Mardi Gra Parade Fri 02/22


<font color=navy>Let me just say "I Love living in
Aug 18, 1999
We just got the call that My son and I will get to ride the Mardi Gras float and throw beads on Friday Feb 22. Anyone else get the call?

This was with the Annual Pass holder contest.

I entered that contest by email, fax, and snail mail...haven't heard from them but that may be because we already got to ride on a float on the first night of Mardi Gras, it was incredibly fun!
You will have a blast!
I no longer have the card with the info on it on where to email or mail it to.

Unfortunatly today is our day and it is raining HARD. And it doesn't look like it is going to clear up. I hope when we get there and if it is cancelled they will let us come another day. If not then we'll have to try the normal way. Its nice living only 15 minutes away.

curious to know if the rain lightened up as it did here in SW Florida & if you got on the float after all- and BTW how did you enter, email fax or snail mail?
It's 9:30 here and still raining pretty well! Sort of put a "damper" on the whole James Brown concert thing, at least for me anyway! I had wanted to go, but not in this weather, with two miserable kids along! ;)

I know they didn't cancel the concert, as I called to check late in the afternoon...

Oh well...maybe next time! :)

We locals just stayed at home and watched the grass grow from all the rain.

I will be there 2/24 doing MIB in the am and then maybe seeing what the reggae fest is about from 2 to 9. Of course MYTHOS at noon and checking the contents of a DAGWOOD to verify Thesecondcooks response.
MsDis, MIB9, you guys missed out on a soggy day of James Brown!;) My dad and I were crazy enough to venture out for a day of wet clothes and James Brown. All the coasters were running in the rain and it was painful!:D But it was all worth for JB. Using MIB's strategy, we got right up there close enough to see the whites of JB's eyes! Better than watching the grass grow!;)
If you're an AP holder, you can call up the AP line, send an e-mail, or fill out a form to become a float rider on a certain night. I can't fidn my card either, but you can call the passholder line, or call the main 1-888-U-ESCAPE phone number and asked to be transferred to the AP line.
Okay, They had the parade. WOW!!!!!!!
That was so cool. I don't know if I can ever go again and just be on the sidelines yelling for beads.

We got there at 6pm and got our tickets and had to return at 7pm to prep for the parade. We got there around 6:35pm. We waited until 7pm and they started to take people back. They had a line and they took people in groups and started with the back of the parade. They took 30 people in the first group and that was us. We were on the Gator Float. The biggest float in the parade and the last float. They took us back and instructed us on how to throw the beads and gave us hats and costumes. They then loaded us in the float. In front of us were racks of beads. Between me and my son we had 3 racks of beads to throw from. We had to wait about 20 minutes after we got on the float for the parade to start. Then WOW I couldn't even imagine how many people were in the park until we started going through the streets. Everyone was screaming and yelling and wanting what we had, The Beads!! We made it through without running out and they let us keep around 10 beads ourselves.

There was a standby line that was rather long, and I know they took ALOT of people from that line, probably because of the rain, so I don't know how the chances are if you are there on a good night.

If you get a chance to do it, DO IT!! It is one of those times your'll never forget.

I'm glad you went and had fun!!! Had it not been for my precious children, I would have been there, in the rain perhaps...I'm able to endure great amounts of suffering, but I guess I can't subject my kids to it, as well! :rolleyes:
How many tourons did you actually have to step on to use MIB's strategy??? Somehow I can't picture you and your dad stepping on the people the way he can/does!!! ;)

Did you you wear a new, special for James Brown, hat??? I had visions of you sporting a dreds hat in honor of Reggae fest... ;) :D :eek:

George...that sure sounds like it was a LOT of fun!!! Glad to see you enjoyed yourself! :)
Due to the low crowds, we didn't have to trample anyone. We felt like VIP walking straight up to the stage!

And no, I did not try out a new hat---it hinders my MIB performance;)
And no, I did not try out a new hat---it hinders my MIB performance
Hmmm...could have fooled me!!! ;)

I'm sure Universal was disappointed as I'm sure they were counting on James Brown bringing in big crowds!

Glad you had fun...did he put on a good show???

It was a great show. He had a big band with him along with his own dancers and MC. Among the songs he sang were I Feel Good, This is a Man's World, and Soul Man. I was a little disappointed he didn't do Living in America, but it was good. He often turned his back to the audience between lyrics. So, I have a theory he was breathing a can of oxygen.:)
I was a little disappointed he didn't do Living in America, but it was good. He often turned his back to the audience between lyrics. So, I have a theory he was breathing a can of oxygen.

It's very surprising that he didn't do Living in America!

And yea, I think you've probably got the right idea with your theory!

It's sort of like the last time I had Billy Joel, I was amused to see he had a woman who would take over and sing the high stuff for him! Tough to get old, I guess...:rolleyes:

It's sort of like the last time I had Billy Joel.

were you before or after Christy Brinkey Dis???
It's sort of like the last time I had Billy Joel.

were you before or after Christy Brinkley Dis???
Um well..I don't believe THAT to be any of your business...

:rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes:

He's going to be VERY angry that our secret is out!!!




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