Marathon Weekend 2018

Judging by comments on this thread, I assuming Disney does not post which characters are on the coarse and where? Are there any that have been consistently over the last few years for the half? Just trying to plan out the stops. And also, why doesn't Disney post where characters will be?

Consistently? The first that come to mind are Wreck-It Ralph and Vanellope & Jack and Sally ... both sets were in the TTC parking lot en route to the Magic Kingdom. And then Mary Poppins, Burt and some Penguins always seem to be at the Grand Floridian at the end of Cone Alley.
Judging by comments on this thread, I assuming Disney does not post which characters are on the coarse and where? Are there any that have been consistently over the last few years for the half? Just trying to plan out the stops. And also, why doesn't Disney post where characters will be?

Correct they don't post them. Your guess is as good as mine for why they don't post them. I've only run the half once, so my memory is not as good on it as it is for the marathon, but often the characters are the same up to and through MK.

They've often had a Pirates set up around mile 2 or so. Nightmare Before Christmas often somewhere in here as well. There has been a Wreck it Ralph set up more than once around the MK parking lot I think. Sometimes Buzz Lightyear in Tomorrowland. Alice Characters around the teacups. The mime from Tangled near Peter Pan I think a couple of times. They used to have Royal Donald outside the castle in years past but they haven't done that for the last two years I don't think. :( There's usually a character around Country Bear I think. It's been the Country Bears and maybe Woody and Jess before as well. Leaving MK through the backstage area there is usually a Prince/Princess set up. I've seen Cinderella/Charming and we got Flynn Ryder and Rapunzel there. Aurora/Philip I think I've seen as well.

That's where I get foggy on how the half route goes as compared to the full.
I can't remember where I read it, here or on a different running blog, but it was about a dead last start challenge. Basically it is starting with the Balloon Ladies and seeing how many 'kills' you can collect during the race. It sounded pretty interesting and for those that have been incorrectly corralled it may be a way to make your race a little more interesting. If I can find the blog again I will post it.
I was thinking about this last night. As I am stuck in the last corral and plan on running 10:20 min/mile, I was thinking of playing some sort of game with myself to see how many people I can pass. If anything, it will make me feel like a badass and grow my confidence throughout the race.
Sorry I haven't been able to follow your entre thread about corral placement, but suffice it to say, I'm nearly in the same boat as you. I was placed in Corral G even though I supplied a POT that would have placed me in Corral E. You're faster than me. I'm about 2:20 for a HM. Trackshack told me today that, if you use a 10 miler or HM for your POT, they add anywhere from 0:30 to 1:00/mile to your POT to account for the longer mileage of a marathon that will slow you down. Huh?

My question to them....what's the purpose of requiring a POT submission if you're not going to honor it"? They didn't answer me. In any event although I don't know you're story as to why you were placced in the last corral, there may be hope yet that you can be repositioned to a higher corral. Use this link to go to a site that explains the different ways you might be able to move up. I'm already resigned to having option 4 as my last resort and will have to wait until I get to runner relations to see if they will accomodate me. Good luck! Hopefully, youll be accomodated.
I have emailed Track Shack and called them. All they told me was "Proof of time is a general recommendation, but does not guarantee you a specific corral.". So essentially they told me proof of time is pointless. Which doesn't make sense. I think my best bet will be to talk with runner relations at the Expo and see if they will accomodate. If not, at least I tried.
Regarding characters, for the marathon the past few years I have seen Captain Jack Sparrow & Barbossa at mile 2.5 and/or mile 6 or 9.
They had a pirate ship in the median at 2.5 or at mile 6 as you exit MK into the back lot.

Jack Skellington & Sally are almost always at mile 3.8-ish, and ALWAYS a long line for pics.
The Haunted Mansion Gravediggers and cemetery have been at mile 14.8 - 15 the past few years.

I used to see Mike & Sully of Monsters Inc. at HS, but the HS course is shorter this year so?
You might catch Belle & Beast in France at mile 25 and Snow White in Germany?

These are just off the top of my head, someone likely has a more comprehensive list.
Regarding characters, for the marathon the past few years I have seen Captain Jack Sparrow & Barbossa at mile 2.5 and/or mile 6 or 9.
They had a pirate ship in the median at 2.5 or at mile 6 as you exit MK into the back lot.

Jack Skellington & Sally are almost always at mile 3.8-ish, and ALWAYS a long line for pics.
The Haunted Mansion Gravediggers and cemetery have been at mile 14.8 - 15 the past few years.

I used to see Mike & Sully of Monsters Inc. at HS, but the HS course is shorter this year so?
You might catch Belle & Beast in France at mile 25 and Snow White in Germany?

These are just off the top of my head, someone likely has a more comprehensive list.
This is probably a topic for another day, but am I the only one that doesn't like characters that are not in costumes? When I see Jack Sparrow, I just think "that's just some dude wearing a pirate costume" whereas when I see Sully I'm like "OH MY GOD THAT'S SULLY!"
Speaking of Characters...I saw our 2 resident bald eagles fly over head when I was running today which reminded me I really really want to stop for an animal picture at Animal Kingdom (never have before)....
but can't remember are they usually set up before or after entering AK, I think it's before entering but it's been 2 yrs so my mind could be totally wrong. Thanks!
Speaking of Characters...I saw our 2 resident bald eagles fly over head when I was running today which reminded me I really really want to stop for an animal picture at Animal Kingdom (never have before)....
but can't remember are they usually set up before or after entering AK, I think it's before entering but it's been 2 yrs so my mind could be totally wrong. Thanks!

They have been as you enter AK in the assortment of races I've done.
Speaking of Characters...I saw our 2 resident bald eagles fly over head when I was running today which reminded me I really really want to stop for an animal picture at Animal Kingdom (never have before)....
but can't remember are they usually set up before or after entering AK, I think it's before entering but it's been 2 yrs so my mind could be totally wrong. Thanks!

I have photos of me in front of Dinoland. Can't speak to the beginning of the park. Pretty sure there's a photog by Finding Nemo The Musical, too.
Race - 5K
Name (optional) - Jacque
DIS Name - Tigger536
Costume -101 Dalmatians with the Dalmatian Group- "Princess"
Corral - B
Planning to attend the Pre-race Meetup? - no
Front, Middle, or Back of the corral - Middle
Expected Pace: 9:00- 9:30 in between character stops; stopping for all pictures

Race - 10K
Name (optional) - Jacque
DIS Name - Tigger536
Costume - David S. Pumpkins (with two friends as the beat boy skeletons)
Corral - B
Planning to attend the Pre-race Meetup? - no
Front, Middle, or Back of the corral - Front
Expected Pace: 9:00- 9:30 in between character stops; stopping for all pictures

Race - Half
Name (optional) - Jacque
DIS Name - Tigger536
Costume - Scrooge McDuck!
Corral - C
Planning to attend the Pre-race Meetup? - no
Front, Middle, or Back of the corral - Middle
Expected Pace: 10:00 in between character stops; stopping for all pictures

Race - Full
Name (optional) - Jacque
DIS Name - Tigger536
Costume - Flash from Zootopia
Corral - C
Planning to attend the Pre-race Meetup? - maybe
Front, Middle, or Back of the corral - Middle
Expected Pace: 10:30 in between character stops; stopping for all pictures/ multiple cocktails/ rides
Anyone else in the midst of their Dopey Sim or did theirs last weekend? I'm curious about your experience with it and how you feel it helped you.
I'm 2 days into my final Dopey sim - I think I've done 3 before this? 4? It's all sort of blending together at this point, lol! Anyway, this final one is 3/5.5/11-12/20-22, but I'll cut that 22 short if it gets too hot: things are warming up quickly here in FL now that our last cold front is gone. I did the same sequence of sims last year and felt it totally prepared me for Dopey!
I've decided that my strategy will be sort of a weird mostly walking slow 5K, 10K, and Half where I go for a maximum amount of time and just try to enjoy the course, pictures, and barely beat the balloons. And then I'm going to save myself for the Full and enjoy running it :)
That's pretty much my strategy. I goof off with friends for the 5K and we take f o r e v e r with walking and stopping. I pick it up for the first section of the 10K so I can bank time for plenty of stops later in the race: the first few miles are pretty empty, and I don't like how character pics turn out in the dark, so I skip the couple that are there. My half was canceled last year, bu on our DIY version we stopped plenty of times for silly pics, just as I would in the official race. Marathon day I felt good - totally ready to handle the distance. I picked up the pace and put in a solid effort, though I still stopped for a few pics along the way.

I haven't started from the very last corral, but pretty far back... in my experience, the first few character stops tend to have long lines, but once out of MK the lines seem to get shorter and shorter, with practically no wait in WWOS, DHS, or EP. MK is hit or miss: really popular ones have crazy waits - like Mickey/Minnie or the royal couples - but I've had short waits for characters like the Tweedles or Woody.

Can I have some insight on the Castle backlog in the half marathon? My son has been placed in Corral E for the half, and I am running with him. Around what time do you think the castle will get that traffic jam that I have seen photos/videos of?
I have never experienced the kind of traffic jam I've seen in photos - let me see if I can work out timing...
I started in K in 2015, a little after 6am... still dark in the TTC parking lot... but light by the time I was in MK... sunrise would have been about 7:20. So figure I was at the castle around 7:30ish? People I know personally who did experience the traffic jam at WDW half or PHM were in the last corral, so I suspect it occurs later. For me, it was tight, but moving; NOT a total standstill.

Does anyone know how the waves within a corral situation works? I think from what I heard about wine and dine they had multiple starts per corral.
Yep, for Dark Side and W&D this year they did the waves for the half. I think A-C had no waves - they started with D or E. The largest corrals had the most waves: 7,000 people in DS F = 6 waves, 6,000 people in W&D F = 3 waves. Volunteers just kind of eyeball 2,000ish at a time and hold the rest back until the next wave. Figure a couple minutes between waves.
I have never experienced the kind of traffic jam I've seen in photos - let me see if I can work out timing...
I started in K in 2015, a little after 6am... still dark in the TTC parking lot... but light by the time I was in MK... sunrise would have been about 7:20. So figure I was at the castle around 7:30ish? People I know personally who did experience the traffic jam at WDW half or PHM were in the last corral, so I suspect it occurs later. For me, it was tight, but moving; NOT a total standstill.

That's reassuring! Thanks!
For the marathon this year they had...

Retired attraction vehicles on the road to AK after leaving MK

Big Bad Wolf was also on that same road.

Lightning and Mater were in the MK parking lot.

I believe Jack and Sally were out as well but I didn’t stop for them.

Anna and Elsa behind the castle but no meets for them.

Country bears outside that show.

Clara Cluck in her parade float by mile 6.

Train stop after mile 6.

Maleficent parade float backstage at MK.

Clara belle and Horace by the landscaping building.

Animals backstage at AK.

Chip Dale and Donald in WWoS. Goofy met on the track.

Green army men on the ramp outside DHS.

Aladdin inside Epcot.

They had space goofy inside Epcot for the 5K and Miss Bunny and Thumper just outside Epcot. There were more I just don’t remember. There are usually 4-5 for the 5K.

10K- had launchpad and Scrooge just after mile 1. Incredibles around mile 2. Stilt walkers just backstage at Epcot. This was the race I believe they have patriotic Mickey, Goofy, and Donald out in America that line was nuts.

There were more but I don’t remember.
Question about transportation after the 5k:

It won't begin (bringing runners back to their resort) until 7 am, right? So if I am in the 1st or 2nd corral (my Dopey bib is corral B) and figure it will take me about 30 minutes to run the 5k, I will be hanging around for a long time, right? Can I have someone pick me up? Is it pretty easy? We are trying to decide if it's "worth it" to rent a car for the duration of our trip...I'm thinking that being able to avoid hanging around for an hour (especially if it's cold) might be worth it.
If we don't rent the car, should it be easy to get an uber to come get me?
I have emailed Track Shack and called them. All they told me was "Proof of time is a general recommendation, but does not guarantee you a specific corral.". So essentially they told me proof of time is pointless. Which doesn't make sense. I think my best bet will be to talk with runner relations at the Expo and see if they will accomodate. If not, at least I tried.
Question, do you mean estimated finish time? Because if I recall correctly you mentioned not having a proof of time but instead estimating your finish time to be a time that required a proof of time. In context saying "estimated finish time is a general recommendation, but does not guarantee you a specific corral." is more in line with the process Disney uses given they sort first on estimated finish time and then weed out those with a proof of time (or lack there of) that doesn't correspond with that estimate. Not to say that having a proof of time guarantees you a certain corral but they are generally responsive to changing your corral to match your proof of time so long as the proof of time submitted was before the deadline.

Either way, I agree runners relations is your best bet.
Question about transportation after the 5k:

It won't begin (bringing runners back to their resort) until 7 am, right? So if I am in the 1st or 2nd corral (my Dopey bib is corral B) and figure it will take me about 30 minutes to run the 5k, I will be hanging around for a long time, right? Can I have someone pick me up? Is it pretty easy? We are trying to decide if it's "worth it" to rent a car for the duration of our trip...I'm thinking that being able to avoid hanging around for an hour (especially if it's cold) might be worth it.
If we don't rent the car, should it be easy to get an uber to come get me?

Transportation after the 5k will begin roughly at 6:30am.
Anyone else in the midst of their Dopey Sim or did theirs last weekend? I'm curious about your experience with it and how you feel it helped you.

I've decided that my strategy will be sort of a weird mostly walking slow 5K, 10K, and Half where I go for a maximum amount of time and just try to enjoy the course, pictures, and barely beat the balloons. And then I'm going to save myself for the Full and enjoy running it :)

So far, the Dopey Sim has actually proven helpful to find where that slow pace is and how to get there. I'm sticking to around a 15 minute mile, which is about 1 minute of running and 4 minutes of walking. That will be adjusted during the race for photo stops, so it may be "stand around in a line for 10 mins and run 2 mins until the next picture line" on race day.

What I want to feel is the affect of the 4 early mornings combined with the long run on Saturday. It's also allowed me to try shoes and I recognize that my Brooks aren't good for walks, while my New Balance aren't good for runs. I think I now found my shoes for each race too by doing this.

Tomorrow is 10 miles at 15 min/mile. A very long 2.5 hours, but I've downloaded some PodCasts to listen to so i can laugh and enjoy the time on my feet.

That's very similar to what my wife and I will be trying. Three weeks ago, on our first 4-day simulation, we did a 30-second running : 2-minute walking ratio that worked pretty well for us. My problem is that I get so bored walking for that long! :) Maybe we'll try mixing up some ratios for tomorrow's 12-miler. I want to take it extra easy because my ankle has felt a bit wonky today, and I want to be in the best shape possible for Sunday's insane miles.


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