Marathon Weekend 2017, and so it begins!!!!

Kris - The course for the half seems to be a combo of other races and going past McDonald's has me considering for next year. Kathy saw on FB that someone pulled off the course and went to McD's for Egg McMuffins. Good going on your wanting to do the century rides. Just another bike ride for me as far as miles since I really enjoy the biking.

We have our Relay For Life this Friday/Saturday. I'm hoping to walk 33 miles thru the night but weather forecast is for thunder showers. :sad2:
Glad you Early Sign-up folks got signed up (John) or have time to decide (Kris). (Early signup is available to AP holders, DVC members, and/or other categories). Me, I have to wait for the General Public signup (although I don't think there will be a rush for the Full) next week.

I'm also scouting other marathons for after the Disney. As Kris said, training for the Full takes some commitment (more than the Half) so once I do the Full at WDW, I want to take advantage of it. So I have tentatively looked at the Big Beach Marathon at Gulf Shores 3 weeks after Disney, then I have my local Mercedes Marathon 2 weeks after that, and close out with my hometown Half in Tuscaloosa in early March (they don't offer a Full).

Going back to Gulf Shores and staying at the State Park CAN'T be a bad thing. :beach:

Bama Ed
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Bama Ed - Looks like Big Beach has a bit of out/back overlap for the Full. Wondering why they just couldn't make it a double for the full. Be online at noon for Mickey and go for your double!

McFlurry John
Registered for the Full.

Kinda nervous now. Training program from Jeff Galloway starts me at the beginning of July. What FUN. (not).

Gonna lean on you guys, John and Kris.

Bama Ed

EDIT: 23 minutes after opening, the 10K and 5K are showing "ON HOLD" status meaning that the people currently in the process of registration will fill it up. That was quick.

I checked the screen late. Doing the math on other time stamps that said the same, they were on hold after 19 minutes. CRAZY.
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Hit that register button exactly at 12 noon. Was in line til 12:09 and was registered by 12:18!
My 2nd 10k at Disney World...this is getting old. (not)
Hit that register button exactly at 12 noon. Was in line til 12:09 and was registered by 12:18!
My 2nd 10k at Disney World...this is getting old. (not)

Glad you made it in, FortWildernessCamper. I like the 10k route they had last year that went around by the Swan and Dolphin.

The registration process with the little green man and instructions went very smoothly for me (doing the Full but I don't think there was very much of rush for that race.) For the 5k and 10k, it looks like you had to be ready when registration went live like you were.

See you in January!

Bama Ed
ALL RIGHT ALL!!!! Been waiting for the updates after the bewitching noon hour today. Welcome to Marathon Weekend 2017.

I walked in our local Venice Relay For Life last Friday 7PM to Saturday 7AM. Completed my goal of half my age this year and I am dearly paying for it with super hurting knees. It was a long night, a humid night and 200+ laps of making sure I didn't trip and fall. Pretty sure that next year I'll just go out and bicycle around town for 100+ miles since it will be A LOT LESS TAXING.

BTW, I managed to complete 33 miles with knees strapped up, compression sleeves for calves and compression shorts under the walking shorts. Wasn't fast, wasn't pretty but it was AWESOME!!!!

McFlurry John
Nice job John.

Ft wilderness ca, congrats on the 10k.

Bert and I are in for the Half. I just could not commit right now to the full. I have done it straight since 2008. We may volunteer but we will definitely be cheering.

Bama Ed might join you for another more local full. Will see in a few months if I want to train.

Let's keep the updates coming!
Half Marathon is now showing sold out right at 24 hours.
Time to give this thread a bump.

My Marathon training program (I will be following the Jeff Galloway/RunDisney Beginner's Marathon Training Program) begins this Tuesday with a little 30 minute warmup run. I have mapped out some 3-5-7-9 mile routes around my house using (also comes up under Shoes, shirts, shorts, footies, all washed and ready. I'm a morning runner so I'll be up around 5:00-5:15am turn roll out on my runs and get them over with.

My 180+10 ADR date is coming up in a week and a half and I'm considering where to have that Sunday evening celebration dinner (that is if John McFlurry or Garneska haven't been called upon to identify my body). I need a non-park restaurant and I have enjoyed Raglan Road the last two trips (it was my celebration restaurant when I did the Half in 2015) but I want to try someplace new. I think I am going to schedule Trails End for breakfast on arrival day so that takes it sorta off the table. And I liked the evening vibe at Disney Springs especially with the running crowd 2 years ago. So I am open to suggestions at Disney Springs. The only places over there I've eaten at in the last 10 years is Raglan Road, Earl of Sandwich (no), and Rainforest Cafe (hell no). Given they have built lots of new places over there, if any one has tried new ones I'd like to hear about them.

I have also mapped out a 5k route at Fort Wilderness. Basically, run the big figure-8 configuration of Fort Wilderness Trail, Big Pine Trail and Peacock Pass (through the cabin loops) and add in running through 1500 and 2000 (the two Tent loops). It's a good route because folks can walk out to the entrance to their loop no matter which one they are in and pick it up and cover it. Another favorite I have (5k) from the 100/200 entrance down to Wilderness Lodge, the TTC, under the waterway past the Contemporary, around to the WDW entrance, back to the Contemporary and down towards the backside/pool/dock side. Walk to the pier and catch a relaxing boat ride back to the Fort.

Anyway, time to get this started. :tiptoe:

Bama Ed
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Bama Ed - keep on running, keep on running. Just don't over do it. Can't help out on the chow-down places since we are really home bodies when it comes to eating due to the motor home.
Well Bama Ed if you are looking at Disney Springs, you could try STK. we really enjoyed Morimotos. Wow ADRs are coming up. Guess I better start deciding where to go. I have been training. We have a huge local 10k, the largest 10k in the USA, on July 4. Thanks to the good time at Myrtle Beach Half, we are in a good coral, I have been working on speed so hoping for a big PR. Also training on the bike. Planning a century ride Sep 10. We just did a metric century 2 weeks ago. Also planning on two sprint triathlons. Guess I have a lot planned. Good training to all.
The evening after the 2016 World 10K DH and I ate at House of Blues. DH had their bacon burger and said it was the best he has had in a while. I had the cheese quesadea, sweet potatoe fries and lots of water. We like the food and atmosphere there.

Just got my gps tracker and mostly doing 3 mile runs. When we get to Florida in October I will start doing 5 miles on a bike trail. My DH (who has had two hip replacements) rides his bike back and forth checking on my progress. Such good exercise for both of us.
You-all are doing so well in preparation for the BIG WEEKEND in January. As for me, on Wednesday my knee x-rays and shoulder MRI will be delivered to a N.Y. Giants ortho doc by my BIL when he goes in for a post knee surgery check-up. Maybe a pro-team ortho can see something that can be done to resolve my issues that will bring back the pavement pounding enjoyment. No problem with the bicycling which is good. Next Saturday I have 135 miles for my 66th birthday ride, 2 weeks later a 100 mile memorial ride then prepare for Six Gap Hundred, Horrible Hundred, 12/24 Hours of Sebring Bike Race shooting for 300+ miles then another Cross Florida 170 miler to complete my Grand Slam Bike Event.

Keep it moving all!

Hoping another McFlurry John :scared:
Well Bama Ed if you are looking at Disney Springs, you could try STK.

Kris, what is STK? I am not familiar with that acronym and it didn't make sense looking at the places in Disney Springs (the menus on the DIS). I really am trying to pick up new ideas and places.

Thanks, Ed
STK will be new at Disney springs. I thought it opened already but I could be wrong. It's a steak place. There is one in Atlanta but we have not eaten there yet. It is in midtown so I am sure we will try it in Atlanta before we make it back to Disney.

John, is the six gap hundred the same six gap I have heard of in north Georgia? I am planning two sprint triathlons. I am considering the half IM in Augusta but with work I don't think I can do it till August 2018. Plus it fills up quick so I have to decide by August 2017 if I want to do it.
Kris- Yes, Six Gap starts in Dahlonega and hits the six high peaks with 11,000+ total feet of climbing in the 103 miles of riding. Lots of those IM fulls and halves fill quickly. Have to jump on it early and plan the training
John, my friend who also does IM and half IM did 3 of the six gaps for training. I hear it is tough. Good luck!
Okay, Kris. When I was reading the DIS Restaurants Board I saw another reference to STK at Disney Springs. I had checked the DIS Menus section and STK is not listed (yet) but found a review from earlier this month on easywdw that is pretty funny.

I'm more of a Big Texan 36 oz Ribeye guy myself. Hate the concept of paying for side dishes separately.

I've narrowed it down to Paradiso37, Portobello, or Raglan. (Mexican, Italian, or Irish). Will let my DD review the menus this weekend and let her make her recommendation.

Training started yesterday.

That is all.

Bama Ed


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