Mandymouse's Fabulous Fantasy B2B ~ Sept 2015


Bahama Mama Time !!
Mar 8, 2003
Wednesday 9th September 2015

It was going to be a busy day today. I was up before 6am, seeing Paul and Kerry off to work, then I got ready to pick my mum up and take her to Coventry for some shopping and a coffee

I had a hair appointment at 11 then a nail appointment at 1pm, and inbetween managed to fit in a shower. The rest of the afternoon was spent finishing off the packing and leaving instructions for the girls, who would be heading to Orlando the following week





Paul got home early from work, around 5.45pm, and after a quick pizza we said goodbye to our girls and were on the road for 6.30. It was a lovely evening, but as soon as we hit the M6 there were signs about delays between junction 15-16. We didn't have any option but to carry on with the journey and hope that when we reached the delay, which we thought would be an hour later, it may have cleared. As we got to junction 15, we noticed that there was no traffic heading southbound. The signs on the motorway said delays of 20 minutes and we were instructed to slow down to 60 mph. Fire engines passed us heading north on the southbound carriageway and in the distance we could see a lot of smoke. The delay was due to the trailer of a lorry that was on fire, it must've been burning a long time as the police had coned off the lanes southbound and traffic was taken off at junction 16. The delay only took us 10 minutes to get through, but the opposite side of the motorway was backed up to junction 18. Hopefully no one was hurt due to this incident

Anyway, back on track, we arrived at the Premier Inn at the Trafford Centre at 8.15pm. As I'd done online check-in on-line, we just had to pick up our keys, and within moments we dropped our luggage in our room and were heading into the shopping centre and to the 360 Champagne Bar (after a very brief stop at the Disney Store where I bought Paul a Darth Vader action figure). I decided 'what the heck, I'm having some champers to kick off my hols, so had a glass of Moët & Chandon Imperial Rose and Paul had a Heineken, we had one more round before finishing off with a cocktail and Stella in TGI Fridays





On the way back to the hotel we shared a boneless banquet meal at KFC, then headed to bed

Tomorrow ~ Florida Bound
Thursday 10th September

We were up just before 6am, and after a quick shower we were on our way to Manchester Airport by 6.45. 15 minutes later we parked in the terminal 2 car park opposite departures and wandered over to the Virgin Atlantic check-in desk which was already open. There was no queue and minutes later we were heading up the escalator to security. We had bought fast track tickets for £7 each, as last year we had waited over 30 minutes to get through, but it was relatively quiet anyway. We were allowed to the front of the line and other than Paul needing his backpack scanned again when he had showed them his camera, we were through in no time

First stop was Frankie & Benny's for breakfast. There was a queue outside, but we were led to our table a few minutes later. We had a tea, latte, mimosa (for me, like you needed me to tell you that lol), and two New England breakfasts. It was all lovely, and came to about £26 with a 15% voucher I had printed off the Eat, Drink, Fly website



Next we had a wander around the shops and duty free. Paul bought me a palm tree Pandora charm, but we didn't see anything else


We had a couple of Stella's and glasses of Prosecco while I caught up on Facebook and messaged our girls



The time flew by. Our plane, Hot Lips, was at gate 212, which seemed a rather small gate for such a busy flight. Boarding had already began when we got there and by 10.40am everyone was onboard. We pulled away a little early (10.55)


We had pre-booked our seats, row 25, which is at the beginning of Economy, and they were great. Lots of legroom, no-one reclining their chair in front, though Paul said the seats were a little snug. It worked out great as no-one was sitting next to him

Very quickly the drinks were brought round, along with those amazing pretzels (I could eat my body weight in those lovelies lol)


Next, lunch was served, I had the vegetarian pasta dish, and Paul had the butter chicken. We both said we enjoyed it. I left my salad, bread roll and Gu Pud, though I did enjoy the Boursin cheese on crackers




Once dinner was cleared, I settled down to watch a movie, San Andreas, which I had seen before and enjoyed. Then I watched American Sniper, which I hadn't seen before but thought was good, and during it we were served a Fab ice lolly


A short while later, an afternoon tea was served. I had cheese wraps and Paul had chicken which came with a bag of crisps and a mini caramel shortbread, then I watched my final film, the live Cinderella movie, which was really cute


We landed just before 3pm and joined the line in Immigration. We both had new passports and ESTA's, so weren't surprised that once using the machines, we both had an X through our photo, we were just surprised at how many people had to join the line, it seemed to take ages. Anyway once through Immigration, we grabbed our luggage and took the monorail over to the main terminal

We chose our rental car at Alamo, and were driving away by 4.15. 20 minutes later we arrived at Portofino Bay. I love this resort, it is so picturesque. We had paid for a King Bay View room, and I had got my hopes up for a room over looking the harbour, sadly we had a room at the far end. Don't get me wrong, the room was lovely, but considering how expensive it was, I think my expectations were a little too high

We arrived at our room for the next two nights and started emptying our cases, where we found our safe wasn't working. Someone came to check it over, but it was broken. I was hoping they'd move us, but as there wasn't any rooms available till the next day, we had to make do with taking our cash, passports etc to a safety deposit box at reception (not a great start)





Anyway, after dropping our belongings off, we took the water taxi over to City Walk. We were both flagging, so decided to stop for dinner at Bubba Gump's. We started with a couple of Starboard Sunrise cocktails along with onion strings and garlic bread. Then for our mains, Paul had fish & chips and I had a cheeseburger and fries. All the food was lovely, and there was so much of it, you sometimes forget the size of American portions







We had another cocktail each, and did a Bubba Gump quiz with our fun waiter, and our bill was $100 with tip
We wandered around City Walk, pooping into Quiet Flight and Hard Rock shop then strolled back to our room taking photos along the way






We were shattered by now and we probably ended up out for the count by 8.30pm

Tomorrow ~ Lots of Harry Potter !!!
Great start Mandy, sorry that you were a bit disappointed with the location of your room. And shame the safe wasn't working. Looking forward to more, I can't wait to get back and see the new Diagon Alley area again in April.
Taking this off the other post - not sure if you have a duplicate or if you are doing a separate one for each day and adding to it?
I have been (not) patiently waiting for you to start! :sail: High seas adventures - can't wait to hear all about it!! :beach:

So...Wow! How on earth do cram all those shoes in?? I need to take packing lessons from you evidently! Very nicely done indeed.

The cocktail count is looking good - and delicious. Shame about the room - I hate it when things don't work out the way I had it all nicely planned in my tiny little mind! ha ha o_O
Great start Mandy, sorry that you were a bit disappointed with the location of your room. And shame the safe wasn't working. Looking forward to more, I can't wait to get back and see the new Diagon Alley area again in April.

We loved the new Diagon Alley area Joh, the theming is so good :)

Taking this off the other post - not sure if you have a duplicate or if you are doing a separate one for each day and adding to it?
I have been (not) patiently waiting for you to start! :sail: High seas adventures - can't wait to hear all about it!! :beach:

So...Wow! How on earth do cram all those shoes in?? I need to take packing lessons from you evidently! Very nicely done indeed.

The cocktail count is looking good - and delicious. Shame about the room - I hate it when things don't work out the way I had it all nicely planned in my tiny little mind! ha ha o_O

Sorry about the confusion Jenny, I had accidently posted it twice, I can't get used to the new layout of the DIS

Thankfully we take an extra case with us, so when Paul fills half of it with his camera stuff, I fill the rest with my shoes :rotfl2:

Great post - doesn't seem long since your last trip :) looking forward to the rest of your reviews.

Thanks hun :)
Friday 11th September

I was wide awake at 4.30am after a lovely sleep (this bed is so comfortable), so I caught up with my trippy.

We got up around 6.30am, and after getting ready we had a relaxing latte (and choc chip cookie for Paul) from Starbucks at the hotel and lazily watched the sun rise


Around 7.30 we took the water taxi to City Walk and joined the short line for the early opening for on-site guests at Islands of Adventure

Only Harry Potter Land was open, and I was so excited as the last time we were here was the opening of this land 5 years ago, where it was rammed and we lined up for 5 1/2 hours around the park to get in and we weren't able to ride anything as it was soooo busy





First stop was Harry Potter & the Forbidden Journey, well we loved this, so we rode it again, the theming was great, even in the queuing area

Next stop was Dragon Challenge, or Duelling Dragons as we remembered it. Not sure if they now have names for each side like they used to, but we rode the old Fire side first, then took the re-ride exit to ride the Ice side

After taking photos around Hogsmeade, we then took the Hogwarts Express to Diagon Alley over at Universal Studios. Again the theming was brilliant. We rode Escape from Gringotts which was good and took photos around Diagon Alley and outside where the Knight Bus was









Next we had another first, we rode Rip, Ride, Rock-it. At first we were lined up to ride the front of the ride, but thankfully I asked a couple of girls behind us if they'd like to swap, and apologised to them for the amount of screaming and perhaps swearing I may do

Now I love rollercoasters, though sadly my favourite ride, The Hulk had closed for refurb a few days earlier, but this scared the pants off me. I really didn't like not having an over the shoulder harness, and I really didn't like the vertical rise and drop. If there had been a swear box there, I would've filled it (lol), at least K C & the Sunshine Band helped distract me. I was so relieved when Paul said he didn't want to ride it again

We wandered around the park, shopping, taking pics and riding The Mummy. It was just after 11 and I was ready for some food, so we headed back to Diagon Alley and had a delicious Cottage Pie for me and a Beef, Lamb & Guiness Stew for Paul at the Leaky Cauldron



We took the Hogwarts Express back to Hogsmeade, which had a different 'view' on the way back



Back at IOA, we wandered over to the Jurassic Park River Adventure. Thankfully we didn't get too wet, though by now it was very hot, into the mid 90's


We exited the park and grabbed a couple of drinks to cool down at the Margaritaville Lone Palm bar, a Bahama Mama for me and a beer for Paul


We took the water taxi back to Portofino Bay and decided to have a short sit out by the pool, we didn't last long though as it was so hot and there was no breeze

After a quick shower to drove down to Wal-Mart to get the usual essentials, sun tan lotion, water etc. Our next stop was the Mall at Millenia. We didn't buy much. Paul just treated himself to an Apple watch

Coming to the Mall at Millenia hadn't really been on our list of things to do today, and normally when we come here we eat at the Cheesecake Factory, and I always have the Shepherds Pie, but I'd already had a Cottage Pie this morning ...... Oh decisions, decisions !!! I know if I'd chosen anything else, I would've regretted it, so Shepherds Pie it was, and with a delicious Mai Tai too, which made a nice change as when we usually have lunch, I normally have a diet coke, but as it was a lot later in the day, something alcoholic was called for (lol). Paul had a Club Sandwich with fries, which he enjoyed, then we finished off by sharing a Mango, Key Lime Cheesecake. It all came to just under $80 before tip and we were so pleased we decided to eat here





Once back at the hotel, we chilled for a while and chatted to our girls on Whatsapp, then took the water taxi back to City Walk, where we sat at the Lone Palm for an hour or so sipping frozen cocktails, a perfect end to a perfect day

Tomorrow ~ Boarding the Disney Fantasy, Woohoo !!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who really doesn't like Rip Ride Rockit, it frightens me to death and I normally love roller coasters. I just feel completely unsafe.
Another great day. Perfect amount of fun, food and beverages. :thumbsup2 We need to get to Universal one day, we've never been! I'm not a fan of anything that has a drop (don't do ToT) and so I'm a big wimp about most rollercoasters. I love RnRC but not a big fan of Splash Mountain - it's the drops. :cool: I like my tummy where it is, thankyouverymuch! Looking forward to sailaway although I will hang my head in shame that I missed it both times!!!! :oops:
Looking forward to the rest of your report. I wish I was going to Universal.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who really doesn't like Rip Ride Rockit, it frightens me to death and I normally love roller coasters. I just feel completely unsafe.

That's how I felt Joh, I'm sure I would've enjoyed it more if there were over the shoulder restraints ::yes:: Thank goodness there were no small children riding that morning, they would've heard a few choice words :rotfl:

Another great day. Perfect amount of fun, food and beverages. :thumbsup2 We need to get to Universal one day, we've never been! I'm not a fan of anything that has a drop (don't do ToT) and so I'm a big wimp about most rollercoasters. I love RnRC but not a big fan of Splash Mountain - it's the drops. :cool: I like my tummy where it is, thankyouverymuch! Looking forward to sailaway although I will hang my head in shame that I missed it both times!!!! :oops:

The Harry Potter lands are worth going to US/IOA on their own, they're amazing .. cruise day coming up :sail:

Looking forward to the rest of your report. I wish I was going to Universal.

Thanks for reading along Claire :wave2:
Saturday 12th September

I was awake at silly o'clock again, and once my brain kicked in and I realised I was getting on the Disney Fantasy this morning, I had no hope of getting back to sleep

I caught up with my trip report, messaged the girls and had a shower. We packed the few things we had used over the last few days, and went to reception to retrieve our belongings from the safety deposit box and checked out. We were on the road and on our way to PortCanaveral by 7.30am

The journey was uneventful and we arrived at Cocoa Beach within a hour. First stop was McDonalds for sausage & egg McMuffins, then we called into Ron Jon's Surf Shop, where for the first time ever I didn't buy a new top (what I hear you cry ???)

We drove up near the port to take some photos, then took the car back to Enterprise. Now the hire company run complimentary buses to the terminal, but there was quite a few people waiting, and some seemed quite agitated that the shuttles didn't start till 10.30 and were still bringing people back who had just disembarked, so Paul went to the desk and asked them to call a cab for us. The shuttles began loading for the port, but it was so worth the $20 to get there in a spacious cab rather than being squashed onto the shuttle bus



We arrived at the port around 10.40 and as there was a long line to get into the terminal at the main entrance, so we joined the slightly shorter line upstairs at the car park entrance. Moments later we went through the metal detector and headed to the Platinum/Concierge check-in where there was no line

We took a few photos outside on the balcony and boarding began around 11.20. As we are Platinum Castaway members, we were boarding #1, so it wasn't long till we were welcomed back onboard with a 'Welcome aboard the Disney Fantasy, the Martindale family






As always, our first stop was Cabanas for a little lunch. We then headed up to Deck 13 for a sunbathe, though before settling down I had to buy our first Bahama Mama of the cruise


It was a cloudy day, which suited us fine, and other than some pesky love bugs around, we enjoyed an hour or so just chilling and having another Bahama Mama and I got the DCL app to work (love this)


Around 2pm we went to see if our room was ready, though none of our luggage had arrived, we had received our Castaway Club gifts, a lovely bag and photo album. After a short chill, I put my Olaf magnet on our door then we went off to explore. First we popped down to Europa to see if we could find any of the bar staff we had met last year, and we found Andrae in O"Gill's, and after a big hug he explained that he would normally be found at the Preludes bar, so not sure we'd see much of him






After wandering around, we ended up at the Cove Bar where we found Katy from England who we'd met last year. I asked her for some help as I was struggling with fruity drinks, but wanted something with rum in it. She made me something with crushed limes, dark rum, something else and ginger ale, it was lovely, then on the next one she subtitled the ale for coke and that was even nicer, I think this may be my drink of the cruise :)



It was time for the mandatory drill at 4pm, and our meet place was the Walt Disney Theatre. It's so nice having to be inside for these drills, though in a real emergency, you will find me as close to the lifeboats I can possibly be ;)

After the drill we popped back to the room to get our England flag for sailaway. It had been raining while the drill was on, so the sailaway party was being held indoors in Decks 3 & 4. The rain had stopped, so we headed to the top deck. Although the ship is due to pull out at 5, recently it had been leaving anything up to 1/2 an hour early. As it got closer to 5 we saw a DCL bus pull up and 2 passengers legged it into the terminal, moments later we pulled away

Our girls said the Port Canaveral webcam had followed us for a while as there hadn't been that many people on top deck. It began to rain again, so the flag came in handy keeping me dry, and when the rain got too hard we had a wander around the shops and put some money on our room account



Dinner tonight was at the Enchanted Garden. Our rotation for this cruise was ERAERAE

(E=Enchanted Garden, R=Royal Court, A=Animators Palette). After showering and getting dressed we went down to the Bon Voyage bar where I had a glass of wine and Paul had a Stella



We went down to Deck 3 and joined the line to enter the Enchanted Garden, then we were shown to our table where we met our tablemates, two other couples (Anna & Alex from Canada, and Penny & Bob from the US)

Service tonight was very slow. Gabi from Hungary was our assistant server, not sure if she was new, but it was 1/2 an hour before our drinks order was taken. The food was lovely. We both had tomato soup to start, then Paul had the sea bass and I had the chicken. It was nearing 10pm when we got our desserts, sweet temptations for me and strawberry cheesecake for Paul, and to be honest it was all too slow, but we'll see what happens tomorrow night, as it could just be first night madness

After dinner we had one last drink at Bon Voyage and by 10.30pm I was shattered, I think the early mornings had caught up with me

I'm sure I fell straight to sleep, and other than a short time later a 'Bright Star, Bright Star' alert went off (I hope the person this concerned is ok), I slept like a log


Tomorrow ~ Day at Sea, Palo Brunch, Mixology Class
It's a great photo of you in your bikini Mandy - you look really slim! I was gutted to miss you sailing away - I set my alarm to remind me and set it for 4:30 pm my time not even thinking about the hour difference. :crazy2: It looked overcast but I didn't realize it had actually rained. It all looks like another lovely cruise in the making and Palo brunch coming up, so I know I have some good food photos to look forward to. :thumbsup2
It's a great photo of you in your bikini Mandy - you look really slim! I was gutted to miss you sailing away - I set my alarm to remind me and set it for 4:30 pm my time not even thinking about the hour difference. :crazy2: It looked overcast but I didn't realize it had actually rained. It all looks like another lovely cruise in the making and Palo brunch coming up, so I know I have some good food photos to look forward to. :thumbsup2

Thanks Jenny, but you were supposed to notice the Bahama Mamas, not the bikini :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Sunday 13th September


I woke around 7.20am and I had slept really well. Paul woke shortly after, so we got up for a fast walk around the running track. I set off a bit quicker than Paul, and after 3 laps I waited for him to catch up, then we strolled around for another 2 laps (2 1/2 laps = 1 mile)

It was a lovely morning, with a good breeze, so it made the walk bearable. We then headed back to our room. Our room host Valentino, or 'The Doctor'as we called him, (sorry you'll probably only get that if you're a Moto GP fan) had already been in to sort our room out, bless him he had stopped us on our way out for a walk to ask us if we had slept well and if we needed anything then had quickly sorted our room out

First stop for me was my first skinny latte of the cruise from the Cove Cafe. Paul went to grab some fruit and a croissant and some orange juice from Cabanas, and when he had finished his breakfast we headed up to Deck 13 for a sunbathe


It was lovely lying out with such a breeze, we lasted a good hour and a half before returning to our room to get showered and ready for our Palo Brunch at midday

We checked in at the Palo/Remy podium, and sat briefly in the Meridian Lounge before Marie, our server showed us to our table. Our table was right by the window and it was a lovely view to have while enjoying our brunch




First Marie brought us some water with a slice of lemon, then we ordered a Mimosa each. Marie then showed us around the lovely tables of food which included pizzas, breads, fruit, seafood, hams, cheeses, hot food (to order later) and last but not least the desserts








A server asked us to choose what we wanted from the various tables and put them on our plates


After our delicious buffet we chose our next course. I had the spicy sausage pizza and Paul had Eggs Julia


We ordered another Mimosa and chose our next course, beef tenderloin for me and lasagne for Paul


We then had a cup of English breakfast tea before choosing our desserts


Our Palo Brunch had been lovely. We never felt rushed and had plenty of time between courses and as always the food was delicious. We thanked Marie, who informed us she would be our server on Thursday for dinner, then we headed back to our room to chill before our Facebook group Mixology class

We arrived at the Meridian Lounge just before 3pm and it started 10 minutes later due to a few latecomers, sadly (or maybe not), our host made sure the class still finished the class by 4pm, and we all knocked back 5 cocktails each. As ever the class was lots of fun. We chatted to a few of the people we'd been talking to on Facebook over the last few months, and Bob & Penny, our tablemates were there too










After chilling in our room for a while, we went back out onto top deck for a sunbathe. It was still windy and warm, just perfect ! Then after an hour or so, we went down to the Cove Bar for a couple of drinkies with Katy

It was then time to head back to our room to get ready for Formal Night. We grabbed a few free cocktails at the Captain's Gala, then had a glass of wine to take into dinner, which tonight was in the Royal Court




Paul and I both had the leek & potato soup to start, then we both had the chateaubriand, and for dessert we had the apple tart. The food was very tasty, the main could've just done with being a bit hotter

After dinner we changed into something more comfortable, and shoes I could actually walk in (lol) and went to The Tube to see Sammy who we had met on previous cruises. There were a guys v girls game going on, then everyone left to watch the magician show. We stayed put, then a 80's/90's disco started. We had a few cocktails and lasted out till 1am before heading to bed


Tomorrow ~ Another Day at Sea
I could just feel that breeze up on the deck by looking at the photo, it sounds like a wonderful day and beautiful weather. Good job on getting the walk in first. I need to do better next cruise on that front. Were there many people in the Tube? We've found our last couple of cruises that we are the only ones left by midnight. Not that that stops us. :-)

I noticed the bikini because it looked very cute, the Bahama Mama's were a given, it was just a matter of time before they made their appearance. :drinking1 The little meringuey thingys from Palo look delicious!
I could just feel that breeze up on the deck by looking at the photo, it sounds like a wonderful day and beautiful weather. Good job on getting the walk in first. I need to do better next cruise on that front. Were there many people in the Tube? We've found our last couple of cruises that we are the only ones left by midnight. Not that that stops us. :-)

I noticed the bikini because it looked very cute, the Bahama Mama's were a given, it was just a matter of time before they made their appearance. :drinking1 The little meringuey thingys from Palo look delicious!

Yes the Tube was always popular Jenny, though it would empty out if there was a show on elsewhere, but then people would head back after :)
Monday 14th September


We slept in till 8.30am, and even after our few drinkies last night, we felt ok to go for 5 laps around the running track again

After our exercise effort we got changed into our swimwear and Paul went off to get a bit of breakfast and I had my skinny latte

We found some loungers on Deck 13 and enjoyed an hour or so sunbathing, even though it was really windy

I had a quick shower and we went to get some lunch at Cabanas. We had some rib-eye steak, veggies and sweet mash potato, it was all nice. Paul then grabbed some ice cream from Eye Scream and I had a bag of BBQ Lays

We chilled in our room for a little while and I chatted to our girls back home, but then I came over a little peculiar, I just didn't feel right. I felt achy, and that I could be sick. I had a couple of Nurofen and Rennie, and lay down for a while. There was a Halloween party for the kids in the atrium at 3pm, so I made myself get up. I had a latte from the Vista Cafe in some kind of hope that I'd feel better. After the party we went back up on top deck to sunbathe for a little while, and I had a bit of a nap. When I woke up I felt much better, and a little hungry, so I had a couple of slices of bbq chicken pizza (yum!!)





As I felt ok I thought I'd brave the first cocktail of the day, which turned into 3 as we sat chatting with some other guests

We went back to our room to get ready for dinner. Tonight's dinner was in Animator's Palete, and it was the Crush show, where Crush from Finding Nemo interacts with the guests from screens around the restaurant. It's lots of fun, especially when he chats with the kids




At one point the ship began to shudder, and we found out that we had arrived at San Juan due to a medical emergency. Our server said it had been the person who'd had the Bright Star alert the other night. I hope they're ok

The service tonight was a lot better, and the food was nice and hot. I has the butternut squash soup and Paul had the tuna starter. For our mains I had beef and Paul had the veal chop and to finish off we both had the cookies & cream sundae. It was all very nice, and to round off the meal, Melwin the trainee server did some magic tricks with a deck of cards

We wandered over to the Skyline Lounge as we wanted to see Julian who was working there this week. I had a Londinium cocktail and Paul had a Paris 75 and Julian talked us into doing another Mixology class later in the week, we then popped into The Tube where a 'Halloween isn't just for kids party' had just started. People had been chosen for the different catagories, and we had to clap for who we wanted to win. It was lots of fun and we finished off the night with a few cocktails




Tomorrow ~ St. Maarten
We really enjoyed our Halloween at Sea cruise. Of course we dressed up :wizard: and acted silly. :goodvibes Sorry you didn't feel well, but thankfully it didn't last long. I always have a day when my body tells me that I really am just shoveling in too much food and drink - but I ignore it and carry on with the help of anti-acids - ha ha! Never surrender! :thumbsup2 I see you didn't drink your entire passport in one sitting. Slacker. :rotfl:


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