TMI time - I'm starting to get chafing from the dreaded "under the sports bra" sweat fest (and the rain this weekend didn't help that.) The joys of running?
UGH. Sunday I got chafed across my back and under my boobs from my bra. It hurt so bad.
I’m going with heat/humidity. I’m actually going to have to replace some of my shirts cuz the stink is so bad. I've always been able to get the smell out, but even soaking them in lysol isn't working.

I use Tide total clean and Biz laundry booster. Gets everything smelling good. Running clothes, preschooler’s messes, and flight suits.
The heat and humidity was brutal this morning. i chafed too, even with body glide. Thankfully not too bad. It seemed like it was getting a little better in the mornings but all my running friends agreed, today was miserable. It was a tough run but got it done.
I use Tide total clean and Biz laundry booster. Gets everything smelling good. Running clothes, preschooler’s messes, and flight suits.

It smells okay after washing and line drying, but once it gets damp again it reeks. It's just my older tanks in certain materials that are doing it though. Maybe they reached their stinky sweat quota.
It's not getting much cooler around here yet. I'm looking at this for my run when I get home tonight:

Temp: 88
Dew Pt: 72
Rel Hum: 60%

That's for a 10 mile tempo run after last night's "easy" 9 miles under similar conditions. Can I just stay at work instead?
I finally finished my marathon playlist last night so I can start training with it. What was funny is finding notes I had from training for the 2016 marathon, which was also my first competitive race in over 20 years and longer than a 5k. So to prepare myself mentally, I'd gone over the course map and broke the race down into 10 segments and had notes on what I expected (and then my notes from after the actual race in parentheses after):

Mile 1-5 - Start to MK. Don't get excited and go out to fast, stay on pace (love the start, it was awesome going under MK sign, people at TTC are incredible, MK parking lot is huge!)
Mile 5-6 - Magic Kingdom! (words can't describe it., plus got my picture taken with Cogsworth, who I've never seen in the parks)
Mile 6-12 - MK to AK. 6-8 will be OK past the Polynesian, but 9-12 is a concern. Focus on reaching AK (the road to AK goes on forever. Cool characters though. Mile 9-10 had me questioning mile placement for the first time. It took forever to get to Mile 10!)
Mile 12-13 - Animal Kingdom. I can ride Everest! (Not riding Everest. If I sit down, I'm not going to want to run anymore)
Mile 13-15 - Halfway point and out to the main road and then to the end of the AK parking lot. Is it really 2 miles to do that? (Yes it is. Love the Haunted Mansion grave diggers, but again, not lying down or i won't get back up).
Mile 15-17 - AK to ESPN - This will be the hardest part of the race because there's nothing. Beware of "the wall". (It was hard and I had to really push myself on pace. Seeing Summit Plummet and the Tower of Terror helped).
Mile 17-20 - ESPN - 2 miles of hell and then running through the stadium (not a fan of most of this, but the track surface was great. Got my second wind running through the stadium).
Mile 20-22.5 - ESPN to Studios. Focus on getting to Tower of Terror. If I make it to Studios, I know I'll finish this. (No uphill please! Green army men were hilarious but I'm not doing pushups. I see the Tower!)
Mile 22.5-25 - Studios, path to resorts and into EPCOT. Getting there! (Love the course through Studios and the chocolate was great. I can run through parks all day, no matter how much I hurt, so I've got this, just got to make sure I'm good on time. The path to the Boardwalk didn't seem this long before! I've never been this happy to get into EPCOT)
Mile 25-26.2 - Victory lap around World Showcase lagoon and finish this thing upright. (Turned off music at Mile 25 and enjoyed the last lap. My feet were killing me but seeing people walking past me with their medals helped make it real. I can't believe I did it!).

It was funny to read the notes years later. I can't wait until January!


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