love my job as a CP at the Emporium but the one thing none of us like (though you will never hear us admit it in person) is door assignments for the party. On a nightly basis when we will get these assignments we are yelled at, told that we 'are what's wrong with Disney', that we are bad CMs, that we 'lack Disney magic, and that we need to have a heart all because we won't let them shop. And through all of that we still stand there, smile, wave our Mickey mitts, ask for high fours, and hand out stickers.

Please, if you attend a party and we tell you the store is closed unless you have a wristband, do not argue. We HATE telling you no and we want nothing more than to help you find the things you're looking for.

I'm sorry for this rant but this story made all of us at the Emporium furious at its one-sidedness.

Security WAS called but they refused to leave and somehow the duty manager heard about what was happening and ordered our managers to let the family shop for as long as they like without knowing the whole situation.

I'm a Plaid, but my home park is not MK. We dealt with this party during their stay. They are not your typical MAW crowd. They were ungrateful, spiteful, and hateful. I heard another guest say, "Well, if that's what Make-A-Wish is rewarding, I'm not giving them a dime this year!"

I felt bad for the kids. The parents/grandparents/entourage were some of the worst people I've dealt with in awhile.

I am SO sorry that y'all had to deal with these awful people. Disney should be ashamed to have let them get by with ANY breaking of the rules - MAW family or not. She was treating her child far worse than anything that any CM or Security could have said.

If they believe all their lies and give in to her farther by rewarding her atrocious behavior, I and so many others will be so furious. Why is it so hard to set an example to ALL who break the rules? Sorry, but MAW families can be told to be rule followers as well as any other family.

So, they get offended - what for? :confused3 Because they want above and beyond what they have already been graciously given? Lots of us face tough things with our children - we don't expect others to bough down to our whims.

I am going to contact the MAW foundation and do my own complaining - I, too, will not continue to give to an organization that won't step in and take some responsibility for how their families act that are there at Disney IN THEIR NAME.

Again, so sorry for all you Disney employees that had to deal with these rude, hateful, spiteful people. I will smile and be extra kind to all CM's on our next trip. We do appreciate you, and realize your job is not always magical - thank you! :grouphug:

Thank you again for clarifying some things.
There did seem to be a lot of holes between the sweetness and light of the mom's report of what she said:
I said to her " we are here with make a wish and my son is a wish kid we understand its past 7pm (it was 7:12) but can we just go in the store to buy the kids toys? "
And further on in her report:
- we refused to leave
- Security was called
- outside crying for an hour
- then being let into the shop after an hour of crying
Every manager and duty manager and higher up ahold have to work the door for at least one party night to see why the cms deal with.
Every manager and duty manager and higher up ahold have to work the door for at least one party night to see why the cms deal with.

If this post had a like button I'd like it and then unlike it so I could like it again. My immediate managers (like the one in the story) do walk along outside checking up on us at the doors, but aren't the ones who have to deliver the initial bad news. That duty manager though, deserves to get what we call door 1A. It's the only open door and is the designated exit door facing the train station. This door without a doubt is the one where people try to get in most.
If this post had a like button I'd like it and then unlike it so I could like it again. My immediate managers (like the one in the story) do walk along outside checking up on us at the doors, but aren't the ones who have to deliver the initial bad news. That duty manager though, deserves to get what we call door 1A. It's the only open door and is the designated exit door facing the train station. This door without a doubt is the one where people try to get in most.

The duty manager should work every day start the first party at one door and each party go to another one. Then have to go around with the other cms and tell guest they have to leave. Sometimes it good for managers to get a refresher of what the cms deal with. So if a guest complains they know how it feels for the cm and maybe the could deal with it better. It come up with a better way so the cms don't always have to deal with rude guests. Maybe post security to walk to each door more and make sure the cms are okay.
As of last night she hasn't been fired. We've all been going out of our way to tell her that's she's awesome. She even joked about her situation when I asked for her "autograph" for a GSF she said "Ok but don't put it on the internet because I'm already famous enough."

That is such a relief. I'm glad she is maintaining a positive attitude throughout this ordeal. :goodvibes and she has such supportive co workers. ::yes::
I'm a Plaid, but my home park is not MK. We dealt with this party during their stay. They are not your typical MAW crowd. They were ungrateful, spiteful, and hateful. I heard another guest say, "Well, if that's what Make-A-Wish is rewarding, I'm not giving them a dime this year!"

I felt bad for the kids. The parents/grandparents/entourage were some of the worst people I've dealt with in awhile.

On the original news article one of the comments mentioned they had problems with this family at Universal also, even in the happiest places it seems miserable people will still be miserable, it's just unfortunate they make everyone else miserable.

Glad to hear the CM is still working and getting support, sometimes you just can't win.
If this post had a like button I'd like it and then unlike it so I could like it again. My immediate managers (like the one in the story) do walk along outside checking up on us at the doors, but aren't the ones who have to deliver the initial bad news. That duty manager though, deserves to get what we call door 1A. It's the only open door and is the designated exit door facing the train station. This door without a doubt is the one where people try to get in most.
We have seen the CMs (both as guests coming in stores who do have party wristbands and walking by as we are leaving the park during parties).

Even though some guests are none too happy, I've never seen a CM who was anything other than nice. It must be very hard because there are some entitled people out there.

I worked in retail during college. We started announcing store closing at 8:30 for 9 pm closing, then reminding people at 8:45 and at 5 minute intervals that the store would be closing at 9pm.
We'd sometimes get people walking in at 8:55 (past the person at the door who said the store was closing in 5 minutes). Many of them would say they had one thing to pick out, but be in no hurry to leave.
The store carried merchandise similar to a Kohls store, so clothing, shoes, housewares, etc. I often wondered just how someone could have an emergency need for any of that stuff.
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