Making a Special Guidebook for my ADHD & ASD son NEW 4/15/11 Post#91

I haven't read all of the suggestions yet, but wanted to let you know how awesome this is! It'll be a great tool that gives him more power over his environment.

I do have two suggestions -

Since kids on the spectrum have such a hard time with the unexpected and you won't know all of the unexpected things that can happen, you may want to add a page for "Challenges I Conquered" or something to that effect. You can have special stickers that he can ask for if he's getting frustrated and is able to maintain. Even better - after putting the frustration sticker in the book, write what made him feel that way.

Also, for the "waiting" stickers, how about bringing a LOT of those. When in line, he could have one sticker to post for every 10 minutes of waiting. That way time brings a reward instead of a frustration.

I think these are great suggestions!! I love the idea of celebrating conquering challenges!! :thumbsup2:thumbsup2
My son has autism and ADHD as well. He is seven and LOVES everything Disney. I would love to take him to WDW but I am so worried over how he would handle all the stimulation and the jolt to his daily routine.

I am going to WDW in JAN with my hubby (no kids) and based on your idea, I will take some time to visit and take pictures and some videos of the more children oriented places as to make a special guide book tailored to his likes and needs.

You are doing a great thing by making the trip easier on your son and inspiring parents like me with great ideas just like this one.

Thank you!
I love the card with the reminders on it! I think I need to do something like that for my DD. She loves 'rules', so that would be right up her alley.
Thanks for sharing ( again and again). Very creative and looks like they will also be very helpful.

your welcome Sue....thanks for your support too

I haven't read all of the suggestions yet, but wanted to let you know how awesome this is! It'll be a great tool that gives him more power over his environment.

there are 3 examples of "books" they have changed and progressed over our trips and based on what my son needs most at each time....

I do have two suggestions -

Since kids on the spectrum have such a hard time with the unexpected and you won't know all of the unexpected things that can happen, you may want to add a page for "Challenges I Conquered" or something to that effect. You can have special stickers that he can ask for if he's getting frustrated and is able to maintain. Even better - after putting the frustration sticker in the book, write what made him feel that way.

I love this idea...very clever! each of my children also have homemade jounarls to write in about their experiences and memories of the trips...I think this would be a great addition to that style book. and a wonderful reminder to look back on :goodvibes

Also, for the "waiting" stickers, how about bringing a LOT of those. When in line, he could have one sticker to post for every 10 minutes of waiting. That way time brings a reward instead of a frustration.

we have done "waiting" rewards or "my time" vs "your time" rewards often at certaintly is an easy thing to transfer for a trip like this too

Books like yours are wonderful because they redirect the attention to something positive and rewarding.

exactly! :thumbsup2

Do you mind if I borrow your idea to make something for my DD? It'll be our first time at DW and that is stressing her quite a bit. She's used to DLR where she knows every nook and cranny.

Again - wonderful tool!

not at all...this is why I share them!

Great resources Julie!!! :goodvibes

I especially love the idea of putting Nathan's helpful hints on the back of his lanyard tag! I'm stealing that idea!!

thanks Amy!

My son has autism and ADHD as well. He is seven and LOVES everything Disney. I would love to take him to WDW but I am so worried over how he would handle all the stimulation and the jolt to his daily routine.

It is a BIG place and can be scary if you don't know what to expect or what resources are available to you....plan, plan, plan....

I have been very happy (and I'm sure others will agree) with how well my son does adapt to the Disney "routine" since it can be done in such a structured way it really works to his advantage!

click on the other PTR I have it's a group trip of 7 moms who all have children on the spectrum...various ages and degrees of struggles...the "lead" Mom on this trip hoping to write a book sharing her and our experiences of raising and taking our Autistic children to Disney...:goodvibes

I am going to WDW in JAN with my hubby (no kids) and based on your idea, I will take some time to visit and take pictures and some videos of the more children oriented places as to make a special guide book tailored to his likes and needs.

this is a great plan...get a feel for it, do some investigating of your own...first hand experience adds alot to prepare your child!

You are doing a great thing by making the trip easier on your son and inspiring parents like me with great ideas just like this one.

Thank you!

your welcome and thank you...I am no expert, but I have love Disney and have a passion for helping my children to enjoy life

Thank you! :hug:

:goodvibes thanks

I love the card with the reminders on it! I think I need to do something like that for my DD. She loves 'rules', so that would be right up her alley.

:thumbsup2 I hope this will be a great tool for him too
where did you find the latest pages you printed? I LOVE them.

We have three kids - Ben (8) has ADHD. We were supposed to go in January to WDW - however, my hubby lost his job. Try having THAT convo with an ADHD kid;) So - we are now going in February, but I flat out refuse to tell them until the day of...I can't go through it again if something falls through. I won't be able to prep Ben for what will happen because of this. ANYTHING I can do to make it easier for him would be so appreciated!
How I never noticed this in your siggie:confused3 ok saving this link for me so I can get to work, it'll take me awhile and I can't wait to use it on my next trip :goodvibes
How I never noticed this in your siggie:confused3 ok saving this link for me so I can get to work, it'll take me awhile and I can't wait to use it on my next trip :goodvibes
Don’t worry if you lose the link.

I thought it was such useful information that there is also a link to this thread in post #3 of the disABILITIES FAQs thread. You can find that thread near the top of this board or follow the link in my signature.
Mine's a her :cutie:. I know, not the usual...never let it be said I do things the easy way :rotfl2:

whoops...:rolleyes1 my son is a twin as well to my oldest DD, she is also on the Spectrum, her struggles are for the most part completely different from my son. and yes it isn't always easy....

where did you find the latest pages you printed? I LOVE them.

they are DISigns by Natalie which I found in a link to her Photobucket account under journal pages. :thumbsup2 I added my own text.

We have three kids - Ben (8) has ADHD. We were supposed to go in January to WDW - however, my hubby lost his job. Try having THAT convo with an ADHD kid;) So - we are now going in February, but I flat out refuse to tell them until the day of...I can't go through it again if something falls through. I won't be able to prep Ben for what will happen because of this. ANYTHING I can do to make it easier for him would be so appreciated!

Oh yes I would definately have some stuff planned out for him to look over...hopefully you'll be able to talk things over w/ the kids before you go so it's not such a huge :eek: (but in a good way I hope) have you ever been w/ your kids? I know how hard is it to even slightly say you might be doing something even small like "watching a movie" and if it doesn't work...oh boy :mad: hope the planning is still a go and sorry I haven't been on my thread in forever to check in....

How I never noticed this in your siggie:confused3 ok saving this link for me so I can get to work, it'll take me awhile and I can't wait to use it on my next trip :goodvibes

YEP started this awhile ago and Sue is so gracious in making this part of the stickies on the disABILITIES threads :hug: we'll chat more about this stuff :thumbsup2

Don’t worry if you lose the link.

I thought it was such useful information that there is also a link to this thread in post #3 of the disABILITIES FAQs thread. You can find that thread near the top of this board or follow the link in my signature.

thanks Sue!
sorry all that I never got back over here to update how the guidebook was used and helped my son Nathan since our trip last yr Nov. But I thought beyond sharing about the book I'd like to share a link to a web article done by another fellow Diser and Spectrum Mom that she wrote about my DS and an interview from him about how he "does" Disney...this really will give you some great insight about how he "thinks" and what he likes and doesn't like in his own words w/ some insight from me (Mom)

I have to say this lastest design is my favorite just for size sake and he was able to carry it w/ him in his bag where ever we went...although he didn't use it as much as I'd like during the trip (and you'll see in his interview he admidts that) the checklists were great for him and easy to 11 1/2 on this trip the social stories I made back when he was 9 are no longer really needed...but of course w/ anything new [alot of pin trading this time] on a trip...I find "oh I shouldn't have scripted that better" or "I didn't think that would have affected him so much" [resort switch on day 2]...there is always a learning curve and sometimes good plans don't cover all the variables...

but I still feel these books are a gift for him and help him along especially in the begining stages of preparing to go :thumbsup2 We have another trip planned for Jan 2012 (as well as a hopeful Washington DC trip summer 2012) and I will update this last book for Jan and will make something similar for the DC trip too.

As he grows and adapts so will I :goodvibes

as mentioned above Please take a moment to read this is the link:

So once again our family is preparing to leave for Disney in just 2 weeks :cool1: and I have made another new guidebook to help my son Nathan who is now 11 1/2.

As this will be his 4 trip to the World, he is older, can handle things differently and various areas that he struggles with while living with ADHD and Aspergers...I have created and designed a new book for him that will give him the information and reminders he needs to have a great trip!

This time the format is quite a bit smaller so he can carry it in his own bag. It is more orgnaized by theme vs a page or pocket per day.

It is made from a small tabbed chipboard album and I used Disney journal pages DISigned by Natatlie on the creative boards as my backgrounds.

Once I saved her pages. I added my own text and printed out each page.

There is an attraction GOAL sheet and CS dinning options for each of the 4 parks.

A page describing the BASIC routines for morning, afternoon, and eveinings.

An Itinerary page.

and some special pages that fit this trip and that pertain to the things he likes to do while we are at WDW.

* Pirate League

* KPM at World Showcase

* Pressed Pennies

* Trading Pins

the last thing I am doing for him again this yr is creating some personal maps using the touringplans website template. I include info about the ride that he may need to know and other tidbit informations like Can he find this hidden Mickey or piece of Magic...

I hope this book and lanyard tag can help you and your family on your DWDW adventure :hug:

I will report back after our trip to let you know how we made out.

I thought I'd also share a food indentification card I made my youngest DD who is on a GF, Wheat, diary and egg free diet. She is turning 4 and really likes her card. The one side has pictures of foods she can eat offered by the parks (CS) and the back side has the info for me.

thanks for reading and comments, questions always welcomed too.

Mouse Scrapper (Scrappie, Julie)

This is my very fist post as a DISboard member, so please forgive any misteps I am making in posting. I came across your latest planner for your ASD son and would love to have links or photos to the pages that I can personalize for my DD 17 - this is our first trip to WDW and I want to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible. I did try to save the photos and "edit" them in Picasa and Paint but they weren't as nice as yours:confused3. Thanks for anything you can provide.
This is my very fist post as a DISboard member, so please forgive any misteps I am making in posting. I came across your latest planner for your ASD son and would love to have links or photos to the pages that I can personalize for my DD 17 - this is our first trip to WDW and I want to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible. I did try to save the photos and "edit" them in Picasa and Paint but they weren't as nice as yours:confused3. Thanks for anything you can provide.
My suggestion (since mousescrapper may not still have all the files) is to do an internet image search using google or another search engine.

I found LOTS of good pictures to use on my daughter’s communication device. Also, check out the pictures on - look for the photos page where the DIS site administrators and also DIS posters have downloaded pictures.:thumbsup2
This is my very fist post as a DISboard member, so please forgive any misteps I am making in posting. I came across your latest planner for your ASD son and would love to have links or photos to the pages that I can personalize for my DD 17 - this is our first trip to WDW and I want to make sure that it goes as smoothly as possible. I did try to save the photos and "edit" them in Picasa and Paint but they weren't as nice as yours:confused3. Thanks for anything you can provide.

My suggestion (since mousescrapper may not still have all the files) is to do an internet image search using google or another search engine.

I found LOTS of good pictures to use on my daughter’s communication device. Also, check out the pictures on - look for the photos page where the DIS site administrators and also DIS posters have downloaded pictures.:thumbsup2

good suggestion SueMN...thanks :thumbsup2

@ cparsons...for the latest book that I made for my son for our Nov 2010 trip. I don't actually have links to anything...I just have pictures. I can point you in the right direction though.

for the pages I used a DISinger donatalie (I do not think she is currently designing anything) journal pages that are in her PhotoBucket account Journal/

You can scroll through the pages and find what you images to own FB account or to your computer and then you can add your own text like schedules, checklist, or whatever you need.

Maybe if you save images from her site it will work better... :confused:

Hope this helps :goodvibes

oh and :welcome: to the DIS!

As I said, I am really new to this and have surfed for hours upon hours on this board (mostly creative disigns and disabilities section) and really enjoy all the info I have read. It is not only helpful for Disney, but alot of it will be helpful for vacations, in general.

Thanks for being so quick to respond - all of the creativity is wonderful and the answers are very well thought out - I enjoy reading SueM and others on the disabilities site.:thumbsup2

DD Megan 17 will really appreciate all of the info too :yay:
Omg, this is great. I am thinking of taking dd, who is 4 with asd. She is at the single word stage, but I think she would love wdw at Christmas. I might create a similar book for Hersheypark, too.
Great idea! Thanks for sharing. I made something similar for DD7 and her BFF (also age7) for a long car trip to the American Girl Store in Atlanta. DD has ADD and her BFF has ADD/ADHD so I was concerned about hte 6+ hours of driving, wait times in resaurants, etc...

I guess it was more of an activity and itinerary book to kind of keep them busy. Plus, I have found with DD it really helps for her to know about what we are doing before we actually do it. It seems to keep her calmer, better behaved and more focused. I thought it couldnt hurt for her BFF, as well.

It turned out great and they loved their "Travel Journals".

A suggestion for for helping with wait lines at Disney for your book (or future books: make somthing they can do while in make a counter for how many people they see wearing a mickey shirt, how many people eating icec ream, how many balloons, etc...... to occupy their mind) :thumbsup2
As I said, I am really new to this and have surfed for hours upon hours on this board (mostly creative disigns and disabilities section) and really enjoy all the info I have read. It is not only helpful for Disney, but alot of it will be helpful for vacations, in general.

Thanks for being so quick to respond - all of the creativity is wonderful and the answers are very well thought out - I enjoy reading SueM and others on the disabilities site.:thumbsup2

DD Megan 17 will really appreciate all of the info too :yay:

truly hope your DD has a wonderful time :goodvibes

Omg, this is great. I am thinking of taking dd, who is 4 with asd. She is at the single word stage, but I think she would love wdw at Christmas. I might create a similar book for Hersheypark, too.

good luck :cool1: Disney is very, very helpful! have fun no matter where you travel!

Great idea! Thanks for sharing. I made something similar for DD7 and her BFF (also age7) for a long car trip to the American Girl Store in Atlanta. DD has ADD and her BFF has ADD/ADHD so I was concerned about hte 6+ hours of driving, wait times in resaurants, etc...

I guess it was more of an activity and itinerary book to kind of keep them busy. Plus, I have found with DD it really helps for her to know about what we are doing before we actually do it. It seems to keep her calmer, better behaved and more focused. I thought it couldnt hurt for her BFF, as well.

It turned out great and they loved their "Travel Journals".

that is children are very similar! long car rides can be tough.

A suggestion for for helping with wait lines at Disney for your book (or future books: make somthing they can do while in make a counter for how many people they see wearing a mickey shirt, how many people eating icec ream, how many balloons, etc...... to occupy their mind) :thumbsup2

that's a fun idea...thanks! :goodvibes


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